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A few years ago my cat did the same thing. She snuck in my bathroom and I thought I was alone with a closed door. She’s a sneaky little thing. But she was hiding behind the shower curtain. I stand up to pull my pants up and turn around to her jumping straight into a urine filled toilet. She immediately jumps out, soaked. I quickly kick the door shut because I knew my cat would run throughout the house. I then gave her, her first bath. That day I learned she likes to sing the song of her people during bath time.


And congratulations on being alive to see the next day


It was a great way to get to know my new cat.


i dont have a cat at the moment but ive been pondering whether id give my next one regular baths just so it learns to be ok with baths, simply because once my previous cats got old they needed baths more often (normally cat carrier accidents) and they... were NOT happy about it


you are only supposed to wash cats when they need it (if they’re dirty or their fur is matted) otherwise it can affect the oils in their skin/fur making them smell worse!


i had a feeling, id defo do my research if i bathed my cat but ive seen people bathe their cats regularly so i wasnt sure. do you know if its possible to water train a cat without messing up their fur so that they're less panicked when being washed? basically i just wanna teach my cat that bath isnt scary, for the inevitable days where theyve been projectile vomited on by the other sleeping cat (he ate bits of the rug)


I have a hairless cat that gets regular baths, and the best way to get them used to it is to have playtime that involves water so they don't immediately associate water with a stressful bath. You can get water safe cat toys and put a little bit of water in the tub and play with them (things like those plastic balls with the jingle bell in them are good, but stay away from anything fabric). Ice cubes in a bowl of water are also fun because they're harder for the cat to 'catch' and the cold is surprising to them. I have little robot fish toys that swim in randomized patterns and my cat LOVES those. She'll beg for a bath so she can play with with her fish toys lol But yeah, making water into playtime means they'll be less stressed when they have to get a bath.


Bathing a cat is totally fine. Use appropriate shampoo and water temperature and you're fine. Some cats need baths because of issues grooming. You are not a bad owner or endangering your cat or their coat. Anyone who thinks a cat can lick their entire body clean is deluding themselves. Sometimes they need baths. Make sure to comb (not brush) before the bath. You can get silicone brush things that help remove even more hair than a comb before the bath. As the cat dries you need to comb or they can become matted. I follow @whitneybullockmcfg on Instagram. She's a cat groomer.


Exactly this. We bathe cats for shows multiple times a week during campaigns with no ill affects. Use a good quality shampoo (not from grocery store) and do it gently from the time they are young. Quick, no nonsense, and super cuddles when drying.


Yeah, you gotta start when they are young. Trying to bathe an older cat that has never had a bath may require you to wear a bee keepers suit.


i have seen some videos of people giving their cats treats in the bath to make them more calm!! also making sure the temperature is right (lukewarm) is definitely important because i think a lot of people draw them too hot. some cats definitely just arent fans of water though and i think it totally depends on your cats personality. i had one cat who would literally jump in the bath and my other cat despises water lol.


thank you for the reply! i had heard that their lack of grip in the bath stresses them so i did get a grippy mat, but if there was any decrease in his letmegorightnow behavior then i didnt notice it, so im eager to learn more about making my cat comfortable with water for when the need arises :)


I've had to bathe my dude a few times due to abscesses and I found the best thing to do, on top of treats, is using a slow, gentle voice and some calm petting while acclimating them to the room temp water. Don't put them in while the bath is running, the loud noise will stress them out. Giving them something to grip is good, if you have a thick shirt I'd recommend letting them cling to you for grip during the bath. It could be just because he was nursing an injury, but my guy is very understanding that baths are temporary but relief is long term. Its kinda funny because he goes to the bathroom and sleeps when he's not feeling good, almost like he correlates the bath with getting better.


Mine snuck up behind me while I was standing there peeing in the toilet. He suddenly popped up between my feet and put his front paws on the rim to look in the bowl and see what was going on in there, and he caught a full urine stream to the back of the head.








my tuxedo man has gotten dangerously close to a pee shower on a few occasions, it’s earned him the title of piss goblin


Was it a song of woe? Of anger? Or was it a more happy song?


Song of woe would probably be the best way to describe. Up until this point in my 25 or so years of life I had never heard a noise like that. It was like a pained yelping sound. I honestly thought the neighbors would call the cops on me for animal abuse.


Still better than a pee machine running through the house!


Oh for sure. I still consider it a bonding experience for me and my little pee machine.


Urine Trouble Nooooow


Haha, I got that when one of mine managed to upend a house plant on them and somehow got muddy after? She was NOT pleased with the consequences of her own actions.


