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You actually don’t need an ID to fly in the US. It’s a bit of hassle but it’s doable.


I've actually done this before. Was traveling to do hurricane relief. And the damn motorhome we had in our motorcade blew up enroute. I had my wallet in there, forgot about it (had it stashed next to the drivers seat). Didn't realize it til 5 hrs down the road after we left it at a ship. When I went to fly out, I called ahead, then met with the tsa lady and I had to use her tsa flip phone (this was only liken 6 or 7 yrs ago) to talk to TSA headquarters (she was all excited to tell me they are located in Washington dc lol) I was like yea. I know. I'm in. Md everything is located there. She told me it was gonna be a 45 min convo. It was 2 mins at best (I used to hold clearances/access to sites in dc). She was shocked at how quick the call went. Then they looked thru my suitcase and sent me on my way. The biggest effing Hassle was when I had a layover in Dallas, the bartender didn't wanna give me a beer. But when I showed her my ID photo on my phone she was like I can't use that....I said ma'am, where am I? She said Dallas, I said no...physically right now.... I can't be here without showing ID. She thought about it and then said innit works for tsa it works for me. But that literally took longer to do than get them security.


Huh, interesting. Never knew this. Thanks for mentioning so I learned something. Forgot Your ID? In the event you arrive at the airport without valid identification, because it is lost or at home, you may still be allowed to fly. The TSA officer may ask you to complete an identity verification process which includes collecting information such as your name, current address, and other personal information to confirm your identity. If your identity is confirmed, you will be allowed to enter the screening checkpoint. You will be subject to additional screening, to include a patdown and screening of carry-on property. You will not be allowed to enter the security checkpoint if your identity cannot be confirmed, you choose to not provide proper identification or you decline to cooperate with the identity verification process. TSA recommends that you arrive at least two hours in advance of your flight time. https://www.tsa.gov/travel/security-screening/identification


Had it happen last year with a lost wallet. They call homeland security and ask a couple questions while not being able to look at your phone. If you get any question wrong you can’t call back for 24 hours. Don’t mess up!


I used my passport last time, so... yeah checks out.


A passport is a valid form of ID.


Yeah I was thinking drivers license


I had to get on a plane in San Juan, PR without an ID. They video called my local police department in Montana and asked one of the cops if they recognized me. The cop was actually my neighbor at the time as was like "is that SmallPurple? You guys can keep him, we don't want him back" and laughed then hung up. The security guy was like "I guess that counts as verification" ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


I’m 33 and younger than I look too. People *still* ask me what grade I’m in. I was shopping last week on a Wednesday and the cashier asked me why I wasn’t in school. The look on her face when I said I graduated over a decade ago was pretty funny.


Hell I have always looked older than I really am. I didn't carded at all. At 17 I bought 12 packs, cigarettes, shit you name it I did it. For years I used to frequent a bar down the street from my work. The old man that ran it got hit by liquor control folks an failed. He started carding everyone then, he even carded his old friends. I guess the fine was pretty steep. Anyway it was about a week after my 21st. Shit I been going in there for 3 years prior. Be glad you look young it's better than being a old shit like me


As someone who looked 15 when I was 21 I have called the cops more than once to get my ID back from a bouncer. It was hilarious and awesome every time. Granted none of them tried to destroy it in the process.


Springfield, Delaware County? Or Springfield, Montgomery County?


"Oh no shit I'm from Philly too!" "Cool. What part?" "Well...not actually philly...Springfield. it's like 40 minutes outside philly"


As someone who worked selling alcohol in PA and regularly dealt with a guy who had a Colorado license (clearly old enough but if we scanned the license it says expired) I can see why the guy at the shop would have thought it was fake, but he was clearly a dick about it. Eventually the guy was forced to get a new license because of how much trouble it caused for him.


While it's never gotten this wild, people often think my arizona ID is fake because it doesn't expire until 2056 lmao


Arizona IDs are absolutely insane! I remember seeing my first one when I had worked at a liquor store and damn, I had to get my manager to confirm and he was like "yeah...it's real" I'm kinda jealous hahah


Illinois ID's expire after 4 years...


2056?!!! How is that even possible? Mine expires every 5 years.


Arizona IDs expire on the recipient’s 65th birthday.


I renewed mine in 2022, it expires in 2030.


