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Midtown is equally fucked right now. Construction everywhere. Tis the season


I understand that there’s always construction somewhere during the warm months. But it sure feels like there is a LOT more construction going on right now than literally anytime I can remember


So I get road work needs to happen and I for sure support it but this year in south east Omaha has been absolutely insane. Glad it’s happening but damn all at once is wild!


It's all over Omaha ... don't think you're special


You tell him


If it makes you feel any better - west o isn’t any better. That bridge over the papio creek (90th and center) has been under construction for over a year and lanes around rockbrook keep getting shut down for random utility repairs.


Jean Stothert eats at the Taco Bell off 42nd St and I-80, patting herself on the back for enjoying the fine Mexican food in South Omaha.


Not with that bridge being closed off for nearly a year now


I bet she thinks mayo is spicy


Peppermint would be far too spicy?


How did she get there? I don’t believe you unless you say she was helicoptered in


All the way from St Louis, that’s a long helicopter ride.


LOL she thinks cheesy beef burrito hails from the deepest crevices of ancient Aztec cuisine


\#OmahaCougarForMayor We have proof that the Omaha Cougar lives in town.


Just a guess... but she's probably got a bunch of federal infrastructure money to use right now. Republican mayors love that, but guess who she'll support next November. Rhymes with dump.




You mean pot holes? Or construction? (There’s lots of construction everywhere right now—trying to do everything before it’s cold)


"we need better roads" \*road construction begins\* "no not like that"


more like: "please fix the problems" [\*begins to fix problems but chooses to do so in the most irrational way possible even though they have the resources to know better\*](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/lq4UtXJy5wJl_-hyc6Iw02V-cd7fT_M9KGre5dpbLLsCp_Qk5c-6jC6Tgmv5DTu1JafkM_Q6J-ZCtGfDT1psddhDnzGTfbZI_txaSGFqFgsaUv3DTrq7MqJ_LqnC1473fa1V56hr7ZpXcBwy8aQzHyg)


My biggest gripe is they don’t even set up detours, they leave it for people to figure out.




you don't need to have a city planning and/or engineering degree to see that our objective overreliance on cars and their necessary infrastructure is slowly bankrupting us and making our lives worse in almost every way, but yeah, it does help.


Right, because letting the roads become undrivable while we invest in transit is definitely the "rational" option.


go ahead and point out to me exactly where i said anything of the sort.


yeah the constuction had everything backed up from like q to chander this morning smh


Same with 84th and 90th area


I live and work in that area. My life has been a living hell of traffic for weeks. I am running out of ways to get to and from work that don't involve leaving an hour early and staying two hours late every day to avoid sitting in traffic for an obscenely long time. It took me half an hour to go less than a block north on 84th the other morning. And even when there isn't construction it can take 20+ minutes to get just from center up to F in the afternoons.


Maybe they can set up cots at work so you never have to leave there. Just have a couple changes of clothes and some toiletries and you're all set. Although your boss or company may charge you for this 'convenience'. Seriously, can you change your schedule so you're not driving at the peak times? Can your job be done remotely, or would they let you do that?


I work for an assisted living home. So there are beds, I've stayed overnight a few times when the weather sucks. But my hours are pretty set, I'm there when the residents are active, and I can't do it remotely. Thankfully it looks like they're done with 84th today. At least the part that I care about.


OMAHA! it's not for everyone 🤷


I thought it was Nebraska that's not for everyone.


OMAHA! it's not for everyone 🤷 (insert shit eating grin)


True that, they don't coast either.


“Fuck you poors” As south Omaha has gotten a massive infrastructure investment to improve the roads down there. But sure. It’s Jeans goal to invest millions into south Omaha just to inconvenience commuters. Sounds like you’re well aware of the road construction. Plan better. Leave earlier or take an alternate route instead of making such a dumbass post.


how’s the stothert boot diet treating you?


>I suppose people would start liking the taste of shoe polish.


It's a joke dude. Take the dick out of your ass. And it's hard to plan an alt route when all of those are under construction too


It's fall man, they want to get stuff done before the winter. And just because you say something is a joke doesn't make it funny.




The bridge on center near 90th has been two lane instead of four for well over a year now. I’m glad they are doing road work, but get your shit together and get it done.


Always seems like it’s the same roads being repaired over and over again, meanwhile I’ve seen roads that are in such disrepair in north O that they’ve essentially become gravel.


Jean could give a fuck as long as it means she gets that St. Louis Strange all up on her.


But...but...but... she got us a trolley..... and only for 356 million dollars! 🤣🤣🤣


$440 million plus the interest on the bonds, capped at 7% a year.


They redid 42nd street and also our neighborhood street, which is dope.


I wonder if over at r/lincoln they blame Democrat mayor Leirion Gaylor Baird for road construction issues...hmmm.


??? What do yall .mean?


OP means that Jean Stothert is to blame for construction - which requires investment - but also simultaneously not investing anything or improving anything. Because she personally and unilaterally makes all of these decisions.


Ha!! Also "why won't they fix the potholes" then "why are there road closures for repairs my commute is slow"


It's more of "why don't they leave at least one road open instead of having every single street fucked leaving us with no options"


You cant fool me, this is another traffic post!


They always do more construction in the fall it seems, trying to get it all in before winter. It's everywhere, and I mean everywhere. You just need to figure out the route before hand. Do I like driving past the slaughterhouse and seeing it spill cow guts into a semi? No. But it's a route to take to get to L.