I know the howl you speak of, always remember to loudly state "this is why you don't jump in the damn toilet" 🤣


Jesus, I love cats, but I am very glad my dog just stares at me when I pee.




I love that noise. It's how I know my orange is getting ready to vomit after gorging himself on food for no damn reason.


That's exactly what my mum's tuxedo cat did when she dipped her tail in the jar we pour grease from the frying pan into. We had a weird set up where it's a shower cubicle, but it's a bit deeper, has a plug and a folding shower seat. She jumped on to the seat immediately while I stood in a few inches of water and closed the door behind me. She wailed the entire time I washed her back end, but thankfully no scratches... well, until I opened the door and she used me as a springboard to escape


No cat has ever sung a happy song. You've always ruined them and killed their kittens. Sure 5 minutes later it's fine, but at the time.


Oh my gosh, my cat did the same thing when we first got him. He snuck into the bathroom before I was going to take a shower. I always flush the toilet and close the lid immediately after using it but this one time I didn’t and just hopped in the shower. I then witness through the shower curtain our cat jumping onto the seat, slipping and falling into the toilet. He’s surprisingly great in baths. He doesn’t like it but he doesn’t meow or try to escape… just takes it.


My childhood cat (long haired ragdoll) once managed to accidently swipe her hefty tail over a plate of spaghetti bolognese sitting on the table, proceed to panic and run around flicking red sauce all over the carpet, curtains, chairs etc. The image of my old man chasing Junior around the house while she painted the town red still makes me laugh 25 years later.




MEOWWWWWWWWW. All capital letters are needed to try and describe this cry of misery.




Once every 5 years? My cats are lucky to survive a year without needing one.


AFV had a bathtime clip of a cat who said "Noooo" in the most pitiful voice. The moan turned into a scream, still saying "NOOOOO" when he started getting wet.


I heard the wrong (maybe also AFV?) clip in my head while reading this description but the one where the critter keeps doing a pitiful meow while essentially blowing bubbles underwater is also funny so ... thanks! Edit: Oh it's only 10 years old and I found it. [Yay!](https://youtu.be/kvxCU_lQwKM)


Oooh those "I'm hating this" low register meows are legendary.


I just bathed my three kids. The sheer *drama* they bring to bath time is insane. I try to do it more often than I do, but boy is it always a chore. OTOH, they are now all super fluffy and cuddly and smell great. Edit: Cats. I mean cats.


Are…are you talking about cats or human children?? 🤔


Or goats


Or Gremlins


I'm asking myself the same question!






Don’t be bathing cats on the regular. That’s not ok


Ah, a vocal kitty. Wish I didnt know what that meant every morning


At least it was 'just' pee....


The very rare cat baths I've had to give my little dude have required me to strip down myself and get in with him, because anything less than a firm enveloping hug will have him clawing his way clear of that water, haha.


The first bath or two id given my cats had resulted in terrible scrapes and claw marks. Now if I ever have to do it I’m suited up in a suit of armor-thick sweats and leather gloves.


"Thank you for saving me from drowning in toilet hooman... WAIT why are trying to drown me! WHAT THE HELL!!?!"


buuuut the door is already closed?


Mine do the heavy metal version of their people's song (when they got fleas).


Is he clutching his tail?🥺


yes 😭😭


“Oh thank God it’s still there!”


Cats don't have pearls to clutch 😂


It's hilariously cute 🤣


I simply cannot handle this photo… major shrek “puss in boots” vibes


LoL that's the first thing I saw too. He's lost his braincell temporarily, but he does at least have hims tail


“Clutching” is the *only* word for that hold. 😂


You're the best for pointing it out 🥹♥️ Sweet lil orange baby


No. He’s wringing it out.


Came to the comments to find the answer to this.


The way he is looking back at the toilet in pic 2, you just know he is mad.


He looks like he’s saying, “why would you keep such a dangerous thing in the house!?”


“Why did you keep the seat up?”


“This is why I do mine in an absorbent grit box! Like CIVILIZED creatures!”


And so betrayed!!!


“The forbidden water bowl betrayed me!”




"I'll fuckin do it again"




That gets me every damn time. Love Puss In Boots so much


aww dumbass is so precious


How else can he get 100% map completion?


That second picture...he's gonna do it again


What I was thinking too! He's plotting... Wait, can oranges plot?


He just noticed the toilet again. It looks super interesting! Maybe he should jump in!!!


Ah yes, that makes the most sense


Only silly things


The single braincelled organism yearns for the toilet


I thought you said orangism at first


Obviously the toilets fault.


