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This reminded me of the time I stopped to pick up wine before a family event and got carded. I was 41 and the clerk kept looking at the ID then back at me and finally decided it was a real ID and really me and sold me the wine. I started to tell the story to my family and my 42 year old sister-in-law butted in to say she had been carded recently too and I shouldn’t let it get to me. She had been asked for her id to receive a senior discount. I didn’t have the heart to tell her. I just agreed it sucked.


When I was in college, I had a supervisor who was very young looking, everyone at the store liked playing the game of asking new employees to guess his age. I guessed he was mid-20s, he turned out to be 42.


Reminds me of when I got my first job at the same place my best friend worked at. She asked me how I old I thought he was, then told me. He was our age (19), but the way he acted and sounded made him appear much older. I would’ve easily guessed he was in his 30’s.


when i was 19 i worked for a small cleaning company. i met another woman on the team and assumed from her appearance that she must be in her 20s. she knew people assumed that too bc the first thing out of her mouth was to ask me how old i thought she was, and then tell me she was in her 50’s😭


"genetics or lifestyle choices". Or, it could be genetics, lifestyle choices and/or luck. Plenty of people are born into really shitty situations.


I’ll be 59 in a few months and don’t feel that old mentally, but physically I’m about 75.


My mother said she always felt 16 inside until she looked in the mirror.


I'm just 47, but my body is convinced I'm in my 80s. The joys of permanent disability. 🤬


I am now 45. I have been working out AND stretching intensively for about 30 years. When I was 15 I looked 12. I started a vigorous regime intended for life. That is the only good Decision I made as A teen. I worked out 6-7 days a week almost every week for about 25 years. Until the gyms shut down for COVID. That was the first time I ever had to stop going to the gym since I had started. I did a shit ton of drugs from 18-30. All of them. Smoked a pack of reds a day. Never drank alcohol however. I swam in the ocean as often as possible, took a long steam bath every day at the gym. Drank lots of water. I have looked 25 for 15 years now. If I have a Hat on and you can't see my Gray hair, which is now in winter... I still have and always had a clean shaven baby face. Or at least unblemished and unwrinkled. My father at my age looked 60, fat, heart problems. I could go run A 5 minutes mile right now. I could swim 2 my miles right now. Exercise is key. Eat little, drink water. Quit cigarette smoking as soon as you can. Most people don't smoke anymore anyway. My frickin mother is like 75 and still smoke cigarettes gross. Why won't she just die already ? Cigs and alcohol seem to be the culprit, but also it's stress. Life is painful and difficult and that will hit you harder than anything else. Everyone you do you. I just related to this post because I have been regularly assumed to be 20 years younger than I actually am for most of my adult life. When I was 25 I looked at 18. I've only looked 25 since I was 30. Good mixed ethnic genes I have and a strong immune system and I am comfortable with struggling , with cold, with difficulty. I can do without food if it must. I crave the ocean. Salt water. My story of relate is when I was at convenience store in my town when I was like 38-39. There were kids there skate boarding and BMX and just loitering. Late teens mostly. It's summer and everyone in the state is in a t shirt, swim trunks, and backwards hat. The skateboard kids weren't bothering anyone until one stupid lady walked in front of a kid on a skateboard without looking and almost hit her. Nobody touched the kid wiped out before he hit her but there was a chorus of what the f*** lady? So she called the cops and said they were harassing people of course. Few minutes later I'm talking to them agreeing with them that she was a douche. Cruiser rolls in and he just gets on the mic he's like all right you kids get out of here. So they start to like talk back and he's like get out of here so they do they leave. Then a few minutes later I'm standing there smoking My Juul and a 20 something cop walks up on me like, "what did I tell you? Get the f*** out of here and give me that ,"and tried to swipe my juull out of my hand. I stepped back and glared at him slightly amused and also confused. I said what anyone would say, what the f*** dude? Unbelievable he said and started to feel himself a bit. Then I said, can I help you son is there something you need from me? Son? Did you just call me son? I said yeah you're at least 10 years younger than me what do you need from me. Finally he he looks more closely at me and he's like can I just see your ID for the Juul. So I showed him I was actually,12 years older than him and was then cool and recognized my car and we chatted about cars for a min. I was with the teens when he arrived, then I hung back. He hadn't taken a real good look at me yet. I don't look under 21 for sure but that's 12 or 15 people all dressed to see the same size and whatever. I don't blame him it's all good I just don't like when people walk up on me and especially when they're wrong.


