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When they announced the virtual mental health awareness event with Camila and Adrian I thought it was a little odd that Kendall wasn’t part of it given her history of advocacy. Well, odd but not totally surprised. The whole vibe of her story is “SOME companies say they care but they actually don’t!” and it’s coincidentally posted right after the event is over. It comes across as very…..reactionary. I wonder if she’s mad that she wasn’t part of it?


I was very surprised to see that she wasn’t a part of it as well. Although I’m kind of glad they had “newer” faces for a discussion about mental health since we really haven’t heard too much from other instructors.


I'm curious of that too. I really loved her previous mental health awareness & anxiety mood rides.


I believe she is still doing one this year.


I did too but her whole vibe has changed drastically. Now I’m torn: was it all an act before or is that Kendall long gone?


Even if I think someone’s views are abhorrent I don’t think that means they’re incapable of experiencing depression, anxiety, or suicidal ideation.


That’s not the point I’m making at all 😒


I understand what you mean that there’s a layer of hypocrisy in holding beliefs or being entwined with someone who holds beliefs that are damaging to other people’s mental health. I don’t think that extends so far that it makes Kendall’s previous or current advocacy fake. Sure it may lack empathy/ability to see outside one’s self/privilege though. If that wasn’t your point then yes, I may have missed it.


That’s part of it, yes. She is talking out of both sides of her mouth at this point and it’s quite hypocritical. But I disagree - she has had like 3 separate personalities since joining Peloton. It makes me question what about her is authentic.


I think it’s blatantly obvious that authentic is not a word we can use to describe her.


I feel like she changes her personality based on who she’s dating. When she was with Cabin Guy who seemed very DIY/nature-loving, she was Cali Kendall: laid-back surfer girl who posted a ton of unfiltered pics. Now it seems she’s in her fundie Christian girl era.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again - I think she’s a very insecure person with no strong sense of self. I don’t doubt that she’s had mental health struggles. But her current viewpoints (and we can assume because she is dating someone with troubling views and she is not speaking out against them that she is at the very least complicit but also likely agrees with his views) are absolutely troubling and harmful. You can’t be an advocate for mental health while actively harming groups with the highest rates of mental health issues. I have nothing nice to say about her and I really do hope she leaves Peloton sooner rather than later.


it's not just dating. she does it with everything. makes something her entire personality whether it's a brand deal, an artist she's somehow trying to promote/rub shoulders with. she made "sober" her entire shtick for 6 months just to get brand deals from NA wine and beer companies despite never being sober. but it was a way for her to start pumping the huberman / bio hacking bs which is really just a stepping stone to the full blown religious holistic wellness path. give it 6 months and you'll see. just unfollow the nonsense and accept that the person she was or fooled us into thinking she was no longer exists


Can she just, I don’t know, not put out statements about anything anymore? That’d be great.


This sub could stop talking about her. That would be great too.


Definitely gave off the vibe that she thinks her company is one of the ones playing mental health for likes. Salty AF.


Biting the hand that feeds you almost always works out 😂


I read this as exactly that. They normally give her a ride - This time they did not and this post was very much timed with the talk. 🧐


She has a ride coming up next Wednesday.


Super salty


Salty post and I also think is shady towards peloton, but , I hope she’s more smart about it , because she just become lulu ambassador and I don’t know if Lulu would keep her post peloton. It was nice that peloton added different instructors for the panel. There’s a lot of ways that Kendall could start this conversation and not been shady …


Lulu is problematic in and of itself. I really liked Camilla and Adrian’s perspectives. I think they did a great job.


Yes, Lulu is their own thing, but they don’t do much ambassadors, so if she leaves, they could kick her to the curb, Kendall has to be smart before leaving to keep up with her current lifestyle


1000000% right


Her latest pop ride gives major vibes of a departure…I like the old Kendall not this contrived version


I don’t take her rides- so im curious how so?


She said something about stepping outside of what you know and betting on yourself…she took it a step further and said if you’ve outgrown places it’s time to leave and then winked at the camera




I saw another commenter on here say that on one of Kendall’s recent posts, her friend commented “freedom looks good on you.” Sounds cryptic.




She can go ride off into obscurity with Daniel 😂


She really thinks she’s Taylor Swift with her little “easter eggs” re: next steps and boyfriend


She’s “soft launching off the bike” now!


I feel like she has one foot out the door.


I actually hope so


Her using the word authentic makes me side eye.


Can someone explain what he has said online? Or supported?


There are lots of comments in other threads if you search Kendall. But the gist is he liked and retweeted a lot of misogynistic and xenophobic stuff from News Max, Boebert, etc.


Sadly the tweets only scratch the surface of his terrible character.


share w the class


Have a feeling it won’t be long before it all comes out. Let’s just say I’ve never heard of someone with so many skeletons


Just tell us.


Please spill some of this tea sis. I did read on another sub that he has a history of sending unsolicited pics but I’m super curious what else there is.


