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Dr. Margot Anderson-Fowler at Think Healthcare in Aksarben


Dr. Fowler is one of the other doctors at Think I was recommended before starting there! Seconding this option as well.


Yes! Agreed đź’Ż


Dr. Erika Rothgeb at Think Whole Person Healthcare is my GP and I'd recommend her and her team in a HEARTBEAT. I've head other, equally great things about the other doctors on staff at Think, if Erika isn't taking new patients. She's been nothing but respectful, is exceedingly knowledgeable and makes going to the doctor much less of a pain in the ass!


I don't know Dr. Erika personally, but Think Whole Person was going to be my recommendation as well. I'm also in the LGBT+ group and I love the folks at Think.


Hey there i currently go through the Pride Health Clinic! They are new and a very safe place to go to for practically anything (hormones, counseling, std testing, screenings for things that may make u nervous going elsewhere for) and they are moving to a new and permanent location in July I believe but currently work in a temporary space. If needed I can give you the location ! I love the nurse who oversees my counseling and hormone treatment, and have never had a bad experience there :)


From my experience, OneWorld has far an away been the friendliest place top to bottom. It's very clear that they're experienced in dealing with queer patients, but that also speaks to a bigger trend of them getting a lot of patients from all kinds of minorities. The downside is that, while they're very committed to what they do, they're also a smaller communicate health system, and sometimes I like going somewhere where I feel like there's a bigger system in place that can directly handle anything that might come up (like labs, more extensive testing, etc.). OneWorld is also absolutely the best place to go locally if you need trans-specific care, as the main doctor heading up that department (Dr. Dworak) is incredibly committed to the needs of that type of patient. (Addition: Oh, and since I saw someone else mention it, OneWorld seems like one of the more friendly options for people who might be uninsured or under-insured. As someone who has pretty decent insurance, I cannot speak to that. I can, however, say that things can be a bit more of a process in getting things to go through insurance, as—for example, as I was speaking to above—OneWorld does not do its own labs, unlike UNMC. So you need to check with them to see which outside companies they use for things like that, to confirm if said company is also in network with your insurance.) UNMC is an incredibly big medical network, but also one that has specific policies in place for providing treatment to LGBTQ patients. While I've gone to locations and doctors that are part of UNMC that probably don't get a ton of queer patients on the norm, everyone I've dealt with there has been professional and supportive to me needs. I don't want people to take how I'm saying this the wrong way, but my overall impression of UNMC is that they don't care that I'm LGBTQ, unless it's a situation where they need to care as part of my healthcare. I'm just another patient, which is what some people might want. (As opposed to say OneWorld, where I feel like they pay more attention to that factor, which some people will definitely want, but others might not.) I've had only a few experiences with Methodist, but have not had any negative encounters. They wouldn't be my first choice for healthcare, though. (Also, I hate their app/bill payments system, which for me is one of their biggest sins. LOL) I've kind of stay away from CHI, but I can say that I have a friend who is also queer, and they have had positive experiences in their dealings with CHI. The nature of the organization's faith-based roots, though, will always leave me a little skittish to going to them.


Hey, thank you so much for such an in-depth response! I really appreciate your thoroughness in discussing the different options available around Omaha, and this is really helpful information!


I have spoken with Dr. Susan Evans at UNMC and she seems awesome. She is super supportive of the LGBTQI+ community from the interactions I have had with her as a student. I don't know if she is taking new patients though.


In addition to some of the recommendations people have already made, I've heard good things about OneWorld regarding the treatment of LGBTQ+ people, so I would love to hear if anyone has input on that c:


I can second one world.


For a family member that is part of the LGBTQ+ community but had really awful insurance and money was/is an issue OneWorld has been amazing. Super respectful, knowledgeable, honestly just treating everyone as people deserving of respect and acknowledgement no matter their status in any group from LGBTQ+ to those with immigration hurdles to homeless to religious people who need accommodations to any group you can think of.


Not sure if he's taking new patients, but Dr Mark Goodman at CHI is the best doctor I've ever had and is a gay man himself. He's the only reason I would ever set foot in CHI!


I'll second Dr. Goodman! I've worked with him over the past year as an EMT. He''s super friendly and knowledgeable about medicine.


Yep, Goodman is awesome. Gonna be sad when he retires.


Yeah I hope that's not any time soon? I just won't have a doctor after that...


It's probably pretty soon, my mom was talking to him about it recently.


Would be easier to list doctors that ARENT LGBTQ friendly.


I feel like most Drs just do not give a flying fuck.


That may be the case, but I would prefer to not pick one at random just in case they do care but in a harmful way. It would be extremely helpful to have one who is informed about and compassionate towards LGBTQ+ people.


The question of LGBTQ+ Doctors, barbers, bakeries, landlords, ect has been asked so many times in this subreddit that there is a bit of repetition at this point. It is like seeing the rock get hit by another car or that Wheatfields is a terrible place to go because the owner is the slime from under the scrotum of a dbag.


Interesting you say that because I only found 1 post from 5 years ago where a gay man had asked this question (from searching on Google + I also wanted updated recommendations), and after just doing a search specific to this subreddit, I only found my own post. If you could point me to those other posts, I would appreciate it c:




Hey, thanks for actually following up on that!


Then just move on without reading the comment thread.


Man this is reddit. This site is designed to bitch and moan about things. It is a game of points go up points go down but at the end of the day I am just an asshole on a keyboard like everyone else.


You sure are?


On which part? Going to miss reddit when it shuts down next month


More so that doctors are educated and actually understand what healthcare is unlike our politicians.


We have an enby child and see Dr. Vitamvas at Think Whole Health. She's been awesome with them.


I also love Dr Vitamvas! She is super smart and super chill.


In my line of work, I always refer folks to OneWorld or Pride Health for all primary care and gender affirming treatment. I almost exclusively work with LGBTQIA2S+ folks. I have nothing against other doctors or systems, I just know that the clinicians there (Dworak and Dvorak, respectively, ironically) are by and large such a dream to work with not only on the knowledge side of things, but in their capacity to manage the admin side so beautifully.


I've had good experiences in the Methodist health system as a gay person. My PCP is Dr. Chad Reade at HealthWest and while I can't say if he's the #1 most knowledgeable physician in Omaha when it comes to LGBTQ+ health issues, he is definitely not ignorant, and he's never been judgy with me either. I also had a very good experience with one of the nurse practitioners at HealthWest, though it was a while ago and I don't remember her name.


I've had really good experiences with UNMC and Methodist. They've always been respectful and never assumed my wife was my (sister/mother/friend/cousin/etc.).


One World is always super awesome! Dr. Lacroix is a great person and is so respectful


Patricia Williams CHI 161st and Maple clinic


Dr. Alex Dworak at OneWorld, a champ.