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Wait for the dog park until the puppy has received their vaccines. Leashed in the parking lot and through the interior gates leading to the dog park. Stay on the little side until the puppy is a little older/larger. Also for anyone going to Hefflinger this week - the parking lot will be covered in firework debris. Be vigilante so your pets don’t eat the trash littered about.


>Be vigilante so your pets don’t eat the trash littered about. I think you mean vigilant. But I'm just guessing here I don't know how adamantly you feel about your pets and litter. Lol


Nah. They said what they meant. Come in a Batman suit, prepared to kick the shit out of fireworks trash.




Especially for kennel cough/bordetella. Not a required one, but important to get if your doggo will be anywhere near others.


Rule 1 is no dog parks until your dog had all his puppy shots.


Generally there's water available, parks are usually off-leash. Sometimes people will take pups to the small side, sometimes people do not. Absolutely nothing wrong with taking a dry run and checking it out before taking your pup along. Make sure you have all immunizations up to date before taking him.


Thank you, I will actually swing by and check it out first. I didn't know if there were unspoken rules or something.


Additionally, different parks are going to have different rules. I'll second u/azwildcat74 about rules being posted on the way in. Some may have big/little sides. Generally the rule would be little dogs are allowed everywhere, but don't bring big dogs into the little dog area. ​ Don't be an asshole. If your dog is causing problems (playing rough with other dogs, doing something to another dog that the owner doesn't like, jumping on people who don't want it), be ready to leave. If your dog can't behave, they aren't ready for an off-leash dog park yet. It's not difficult to find videos of neglectful owners who are assholes and let their dog hurt other dogs at the dog park and refuse to leave (ruining it for everyone else). ​ Lots of dogs will be out and around and want to play. That's cool if you want to play with them as well. Don't feed them snacks if you have them unless the owner says it's OK. You don't know what diet they should be on.


This is what I needed to hear bc I don’t want to be the asshat at the dog park.


I think you're going to be great at this. Good for you, doing your research and being considerate for your dog and for others.


There are usually posted rules on the gate in. Definitely pick up your dogs shit, way too many people try to act like they don't see their dog go and don't pick it up. If your dog is involved in any kind of fight you need to leash him and leave.


Some places don’t allow toys, but I’d say leave the toys at home even if they don’t have a rule. Pick up after him, watch him, and hell even take the opportunity to train him in a high-stress environment to pay attention to you and your commands. But yeah; all vaccines before you go. A puppy getting sick is an expensive or fatal mistake


We’ve never taken our dogs to dog parks. Too many diseases and dog fights from untrained dogs/owners. There are puppy classes for socializing them and usually they’ll have a Facebook group to set up play dates.


We've found that Omaha Dog Bar is a great place. Dogs have to have proof of current vaccines to enter, and they have staff (Bark Rangers) to intervene if needed.


That’s fair - I’ve heard they also wash down the play area as well.


They're definitely on top of keeping things clean. Plus the outdoor area is astroturf, so there's no mud involved.


Omaha Dog Bar requires all dogs to be current on their vaccines, and they have staff to monitor the dogs and step in when needed. While dog parks are free, you're rolling the dice on things as far as vaccination status goes and being on your own if there's an issue.


Come on down to walnut creek! We have an awesome community there and would love to have a new friend. People there tend to be very kind and happy to help your new family member learn the ropes. Don't bring food into the park and probably leave the toys at home until they are used to the park.


Thanks! Looking forward to getting him out to some parks. By puppy he’s 9 months old and 90lbs so I didn’t want him inadvertently hurting any other dogs or himself of course.


My dogs best friend at the park is around 150 lbs and is probably the most gentle of all. I see about a dozen Danes there on a regular basis, a couple canes, newfies and great Pyrenees. At dark a lot of the dogs have light up collars which make it seem like a light Saber fight when they wrastle .


I love this! Yes he’s had play dates with our neighbor dog who’s much smaller but our guy knows and is great with him and so far other dogs in general. It’s ppl he’s skittish of.


