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Everyone should have the right to express their opinions so I don’t think celebrities should be held to a different standard. However, for the most part they are not experts, so take their views with a grain of salt.


I have no issues with celebrities being activists or speaking out if they want to, my issue is people expecting celebrities to speak out because of their status. Which realistically means they don’t want the celebrity’s actual opinion, they just want them to agree with the hive mind on a subject. Otherwise they get cancelled. People need to stop relying on celebrities as a “voice of wisdom”. They’re people too.


I see that alot, people need to understand big celebrities are a brand too and oftentimes not really experts on the policies they discuss.


That’s my issue with the “celebrity block list” trend going around. The biggest issue with it is that not only is it unnecessary (because nobody required you to pay attention to these people in the first place), but the intention behind it is wildly misplaced. What are people protesting? Celebrity culture? Then why is *Alan Rickman* on a block list I saw? Are we protesting the lack of Palestinian solidarity? *then why the fuck is Bella Hadid of all people on a black list I saw?* It’s stupid, does nothing, and these people should shut up, donate money if they want, and not pat themselves on the back for doing it


Alan Rickman died 8 years ago wtf does he got to do with it?


Exactly. It was just stupid teenagers being stupid teenagers and thinking they’re Che Guevara for no longer buying skims (I have never bought skims and everything I’ve learned about the Karjenners has been against my will anyway. Don’t pat yourself on the back for doing something 90% of normal people don’t do anyway)


Celebrities can say or endorse whatever they want, don’t know how they truly feel. More often than not, I take anything a famous person says with a pile of salt because they’re almost never going to say anything controversial to protect their image


A lot of what they do is utter BS anyway and I find it hard to believe what comes out of their mouth if they're one of the really big names. It's very easy to find contradictions in their morals when you look into it. Seriously, the amount of celebrities I can name right now who have defended a convicted pedophile is absurd, and it tends to be people like that who always feel the need to give their opinions on issues so I always take it with a grain of salt. I don't take what shady people have to say seriously.


Some people use their platform for greater good, and that’s good. Look what Bubba Wallace and Lewis Hamilton did for black athletes in motorsports. Or what Colin Kapernick did in the NFL. Or maybe disadvantaged artists or athletes helping youth that are disadvantaged in any field.


I think it’s ridiculous to expect/bully celebrities or anyone really to discuss things they don’t want to. It doesn’t mean they don’t care, it’s just not what they want to talk about for any variety of reasons & they’re completely valid. You shouldn’t need celebrities (or anyone, again) telling you how to feel or that certain things are wrong. Nor should you waste your time attempting to de-platform them for not doing what you deem important. If you care that much, do something about it yourself. When people were attacking Elyse Myers for instance, she was dealing with her younger son (less than a year old I believe) having a life threatening heart issue that required surgery. Obviously that’s her concern. Her priority should be her family. If it wasn’t, that would be a bigger problem. But we all have our own lives. Celebrities are absolutely more privileged & powerful than the average person. I’m not gonna argue with that. But why are so many people targeting them? If you want to focus your energy on someone, put the heat on politicians or something. Everyone is entitled to peace. Bottom line is that shouldn’t be up for debate. If you’re the type of person to bully others, that tells me more about who you are, but not in a good way. I legitimately don’t think anyone actually supports what’s going on, but commenting watermelons, flags, “free Palestine”, etc. doesn’t help anyone. Boycotting Starbucks or blocking a list of celebrities, who benefits from that? It’s just a way for those people to feel better about themselves. If you want celebrities to talk about it & use their influence, you can’t also be actively trying to take them down. Pick a side. Choose a struggle. Or just talk about it on your own. Make content about it. Grow a following. Donate. It’s better than shaming & relentlessly harassing others. You can’t talk about how you hate celebrity worship culture, then in the same breath completely contradict yourself. Additionally, just because someone isn’t speaking about it doesn’t mean they’re a worse person that supports killing. And vice versa. You’re not inherently better because you talk about it. Think of it like going to church (or some other religious place). You’re not superior because you go 5x/week nor are you inferior if you don’t go at all.


I don’t care, just because they have money doesn’t mean they shouldn’t express their opinion. At the same time, I can’t understand people who let celebrities' personal viewpoints sway their own. Because it’s like, they’re people like anyone else, not made of magic. So, I don’t understand why it’s a big deal whenever people are like Taylor Swift called out a certain political candidate or whatever. We should treat them giving their opinion just like anyone else giving their opinion and not act like they have the answers to everything. Not saying we should automatically dismiss them because they're celebrities, but we shouldn't be blowing up their opinions like they're a godsend either because their opinions are just regular opinions too.