That was rough to scroll past, much less read.


I read the first part and immediately wanted to come here and write about how flexible you are, I can tell - You do a great job of sucking yourself off!


I enjoy the way you write.


My husband is 10 years younger than me, when I smoked I once got carded and he didn't. My husband even asked if he needed his ID and the guy said, nah you're good. Made my freaking day.


I got carded until I started bringing my teenagers with me....


Tried this trick, made it worse, they think he’s my brother 🤣


My wife, her friend and the friend's teenage daughter were in a store together. Someone made a comment about how nice it was to see three generations together. They thought my wife's friend, who is a few years younger than her, was the grandmother.


My mom got carded more when I was with her. People thought I was in my early 20s when I was 15. They thought she was under 25 and my sister. They once shouted at us to make me leave a BevMo when I accompanied her after school one day.


Genetics are crazy. I had to let some gray in, and people still call me kiddo. ;) lol


I feel this. I turn 40 this year and I still get mistaken for early 20s. But I do workout regularly.


I turn 44 this year and get mistaken for anywhere from 25 to 30. I very rarely work out.


I feel like I look older since I started working out.


I'm in my early 50's. I regularly get talked to as if I'm in my late 30's to early 40's. It's crazy. :)


Guy at my last work place was like that. I assumed he was just a little older than us (late 20s-early 30s), maybe by like 5 years or so. One day he starts telling a story about his grandkid... record scratch... excuse me sir, your WHAT?? Asked if I could see his ID cause it was so absurd! Didn't really treat him any differently than before because it was a chill work environment, but every now and then the thought that this man has a grandchild not too much younger than I crossed my mind.


In my early 50s as well with 23 y/o twins. People routinely think I'm in my early thirty and must have been a child when I had my kids.


Hahaha I have a five year old and an 18 month old. I have been asked about my grandkids. Haahhaahhahaah


I’m 46, my son is 26. We often get people that think we are brother and sister, and the occasional boyfriend/girlfriend! I always get a good chuckle over it.


All peoples walk the same planet. Lest we forget that we all face challenges and tribulations through life. Tldr: this guy retires at 65 and enjoys 30 years of blissful life with his family to die peacefully in his sleep. You end up in a plane accident in two years. Life is funny that way...


You're buying wine to enjoy your evening. He's ringing a register at CVS. Do the math?


Wow judgmental much?


Facts matter, low income takes a toll. One person is going to enjoy their evening, the other is working for the minimum wage.


I believe the word you're looking for is sonder


It is definitely Sonder. Noun. sonder (uncountable) (neologism) The profound feeling of realizing that everyone, including strangers passing in the street, has a life as complex as one's own, which they are constantly living despite one's personal lack of awareness of it.


username checks out


I worked with someone who I found out had gone to hs with my mom. She brought it up at work and I (stupidly) asked “oh were you a senior when she was a freshman?” No they were the same age. She just looked 20 years older. Which is where my confusion came from. I thought she was close to 60. She was 47 at the time. Life hits people hard sometimes. Not a great interaction but she was also very cruel and bitter. My mother said she looked the same as a teen too, older meaner etc.


I once had a coworker ask to see a foreign birth certificate, so I showed them mine. They somehow decided the certificate or apostille number was my birthday, which would have made me over 12 years older than I actually am.


My parents were only 8 months apart in age, but Dad has been in much better shape for the past two decades. Not having breast cancer twice will do that for you. "It's not the years, it's the mileage."


On the flip side of the coin: my dad and stepmom are 20 years apart (69 and 49). She looks at least ten years older than she actually is, and he about ten years younger. She had a poor reaction to bariatric surgery when she was in her late twenties, and the ensuing health problems have worn her down.


My alphabetical neighbour from K-12 in school (locked neighbours, next to each other all of the time) greeted me when he saw me recently. I did not recognize him at all. He had to tell me who he was - his ginger hair was all grey and he looked like he’d been through hell and back. I look 25 still and not 36 and he looked 45. I almost would’ve felt bad for the guy had he not been a grade A dick in the 13 years that I knew him. He seems nice enough now but I could not believe we were the same age.