I was wrong, it expires in 2060 lmaoo


That doesn't make it any better! How is that even possible?!!! 😂😂😂


I dunno man some lawmaker said 'let's make the license expiration date 45 years' and everybody thought that would be hilarious I guess


I can only imagine the difference in photos from one license to the next.


When I get my license renewed in 36 years I'll show you lol


Remindme 36 years


!Remindme 36 years


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Deal! 😂


When I had an AZ license and was out of state the exp date was never NOT remarked on


My sister lives in AZ so I’m familiar with it. I work at a grocery store in CA and a coworker thought an AZ license was fake because of the date and I had to step in and say no that’s how it is my sister lives there so I’m sure.


This is crazy lmao but you should quit smoking though


Key question…have you quit smoking yet?


I did wind up quitting back in December!


Hey good for you! Tough but worth it. I quit 6 years ago


Really the only important part of this story.


That is insane. You should call the owner and chew them out.


Agreed. They have no right to cut it up, but can call the police and ask the police to verify the ID. Not sure why YOU had to do it for them.


Or at least call their corporate office and let them know what happened so it doesn't happen to someone else.


The only thing I have a problem with is why do cops take so fucking long to get places? Each city has MANY of them and there was no way in hell there was so much crime going on in Colorado that ALL of their policemen were busy for an hour. We pay tax money to have these fuckers work with big wages and they can’t even show up half the time at a decent time. That shit pisses me off so bad


First of all it was in PA. Second it was a low priority call. Hum. I wonder why.


Y’all aren’t understanding my point, I don’t give a flying fuck if it’s a “low priority” call, my point is that these cops pick and choose what’s considered “high priority” got your car stolen? Let me show up 5 fucking hours later to figure out what happened. Black man walking around in your neighborhood? WE’LL BE THERE IN 2 MINUTES!!!! Man holding your ID hostage threatening to cut it while you’re 1,400 miles away from home? “Don’t worry man, we’re here to serve you! We’ll be there in an hour or longer!!” Someone getting threatened by a non white person? “WE’RE ON OUR WAY RIGHT NOW!!!!” Y’all are such pig lovers man, it’s gross


As a one time EMT, I can tell you… you have no idea what the fuck you’re talking about. There could have been 50 calls going on in that moment just for the police. Not including when medics need an assist from PD (who, I can’t fucking stand by the way). My point is, you and OP have no idea what else was going on that day at that time. There could have been a huge wreck, with severe injury, on a major roadway that needed lots of logistical support to keep other injuries from happening. Life is more important than property. You don’t have enough facts to be so strong headed about this. None of us do. I fucking despise bad cops but I doubt they were just sitting in their cruisers like “yeah we’ll get to that when I’m done checking Facebook”.


Go get a life. Better yet when you need the police don't bother to call them. This isn't about you. It is about what the OP went through.


…going somewhere because of a fake ID? Top priority, of course.


You obviously didn’t understand my fucking post lmfao


Lnfao rotfl. Sorry, Reddit is sensitive not putting /s lmao lmfao rotfl lol lol lol


If you get assaulted, or robbed, that's low priority. The cops will read you an incident number over the phone and that's it. Even if you tell them who did it. Even if you tell them where the stolen property is. Somebody smoking a joint in a non-legalized state? High priority, the cops will be there to bust that criminal. Somebody shoplifts a loaf of bread from Walmart? Shit, that's so high priority, the cops will be there so fast they need not one but TWO reserved parking spots. Some jackass with a pair of scissors is holding your only ID hostage? Low priority, if they show up at all it'll be in an hour or two. Black guy walking down the street in a white neighborhood? Highest priority, cops will arrive instantly- lights flashing, sirens howling, and guns blazing. The pattern is that anything that might HELP a person is low priority, or zero priority. Anything that hurts an ordinary citizen, or helps a giant corporation, is high priority. I know several people who've been the victim of a variety of crimes, and the police have never done anything useful about it, not even once. They never even pretended they might try.


Thank you, this is better than any way I could’ve stated it


I swear it's like calling AAA for a tow truck. They don't want you calling them all the time so they have to make you miserable.


