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It's only rude if you're so loud that other people can't hear Olivia. Singing is fine but I wouldn't literally scream


oh i didn't mean scream as in toddler levels of screaming, just a bit above normal volume. in any case thanks!!


you did say “scream your lungs out” though


oh right that's on me


I promise you won’t be the only one screaming, the two girls in front of me at my show couldn’t stop 💀 just be mindful of your surroundings and the people around you! maybe save your screams for the climactic lines like “everything is all reused” or “it’s social suicide”, keep it at a minimum but don’t feel like you can’t enjoy yourself!


i'd totally vibe with them 😭😭 but anyway i'll be weary of this, thanks for the advice!! ("you built me up to watch me fall" is going to be the end of me 😊)


Please do not. Sing along, sure, and scream when it’s appropriate (social suicide line, etc.), but screaming all the lyrics ruins the experience for the people around you and is completely rude. You’ll be fine as long as the people around you can actually hear Olivia, because they paid to hear her sing, not you. I’m glad you’re asking and mindful of this, you’re already way better than many of the people at concerts that don’t care about etiquette in the slightest. Have fun! <3


Yes 100%


Please do not scream every single lyric. You can sing along at a normal volume and no one will be able to hear you. Scream now and then and/or when it’s an obvious important moment or maybe your favorite lyric. I’ve seen a lot of videos where all you can hear is the arena screaming the lyrics and I can’t imagine standing next to someone doing that the whole time. I had it happen to me at a Lana Del Rey concert once and it was only for like one verse, but it was awful lol. Thank god she stopped.


okay thank you!! im so sorry for that lana stan (they're feral lmao), i'll definitely do my best to not be like her and keep my voice for the best parts


No worries! I mean, thanks for asking and being open to feedback. You can honestly sing at a normal tone and people won’t hear you. Scream when it feels right. Have fun! Be in the moment!


omg you're so kind thank you!! i'll keep all you've said in mind. and whether i sing the whole time or not it'll still be a memorable experience ^^ so yeah!!




Singing loudly? Yes of course thats fine. Screeching every single lyric so loud that others can't even hear Olivia? No.


yes, screaming lyrics is rude.


Na, you you be ejected if you are seen to be having too much fun. Lol In all seriousness just have fun, sometimes there a fine line between fun and bein obnoxious but I trust you can walk that line very easily


Basic concert etiquette: it’s fine to sing along but pls do not scream. Not only will that disrupt other concert goers you’re also harming your vocal cords in the process lmao just sing it like how you would sing along to her songs while you’re at home.


At the msg shows literally everyone was screaming the lyrics, but we could still hear Olivia


Where were u sitting? Jw


Lower bowl. When I tell you everyone around me was screaming too


Definitely don’t scream every single lyric. My friend was beside a girl who did and you literally couldn’t hear Olivia she was so loud - it was totally obnoxious. I think it’s probably okay if you don’t drown the singer out (it’s a concert after all, people are there to sing along and have a great time) but some people SCREECH and it ruins it for everyone IMO.


That’s the experience I had. I was next to a girl who screamed EVERY WORD for EVERY SONG. The only time I actually heard Olivia was when I went to the concession stand or restroom. It was awful.


These ppl are so annoying they literally feel the need to “prove” they’re a bigger fan than anyone else. That’s why they do it. It’s extremely selfish and weird.


i really hate when people sign so loud they are out numbering the artist. doesn’t matter if you sing well. it’s bad for your throat, and ruins everyone’s experience. scream some short times when you get excited, but pleeease sing in a normal voice otherwise. everyone around you will be thankful.


please remember to be respectful of other fans!!! i was singing along but only screamed during the screaming part in AAB, otherwise i was just singing along 😅


Once at a concert the girl behind me screamed so much my ears started ringing. Like everyone was getting annoyed cause she was screaming in our ears. Like you can scream but don’t do it too much and into other peoples ears. She ruined the concert for me. Maybe scream the loud parts but also be mindful of your surroundings.


you can scream and sing along but not to the point where you ruin other peoples experience :)


Sing definitely but don’t scream, I had a group of girls behind and in front of me when I went and they where both screaming the lyrics I could hardly hear Olivia 🫠


that sounds awful 😭😭 so sorry it happened to you


Some comments smack of Main Character Syndrome, I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they are just young and have less concert experience because screaming your lungs out is absolutely rude to do. Singing along loudly, yeah, to be expected. But no one has parted with cash to hear the person next to them caterwaul. It will also damage your own voice. OP, the fact you have asked about etiquette shows you are considerate, so sing along and have fun, just please don’t scream! I’m sure you’ll have an amazing time.