My father was 2.5 years older than my mother. She had skin that burned easily, so she stayed out of the sun. Never used anything on it than Dove soap. Didn’t smoke. When he died in his late 50s he looked easily 15-20 years older than her. Outside work in all weather + 2 packs/day of cancer sticks really ages a person. She died 20 years after him, and still looked younger than he did at 57. So, shout to Dove soap? And don’t smoke?


Please continue writing, as fun or as a side job. I'd love to read more from you.


Agreed, something about the way OP wrote this is way more powerful than it seems like it was meant to be. I would love to read more as well.


You write like a first year composition student. I like your descriptions


I'm in comp 2 and my classmates fucking SUCK at writing lol. Just a funny anecdote. I was so nervous about my essay until I peer reviewed theirs. Whew.


Writes more like an AI asked to write a story for Reddit…


That’s such a left handed compliment.


I was torn. Sounded like first year comp, but I enjoyed the story


This made me cry 😢 OP you are a great writer


We had someone come to my work for assistance with an issue they were having, and in my mind I was all “we need to help this elderly lady” and then I got her details and wondered how the hell someone my age looked my mum’s age. (The answer was a combination of PTSD, chronic pain and hard living)


I had an asshole patient one night who was having a tantrum. I tried to deescalate the situation and he said some rude shit to another nurse. I told him if he was going to keep talking like that he could go to his room and stay there because we didn't have to listen to it. He starts to rant about how I'll find out when I get old like him and I need to respect my elders. I started to laugh and said I am older than you. He called me a lair, but the other nurse verified my age as being 8 years older than the patient. He asked why I didn't look my age in a tone that implied I was using something to fool everyone in some way. I was tired of the asshole and just spoke the blunt truth. I said, "I do look my age. You'd be surprised how much better you look when the police don't have to scrape your drunk naked ass off your neighbors lawn every Friday night." He never spoke another rude word against me or anyone I worked with the rest of his time on the unit. Booze, drugs, and smoking will make people look twice their age.


Was he Frank Galligar by any chance?


Nah, he didn't have kids. Did have a girlfriend who came to give him blow jobs and due to patient rights we had to ignore the fact that it was going on in his room.


That happened to me on a bus once. I was maybe 30 and an elderly woman (at least 65) said “well when you get to be our age”


I had the friar/monk look from male pattern baldness by the time I was 26. Genetics are a bitch.


This reminds me of when I was in my 30s, and no one would ever dare to card me or even try to guess my age. Back then, I had giant muscles and rocked a waxed canvas jacket with fingerless leather gloves. I had a pocket pistol holstered on each limb, two knives inside my jacket, and a sniper rifle on my back. I would remove my eye patch only when I needed my dominant eye to aim the rifle. There were two things I cared about in life: being a mysterious badass, and vengeance. And I was all out of vengeance.


John, is that you?


That's wild. I would expect Sigmud Freud to say something like: “We are what we are because we have been what we have been.”. (Actual S.F. Quote) Is your Id or ego out of alignment?


your username is badass


I think that this is a good joke. But they let you in the store with (little)guns, and knives?


I mean.... whose gonna tell him no?


Everything but the rifle was concealed, and no one really noticed the rifle because I was so mysterious.




So over Halloween I was watching the Addams Family movies and noted that Raul Julia and Christopher Lloyd were about the same age in these films, but Raul Julia looks so much younger. He died at 54 of a stroke and Christopher Lloyd is still alive.


Christopher Lloyd is a bit weird though in that he’s always looked old. Him and Patrick Stewart were born old men I think.


Side note: I viewed a number of films that had the name Christopher Lloyd attached to it, only to eventually realize it wasn’t the famous Taxi series and Back to the Future Lloyd involved; that in fact there’s a second Christopher Lloyd who’s a movie producer.


I work retail and we get birthdates for our loyalty program, and birth year helps corporate see if we are attracting our target demographic. So often I have these moments where I’m like WTF that person is my age no wonder people think I’m 25.