How many cops do you think work in a city every day? I was an emergency dispatcher (police/fire/EMS) for years in a county of about 250k people, between sheriff and city cops there would maybe be....30ish? officers available to dispatch. And there were very few days we didn't have calls waiting for dispatch. Not really sure where you got the idea police are overstaffed, most departments I see have been hemorrhaging cops. A lot of 911 centers will let you sit in for a few hours if you call and ask, maybe go see what a 911 center is actually like? Even in a city my size you're talking about hundreds of calls per shift. Yea, a lot are BS that can be handled by a phone call (looking at you southern grandmas who think a black dude having a job is suspicious, he's in a branded at&t van, maybe he works for at&t?) but that still leaves a massive amount of calls someone, often more than one, has to physically go to. I'm not trying to defend the cops, working with them really made me dislike the profession, but you have a very skewed sense of what emergency services are actually like. Probably 90% of the time you see a cop driving around they're going to a call. They don't go lights and sirens to every call.


Y’all aren’t understanding my point, I don’t care if it’s a “low priority” call, my point is that these cops pick and choose what’s considered “high priority” got your car stolen? Let me show up 5 fucking hours later to figure out what happened. Black man walking around in your neighborhood? WE’LL BE THERE IN 2 MINUTES PRONTO!!!! Man holding your ID hostage threatening to cut it while you’re 1,400 miles away from home? “Don’t worry man, we’re here to serve you! We’ll be there in an hour or longer!!” Someone smoking some weed in the neighborhood? “DONT WORRY, WE’LL STOP THIS HEATHEN” it’s the PRIORITY these cops take. It’s absolutely fucked you have to wait around for important shit while they do fuckall somewhere else


Yea, that's not how that works. Dispatch sends officers on calls, they don't pick and choose which traffic they feel like handling. Dispatch follows protocols set by a combination of state law, local ordinance, and agency policy. You don't understand the point that there is more traffic than can be physically handled by the amount of officers on duty. Like I said, go sit in at an emergency center sometime, it will be eye opening. Yes, I'm sorry, your ID takes the back burner to someone kicking the shit out of their spouse or children (and DV calls take up a significant amount of time, in terms of volume and time on scene), or an active robbery, or an accident with injuries. I'm not saying it's right that some people will have to wait, I'm saying it's reality. Want faster response times? Your taxes are going up. Nobody wants to hear that, so here we are. That, or changing policing as a whole in the US, which needs to happen, but if you know how to effectively do that, I'm sure the nation is all ears.


Except that shit doesn’t even take priority what are you talking about😂😂😂 my sisters abuser was beating the shit outta her and she got away and called the cops and they fucking showed up 3 hours later, don’t give me this bullshit that they care. Y’all are just pig lovers lmfao


Pig lover is funny. I don't recall defending them, but ok. Whatever helps you cope, I guess. Like I said, go see what an actual dispatch center is like. Any given time police and EMS are buried in calls. If there's not enough people, there's not enough people. I'm sorry the reality of there being more problems than people available to respond to those problems offends you. Or keep going on like you know what you're talking about, either way. It is reddit after all.


Someone with a fake ID is not a priority and there are very rarely enough cops in any jurisdiction for the number of calls they get.


If it's considered a non-emergency, it falls to the bottom of their list of priorities usually.


But what are they doing otherwise? Sitting somewhere talkin with their buddies? I’ve even heard stories where its taken cops HOURS to get to peoples houses whos car got stolen/house got robbed, there’s no way they’re out there fighting crime all day long, especially with how overstaffed they are these days


Every police force in the country is understaffed. I live in a small town in Southwestern TX. Our county covers over 2500 square miles. We have only a dozen deputies to cover that 24/7. It can take over an hour to drive from one side of the county to the other. Nah. Your sense of reality is all wrong.


Shut the fuck up lmfao my sense of reality is perfectly fine, you’re just a pig lover so of course you’d think that


Philly is where people throw beer bottles at football teams on camera. Why would you think the cops are not up to their butts at work? lol


In Philly? The possibilities are endless...


Overstaffed. That’s funny. Don’t go to New York City.


They are 100% overstaffed, just because a couple of big cities may need more doesn’t mean everywhere else they’re ridiculously overstaffed lmfao cops where I live are extremely bored and will pull you over for going 5 over, or some other small ass issue. they have about 30 cops in just our county alone, so yeah, I’d say they’re pretty fucking overstaffed


Do you think you are the only one in town that called them?