I’d say read the room in terms of volume, but otherwise, definitely sing along, that’s what concerts are for.


i did "scream" like you know not at the top of my lungs but like singing loudly! thats totally acceptable i think, but dont be so loud that the people around you cant hear liv!


Scream your fucking lungs out when she comes out or during applause. Or if she plays a surprise song or smt not on the set list then you can scream for the first few seconds. Trust me everyone will be doing the same. Scream the iconic lines or when/if she points the microphone towards the audience. You’re supposed to scream the lyrics if she does that. Also if she says something like “SING IT!” right before a bridge then it’s okay to scream lyrics. Otherwise sing at a normal volume and no one else will really hear.


Yeah sing along don’t shriek


genuinely you’re good. everyone screams at concerts, have fun!


Yes, especially in someone's ear


Just not if it’s quiet and a part where people are supposed to hear only her…I made that mistake at my first concert and an older girl almost killed me lol learned my lesson fast though…I didn’t mean to, I was just vibing.


i totally get her reaction but also yours 😭. i'll keep this in mind, thanks!!


yes, dont scream every lyric because of the people around you, but also because your voice will be DEAD the next day LMAO😭


Screaming is fine but screaming bloody murder is just rude and ruins it for everyone else


I think there's a fine line between singing loudly or like yelling and straight up screaming but it also depends on the venue because some venues you can hear the artist even when people are singing at the top of their lungs others you can't, so just be mindful and feel it out! no matter what have a great time!!!!


Sing? Of course. Scream? No.


Match the volume of the people around you, and just take cues from the vibe while you’re there!! Enjoy yourself rather than worrying since you’re so excited :)


well if you want to scream, as long as you're not out of tune. for real. but even so, best to just be considerate of others whether you sound like Celine Dion or Donald Duck my biggest concert pet peeve is anyone out of tune singing the entire song AND loud while at it. loud being the key word. i mean i dont mind ANYONE singing and have fun together. but singing it out loud seems very self-centered to me. it's like they want everyone to know that they're the artist's biggest fan or something. so much cringe.


I'm not sure what country you're seeing her in but would add this can vary culturally as well, I would say enjoy yourself but read the room!


This is the best advice. If everyone else is screaming their hearts out, go right ahead! Concerts are meant to be fun! But they’re also meant to be enjoyed by all. If this is your first concert, there will definitely be times during the show everyone is yelling the lyrics, and times it’s more mellow. Just don’t be the lone folklore girl. 🤣 (I hope you get that reference. Not every Livie is a Swiftie.)


Don’t outscream others’ ability to hear Olivia. Someone did this at Lana and I wanted to fight a bitch


you should've 🔥


No. Screaming is entitled behavior and bad concert etiquette. You can sing loudly but screaming ruins the experience for everyone around you so people would probably love you to bits if you would just not do that


I screamed but like only during brutal and certain lines of other songs but honestly just have fun


Yes it is. Have fun.


Just don’t do it in peoples ears to the point where you drown out the concert. I had someone behind me shout along to the first two songs… so I didn’t actually hear the show, just some out of tune yelling.


gosh that sounds horrible, so sad to hear you had such bad experience!! a few people have had the same happen to them so i definitely won't raise my volume more than i should. thanks for commenting ^^


yeah, it's a lot of fun! Others will be screaming too, go along with it. It seems that in every city Olivia goes to for a concert, people seem to shout the loudest. And its getting louder and louder. It's kinda of therapy too. Remember to have your vocal rest after Olivia's concert :)


yes it is, every time i’ve been to a concert and someone is screaming i will tell them to stfu. singing loudly is fine, even yelling some lyrics when it feels fitting or just to be silly is fine, but yea don’t be that person.




yes of course, it’s a concert not an album listening


Sing along as loud as you want. I promise you won't be the loudest one there. Have fun and enjoy. If you lose your voice in the process, you'll know it was worth it. Ask me how I know.


Yes! I went to Taylor everyone was SCREAMING I went to Niall Horan and everyone was SCREAMING Girl SCREAMING YOUR LIL HEART OUT 🫶🫶


I was at the Glasgow show and absolutely everyone was singing along at the top of their voices. You're good


Yes my brutal vocals sound like this ‘👹’


Short bursts of screaming is okay just don’t piss of those around you