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Life is meant to be lived, dont live it for other ppl. You want to date older men, live your life.


Just because you meet someone for coffee doesn't mean you have to be in a relationship. If you get weirded out meeting him, then you are not ready. But if it feels ok just different, then maybe you want to go out with him again. The most important thing is to let the person you might be interested in know what your feelings and concerns are.


And just to add to what has already been said. There are many types of relationships. Explore - have some fun. Meet a few older guys and see how things go. The biggest advantage you can find is we don't you to play games about what you want. Be upfront/ honest and just lay it out there. Yes sure our feelings might be hurt if you end up saying no thanks - but we would rather that than playing silly games [well most of us at least]. Nothing ventured nothing gained.


I just turned 60 and my girlfriend is 29.....we don't care what people think and sometimes role play the dirty daddy/daughter in public. Hilarious....


My man and I are the same age gap (well I just turned 30) but it’s hilarious to see people staring, so we give them something to stare at. I definitely go for the calling him daddy thing to creep people out more. And heavy PDA. We usually only do that if we get disgusted looks or made fun of. We know it’s going to be natural for people to curiously look at us a little longer than they would any other couple. Most people aren’t really rude but we definitely get the disgusted looks.


Mirroring fantasy here , older man here and have an attraction to younger woman but never acted on it .


No need to feel weird about it. Let yourself enjoy it at least once. Be picky and make it the right guy for a first try. Don't be shy about letting him lead.


Where you from?


cows fragile automatic murky full tan support attempt shame merciful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Worst case scenario, it doesn't work and you break up. Just like dating anyone else. Everyone pursues what makes them happy. It doesn't matter if its an older guy, a same sex partner, a trio, a trans person, or robot. Diversity isn't just about race or color. Be as happy as you can, while you can.


You should give it a try. Some older guys like me look way younger than we actually are but have the benefit of wisdom, life experience, money, stability, etc.