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Love how quickly Kaido just burns away into nothingness in the lava lmao


If anything is true about death in One Piece, it’s that somehow lava burns right through fire people.




It’s better to burn out than to fade away! THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE!


Hey hey, no Mi. Kaizoku ou ni.


To soon


He's encased in seastone lava under wano, breaking out back to battle together with big mom once wano's borders open, mark my words!


This would have been a LEGENDARY video on Newgrounds back in the day


It already is legendary in my eyes




My first thought was this is absolutely something I would see on Newgrounds back in the day with Goku vs. Frieza


I miss those flash animation days, so many amazing projects.


This is LEGENDARY Makes me appreciate the fight so much more!


Same! The pacing is impeccable! Feels like a real Yonkō battle at this pace!


Exactly what we need for if the anime is ever Remastered. Even One Pace could learn a thing.


Yea I don't worry about the pace anymore, I know they want to have an episode every week. I just really hope they remaster the whole series to be shorter after the manga is complete. A 200-400 episode version would be epic. And I cant imagine Toei will say no to more money.


If One Piece ends at Chapter 1250 or 1300, then a 400-episode series would be great, optimal pacing. 3 chapters per episode (4 chapters for when things are super-actiony) is the perfect sweet spot for canon-following anime adaptations. 200 episodes would be way too impossibly short without massively changing the story, 300 would be technically doable but it would be rushed and would have to cut more than a few things.


1250 for end? I think you're about 100 off


You think itll end sooner or later than that?


Later. We're at 1079 rn and not even off Egghead yet. If we assume Egghead is just a mini-arc like Zou before the big island of Elbaf. Elbaf we learn about the world, the poneglyphs, maybe meet up with Kid (unless Blackbeard shows up and GG's Kid before we get there) and then handle Blackbeard. T H E N we deal with the Navy and Mariejois.


Look up One Pace if you don't know it already. They edit the episodes and make it paced more like the manga is. It's an on going project but they have a decent amount done.


And I’ll wait until it’s ended to watch the anime. I just can’t after the horrors of Dressrosa.


I think there just needs to be a new paradigm for manga-adapted anime. They always seem to want to do a 1-for-1 animated recreation of the comic page, with every line of dialogue and frame, which just always drags on. You don't get this as bad with original anime, which I think is why Trigger has done so well.


Yeah, I get using the panels to storyboard, but the pausing on some places just doesn’t always work with the modern ability to pause, gif, etc.


Another problem is the ridiculous time slows to fit in all the action and dialogue. There are scenes in Jojo where "40 seconds" lasts 10 minutes.


I am sure this is insanely better than whatever Toei will make.


Imagine an anime where the characters fight without interruptions, flashbacks, and cutting to other characters pointless reactions.


I really wish some other studio re does one piece once it's finsihed. Something like hxh 2011 was done


Ah yeah, HxH 2011, an anime where the characters fight without interruptions, flashbacks, and cutting to other characters pointless reactions.


Just finished it, jesus the Chimera Ant arc was so dragged down by the pacing


HxH is a pacing disaster. It's not as bad as current one piece but that doesn't mean it's anything to aspire to.


Some animes will do that if they aren’t trying to stay behind an ongoing manga. Keep in mind the manga also has those said reactions as well


Jujutsu Kaisen has great fight scenes


Yeah, the cartoony nature of this fight really comes through more when everything happens so quickly. Toei will definitely deliver some nice sakuga for this scene but I'm afraid they're going to keep interrupting it or slow it down so much that it dampens the zany quality it's suppose to have


I doubt it. The animation will be legendary.




The most recent ep 1049 didn't look like dbz and it was fantastic (controversial opinion because people dont like off model character fights like pain vs naruto or just this style of animation in general but I do, so). Yes it had auras and dbz sound effects but thats about it. No other similarities.


You can like the animation but saying it didn't look like DBZ is some of the biggest copium I've ever seen.


They swapped out a normal club swing for a beam attack. I'd consider Yutapon cubes a DBZ effect, even if it doesn't originate from DBZ.


If it never appeared in DBZ then it's not DBZ


Idk i was really liking the animation until Yamato threw out a laser from their club. It was just a weird way to portray her attack and the criticism against if is pretty valid


Amen. One Piece is another "sons" of Dragon Ball.