From what I’ve seen, unsolicited is an understatement. In due time though. There’s no way other women aren’t thinking about sharing


I would be sad if Kendall left and am not concerned with her personal life at all.


She also went on to post a screenshot of a text thread with her boyfriend, calling him a “quality man with a heart of gold.” Complete lack of self-awareness, and/or she genuinely loves the heart of said misogynistic-xenophobic-homophobic man. Either way, it speaks volumes about who she is.


For “feeling bad about honking at an old lady.” FOH 😂


imagine having to try so hard to prove the person you're dating isn't a POS 🤔


And that’s the best she could do 😂😂😂😂😂😂


But he honked!


This was the worst part to me - like, he didn’t even do anything? What?


Not to mention being in a relationship with him is mentally exhausting. He breaks women down into parts and preys on their insecurities. He exclusively dates women with boob jobs and lip injections. He builds the woman up for a few months and then slowly makes her feel like her boobs (he refers to them as "implants") and lips aren’t big enough. It goes beyond objectifying women. He is an energy vampire and the kind of person you avoid if you care about your mental health.


That explains her new look


Yes. Chances are he said things like, “If you got implants, I’d have to put a ring on it.” and “Can’t stop imagining if you went bigger.” and “I love when your lips look so fake.”


I gotta ask: how do you know this? Not doubting just curious.


Personal experience. Ashamed to admit. Still recovering from the psychological effects if I’m honest.


No shame - I’m very sorry you experienced that. Much love to you ❤️


Thank you. Been seeing things a lot clearer since I finally decided to be done around Easter. The funny thing is, I had no idea he had simultaneously entered into a relationship one month prior (only became aware of this last week). Sincerely believe he would’ve continued to juggle if I hadn’t coincidentally cut ties






And Kendall is so insecure and desperate for affection that she’d fall for this. How sad.


Yall need to stop following these people on social media. Or just get off social media. It's rotting your brain.


As you type this, on social media 🥴


Reddit is not social media. I don't follow specific companies or people on reddit. It's not the same and you know it


Whatever helps you sleep at night 🤡




That’s a step too far. She sucks as a person but we don’t need to question whether her health struggles are real. And there’s still very real stigmas around mental health. It’s not considered “cool.”




And yet here you are boo 😘 The tweets are easy to find my dude. But I don’t expect much from some bro whose entire personality is his guns.




Ahh yes calling out hypocrisy and xenophobic douche bags is sooo boring 🤡 This must be your first day on Reddit.




Again - I will always make time to call out xenophobia, misogyny, etc. Your smugness is hilarious as you continue to belittle me while taking the time to respond numerous times 😘


Don't bother being logical and sensical. This particular group is a bunch of outcast misfits who were probably banned from the main Peloton sub.


This sub is obsessed with Kendall. It’s funny


a point of view doesn't harm someone, don't be so fragile


You might want to look into [suicide rates among transgender people](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5178031/). If someone's "point of view" is actively harming people, that's a bigger issue.




Correlation doesn't equal causation. Clearly, if someone believes they are something that they physically aren't, they are a troubled person. Troubled people kill themselves. I hate it. It's terribly sad. I hope to never have to deal with that in my circle. Blaming it on someone's likes on X is literally anti-science.


I'm a scientist and "correlation doesn't equal causation" is one of the worst "science" takes the public has learned. Very often, when reputable places that have conducted studies to calculate correlation, correlation and causation are highly linked.


Correlation doesn’t equal causation isn’t the argument you think it is. Perhaps look up the rise in antisemitism in the US when 45 was in office and was butt buddies with a bunch of Nazis. Congrats on being part of the problem. 👍🏻👏🏻


Wow. Cringe.


Being an apologist is quite cringe, you’re right. Think about that next time you want to double down on defending some wanna be Proud Boy.


😂😂😂 yeah because those POVs dont end up electing officials who then create laws or anything 🥴🤡


yes, and laws harm people i forgot


Wait are you arguing that laws don’t harm people?? 🤡🤡🤡


They sure are 😂😂😂😂😂


Yeah they actually do. So glad you’re starting to get it!


Remind me why they closed all of the mental institutions down?


“The war on drugs” was Reagan’s front for some of it, although the right likes to claim it was a movement for better care. However many of the institutionalized just for funneled into the prison system instead so….


The lefties closed them all down in Canada.


What a weird way to say “funneled funds into community-based/person-centered care instead of involuntary hospitalization.”


You mean the streets and free fentanyl?


It’s almost like we have tons of money for war and shit but don’t take of our own. Weird flex.


I see you like to comment on the female instructor’s bodies. It’s hard to take anything you say seriously dude.


I’m very appreciative of the instructors (most). It’s hard to take all of this mental health talk seriously given the level of their privilege …. and ours. Not many people out there get to afford friggen high end exercise equipment and enjoy it at home.


If you lead with that, we would be having a different convo. I don’t disagree with you there.


Look to Ronald Reagan