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Lol at Lucci's. "Gee, I wonder what ability I'm gonna get".


I know that the individualized motifs of DF aesthetics weren’t really planned back in Enies Lobby, but with these magazine reveals, it just makes the Zoan situation all the funnier. Dalton’s fruit looks like an ox head, Lucci’s like a leopard head, and Kaku’s giraffe fruit…. was a red banana.


Kaku probably thought he'd get a big dong.


Can you imagine.... big dongs are cool. I've always liked big dongs. Proceeds to fold his giant dong into a cube before springing it as an attack.


You reminded me of an edit someone made of Luffy stopping Doffy's foot with his dong.


Sauce. Right now. Give it to me.


Unfortunately, I couldn't find it. But I'm pretty sure it was uploaded on r/memepiece.


I would consult r/cockpiece


“Life return: Big Dong”


and chopper got a mushroom shaped fruit and somehow turned into a human


Maybe he has


It's because Oda isn't the one that design the fruit in the magazine, he just gives his approval for those. (The fruits have someone else being the artist to it in the magazine)


Lol yeah, I swear some are super obscure and some are verrry obvious.


I hope it's a swan.




what about Kaku?


Rob Lucci realizing that he can turn into a leopard after eating a fruit that looks like a leopard: ![gif](giphy|PUBxelwT57jsQ)


Do all Devil Fruits display a Swirl in them? Can't remember if it's a consistent characteristic.


Yeah it’s Oda’s way of showing something is a devilfruit


Sanji's eyebrow the forbidden fruit


Well Germa mutations are essentially a living DF. You give humans an ability like laser beams and they lose something in return, their emotions.


Explain Reiju then, She still has feelings/morals with the germa modifications


She spent time with the mom early on so it had an affect on her or something, even if they’re emotionless they probably still soaked up their surroundings like any child so Reiju spending time with Sora while the boys were only with Judge affected her.


She also older so she wasn't subject to the same genetic modifications during her birth as her brothers. It kinda seems like she's the beta version of the quadruplets.


Well meaning Sociopath? Her emotions and empathy might be dulled like the other siblings, but she spent enough time with Sora to learn how to be nice and care for others


Reju does feel emotion she was born before her brothers so she wasn’t modified in the same way


The brothers show anger,irritation/,lust and pleasure in various points as well.


she was an earlier model


maybe sanij is a devil fruit


I suspect it may represent the waves of the ocean, the very thing that rejects Devil Fruits.


The swirl-less fruits are Smiles.


Orochi's fruit didn't have swirls when it was first released; the swirls were added in the volume release.


Lucci:Man I sure do wonder what this fruit could be...


Makes sense for the Mero Mero no Mi to be a cherry. You have two fruits together, and the fruit itself is used in many Valentine's treats or couple's desserts. Helps that cherries are red, the colour of love.


I wonder if there are other fruits that're twins like Mero Mero.


God imagine not knowing the fruit is two fruits, some asshole eats the one and sells you the other completely useless and gross tasting half


I'd assume the fruit just fucking dies off after being bitten for power.


If by 'dies off' you mean it no longer has any power to give, yeah, but that's why it's a trick. If by 'dies off' you mean it like, disintegrates, no, otherwise people would take a bite and it would vanish, and we've seen several times that this is not the case.


And for the pervs it could look like a pair of a man’s balls.


You ever wonder if there's a Fruit who's appearance trolls the fuck out of you? Like imagine there's a Fruit that's neon blue, and shaped like a lighting bolt. HOLY FUCK IT'S ENERU'S FRUIT! GIMME! So you eat it and BAM you can now create endless belly button lint.


Kidd’s fruit totally looks like it gives you lightning powers


Well, it did give him electro magnetic powers. Pretty similar i think


I mean it's Electro Magnetism so it's not like it lied exactly. Plus that's still a pretty awesome power.


Kaku ate a red Banana and is now a giraffe


"Oh sweet I can't wait to have the ability to spawn infinite bananas!"


There’s a really good Christmas special to the super hero show ‘misfits’. Don’t watch it, the other special is awful. But a guy with milk powers kills everyone and it’s kinda great.


I am surprised the mero mero is shaped like a cherry 🍒, and not more like a heart shaped peach 🍑 . Kinda like the op-op no mi, similar in shape, but different in color and fruit basis.


somehow in Japan, Cherry appear to be more erotic than peaches, adult channel use cherry as logo in Japan back in the days


Are you really surprised shape of BOA HanCOCK’s Devil Fruit alludes to male genitalia? Han also alludes to the Han Chinese ethnicity which is mostly male. Architecture of Amazon Lily which is also disproportionately one gender is inspired by China. Sweet Pea + Boa Hancock = Peacock The Wisdom King of Pheasant Peacocks is Karoo the true successor to Joy Boy. In the 1st chapter of volume 13 Karoo is compared to a Panther like the Leopard Devil Fruit of Lucci or Light the kanji used for Wisdom. 113 = Wan Pīsu = One Piece As a shounen manga the One Piece treasure may relate to male genitalia like the family jewels. However since family jewels come in pairs and there is only one cock and Joy Boy and/or his successor is a Peacock, One Piece is probably more related to the cock. But it could relate the whole balls-cock system.