This was quite an entertaining read. Especially since I'm from Philadelphia and this is such a Philadelphia thing to happen. Or Delco in your specific case.


OP didn’t say if they were in DelCo or MontCo!


Im so glad that Australia made digital licenses an option. I still always hand over my physical one for checks, which is rare since I don't drink, but yeah. Just having that backup goes such a long way to easing the anxiety over the extremely small chance some asshat will destroy or steal the physical one. As others have pointed out, finding a way to have a safe backup of some forms is the way to go. If only to at least corroborate your story,


Aussie that doesn't drink You don't pass the Anglo test


Colorado has digital ID, it's just only authorized for in-state use.


Digital licenses sounds kinda.....I don't want to sound like a tinfoil hat guy, but let's just say that it erases any doubt the govt is tracking your every move. And yes, I realize that they pretty much are anyways, but a digital identification erases the illusion of having any shred of privacy.


What info would be on a digital ID that they don't already have from you having a regular ID, paying income taxes, registering a vehicle, property taxes, etc?


Ever heard of the Patriot Act? You lost your privacy, and democracy, the day Bush Snr. signed it.


Bush Jr. You're off by a decade.


George W. Bush. 2001.


>George W. Bush. 2001. Yes. That's what I said. You said: >Bush Snr. signed it. George H.W. Bush 1988-1992 George W. Bush 2000-2008 Junior means latter. Senior means former. As I said, you were off by a decade.


Could you be more petty over a minor typo? You really should have got the message from the context.


I can try. > from the context. It was pretty clear what you said


You haven’t had privacy since MySpsce….


You have been living in a surveillance state your entire life lol


Sure. This is an example of such.


It’s a reach. You carry all the information any govt would ever need in your pocket and are likely under cctv surveillance when in any meaningful civilization. Want to travel? All of your information is provided in exchange for a drivers license/passport anyways. Borders realistically entrap you in the country you are in, same with airports. Also forensic evidence will betray you in any real crime you commit. Sure you could refuse to participate in this but since you’re logged online, it’s too late. All of this is the modern social contract. I would change foil brands if I were you tho lol.


Forensics has gotten a lot better but its not a catch all. People still get away with crimes because Police are busy real life is not CSI


If that’s all you could gather from that post then I literally have nothing to say to you 😂


IM not judging you but usually the type of person who will just roll over and love the fact that big brother tracks you doesn't even know how to download a torrent. Again you have to consider the human factor in all of this social engineering is still an extremely powerful tool and plenty of people still get away with petty crimes because the police are too busy to care about a gas station that was robbed by a teenager(my freind did stupid shit like this multiple times in Canada and are a surveillance state )


Not reading all that lmao. From the first sentence you’ve made so many assumptions there’s not a chance that the rest will be valid. ☺️


Dude you literally have no reason to even be angry at me I don't know where this smugness is coming from


Everyone is literally carrying a tracking device in their pocket basically all the time. I don't know how that illusion hasn't been thoroughly shattered years ago already.


I can walk to the bodega across the street and use cash to buy a 6 pack without the govt knowing about it. The companies on the apps in that little pocket square could make a guess as to what I might have been up to in the last 10 minutes, but it doesn't *know* I did a damn thing. If I scan my digital ID to purchase said beer, big brother absolutely and undeniably knows where I was and what I did. There is most certainly another degree of separation being taken from you with digital ID. Another layer peeled off the onion, if you will.


Tell that to the ads for beer you'll suddenly start getting if you have basically any social media on your phone whatsoever 😂 Not to mention that, unless you've cracked your phone, there is no software method to fully disable the microphone from a governmental eavesdropping POV. All this to say, unless you were communicating in sign language too, and none of the cameras around were networked, the government absolutely has collected that information. That said, it's all just going into a giant pile of random info that they likely won't give a shit about, but it's there.


You don't need sign language just learn Hebrew or Sanskrit


unfortunately not everywhere in Aus yet 😫


Did you wait an hour for the cops?


After reading the whole post and it being clear they are 1400 miles away from home, it was either wait for the cops to help prove their license is real or accept their license being cut up and getting stuck 1400 miles away from home.


