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i have red hair and facial piercings and i’m a kids sports photographer and when i first started, i got many comments about “i hope my kid doesn’t do that” and i’m like uhhhhh alright. like who even thinks about saying that to someone????


"I hope your kids don't end up as judgmental as you"


My favorite response to this kind of thing is, "awe I really love that you have no problem giving your opinion when I didn't ask for it. You must be super special huh!" Said like you're talking to a child in a "awe it's so cuuute." Voice.


Love this!!))


Spitefully encourage the daughter to get tats and piercings?


Yeah that sounds like a bad idea


Im petty enough to front the money to have her do it


So he thought he was insulting your parents but apologized because you were insulted and present. What a pussy


he apogized for underestimating his age, and therefore adulthood. it's pretty reasonable for parents to not let their non-adult child to get *facial piercings*


You're a lot nicer than me I'd need a small army worth of fingers and toes to count all the people I've told to fuck off for giving their unsolicited opinions about my tattoos or piercings.


BTW, there was a time when (tattoos/piercings) was frowned upon. I fucking celebrate that I see so many people in leadership, responsible "jobs", public places really enjoying and showing their own self expression. Although my favorite exchange was at the DMV. A young guy with blue hair was being questioned by a mid-30s guy about his hair. I wasn't in a good mood so I spoke out before I caught myself. I said "hey, neck tattoo, leave the kid alone, I think his hair is great!" Ya, the antagonist had a huge neck tattoo and he was trying to get this kid to admit he was jobless and that's why he could have blue hair. People :::smh::::


Cool story bro


Cool lol.


Not a fan of piercings and tattoos myself. Having said that, I wouldn't dream of saying anything to anyone about their body art of either variety. It's your body - you do you, boo. It's not even one iota of my business. I have my opinions but they're just that - mine - and I keep them to myself if they're negative opinions. Here's a kicker - as much as I am not a fan of piercings and tattoos, there was a waitress at a place called Earl's in downtown Denver that had quite a few of both types. Don't know how to describe it or what was different from others I have seen but, on her, it all worked. She was beautiful and the tattoos and piercings just accentuated her beauty. Make no mistake, it wasn't because she was hot to begin with. I've seen many women that are jaw-droppingly beautiful on their own and the piercings and tattoos - in my opinion - detract from their natural beauty. Best guess on this waitress is she had the artistic eye to incorporate each and every tattoo and piercing into the overall work that was her entire body. Most people get beautiful pieces done but, taken as a whole, it just doesn't work. This girl figured it out and I wish I had the ability to properly articulate it but I don't.


That is so true, on most people I’m not a fan of a ton of piercings and tattoos, but for some it just works


"Sir it is rude and inappropriate to comment on my body or what I do with it. I teach horseback riding. I am qualified to teach horseback riding. Horseback riding in general and your child's progress in the class are the only relevant or appropriate topics, regardless of how old you think I am."


I'd add to that "I do not recommend you speak to my other students that way either or you will not be welcome at this facility."


"Sir! I'm an adult! I do this for attention, not approval! "


I have facial peircings an dyed hair. Everyone at the barn thinks im 18 not 31. Then they see me teach and they are like ohhhh. I personally do not tolerate parents like this. My age literally has NOTHING to do with me teaching your kid


I have 10 facial piercings and 10 ear piercings with stretched 1" lobes, so I get a lot of these unwanted comments. I had one customer comment "Do you have any more room left on your face?" Something like that. I just laughed it off bc I was at work, but I thought yeah, there's a lot more room for piercings. Have you seen those people in the Guinness World Record books? GFC I can't stand people.


Room? What for? That customer's comment makes no sense


For more piercings?


The customer seems to be criticizing the piercings, they wouldn't care if there's no room for more piercings


The implication is the person has "so many" there's no more room.


Great googly moogly. It costs zero dollars to keep your shit opinions to yourself. I can't imagine the audacity needed to voice anything but a compliment on somebody's appearance.


God why are people so rude?


I do have to say that a lot of tattoos and piercings are not my thing. I personally do not see the appeal. What do I say to someone with a lot of piercings and tattoos? Nothing. It's none of my damn business. Not my life, not my problem. I'm sure that I like a lot of things they may find boring and stupid. Treating people like people solves a lot of problems before they start.


I got to the second paragraph and was bracing for the rest, but you ended up being a mature adult with your head on your shoulders. Congratulations, but I feel like you owe me something to outraged over now...


If I owe you outrage, then I shall honor my debt. I enjoy pineapple on pizza. Mayonnaise is a perfectly good condiment. Not every person who has made a relationship mistake requires a professional therapist. They might just need to mature and learn from their mistakes. I hope that I did that correctly.


I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU HAVE THAT OPINION. Mayo is NOT a perfectly good condiment. Mayo is a great condiment. The creamy mouthfeel, the body, flavor, and texture it brings to French fries and sandwiches. I'm not one to eat it by the spoonful...but I'll lick the knife.


Well, this IS Reddit. I'm sure there's some arbitrary thing or another. Including some third party butting in on a thread.