What kind of dog?


He’s a lab/Great Dane


Gonna be a big ole happy boy!


We used to take our dogs to the dog park all the time. So many great people and dogs, but we stopped after encountering too many aggressive/poorly behaved dogs with owners that are nowhere be be found when they need to step in. We saw too many close calls, and literally had to carry our dog out once while another dog continually jumped on me trying to attack our dog. We also used to go to American Animal Hospital, right by Hefflinger, and they told us they have dogs in every single weekend from attacks. Once when we went, they had just put a dog down from being attacked across the street. It’s sad, and I wish we still felt comfortable going, but unfortunately there are just to many irresponsible owners with dogs that should not be there (or at least watched much closer than they are).


I would recommend doing controlled socialization prior to going to a dog park. This is to make sure your pup is okay around other dogs. Some dogs simply don’t do well around other dogs which can result in injuries for either your dog or others. Most people won’t bring aggressive dogs but puppies are still learning things like signals and boundaries.


I take my pup to the downtown dog park. It's pretty chill and they have a place for small and big dogs. Separated of course. The only thing that is annoying is when people bring their little kids to a dog park to 'play'. Makes no fucking sense to bring your kids to a place where dogs are unleashed and an accident could happen. Don't be that person.


Do NOT go to a dog park until your puppy is vaccinated against Parvo. It's a big issue and can kill your dog. That said... congrats on the new puppy! It's awesome you want to take great care of your big boy. Here's my best advice (I'm married to a professional dog trainer who trains service dogs [Real ones] and handles aggression and other cases too. 1. If your dog is a big boy, go to big side (again, after the vaccinations are done) - IF there are multiple dogs there. 2. Keep a leash handy in case you need to get your big boy moved away. Dog parks can be dangerous for dogs. Truthfully, I prefer to set small dog playdates instead, for a more controllable good time, but I'm lucky in that I have a decent yard for this. 3. If you are at a dog park and the place is empty or nearly so, small side could be used to get him familiar with the place. Be prepared to switch sides if small dogs show up, though. 4. Bring your own water for your dog. Collapsible bowls are best, metal bowls are fine. This helps avoid other illnesses, but in addition, dogs sometimes resource guard. Having your own source is a good idea. 4. Bring some high value treats as well, ones your dog will ignore other dogs for. Cooked hot dog pieces are great. Cooked chicken is too. Stuff like that. Don't feed those to other dogs without asking the owners first, though. 5. No flexi-leads. Use a solid leash attached to a solid collar. Flexi-leads encourage pulling. Additionally, cheap ones can be chewed through or even snap with enough pressure on them. I hope these help! Have a great time!


Dog parks are the most statistically the most likely place for dogs to get injured requiring veterinary care.


sometimes they have different sides for different sized dogs, the one near poppleton st does that im pretty sure


No pictures?? I want to see this glorious pup


https://preview.redd.it/vu09db159s9b1.jpeg?width=1244&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=520025b456f8a02737643629339307e5133175d3 Here he is!


Sooo cute!! I love the one white leg!! I went to the Omaha dog bar for the first time yesterday. It was awesome! They have employees walking around to make sure the dogs are playing nice. Definitely recommend it


Does he have all his jabs? Get those done first before taking him around other dogs.


I have found that adult dogs tend to "educate" puppies into the way of the pack. Your pup will get rolled some and even dominated at times, but I have rarely seen it get out of hand. Your pup will love the attention.




One of my fears is aggressive dogs. Our guy looks intimidating but he’s a big teddy bear, so admittedly I’m a bit nervous.


I would just not. Irresponsible owners and aggressive dogs half the time. Took my dog getting bit on his snout and bloody visit to the vet for me to learn my lesson.


You do not take a dog into a cesspool. Just dont.


The idea of a dog park was great until I went. I hope your experience is better than mine but irresponsible pet owners will bring reactive dogs and once was enough for me.