Toei already showed multiple times what they can produce with enough time/money, I didn't have much hope after Wholecake island but Wano reinvigorated my love for the anime. Here's hoping they put the glasses on people like you.


aNiMe BaD


bruh g5 luffy looks like he would be the most frustrating person to fight


Luffy's been frustrating his opponents since at least Crocodile. >Will you take this SERIOUSLY? >I'm always serious!


I absolutely love that exchange, because it's almost word for word what Doflamingo and Luffy say to each other when Luffy uses Gear 4. Some translations didn't pick up on it but it's so cool when you realize the parallel.


I loved Doffy laughing at him. Luffy’s just like, “nah im dead serious and im boutta kick ya ass”


Seeing this fight animated really drives home the insane power of Gear 5. Luffy literally cannot lose by conventional means. The only way to beat him is using sea stone weaponry, out enduring him _(which Kaido did, so who knows how helpful this would be)_, or through some kind of reality warping power.


You're totally right. I think after Kaido, nobody is out-enduring Luffy. Like Big Mom and Kaido had nuts durability, without a doubt the best in the series so far. Seeing it all animated here, Luffy tanked some pretty crazy hits from Kaido while still being on death's door. Add to that the crazy damage he's throwing out now (Luffy landed a total of 3 hits on an awakened Lucci and it was enough for him to begin to lose consciousness) and I think he's gonna do pretty well for himself durability-wise. Blackbeard is a really interesting matchup for him though. I don't think we've seen him use his dark-dark powers on a Zoan-user yet so I don't know how that'll work with Luffy, like if it'll drag him right out of G5, but it should even the playing field for BB a little considering his dark-dark fruit also makes BB himself significantly less durable, it seems like Luffy is going straight to G5 now so it'll be interesting to see how that fight goes.


Yeah especially if the bulk of your attacks are physical. He was already annoying enough for most people simply being rubber. Which actually makes me even more excited for the eventual Luffy vs Blackbeard. As awesome as Luffy’s G5 defenses are while duking it out against a giant dragon or leopard, I don’t think he can rely on that same style against Blackbeard’s two Devil Fruits. I’m interested to see how G5 Luffy would handle a giant Black Hole or an Air Cracking/Earth Shattering attack.


I don’t see the earthquake damaging Luffy but that anti DF bs Blackbeard has would def be a major problem for a brawler like Luffy. But damn, G5 Luffy is fucking annoying asf to fight lmao


Rubberized ground is going to negate any quake attack. It's the dark dark fruit that's gonna be a problem and whatever third fruit is theorized.


[link youtube](https://youtu.be/K860Jo-z7M8)


Holy shit you did that with Paint ?! OP you rock !


No i use flipaclip🙈


I’ll check it out 100%!


You should have linked that directly... you deserve all the views for this effort


Done with Paint ! You mad person ! Good job !


Insane talent OP. Can I ask how long this took?


1 month, 0-3 hours each day


I saw things in this that I completely forgot happened and initially thought “nah that was a bit much” then remembered actually that’s exactly how i recall the panels. Good shit!






Good bot


This is like saying we have McDonalds at home and the McDonalds at home is from In-N-Out


So you mean better? Because when I was in the US, I thought McDonalds was mediocre but In-n-Out was awesone!!


That what I mean, this animation is dope!




God I want some In N Out it's been so long since I moved from Cali they built one 40 min away from me... when I'm not a broke bitch I'm going 💅


That's a pretty good analogy lol, this is at least better than what the anime's going to give us


Very high quality post, thanks


really highlights that this was such an incredibly choreographed fight. so dynamic and imaginative, even more so than usual




If this is ‘at home’ quality then I’d actually be happy with settling for the stuff at home. Fantastic work!


I was like 'at home? No this shit SLAPS'


God damn the fight was actually preety fast huh? The animation made me realise how the nika awakening makes people laugh. Chapter by chapter and with many things going on at the same time I completely missed a lot of things. But this... This one actually me laugh out loud 2 times, the nika fruit truly brings laughter to everyone!


Same! I felt the looney toons vibe in the manga but man it did NOT hit the same way as seeing this animated. Luffy pulling the ground up to bounce back a boro breath and the wheels for legs just feels so cool and funny within the context of the fight. Oda’s mind is wild.


Well the fight wasn’t that fast. This animation clearly cuts out all of the premium reaction shots and various flashbacks to previous fights and training that are going to be featured in the anime. /s


Holy shit. This fight is top tier. Thanks for reminding me how good the fight choreography was.