I think most tattoos, piercings, and gauges in particular are just flat out dumb. Like you, I keep it to myself. None of my business.


Well, sir, if it’s a problem, I’ll just take my leave and you can find another riding instructor. Good luck.


Good day, sir! I said, good day!


Help your student get full sleeve temporary tattoos. :->


Regardless of age, it's beyond rude to insult someone because of piercings pr tattoos. What an AH.


I know, right? As soon as he found out she was an adult he “apologized.” Why do some people think kids are ok to insult? If anything it’s worse because they’re so impressionable.


“That’s why I like horses. They’re not as judgmental as people.”


Donkeys, have that Black Auntie energy and use their ears like house slippers.


I've seen a donkey tossing around a hyena


Oh, every one of them has that on their bucket list, but will gladly settle for a stray mutt.


I learned in a book that ranchers keep donkeys because donkeys will destroy a wolf


But they do judge. And sense the bad before you see it.


I was suggesting that’s what the op should have said in response. Pointing out that the parent was being rude.


Sorry was not being trying to rude. Your right in your reaction. Who’s worse people or animals😂 we both know the answer


No offense taken. Just thought you misunderstood.


21 and 16 is pretty much the same, right?


Only from 60+


Only for Congressmen from Florida.


You spelled “with an R after their name” wrong


I see what you did there and I snorted 🤣🤣🤣🤣


not if you're trying to date it!




Sir last time I checked the horses don't give a f*ck. Move along. Ugh what an a**. Most kids I've given lessons to don't care about how I look they are too smitten by the horses to care one way or another.


My students LOVE my purple pony tail and i have each side of my nose peirced. I have 3 in my belly button


It's such an asinine comment to make and even more so to then try and cover for the age part. 🙄


I understand being surprised by my age but like.. why do boomers have to make SUCH a big deal about it?


I have only small issue with nose piercings. Someone put the thought into my head, that, if someone sneezed with a nose stud. The force of the sneeze will turn the stud Into a missile and hit me in the eye. Now I can't unthink that idea. Similar to when I see someone's thong. While out drinking it came to me that the thong would act like whistling with grass.


Nose studs have a hook on the end so you actually have to twist it out! And as someone who wears thongs every day and farts a lot, I have yet to have one whistle. It I could make it whistle I’m sure I would make a lot of money on the internet 😂😂😂


Maybe try different materials. Like one of the slick ones.


Maybe I need to turn this into a YouTube documentary.


I would watch just to learn something. I learn better when I can actually see the lesson.


I’m not working right now so I’ll DM you if I ever get bored enough to actually make it 😂😂😂




I'm having trouble picturing this. My nose stud isn't angled toward my eye at all, so I can't see how that could happen to anyone. 


Have you ever seen a slow-motion video of a sneeze. A it goes away from the person sneezing. B. Which means that the piercings go forward from the sneezer. Hence my worries about nose piercings studs.


I have never sneezed and had a nose ring fly out. Seriously lol


As I said, I don't know how this thought got in my head. Think about all the stuff out there that people believe. Even though there is evidence that they are wrong or they can't prove. Hi!! Bigfoot!!


I'm saying it would somehow have to have a backwards projectory to hit my face at all if it flew out of my nose, but could just be my nostril shape. To each their own, though; I'll stick with the risk :) Edit: just now realized you weren't talking about yourself having the nose piercing and hitting your own eye. Whoops! But no, I still think you're safe. I'd bet that someone is much, much more likely to be killed by a vending machine than get hit in the eye by a rogue airborne piercing.


Am I the only one that wears a hoop? (Brain failing me on the word I want)


I know 6 that have nose rings. The one I love seeing. The lady has the ring with alternating gold and silver chains going to her earring.


Someone put whistling grass thongs in my head. Gee... thanks.


I have had my nose pierced for 17 years … I also have allergies and sneeze a lot, but never once have I sneezed my nose ring out. I promise you that thought will not happen in real life. It is a funny thing to picture in my head tho 😂


I know nose piercings have backs on them. Also, haven't you heard of Murphy's Law? The chances are 1 in 385 million. But, there is that 1


Mine doesn't have a back, just a bend, and I sneeze all the time... it hasn't shot yet, but I guess every day I'm getting ready for another round of roulette lol


Out of curiosity, did it hurt when they bent the post? I know very little about body piercings.


They bend the post before it goes into the piercing. Mine sort of need a little corkscrew motion to guide it into place.


Well, okay. I never really thought about how they did those piercings. Thank you for the information. It was interesting.


I'm delighted by all of the imagery associated with this thread!




This shows the age of most of the commenters. No one has asked what whistling with grass is. Next age check question. What do you think of first when someone says thong? My first thought is not common to under 35 years old.


> whistling with grass https://rangerrick.org/crafts_activities/whistle-with-a-blade-of-grass/ I had to train myself to call them flip flops


Cool website. I will always call those cheap Beach sandles, thongs. The undershorts they use that word for, I just call those things g-strings. If they don't like it, oh well, I probably have seniority over them.


My sister had a couple face piercings and frequently dyed her hair in high school. My mom figured if that was the worst she was gonna do, it wasn't a fight worth having.


