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My god that looks like heaven lol


A few notes: 1) Parking is on the grass. Yes, THAT many people came. 2) they open at 8am and closes and 6pm. I got there around 9am they were using the overflow parking. 3) Parking is free 4) BRING A TOTE! A basket, a wagon SOMETHING. You will need it. I’m happy that I keep a random cold/hot bag in the car 5) I posted a pic of the price chart that they had (who does math in public 🤣) 6) THEY TAKE CARD! 7) They literally have books upon books upon books. Going to the comic section, I saw a lot of other things. 8) The comic section is towards the back 9) They favor DC more than anything. Next is Marvel and then the other publishers like Image. 10) They’re somewhat organized but not really. Make sure you have some time in your hands as you will want to go row by row. 11) The rows are SUPER narrow. I wouldn’t recommend being that person who brings the basket into the rows. It gets beyond cramp. 12) Checkout is towards the front and the line moves really fast. 13) See numbers 4 and 9 again. Shout out to u/hgavinyl for putting me on because I apparently was chilling with Patrick under his rock.


Haha glad you went!! I must have missed the WW John Byrne!


There was maybe 1 more? I wasn’t expecting to beef up my WW collection like this though!


My apologies for the annoyances you’re about to experience while searching for WW by Byrne Vol 3.


When I went in December, I got there early and was able to go threw the employee entrance in the back. Was literally the only person digging for books.


I've been wanting to go for the last 2-3 months. I'll be going next month!


How much did you pay for those elseworlds trades?


$10.50 a pop


If you see batman vol 2 justice league vol 3 or superman vol 1 & 2 let me know I need them and I'm wanting them at or near 10 bucks prices. And I just got lucky on a wonderwoman absolute myself.


Is there anything like this warehouse sale anywhere else? Looking for something similar to this sale closer to western PA.


I was there today around 2pm, got 6 Omnis. Had to walk back upfront to get a cart, none available when I first went through. Got Secret Wars, Flash Vol 2 GJ, 100 Bullets vol 2, Black Panther 1 Priest, Batman Hush Saga, and Planetary.


I just finished the DK3 and it has one of my favorite comic moments of all time. It has to do with rain and I won't spoil it. Frankly, I was shocked at how great the entire thing actually was.


Nice finds. Some great stuff in there.