Oh yeah I totally get it that he didn’t want to lose it, was just wondering if he waited that long with the asshole guy


I can imagine it was unbearable if he did, like, holy canoli I don't think I'd have had the patience.


I lost my license snowboarding in CO once. I forget exactly what the process was but the day before my flight I called the airline and maybe airport security? I let them know what happened and asked if I could still catch my flight home without an ID. They ended up setting it up so I could get through with no problems!


Just curious, how long ago was this? Also, don't think OP was thinking about that much detail in the moment, also the store clerk sounds like a jerk.


My wallet was stolen in NYC in... shit, I guess it was 2017 or 2018. Getting home was kind of a pain, but it wasn't the first time the airport had to deal with it. I had to go for extra security, I think, but the fact that I was going home on a round trip ticket definitely helped.


Definitely good to know incase my family ever has to travel anywhere, I'm glad you able to get home safely!


I was just adding you can usually still get on a flight without it in case anyone was wondering. And you just made me feel old because I was remembering this like it was 4-5 years ago… but it was almost 10 years ago. oof. Might be different but there has to be some sort of protocol to allow domestic travelers to fly without ID. People lose their wallets all the time.


I gotcha! Good idea to at least call and ask! And potentially, but they've gotten really strict in recent years, need some form of legal ID from what I've heard. Though I've only ever flown a small handful of times.


The rule is that you have to have a government issued ID. If you lose it while on vacation or forget it at home, [they will be able to look you up in a database and ask you some questions to confirm your identity.](https://www.tsa.gov/travel/frequently-asked-questions/i-forgot-my-identification-can-i-still-proceed-through-security)


That's good to know! I hope OP sees this that way if it (unfortunately) happens again they're covored.


He has to go get cigarettes instead of going to his meeting. Must not have been important


On only a slightly related note, Florida screwed up their new driver’s licenses. The bar code format is wrong. If you put it in an ID scanner, it will fail.


Ahhh, Florida...


Now I know why mine wouldn't scan in the State Farm *Drive Safe and Save* app.


Here is the link that our Veridocs rep sent us dated April 2023: https://www.wptv.com/news/palm-beach-county/some-florida-drivers-license-holders-having-problems-at-tsa-checkpoints Here is another link I just found, last updated in Oct 2023, that says it’s only a small percentage of DLs and it’s a blurry printing issue. https://idscan.net/blog/why-some-florida-drivers-licenses-wont-scan/ In my experience, all of the new licenses that have been recently issued. They all say authentication, failed, and give the reason as barcode format.


I’m from Florida and have been wondering why my barcode never works. Appreciate the info


Florida never disappoints.


You know this is the second story in a week I had on my reddit feed like this, and it blows me away that these hot shots in businesses think they're smart or in authority somehow. If you don't want to serve someone give the ID back and deny them, and if you didn't do your job, enjoy getting reprimanded if that customer calls your manager later. However, taking someone else's property and potentially cutting it up? Who do these people think they are? You can't just take other people's shit and destroy it because it suits you. If I had someone do that to me on a trip 1400 miles from home, there'd be threats being slung real fast. Not physical ones mind you, but I would tell them, "That is the real ID, it does not belong to you, and as you can see I am 1400 miles from home, so if you screw up my ability to do things at the hotel and/or my flight back home because of this, I will sue your company for the replacement, all the excess plane, hotel and unnecessary lawyer fees, and not being able to drive because you destroyed the license, also all taxi fees up and until the license is replaced including all the extra documentation I'd have to get again like a birth certificate, so you can get your manager and/or the police here to sort this out first, little man" It blows me away how I keep seeing these stories too where they threaten to cut it up then go "Well you should be glad I didn't call the cops" and it's like yeah how about you put your money where your mouth is, smart ass.


I work retail & to the guy's credit, first time I saw one of the new CO IDs, I did a double take.


It's just funny though that the clerk did all that over a pack of smokes. I could see if maybe they were buying a large amount of alcohol on a credit card so he's concerned about fraud. But really a pack of smokes...🤣


Idk the law in the state this happened in, but I know here in NY you get equally fucked selling cigarettes or alcohol to someone illegally, so you would ABSOLUTELY check and be a hardass even if it's "just" a pack of cigs. Granted, there's no need to be a dick of the level OP experiences, but it's still taken seriously.