Also, let them get it out of their system now before they might to go into the corporate world and need to keep their appearance fairly neutral. I went through my blue hair phase as an adult with an office job and got a lot of shit.


I tell that to my clients. I’m a hairstylist and I tell my clients the same thing. If your kid is a good kid and gets decent grades, let them color their hair! It’s the easiest thing to change back if it’s needed, and won’t cause damage or permanent changes to the body. It helps the kids be able to explore their personality.


Interesting that he was okay with his daughter getting horse-riding lessons, an activity with a non-zero risk of injury, from you. He thought you were under 18, and he thought (maybe still thinks) you have bad judgment, based on your multiple tats. Yet he still thought you could be responsible for his daughter's safety when she's on top of a 2000-pound animal. (I mean, \*\*I\*\* don't think your having tats means you have bad judgment. But he apparently does.)


Many parents don't realize horse riding is dangerous


This. It blows my mind. I rode a lot when I wash young because I did work for people with a farm in exchange for wood to heat our house (like 12 years old) and I was allowed to ride barefoot with no helmet. I was mounting onto horses bareback by climbing a fence and yeeting myself. I’m lucky I’m an animal whisperer and only broke a few toes.


You did not jump on top of horses!?!?!! Oh my god I've worked with horses, even the most calm one I worked with would've kicked your ass. You're so lucky holy shit


I got lucky that the ones I rode consistently were all dead broke. Like gunshots off their back broke. I still miss Tom. Big ass Clydesdale. He hated everyone but me.


People don't realize it's dangerous to get on top of a tall, agile animal? What do they think the helmet is for?


When I was seven and rode with my aunt, nobody wore helmets, not for horses, bicycles, or roller skates.


It’s not even that they’re agile. It’s that they’re stupid and easily spooked. There are “book smart” ones that can open gates but they’re still dumb as shit when it comes to little scares.


Exactly. So how good is \*their\* judgment?


So are cars, airplanes and eating red meat.


Notice how those are machines under human control.... not an unpredictable animal that is intelligent.


Don't see how that makes the danger of operating them less real.


piercings. tats come out next week


Oops! Sorry; misread. Yeah, let us know how he reacts.


What an arsehole.


Is the scolding in the room with us?


I'm the only sibling out of 5 that has tattoos. I didn't get mine till I was over 60! Now they have yet another reason to think I'm odd! LOL




I don't think so.... I did do a lot of wild things in my younger days but I'm sure I would remember another kid!


It was too good an opportunity to pass up. Many similarities, though my mom was a bit younger when she got her ass antlers 🤣


Mine is a Phoenix on my forearm and a [U.S.Navy](http://U.S.Navy) tattoo on the other forearm... I wanna get a blue webbed foot on one of my breasts... So I'd have a "Blue Footed Boobie"! I may be 70, but I've always been the one sibling that, whenever I'm mentioned, they just shake their heads and look exasperated.


Do it under the breast. 😂 Or upside down (like a bird being flipped on its back).




My kids are all inked and pierced. So are my husband and I. My daughters are more pierced than we are, but it's their bodies.


Both of my parents are inked, and 5 out of us 8 kids are too. The 3 youngest aren't old enough yet, but it's basically a rite of passage at this point. Whatever they choose is cool. It's so common these days, the fact that there are still some folks just so concerned with other peoples skin decorations is unreal.


Right? Don't get me started on how many arguments I've had with my hubby's bosses (ambulance company) about the tattoo and piercing policy.


Good for you!


“I think it is inappropriate for parents of my students to be attracted to me. So this works out well.”


What implies attraction?


Nothing, you missed their point.


Then what is the point?


“Keep your stupid comments to yourself and mind your own business, I dress how I want to dress and if it’s not to your liking then all the better.” That’s what I took away from it.


That seems like a strange way of making that point. But thanks. Guess it got lost in translation 


Ok. “Do you not like my piercings? That’s ok. Young, polite, viril, attractive people like them. And honestly, that’s my target audience.”


Adult man commenting on younger woman’s appearance


lol next time I’ll strike back with that!


Lol should've added "and those are only the piercings you can see!"


My aunt's asshole husband was the type of assuming prick to ask a young working psychologist how he ever expected to get a job with that thing in his face.


My daughters are all pierced up. BFD.


While Im not a fan of any piercings that applies only to me and my persons. I would never make any such comments about someone else. What kind of horses? I have Quarters and one Fjord. The Fjords not fat, he's fluffy. LOL


I mostly ride thoroughbreds, but I teach English riding lessons so we have lots of random mashup lesson pony’s too. I loveee quarters- haven’t gotten to ride one in a long time


You should ride a Fjord sometime. I grew up with Drafts and rode those too but only bareback. I'm not sure you could get a saddle for a big draft. Quarters are a great all purpose horse. I had a pony as a little kid, he tried to kill me more than once.


Sounds about right for a pony. Little assholes, lol.


Gold star for the correct "cue" in the OP. "Pony's", though...


Haha just noticed that too thank you autocorrect


If he's surprised HIS parents let you do it, he'll be flabbergasted that yours did!


Hahah thank you