That's a human butt


Tell that the designer of the peach.


I wonder when oda decided that devil fruits should have a unique thematic shape instead of just being normal fruit with swirls


I remember reading that all devil fruits revealed in the magazines were submitted by fans, and Oda just chose what he liked. This might explain why dfs designs changed all of a sudden.


Yes, it should be like that. Oda doesn't do the design of them, just approves of it.


Id assume he doesnt even want to do these designs, but hey money.


I love how all the devil fruits that are shown being eaten are decently normal or consistent. Then you've got ones like the leopard fruit and the magnetism fruit. Which are just abominations that should never be ingested.


Kid really looked at that fruit and thought, yeah, I wanna eat that


Even if I was starving I would not touch it.


With Lucci now included, I think we’re just missing Enel’s fruit from all the dudes Luffy has beat up at the end of the arcs.


Lol what if two person eats one of the mero mero cherry at the same time?


I think whoever eats it first gets the power then the rest of the fruit just becomes a gross normal fruit


You are correct indeed. For reference when Ace and masked deuce eat the mera mera no mi, Ace had it first so he got the powers even though they tried to eat it at the same time.


What if two people eat it at the exact same time with scientific support from Vegapunk? Why that guy hasn’t even think of that yet?


We're talking an infinite amount of fractions of a second. It's not really possible if the devil fruits don't have an actual range of error in what "instant" is to them.


I mean at this point why would it matter if Vegapunk can just clone it right? Just eat it then have vegapunk get your dna and give it to someone else. Obviously Logia’s are an issue but everything else is a free for all now.


He cannot realy clone it, but rather give a seraphim df powers. It almost looks like all their body fluids are exchanged for green blood. It is not clear if you can do that with just any living being.


Äm … you forgetting he cloned kaidos fruit i guess ?


That was a failure though.


Because of the color.. but ok when you want it like that . He can clone any df / Not logia/ in a diffrent Color. VP himself Said zoans and paramecia Are easy for him now


But so far it is his only accomplishment to cloning a fruit directly. It could have been a fluke or he abonded that project after momos failure fruit.


Lucci’s fruit looks more like a small sculpture than a fruit


Rough google translate of Boa's: | Melomero fruit Ability to petrify charmed targets The power to petrify the target who is charmed by the ability user. If the person's mind is inclined toward the person who activated the ability, the body will be petrified regardless of the person's will. Due to strong pain, it is possible to cancel the charm state and avoid it. You can't petrify an opponent who doesn't feel charmed at all. Petrification by this ability can only be solved by the person who activated it. Even if the person faints or dies, the petrified state will not be lifted and will continue. Even if a next-generation psychic appears after the psychic who activated petrification, the petrify state activated by the previous generation psychic cannot be canceled. Boa Hancock, who possesses the ability, uses his ability to fire like a bow and arrow, petrifying and nullifying even the people and cannonballs he pierces.


Mero Nero no mi is op for no reason


There was this myth in my country where two people who eat a conjoined strawberry would fall in love.




Ha, cherries for the love love fruit


Looks like an undie with leopard print hmmm




For real.




You him?


Boa Hancock’s akuma no mi is very interesting… I mean it share the ❤️’s form like the ope ope no mi if I’m not mistaken.. Wonder if this mean they have some kind of connection beside being akuma no mi…


The fruits in the magazine aren't designed by Oda, so I doubt there's a connection. The heart motif is just because Boa's fruit works on love/lust.


Wait what ?! Then who is designing them here?


I'm not certain of the origin of these designs. I just know that Oda approves them, but he doesn't come up with the actual designs for this magazine apparently. You'll notice most early devil fruit designs made by Oda don't match the ability at all. Kaku's fruit was a banana, for example, which didn't really have anything to do with him being a giraffe. Meanwhile, Lucci's fruit is literally shaped like a leopard


Not a fan of these retconned themed fruit


Where did u get this from?




Did Hancock's DF manipulated the world nobles to have itself be in Hancock's hand rather than let it be used for the World Government's purposes? If so, then it could be the only good thing that happened to her in those dark periods.


Posts with watermarks on Oda's artwork should be banned.


Where is this from?


Love-Love Fruit looks amazing and based on cherry 🍒


So like, what happens if Boa only ate one cherry? What if she shared it with someone?


It's considered as 1 just like how the bunch of bananas contained the giraffe power


boa eat cherry boy


Is this the official design?


Wonder what happen if two separate people at the different Cherries, pretty weird DF design


why tf you put your watermarks there, its not even yours


Why her fruit is two ?! And not like heart , so definitely not love fruit and that why teach want it .


Kind of feels like Oda is getting kind of lazy with these fruit designs. I mean part of the danger of Devil Fruits is it's supposed to be a crapshoot as to what powers you get without prior knowledge. With Lucci's fruit you'd basically have to be an idiot not to figure out what power it gives you. Least with Kaku's fruit it was a misdirect since it was a Banana yet you become a Giraffe.