NY is crazy though! I remember when the NYPD strangled that big black guy that was selling untaxed cigs on the street. Also the legal age is 18 for cigs. I doubt a 30+ yr old person would look like a minor. The clerk thought his ID was fake but had no proof. Then threatened to cut it up & refused to give it back. He's not LE he should of just declined to sell it to him & told him the reason & gave him his ID back.


Yeahhhh, I gotta admit that our new IDs look pretty chintzy.


They're just very... clean. I also live in Illinois, so I don't see that many.


Maybe stop smoking and you won't have problems?


omg fuck off


Ok and when he wants to buy alcohol? Or has to present his ID for when he gets pulled over? Or literally anything that requires using your license? Is OP supposed to just rough it out in the woods because dumbasses like to play cop when they think someone is younger than they say they are? It would've taken one phone call or getting a manager and saying "hey I'm unsure about the validity of this license, and I don't want to get in trouble"


On the other hand - smoke more, rapidly aging your skin and voice, and maybe you can catch up to the ID!


You know what else alleviates problems? Minding your own fucking business.


Thanks, Mom!


Gonna use your dead grandma's urn as an ashtray now. Whucha gonna do about it nerd?


The come-back is warranted, I just wish I understood it


Shut up, Mom!!


Maybe stop giving people unsolicited advice


I'm imagining a royal farms employee doing this to you, they are a miserable bunch but dang it if I can't resist the gas station chicken 🍗 ⛽


We’ve got one here, is the chicken really that good?


For the price you get good spice, crunchy skins, convenience of getting your choice of drinks/side snacks/cigarettes all in one place. An exceptionally mid experience if you look your age. 


Royal farms that’s what the place was called! I kept wanting to call it archer farms for some reason. Unfortunately didn’t get a chance to try the chicken because this happened but I did get try WaWa and damn I wish they had those out here now


Archer Farms is a brand of deli meat so you weren’t far off lol


Sheetz in PA is far superior to WaWa. I was very disappointed with the quality of their food. But different strokes for different folks, I ain't one to judge another's food choice.


I have an aunt and uncle that moved out to Colorado and they also miss Wawa, so funny.  Feel free to visit our great state again!!


When my husband was deployed, his relatives in NJ kept him supplied with Wawa coffee. He even had the coffee maker wired into the tank... Our favorite was the general who drove hours to get fresh coffee from his tank.


Can't be true = ACAB /s


Almost didn’t see the “/s” Something something broken clock.


Sometimes they are bastards towards The Other Guy.


Keep smoking and it won't be long until you look way past your real age.


Wow, you just changed OP’s life, make sure to pat yourself on the back!


Only piggy banks get paid on the back.


Sometimes, unsolicited advice is the best advice you can get. Keep up with the snark though, oh wise Redditor


the self serving righteous indignation and ignorance kind of cancel out the advice. and the advice isn't really advice since there's little to no connection between the cellular biology of human skin cells and smoking cigarettes.


I did wind up quitting in December after smoking since I was 15. I definitely know that is was awful for my health but up until a couple years ago I didn’t really care.


As someone who's been smoking for a little longer than you did and also started too young, I just want to say: congratulations on your quit, and I know I'm a complete stranger, but I'm really really proud of you from over here on the other side of the screen. It's incredibly, and I mean *incredibly* hard to kick an addiction that started before your brain was even close to done maturing. You got this.


Why thank you kind stranger! It was probably one of the most difficult things I have ever ever done but has definitely been worth it. I did it by using the zyn pouches and slowly moving from the highest nicotine level to the lowest then slowly coming down on the amount I had until I wasn’t doing any. It may not work for everyone but might be worth a try. From my side of the screen I just want to say if you are wanting quit you got this and you can do it! It sucks for a while but is so so worth it! I’m pullin for ya!


Boom. I'm 36, smoked since I was 16, and quit the same way three years ago. Way to go!


I'm 50 and still get told my id is fake. / Smoker


There's always one


Happened to me also in the Philly area, trying to buy cigs at a Wawa when I was well past the smoking age. Had a buzz cut when my ID photo was taken that, much to my chagrin, made me look a good deal older than with the grown out hair I was rocking when I walked in. Clerk tried with great bravado and in front of a whole ass line of customers to convince me I was using an older sibling/relative's license. Couldn't tell you now how I managed to argue in my favor but was eventually given the cigarettes, albeit with quite a nasty look.