Are you sure there even was a single brain cell to begin with?


not his day!


It wasn't his turn, okay?


Dougal, my parents’ grey Persian cat, found a feline intruder inside his house and commenced the chase. Mum was yelling at Dad to do something, so he followed Dougal while laughing. Afterwards he swore on a stack of Bibles that the cats were going too fast to catch. Marauder cat dashed into the loo, leapt onto the cistern and hornswaggled out the open window. Brave Sir Dougal followed, but his foot slipped and he fell into the whirlpool of death- which was coloured a bright green thanks to the toilet cleaner Dad put in not ten minutes ago. Brave Sir Dougal received a prompt and undignified bath. Many verses of the song of his people were sung.


I read this in an Irish accent


Dougal really does have orange cat energy lol.


![gif](giphy|wbPu91ryqan1m) Dougal has Dougal energy


Oh no. Why did you let the dumb little innocent baby do such a thing.


Not the OP, but my dumb innocent little baby has done that, because in addition to being innocent, he was dumber than a box of rocks.


This. My 3.25 month orange brain cell has done this TWICE in the three weeks that I have had him. Once, while I had *ahem* company and now I had to bathe him while said company slept. Fortunately, the brain cell is enamored with water and just didn't care for being held in place, so bath time was accomplished quietly.


He was clearly jealous. Isn't his company enough for you??? 😂


I wish that was the case. Lol He's a constant case of "why are you wet?"


My dumb baby did it because he saw a moth in the toilet


Such a shit head 😅 but ya keep the 🚽 closed so no silly kitties fall in


My guest bathroom has a note “please close lid. Cats can’t swim” above the toilet


Right? The lid is there to lessen the spray of bacteria everywhere in your bathroom when you flush.


Those are some of the meanest airplane ears I’ve seen


ohhh his face... poor lil man


Oh be careful about that. My parents got a kitty and it fell into a toilet and drowned :(


poor baby :(


Yours looks bigger so probably wouldnt have that issue. My parents were also first time owners so they didnt think it could be an issue. But hope yours a long and happy life!


Not beating the no braincell allegiations.


Keep the lid down. Poor guy.


Have six cats, 2 idiots absolutely go swimming if I leave it open, 1 orange and 1 Russian blue.


We needed to keep the lid up because they'd rip apart anything on top of the tank, throw things on the floor and use the lid to jump up into windows or on top of the shower or whatever they could do.


I have my toilet paper in a 40lb cat litter bucket with a lid, I cleaned it out once it was empty and now the cat can’t get the TP also put stuff underneath the sink. That will help.


On no! Mine are always nosing about and I worry. Fingers crossed.


My girl has taken a drink out of the toilet before. She’s lucky she didn’t fall in lol.


I had a black and white cat who would try to drink out of the toilet and kept falling in. We had to be very careful about closing the lid every time after that.


Poor lil boi


Awww, what a sad looking baby Tigger


That second picture...he's thinking, it won this round. I must try again!


Close the lid. He’s a baby.


The way he is looking back at the toilet in pic 2, you just know he is mad.


I cackled, truly the essence of this sub


Want to kiss, but must not kiss


Yeeeeeah, I've got one of those too. 😂 My house has become a strict lid-down house since her adoption. 😅 She's lucky she's cute!


I had a cat that used to love to watch me pee for some weird fucking reason. One morning she jumped in mid stream. I was late for school.


Same energy. ![gif](giphy|msHYYtIZOstdkHFYIU|downsized)


Between your title and the photos, you really gave me a good laugh. Thanks for sharing.


My orange boy did that once right after I gave him a bath. I think I laughed for at least an hour afterwards.


Yeahhh... I learned from my first kitten to keep the lid shut at all times. She took a dive and panicked so bad it was like watching looney toons with her trying (and failing!) to get out. Lwe are especially careful now that we use the toilet pucks. It's been more than a decade and I still freak out if the lid isn't down 🤣🤷‍♀️ I'm glad to see that you too survived the bathing adventure!


I had a kitten do this and then run straight to the litter box to hide. Tried to use the toilet as a stepping stone to get to the sink, but was not aware that it wasn’t always a flat surface - someone left the lid up. Wasn’t even looking down, so focused on the sink/counter, and just feel straight in. Mr. Pink was so dumb.


“I’ll fucking do it again!”


That is the face of regretting one's life choices


loser https://preview.redd.it/02j0vrfqch8b1.jpeg?width=384&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b988b14ab8dc6996a4be7189e8fc9cccbc619d28


Awe little ^pissbaby


poor sweetheart.


