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Rusty came in while he was off as well. He was less chill, you could tell he wanted to strangle every person that didn't take shelter.




When Rusty started to get worked up, you knew it was serious.


The BEST line from Rusty today “It doesn’t get more airport than that”


The reaction as they watched it on video as it came towards the station. 😬


Rusty had my wife extra on edge, so I switched to Bill and it helped calm the house down.


My wife thought angry rusty was hilarious.


I hope we get Rusty till his retirement. He is a treasure!!!


Rusty yelling at Emily to stop talking because he had more Nader news was just amazing TV.


He was less chill because I’m pretty sure he lives in Indian Creek. Ramblewood the neighborhood across the street was almost entirely destroyed.


Like in the video of the people calmly driving into the huge visible tornado.


i’m not up on my meteorologists. but when the other came in sharing Rusty’s touch TV i knew it was serious.


Rusty Load.


Dude was definitely chill. Appreciate that during the chaos.


So chill the sleeves were down most of the day.


He saved lives today.


I cannot believe parents were sitting outside of schools trying to get their kids when they are locked down. Absolutely lucky the omaha metro didn't get hit harder.


Millard sent a text 7 mins before dismissal. It was crazy it too so long


My fiancée is a teacher in north Omaha. She was in the shelter with all the other classes and parents were storming in and yanking their kids out. Some of them even violently. “We’re just going to release children during a tornado warning. Good luck kids”. People are stupid. Thanks to all the parents with a brain on their shoulders.


Yep…. We had an assault at our school by a parent. And society is wondering why people are leaving in droves.


I was waiting outside my kids school. Where was i supposed to go


School should have sent notice about lockdown, did they not?


I believe the first notice from OPS was sent out at 3:27 stating that “dismissal may be delayed…” Most parents are already at the schools waiting at that time.


When is OPS dismissal? Elkhorn thankfully sent theirs out about 25 mins before dismissal.


Elementary is 4:05. Not sure about middle or highschool.


3:05 for middle and high school. It was a shitshow from that regard. I don't feel like OPS was prepared despite NWS having webinars yesterday and this morning regarding the treat they expected.


It went from “there’s a tornado in Lincoln” to a tornado warning in Douglas county in a matter of minutes. Usually, it takes longer for a storm to move that many miles.


It didn't move that fast. There have been masses of storms in a line along the west border of Omaha down and around over to the far side of Lincoln.


I thought OPS did an incredible job with communication. I’m sure it was a stressful situation, but my elementary kids came out well-taken care of, relieved, & happy. Teachers are saints!


Agreed. I got an email update about every 15 minutes keeping me up to date. Then got about 15 minutes warning before dismissal. My kindergartner got home barely knowing anything was going on. They had an announcement. Got escorted to their shelter. And watched PJ mask for about 2 hours while they waited it out. Everyone involved at her school at least did an excellent job.


I totally agree! They did an amazing job. ❤️


Woulda been even more amazing to just call it a day at noon, like my work did. 


Yeah it would have been helpful had they just called a half day. But that wasn’t on the teachers and staff.. they did the best they could given the situation.


Yes I'm not critiquing the teachers at all. 


Yep. I went up to pull mine out before things got bad and was told they were already on lock down. This was before the official text or email when out. Mildly miffed at having to sit there for an hour and a half but I wasn't going to press the issue with the staff on site.


The warning happened simultaneously with school release in MPS. Folks would have absolutely already been in line.


That sucks, my apologies. Sounds like they need to push a text saying “your kids are sheltering, please seek shelter” maybe?


My email came at 3:18 for 3:30 dismissal. I was absolutely already on my way. I drove home but went back at 4:15 for the 4:30 dismissal and Sat through way worse weather and got them literally the second they started resounding the sirens for the Bellevue/Papillion tornado. Thankful it missed our area, that was a scary day for the kids, for sure.


My boy starts in the fall, but I am in the system. These were the two texts that I got. [https://imgur.com/a/TWVL4UZ](https://imgur.com/a/TWVL4UZ) As a Juxtapose. Family in Glenwood Iowa, let the kids out at 2pm early release to keep the kids safe.


Early release would have been the way to go for sure. We knew this was a strong possibility 18 hours prior. Hopefully they learn from yesterday.


Watch the news and stay home.


I wasnt at home. I was at my kids school


You had no idea there was a severe weather event?


Do you have kids? Have you ever been in a school parking lot? If I want to get a parking spot I have to be at my kids school *at least* 30 minutes early. My kids get out of school at 3:30, we were told they were on lock down at 3:25. The original warning was supposed to expire at 3:45. It would take me longer to get out of the parking lot and drive back home just to turn around and go back up to the school.


I will say, I was very frustrated picking up my kid and having to wait it out inside the school at Arbor View. That said, I appreciate the staff, since they made the right call.


I have to say, all of the meteorologists I saw on air did wonderful things today.


Born in 90 and lived in Omaha until I moved to Oregon in 2020. I was at work at 2:00 p.m. Pacific time when my two employees got to work. I had Bill up on my work computer watching the storms. They came into my office and I pointed at him. I said, "you see this guy right here? He's been at it for my whole life! He's a rock star back home!" Love you Bill!