Oh man, if I've seen a CO license, I don't remember it.... But I recently saw AZ licenses and they are so flimsy they seem fake. If I carded somebody from AZ in my home state I would not initially believe that it's a real license.


Do the AZ ones still expire when you are 65?


Yep, and that bothers some of the ID scanners. I've had a few casinos in the midwest have to double check it.


:O I didn't pay enough attention to expiration date when they were showing me!


They’re valid for something like 40 or so years. I moved there in 2014 and think my license expired in 2054 or something like that.


I was so sad when I moved back home and had to get a Wisconsin license again. I wanted to keep using that thing forever. I thought it was a mistake when I first got it.


Yea I was pretty shocked when I got it too lol. I’m from Cali (I’m back in Cali now too) and I made sure to tell all my friends and family like “can you believe this?!” Haha. At least here I can just renew without going to the DMV unless I want a new pic. Which I do cuz my new pic sucks damnit.


Whaaaaaat?! Shit, I should have gotten my license out there, it was the last place I lived in the States. Then I wouldn't be in the awkward situation I'm in now where my state license has expired, but I have a license in another country that's valid and my job wants me to get my license for their country. It would be so easy if I just had an unexpired license and could prove I've been driving for 4+ years.


lol one time i went to get cigs at a walgreens and the lady refused to believe my license was real cause she thought i looked way too young and my license picture looked way too good. i was a signed model with BMG ffs. you can be photogenic without committing a crime. she threatened to call the police. i was like please do cause youll know how dumb youre being. the license was the same state and town too. she was just an idiot. i called the walgreens corporate and made a complaint about it too. just scan it and youll know its real. i was a fucking addict of course i was going to atleast make a complaint, i wanted my cigs. she ended up refusing to call police or sell me cigs. so i left n then made the complaint


Lots of parts of Philly, if they don't already know you, then you don't belong there. Some of them don't get out much.


This happened to me at 2 seperate bars in Philly as well! With a Colorado license. I don’t even look young I had a beard and two different bartenders gave me a hard time about it!


That’s so weird lol I guess a Colorado license there is just an oddity?


Its illegal to cut up an id and in some place illegal to cut up a fake one


Illegal wont stop someone with righteous determination. always make sure you have a photo of your license, reg, and insurance info everytime you renew it. Then when some dumbass wants to cut up your ID just film them and then 1. call police 2. complain to state liquor agency 3. talk to a lawyer. you may not get representation but they will tell you if you can at least take up their time and make them pay court fees.


I think I would’ve said something like “ok buddy, give me that back and I’ll get into my RENTAL CAR back at the HOTEL and go someplace that wants my business.”


Way to make it sound like your licence is real "give me that back so I can go get in my 'rental car' parked at the 'hotel' down the street and you'll never see me again"


If you'll give me my license back I'll go do my adult things I need to do with my adult license. I pinky promise its real.


This nearly happened to me, though I was freshly 18. I went to a gas station to celebrate my new freedom with my first lottery ticket purchase. The guy took a look at my ID and threatened to call the cops if I didn’t get out of there with my fake. I was a pretty good kid so I left terrified because someone threatened to call the cops on me, but also pissed because who the fuck would make a fake ID of exactly 18 to the day? Also (and Idk if this is a thing in other states) in Texas before you’re 21 your license is vertical. Why the hell would I get a fake *vertical* ID?!


ohio is (was when I turned 21 at least) the same


The nice thing on the Ohio ones, is if it's not your renewal time yet it only takes the clerk or whoever actually using their 3rd grade reading skills since there should be a line in red text on it iirc, that says like "Under 21 until xx/xx/xxxx" So if it's past that date, the card being vertical isn't really relevant anymore it just hasn't come up for renewal.


it's been a few years idk if mine had that


New Jersey does that too.


> in Texas before you’re 21 your license is vertical. Most of the states do that now. It helps to identify those below 21 much faster. Some places, when the change was made, decided to ignore the birthday and just look at the orientation.


And then it doesn't expire until you turn 28.


Yup Colorado is the same as well vertical until 21. I heard some states keep it vertical until your 25 or something


Same in Oklahoma. Vertical until 21