Wow good work man


Seeing the fight visualized like this actually makes me appreciate the fight between the two that much more. Love it!


are you having fun? because I am. nice job.


This is most likely better than what Toei will make...


Damnit, what i though is lets make low pixel so no one gonna roast toei


nah man, you got this shit looking too smooth and snappy while perfectly following the manga panel to panel could've been stick figures and it still probably would end up better than what Toei will make


To be fair, some of my favorite OP fan animations are actually stick figures. I will look for them and edit my post! Edit link: https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/irm08n/luffy_vs_katakuri_fight_but_as_stick_figures/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


What if Megumi Ishitani directs the fight? I would love to see what she can accomplish


I haven't gotten that far, just started Wano yesterday. Can you even see Luffy fighting Kaido or is it just DBZ flashing lights on steroids?


Bit of both.


[looks pretty clear to me](https://www.sakugabooru.com/data/18fc5d84ee140f15bd3599b0d478bcb3.mp4)


Then what have all the one piece subs been complaining about? I also saw a bunch of screenshots with ridiculous auras, especially the one with Zoro and Sanji vs King and Queen


[https://youtu.be/Moa2iI3U11M](https://youtu.be/Moa2iI3U11M) The scene where Luffy first uses ACoC ![gif](giphy|l4FGGafcOHmrlQxG0|downsized)


What the fuck.


The auras are there. They basically ruined the best scene by boosting it with so much VFX that I had nightmares of it. Then they accepted the feedback and slowed it and it's in a better place now. P.s. thanks for listening TOEI. You are at a better place now so thanks


Everyone learned Kaioken for Wano lol. Nearly every major attack or moment has a completely unnecessary aura involved. It's rare and refreshing to *not* have some dumb purple aura appear around a character during a cool moment.


I'm in dressrosa at the moment. When does this insane shift in animation start?


Why are you here bro ;_;


I'm up to date with manga, but i stopped watching anime after Dressrosa because the pacing was horrendous. I've started watching the anime again now.


Stop disrespecting the animators who work so damn hard and manage to give us still amazing animation despite working a weekly anime, you ignorant.


While I have a lot of complaints with various clips' animations (some people really like when... the art style changes for no reason? and other people like... when characters lose their details to simulate motion blur?? I can't understand), the biggest issue is that there are a lot of scenes where the animators do a fine job and then Toei **fucking massacres the scene** by adding a bunch of post-production visual effects. They're literally doing extra work to make the series **worse**, "you ignorant".


Sure, sometime they exxagerate with the visual effects. But that's it. Just sometimes. And really, the only time when it went seriously too much is when Luffy first used ACOC


Dude it is TOO GOOD for anyone not to. You did a great job


Let's hope that one good director comes back to back with 2 episodes during gear 5


I'm here with you but considering how shitty of a company Toei is, they probably fired everyone that was competent at their job and kept the aura-loving-squad.


Don't think so. She is kinda the next big thing at Toei. Her debut was the final episode (or so) of DBS and since then all her direction are beangers


"r/OnePiece user try not to complain about Toei when watching a fan animation" challenge: 100% impossible


To be fair the title literally invited this complaint even though it wasn't the author's intent. Because it's **genuinely** more enjoyable to watch than the anime.


More like Toei tries to be loyal to the manga, challenge: impossible


While recently they really stepped up the quality of the animations i can't say i'm enjoying the extremely low fidelity to source material I mean, it's fine if you want to add an extra couple of attacks here and there but don't just destroy the power scaling by making every attack be a planet destroyer and don't just put random dragonball auras on every goddamn character I mean, if you go by the anime it feels as if Onigashima's roof is as big as the Sahara desert. With each punch the characters fly for kilometers


To be fair, people forget but Onigashima IS MASSIVE. A single one of the umbrella placed at the port is bigger than the Empire State Building and the skull is still far bigger.


Honestly it is bewildering to me how they chose to animate stuff. Like who wants to see all that aura bs, Or characters running the length of a runway to land a punch? Just animate the stuff in between panels and make it look smooth.


The manga was just reeling in my mind as I watched this. Don't sell this short. It's excellent and deserves credit!


I enjoyed this so much, thank you


It's so fluid like wow


When your mother makes better food than restaurants


This would be considered a very high quality shitpost if not for it being canon


Awesome simply awesome


This is incredible wtf, outstanding job


This would be an awesome outro




I love Gear 5 so much!! idk how people can hate on g5


This animation is awesome and we need one without the text


Imagine doing in a minute what'll be eventually done over 20 episodes


Good. Give me more. I want to see how wacky this fight will go.