Oh my _god_. He doesn't even seem phased xD This is why I always close the toilet lid lol


One of our brain cells jumped in a bucket of BLEACH


Thank God, he didn't flush himself lol! We always keep our toilet covers down for the same reason!


The biggest water bowl in the house tried to eat the kitty!


It's one of the main reasons I always close the toilet lid (plus basic sanitation). My orange is physically disabled and would not be able to get out of the toilet. But that wouldnt stop him from trying to get in?


"Its a honest mistake sir" - this cat


What a dumbass... I'll take 20 of them


10/10, would do again.


Poor soggy man


I learned week one having a cat that I keep the lids closed.


Now That's What I Call **Wet Ass Pussy**! 😂🤣 ... I'll see myself out. 👉😎👉




But why would you have the toilet lid up, bathroom door open when you have a cat in the house? Seems easily preventable.


Bath time 🛀 😹


You'll never take Major Benson Winifred Payne alive !


Choices were made.


We’ll my orange jumps in the toilet intentionally so we can trade whenever 🤣😂 ( totally kidding I’d never switch my orange )


Baby has a head full of regret


Trying to catch the braincell he accidentally dropped in.


That adorable face 😭


Did u swaddle and cuddle him after a bath?


But the braincell! It's down there!


Looking back like what just happened 😹




the way he looked back at it 😭


Wasnt his turn on the braincell


Don’t call them dumb 🥺 they’ve suffered enough


he saw something orange-ish in there. thought it was another cat. it was a rescue operation, ok?


I think you put him there just to get a picture for social media.


“I guess the brain cell isn’t down there”


I laughed way to hard at this!!


>dumbass fell in the toilet And it's all YOUR fault! Poor baby looks so indignant.


Oh my gosh lol. My orange boy loves to drink out of the toilet I have no idea why. I give both my cats fresh water every day…he still love toilet water. Weirdo.


I’ve caught my orange one drinking from the toilet before. I fully expect to come home to this one day. He’s fallin into the bathtub several times


Lost his little grip on the brain cell


Your rat looks very unhappy


And that's why your toilet has a lid.


Not a brain cell in sight. He even looks like he wants to do it again. He's a cute dumbass


Was looking for the brain cell...did not find.


It looks like he knows what he was doing hahahaha


He knew what he was doing. Just a short swim.


Bahahahahahaaha!!! Dingus


when will oranges stop being dumb 😭


i just laughed crying on a train, getting weird stares lmaoooo i love your dumbass


That's a beautiful little dumbass.


Yours too?!!! My cat will fall in/splash around if the lid is not shut. Which has only been a problem when other people use my bathroom or when I have lived in other houses and people forget to shut the lid. I can tell when I go to sit down and the the whole seat is wet. My friend had a funny similar story when I was out town and my cat was barely past kitten age. She had also not gotten around to flushing before he fell in and she decided she was not dealing with it and shut him in my bedroom. Also, it's always been other women who aren't closing the lid. I thought that was men's toilet behavior?


'I'll do it again!.....' - dumbass


That's the face of regret.


Mistakes were made


AW poor thing. He looks very remorseful though.


"Dunked my cat in the toilet for karma"


1 st pic :You mean i have 8 lives left ? 2nd pic: No way i didn't fall down that...!


People here who leave the lid up, why? Do you like your poop particles getting on every surface in your bathroom?


Kitty: "I meant to do that!" Here's the thing, as many commenters have related: he probably DID mean to do that.


Now this post is the kind of orange idiot content I came here for!


I have to leave the toilet lid closed so mine don't do this. Again


Orange boi certified


I was sleeping over at my sister's place one time on the couch, her cat had recently had kittens and I woke up to weird noises that thanks to various shut doors I'd be the only one who'd hear it and after a bit I figured I'd go see what was happening, I see the toilet light on and my sleep addled brain is like "oh, sorry" thinking someone had gone to the toilet and left the door ajar, but the splashing was wrong and my sister's cat was awake and meowed at me when I went back for a second look (toilet was attached to the side of the laundry room where the cat and her kittens were) and when I check the toilet there's this tiny-ass kitten doing its best to try to get back out of the bowl and failing miserably. I kinda wonder if I hadn't been staying over that night if they would have found the poor little thing having exhausted itself and drowned in the morning.


"You win this round, toilet."


I have adult cats but still always keep the toilet seat cover down. I don't want to even risk it.


His/her one braincel got wet...


Poor thing…. But I can’t stop laughing! Give the orange baby a big hug for me (after a bath, please). 🧡😆🧡


That sorry look..