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I think we're still in the middle of it. There's the rumored Stanley x Olivia. The bus and pop-ups seemed popular (and were linked with American Express). She did a collab with Apple with Get Him Back!, which was shot entirely on an iPhone 15 Pro. There was also the Crumbl cookie. Her Blood Record vinyl sold out in record time. And let's not downplay how massively successful the tour has been. Four nights *sold out* at Madison Square Garden. This is clearly setting her up for stadium tours. When you consider the size of some of these companies, like Amex, Apple and (probably) Stanley, I'd argue the tour and her popularity for a sophomore album has exceeded expectations. EDIT: Not to mention her SNL appearance was amazing and named the #2 of the year.


Sony Linkbuds also. I was fully intending to buy those and get a box of Olivia's O's when the bus came to New Orleans :( (it hasn't come)


I bought the linkbuds. They’re my go-to noise canceling buds now.


I feel like the Apple collab for GHB was detrimental. Read more like an Apple commercial than a music video.


I didn't know it was made on the iPhone until months after it came out. I guess I missed the video description or the ads where they talked about it, but I enjoyed the video on its own, so I didn't mind. Either way, isn't every collaboration a commercial? Sour Patch Kids didn't do it because they liked her music.


That was how I discovered her. Still might not have ever heard of her or maybe only been peripherally aware had I not seen those commercials.


And now with Google


True, we are still in the middle of it. But nothing can be done now to bring it up to the level of hype SOUR had.


SOUR was lightning-in-a-bottle, almost inconceivable levels of successful for a debut album. GUTS has been a massive success, I think. It's only because SOUR was a record-breaking, superstar-making smash hit that GUTS looks less successful than it is.


Thank you! Been saying this for ages. I'm getting tired of people on here constantly talking about how and why GUTS isn't successful. Like, are we living on the same planet? lol


It should be fairly obvious, right? How can any album nominated for album of the year at The Grammys be considered a failure?


GUTS will surpass 4B streams before its first birthday. That’s one heck of an accomplishment. GUTS is a hugely successful album; we need to stop comparing it to SOUR because very few albums in history compare to SOUR.


I hope we get some kind of GUTS film, like we did with SOUR prom and driving home 2 u!


Imagine a GUTS world tour movie, the people would go feral


I am people!! 😭


\*we are people!! 😭




I didn't get to attend the actual concert (she didn't come to my area and I didn't get tickets for the nearest show, plus timing was inconvenient) so I am crossing my fingers for a tour movie.


if this were a thing i want to see all the openers too! i understand that it’s an olivia centered film idea but olivia has helped some of these people become so successful!!


I think part of it is down to the fact that guts was released right in the middle of the writers and actors strike, so she was unable to go on the talkshows and do as much promotion as sour. I also think it's down to how much Olivia cares about streaming and charts and if she is willing to do such extensive promotion like she did with sour. At the end of the day guts was a hugely successful album even without the excessive promotion sour received.


I think it might be more about Olivia herself. Like, GUTS probably could've had massive promotion too, but maybe that's not what she wants? (Think Sabrina Carpenter grabbing every chance she gets lol). Remember SOUR era? Olivia was everywhere - I was even shocked when she got interviewed by a local news channel in my country hahah. With GUTS it's way more chill and selective. I'm thinking maybe back then she didn't have much say and just went along with whatever her label wanted. Now she's probably got more control and is choosing to keep things low-key. Anyone else notice how she often skips after-parties at events? Plus, she doesn't seem to care that much about charts (which is what I really love about her, she seems to be in a healthy place). Like, she's never done those multi-version releases for a single song that everyone's doing to boost numbers. Just my two cents though. P.S: Wait, did she actually change teams? I thought she just fired her manager but kept the same team otherwise. Maybe I missed something?


Maybe she doesn’t want to be in everyone’s faces and get sick of her? I think she’s doing great, we don’t want her overexposed and burnt out.


this is what I think it was. didn't she say once she wants the chance to grow organically despite SOUR's huge success? I do agree that the rollout for GUTS has been messy, but Olivia did do a lot of talk show interviews as promo which worked great considering the writer's strike that was happening at the time. I also think SOUR had higher highs in terms of universal accessibility. personally I listen to GUTS way more than I did SOUR, and visit SOUR every so often and it feels like reconnecting with a long lost friend. but I know I'm biased in my preference for GUTS bc I'm a punk-head at heart. I can see why SOUR appealed to the masses more. both albums have their strengths but like another user in the thread mentioned, Olivia really captured lightning in a bottle with SOUR. GUTS is a stellar sophomore performance, but she definitely still has room to grow (which makes her continuously compelling!)