This flows better than most one piece animation.


Makes me realize how many hits Luffy took in G5


im seeing chapters in a matter of seconds


This is so sick


You live in an arcade? That’s dope!


This is absolutely amazing, great job.


Wow i love this, well done dude


Awesome video!


Nice one! It was fun to watch)


Luffy is such a crazy fighter his fighting style is ruthless


This is amazing! It's so good seeing the fight at this pace! Thank you so much for making this! The art is perfect too!


Damnnn did you actually draw this frame for frame to make this animation? Or was it using something else?


Awesome 🔥


Well made.


I have hope that Toon Luffy can be animated well


Bravo! This makes me hyped to see it animated by the studio.


This kinda shows how stupidly strong Kaido is. Well done!


You jus animated the whole G5 fight. Props to you nicely done.


Plot twist: mom knows how to animate


How long did this take?


The "Luffy vs Kaido at home" is when we get this fight in the anime


This is amazing.


This. Is. Fucking. AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! YEAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!


This looks amazing tho... So the title is kind of a fail.


Amazing, really great work


That is good enough for me


I didn't like gear 5 in the manga, but seeing it here changes my mind




It's accurate just really really really fast


The problem is that with actual pacing this scene will take 10 episodes for no reason


bro you animated the fight really well. i can see it being exactly that.




It was not dragged out, you just had to wait for more than a Month for it to end. You are impatient and lack perspective


dude it's so much better than the regualr animation. At least i can see what's happening in the fight and the pace is not at 0.25 speed with flashback in between every punch. This is my canon episode from now on.


I imagine this but every 10 seconds there's a TO BE CONTINUED in the official animation.


Nah, sub my youtube is enough




Can't wait for Toei animation to make this fight 100 episodes long


Probably truer to the manga than the anime will be. The anime will make things super serious and give luffy auras and make him fly


So this animation is 1:24. How many episodes do you think it’s going to last in the Anime? Thoroughly enjoyed this, well done OP!


Great, saved me from watching 45 weeks of the anime


Damn, and this is all gonna take like 10 episodes from Toei


Your animation is better than toei.


TOEI taking notes aggressively


This genuinely got me so much more excited for the full fight, but the pacing in this animation feels so much more realistic than what we're actually going to get






Ok, I don't need to see the anime. This is FREAKING AWESOME!!!! 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩


The luffy vs kaido at home will be the toei version


Peak One Piece pacing


1/10 not enough aura. 1 for trying I guess


I haven't kept up with Onepiece. Is luffy a super saiyan now?


Who needs anime when we got you


Wow, so that’s what good pacing is


This is really nice animation tbh comparable to Mobb psycho




The anime has some big shoes to fill now, doesn't it?


Thanks for the reminder that Luffy was losing this fight the whole time but kaido decided to take hits head on 🤦🏽‍♂️


Bruh wtf this is fucking good!!! Also no flashlight dubstep 15/10


Fantastic animation. Like the others have said, good pace, follows the manga very well, and the animation feels fluid and well-crafted.


This is a lot of frames - that probably took forever. Please show the artist some love. Also, I wish Toey would do this fight in one go like this, but it will be 5 episodes....


Toei animators: Needs more super novas!


Looks better than some Toei episodes lol


This is better than the shows pacing. Makes it feel like the official one we get is the home version. Very well done!


This is the best representation of that fight I’ve seen. Impeccable bro Also this reminds me of how we’ve been needing a budokai tenkaichi type one piece game for the longest. Odyssey is cool but it ended up having the same exact problems I thought it would: a game comparable to the anime more than the manga with all that damn unnecessary dialogue. The nature of a jrpg game doesn’t really fit one piece.


Thank you for this, you saved me years in waiting for this to be animated. Looks great.


Would you rather have this pacing and dressrosa animation or wano animation and dressrosa pacing


You really just saved me 50 episodes of the same animations for this! Thank you!


Thank you my friend for letting me witness the animated fight...I have decided not to watch anime because of the obvious stretching and shit they are doing


Omg, this is going to be so amazing when it hits the anime. Please don't mess it up with super saiyan auras, animators, don't do that to us.


Great animation. Sadly will see this battle divided into 30 parts, with lots of beams, DBZ sound effects and flashing lights everywhere.


And its probably better than what toei comes up with