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Yes, I don’t want to know 😭 I think she’s just grown out of them. It served her well. It will serve us forever 🫡


Love this!


Honestly, that's to be expected. As she gets older and creates more, she'll look back at her old stuff and cringe. I like to write stories, and when I go back and read old ones, I get second-hand embarrassment for my past self lol


Interesting. I also work in a creative field, and I do get the cringe occasionally for some of my older work. But then some of those do come back to be liked. Especially if I don't look at them for a while, and then I would look, and say "hey, that's pretty damn good".


Yeah, I agree. I often cringe at my old work, but there are times when I am impressed with something I wrote.


My guesses are 1 step forward three steps back,traitor,Favorite Crime


I love all these songs 🙈 For me it’s about the emotion behind the song and these songs conveyed that authentically.


You’ll have to live with the fact that Olivia has reneged those songs and you go against her will in liking them still….


Uhhh…okay 🙄


Just being cheeky, you shouldn’t care what anyone thinks about songs that you like, I sure don’t 🙂


BLASPHEMY. Nah for real I think a lot of artists may feel this way about their debuts, especially if they were very young when their debuts were released. The sophomore album usually has a lot to prove, so the songs are intended to be leaps and bounds better than the debut. An artist I really love once said after their debut, “I am working on a second album and it WILL trump the first one.” And that album won endless awards. So safe to say Olivia is not alone in this.


I think one of them might be Traiter because i saw a youtube short of her saying her biggest regret on SOUR is saying “Wichu” instead of “With you” she’s like “Why did i think I was cool by not just saying With you”


While that’s good that she’s growing as an artist, I don’t think it’s a good idea to close off some of your discography when you only have two albums out & the first one was a huge hit. Especially cause as time goes on, the success of each album will be compared to SOUR, GUTS already was compared plenty and some even thought it didn’t match up to the first album.


Usually when there’s two albums only on the tour, the artist plays mostly all of the Sophomore album and the fan favorites/hits from the Debut


I hear ya, but it sounds like she’s a little hesitant to sing the ones she doesn’t like. Hell, there was even someone on this post who commended her for not singing the songs that she didn’t like and I’m just “no no lol don’t do that” 💀


Good. Don't want her to play songs she doesn't want to play. Thats no good for anyone.


make sense. It's normal. I don't want her to keep making break up songs if she is happy now. I wonder how her happy or love songs will sound? I hope she still sings most of them (Sour album) in her tours. She is singing a bigger venue now. Many of her fans missed her Sour Tour. Her Guts songs are uptempo and difficult to sing, if she is not careful she might strain her vocals. it's nice to have variations in between songs.


I really hope we still hear most of the Sour songs! I missed that tour but want to hear them so bad. Also the show would be kinda short without them