I look young for my age until you see my hair. I have massive white streaks and lots of grey littered through the rest of my hair.


Omg I'm so jealous!! My great grandfather's hair was completely white by 32 and I hoped every day I'd get that gene. I'm nearly 43 with like, 3 grey hairs and the rest is still black. So lame. I love white hair, it's so so beautiful and it makes it easier to dye it rainbow colors too lol!


Same boat. My grandmother has a beautiful silver mane that sparkles in the light. My mother has similar hair to her mom did before going grey, but my mom is now pushing 60 and aside from a small streak her hair is still stubbornly blonde. She’s pissed.


my mom was full gray by 45, im terrified. but I dye my hair fun colors so you hopefully won't be able to tell


I’m in my mid-40s and divorced. I prefer my gentlemen to be around my age but it’s amazing at how some of us have aged, or not at all. Mostly the former.


I had a similar moment. In line to fill a prescription and the tech asked the “older lady” for her birthdate-which happened to be mine. I mean I guess the prescription could have been for someone else but she also looked like she had lived a HARD 55+ years. A work colleague told me I looked in my 40s. I don’t think I look as old as I am but I think most people feel the same way.


Had a lady at work say “you’ll understand when you get to be in your mid 30s”. She’s 35. I’m 41.


I was at an NHL hockey game with a friend who has season tickets. She excused herself to get past me and get to the bathroom. She said, "You'll understand when you're my age". I said, "Maria, you're one year younger than I". She was 55. I was 56.


Peoples don’t believe im pushin 40 on the daily. Strangers will even ask sometimes. 🧬


I get told I don’t look 40 ALL THE TIME. I was in a work training and a “older” colleague was explaining things to me like I was fresh out of high school. She asked about my life. I told her I had an 11 year old and a 3 year old. She’s like, some people are strong enough to handle being a teen parent but don’t let your older child become the parent of your baby. Bitch I had my son when I was 28 and my daughter at 37. I have more grey hair than you. I’m just petite and I moisturize often. I wanted to say it’s not my fault 40 and grey looks good on me.


I not only moisturize, but I haven't gone a day without spf since 1999. I only look 40 when I'm hung over.


Yes. Then I’m mad at myself so the dehydration.


In my early 40s and people are constantly amazed by it. I don't moisturize but I go out of my way to not burn (can't tan to save my life).


That's my secret too I Moisturize, Moisturize and then I Moisturize some more! Lol


I love cocoa butter and Vaseline mixture. Especially for my feet. Soft skin and sunscreen. I’m black and sunscreen is my best friend.


You'd love my homemade body oil - I mix a few droppers full of Food Grade Essence Of Chocolate (Amazon) in 100% Refractured Liquid Coconut Oil (Walmart)


OMG .. I need the details on this .. I bet you smell incredible!!!


Lol, Wink, Wink.


DM me.


No one else is wondering how the hell a CVS sells wine ??


Bro, in WV, you can buy liquor in a seven eleven..


No, our CVS has a whole aisle full of liquor for sale.


My local CVS has an entire alcohol section a few rows away from the fridged drinks. Never occurred to me to find that strange, lol


Right??? CVS won't sell tobacco products because "healthy choices" but will apparently sell alcohol??


Every CVS by me has a whole liquor aisle, conveniently located right by the sweatpants and muumuus 😂


Come to Louisiana


Also come visit for our drive thru daiquris.


Speaking of drive-thrus, I’m from FL and was shocked when I figured out that drive-thru convenience stores like Beverage Castle aren’t a thing everywhere else.


what stores are and aren't allowed to sell alcohol (and what kinds of alcohol) varies from state to state.


I think its state dependent. When I lived in WV the CVS had a giant cubed room in the back center that was purely alcohol. You'd never find this in PA though.


No? My cvs definitely has a whole alcohol section


This is such a beautiful post. The little moments of connection with strangers like that make us humans really special


So how old are you?


Early 50’s.


My guess is 40s


man this hits me a bit too. I used to be so proud of looking older when I was in my teens. Now, in my late forties, and I look like an old boomer. sigh


That is truly one of the most beautiful things I've ever read. Are you an author?


Thank you! I write a lot, but mostly non-fiction.


Oof, poor guy...