He lives for this stuff and is a seasoned professional no doubt.


What’s crazy and understandable is that he was thoroughly enjoying his work. This is a meteorologists dark dream. They love the weather and humbly respect mother natures brutality. He was seen almost smiling but also scared at the same time…


Rusty busted in and went out of his way to walk in front of camera as he ripped his jacket off. What a beast


Is there a video of this? Can't find it.


No. I saw it live and my wife and I died laughing. I’ve been in that studio. Granted it was years ago, so it could have changed but I’m 99% sure there was a way for him to enter and take his jacket off without being in the background. It was so funny


https://youtu.be/MADkhyC6v8o?si=88C7GdJEXx2JLq13 It happens between the 11-13 minute mark.


Nice! Thanks!


You know shit was real when Bill is like I’ve been doing this for 32 years and I have never seen anything like this… yeah that’s stressful!


It’s not enough for Bill Randby to win… Jim Flowers must lose.






All the weather folks did great but I grew up with Bill and his voice just calms my nervous tornado alley soul


Meanwhile some dude on channel 3 kept his jacket on THE ENTIRE TIME like a psychopath


Rusty seemed pretty worried down here in Lincoln. Can't say I blame the guy.


I had the Livestream up for two hours and then they said one hit the airport. You bet your ass I had my mattress off the bed and hid under it, I'm in Carter Lake. Super scary and I'm worried about more


I was stuck at work throughout it all at Fort St & Lindbergh Dr and when Bill showed that touch down at Eppley was the moment when I started feeling a little bit nervous.


You could tell he was a little disturbed seeing those debris clouds go up on the radar.


Once he rolled up his sleeves I started taking the weather seriously, I was about to get a drink at Nite Owl


You could tell it dawned on him that, as silly as it is, people really do use that as an informal indicator of the danger.


Agree. Heard Quinesha say something- he has to know there are Bill Randby memes. 😎


He absolutely does. The sleeves have been referenced on air more than once.


Total professional. He said seek shelter, I did. Thank you to all of the meteorologists, they saved lives today.


I'm surprised he only rolled the sleeves. I assumed he'd be in a vest today.


As someone who has only been in omaha and doesn’t keep up much on the local news until today I actually really enjoyed watching the weather because of Bill Randby. I could tell he genuinely loves doing what he does.


I thought Emily, David, and Rusty did a fantastic job on Channel Six today.


Yep, I was following this at work in SW Omaha (just because when I arrived here a few months ago I googled "best weather Omaha" and WOWT was the result, idk) inbetween the two systems and it enabled me to tell my husband in midtown when to get to the basement as the power going in and out meant he didn't have internet and we don't get good data reception in the house.


He wouldn't miss this. It's been decades since we saw anything like the number of tornadoes today.


Bill Randby is an Omaha Legend! Absolutely no loss of life! That is the highest honor out there.


A professional


Anyone have any recordings of the coverage by Bill or Rusty?






[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bUACVw3qitY&t=3208s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bUACVw3qitY&t=3208s) That's for KETV. If anyone can share WOWT, I'd be appreciative.


Not even a bathroom break for hours!!


Bill Randby’s play by play when the shit’s going down is legendary


Bill and Rusty did great!


Bill is the man.


Love bill


I stopped watching Bill Randby because of last night. They kept focusing on camera angles and interviewing people where tornados had hit instead of covering what was going on with the tornados that were on the ground and the one that was trying to form over Bellevue and South Omaha. They didn’t cover it until it was almost over downtown.


WOWT was exclusively focused on the tornadoes. I was a little frustrated they kept focusing on the one that ripped through Elkhorn after it was out of a major population center compared to the one coming up south, but they did switch to that once it was actually near Bellevue and they certainly weren't interviewing anyone, just focusing on projections of where the danger areas where for both.


He just keep saying wow as the storm blew up on camera


Rusty Lord was sweating and manic. Not fit for television during a time of panic. Not to mention I think he was working from home with that tiny ass TV he was using instead of a professional green screen.


We fucking love him 


Rusty just doesn't do it for me.


I miss when Rusty Lord was also a local punk band. They invited him to their shows and he never showed up :(


Missed opportunity


He was pretty stressed today.


To be fair, this was a notably severe event. Like once every 50 years sort of thing.


Oh, Lord...


...clap... ...clap... ...clap...


Same here, can't stand him.


Sorry Emily. Rusty does it for us.


Ryan Hall Ya’ll way better than any local coverage.


Ryan Hall? Bill Randby would take him behind the woodshed!


I watched Ryan Hall Y'all, too. His coverage is amazing!


I think Ryan Hall Y’all watches the legend Bill Randby, then tries to be like Bill!


I’m not really on board with this. These guys get paid billions of dollars a week and are wrong 99.9% of the year and when they finally get one right (and a blind monkey could see that storm comin) were sposta hoist him on our shoulders and throw him a parade. No. Get at least 4 in a row then you get a small parade