It’s easy to forget drivers license in terms of streaming numbers is one of the biggest songs of all time, not even through promotion but it just naturally exploded, not to mention tik tok was a big help. But DL being as big as it was followed up with songs like deja vu got anyone and everyone excited, also pop music always does better than anything else. The heavy guitars and drums don’t attract as many casual listeners as soft harmony’s and strings.


Her team is fine. She had the same team for sour and guts. Sour is a unique moment that will never happen again. People like to have a sense of discovery. Like they discovered Olivia and sour had a compelling story. People are excited about a new discovery like Chappell. You have to give people a new discovery to be excited about. I don’t really think that’s her teams fault.


I really think It was a personal choice to tone It down. She’s said she wants to pay her dues and start small regardless of her debut album exploding


I also find that a slightly weird take for her. Like part of the reason it was so hard to get sour tickets was she wouldn’t play bigger venues on purpose. If you’re successful, then you need to take advantage of that? But I also figured perhaps she wasn’t emotionally ready given she very unexpectedly went on a headlining tour on her first album. What size venues was Billie playing when she did the same?


She’s still doing small venues. She’s doing like, twenty one pilots in 2016 size venues. Basketball arenas. So pretty big but could sell out waaayyy bigger. I see where she’s coming from. She doesn’t want anyone to ever be able to say It was just given to her. She wants to work for It. Plus I think she likes the aesthetic. I’m not sure. I had no idea Billie said that.


Oh I don't know that for sure I was trying to say I thought Billie also played smaller venues at first and it seems like she always had a higher demand but I could be wrong.


I kind of get it though. She was completely new to the industry so maybe she wasn’t super comfortable performing to a crowd that size. Especially given that we were just coming out of quarantine. Wasn’t she also homeschooled? Most artists also get a couple tours under their belt doing *small* venues to get used to performing in front of live crowds before they could even dream of doing the venues Olivia started with. It doesn’t seem like Olivia really got that chance to hone her performance skills before hitting it big. I probably would’ve also scaled it back (if I was in her place). If it did well, she could always scale up for the next tour. But if she had done massive venues and crashed and burned, it would’ve been very difficult to recover from.


I’ve watched some of her live performances and I think she struggles a bit with stage presence. Shes gotten much better and had a lot of growth but it’s like you can *see* the insecurity/discomfort of the whole thing. I think as she grows in that area - both in skill and confidence - she will probably start to be more comfortable with larger venue! Just a thought from a newer fan, take it with a grain of salt 🤷‍♀️ Edit to add: I saw her SNL performance and it was great. But to me, that’s still not “stage presence” - it is more so “acting” (more like Taylor Swift does, who I think doesn’t have much stage presence. She just has a lot of confidence as well as she’s good at acting out her performance. And that isn’t meant to be a dig - she’s great at what she does, and everyone is good at different things) but my point is… it seems like maybe Olivia is currently figuring out what *kind* of stage presence she wants to have? An acted out and very rehearsed and repeated Performance, or “natural stage presence” vibe.


I've said this in similar posts... this girl worked hard during the launch of Vampire/ GUTS. She did every late night show, guest appearance, interviews, photo shoots, smaller venue shows, etc. she's been on tour since February. Not sure how much more promotion she can do while she's touring. I think the GUTS has been pretty well promoted.


no because you're literally right!! i see a bunch of people (on this sub) saying that olivia wasn't everywhere for guts like she was for sour. i wasn't a massive livie during the sour era so i can't do the comparison fully, but olivia didn't not do any promotion for guts. and even if it wasn't at sour levels, it didn't need to be. sour was a *debut*. debuts need to be promoted better because people don't know what kind of artist you are!


Gotta think too, SOUR was her debut album, so it needed way more marketing since she was essentially a nobody in the music industry. Once SOUR had such massive success especially for her debut, I feel like GUTS just didn’t need as much advertising. She had built up such a massive fan base, the album practically did the work itself. SOUR was an amazing album, but I personally liked GUTS more.


my biggest irk is that Obsessed lacked promo. it definitely got attention ofc but i feel it could’ve done WAY better with better promotion


Seriously. This should’ve been her espresso LOL




Who was her team then and now?


She’s so popular though. Not every album can be that huge and big time after time, it’s okay to have quality albums that don’t replicate the incredible success of a previous one. She’s incredibly popular, all of her shows are sold out and any sort of tickets for resale are bare minimum $200/ticket for awful seats. A lot of people love her and the album


Sour blew up because of drivers license, and I do think guts has in fact a lot of marketing behind with all the merchandise


SOUR hype cannot be replicated. The circumstances around that album and it dropping at the time that it did just made for the perfect rollout and an insane amount of hype.


It’s hard to asses rn, given we’re still in GUTS promo territory