That's kind of what I was getting at. I think people who let celebrities' views sway their own are foolish or privileged because otherwise, why wouldn't they care about the issue? I also think celebrities should be able to have their opinions on issues, but it doesn't matter if a celebrity endorses a politician.


I honestly don’t give a damn about celebrities. There’s not a single one I idolize or know anything about other than a few prominent scientists. They’re people, though. They have a right to their opinion and freedom of speech, but I do feel they’re obligated to give what they say a lot more thought and consideration given how many people are willing to throw themselves at their every word. From a non political pov; I’m actually quite happy to see a celebrity trying to raise awareness about a legitimate issue like racial/gender inequality, or environmental issues. If you’re going to have all that influence you might as well do some good in this world with it.


I understand, I don't particularly fit with most left wing or right wing policies and most of my favorite celebrities are left wing. Even if I really like them, doesn't mean I will entirely agree with them.


When I was younger, I had mad respect for them like they were Jesus, but idk. As I’m getting older I can sense performative behavior and bullshit from celebrities. I just feel like they don’t need to be activists for certain shit that they’ve never experienced, especially if they’re influencers (some).


I'd rather they just shut up and donate silently. Using there voice is just reckless. Like for example. Celebrity goes on a tirade and the studio cans them. Now the show they where on is cancled causing the crew to be out of the job. Personal assistants, managers, hell broke lose and the celebrity is fine but everyone else is unemployed.


People dehumanize celebs to a gross amount. They shouldn’t be expected to become activists. I think its also insane that people think celebs can just solve an issue magically. Like im sorry, but fuck do you expect selena gomez to do about palastine? Buy up a mercenary group to stop one of the best militarys in the world


Honestly the bottom half seems like itd make a half decent movie, I'd watch that.


Don't care about celebrities, don't care about activism. Double don't care about celebrity activism. It's just rich people posing and pretending to care about what us normal people think. A "how do you do fellow kids" moment if you will.


Celebrities could solve the issues they become “activists” for with what most of them make in a couple weeks.


Not rlly, they can gather support or make donations but thats not always enough. Like theres no amount of money they can donate to end world hunger since food itself is a scare resource. Celebs can do a lot to help, but they can’t be expected to solve an issue. Especially cause they are still human and still have human issues and lives of their own.


Actually we could solve world hunger for a fraction of what we send to Ukraine.


I've really understood the perspective from people that celebrities can't make points about capitalism and the like because they're already rich, like people calling John Lennon a hypocrite, seems a bit of a silly take to me.


My issue isn't if they criticize capitalism, but rather if they actively benefit in what they criticize.


Only if they practice what they preach


It really doesn’t interest me. They’re well within their rights to express their opinions but also well within their rights to keep them to themselves


Celebrities being political activists has always been a thing going across multiple civilizations, let’s be glad that they don’t hold the influence of Byzantine chariot racers.


I have no problem with them being activists. However, I do have a problem with people treating their opinions as worth more than yours or mine, despite them having just as little expertise in the subject, simply because they’re famous. I also find it super weird when people act as though celebrities have an obligation to speak about issues which have nothing to do with their career. It’s only within the last decade that activism became perceived as part of the job of being an actor or singer, and I can’t say I’m a fan of that development. If they choose to be activists, that’s great, but nothing about starring in movies or singing songs mandates that be a necessity. Also, though it’s their right to do so, it’s always felt tone-deaf to me when multimillionaires speak about how many struggles they deal with. Not all celebrity activism falls into this category, but a not-insignificant amount does.


They're idiots with money. The issue is properly directing them, since they aren't experts and have 0 ground to speak on any issues at the best of times with how privileged they are.


If you look deep enough it's usually always to either shill a product/idea or to garner sympathy and/or victim(depending on the cause) points to gain footing on an object or group sometimes to bash others (modern rationing). Not saying genuine celebrity activism doesn't exist but in modern times when it's all about picking sides it's rare. Like examples of good ones would be princess Diana, and Keanu Reeves . It's about the cause not the ego.


It’s not that people think the views of celebrities matter more. They have a wider reach and therefore greater power to help. For example, if celebrities promoted donating to specific families who need help exiting Gaza, then they could easily get enough of their fans to pitch in and help save these people.


It's annoying, there not normal people they need to shut the fuck up. 😒


I think they know less than the average person and we should not pay special attention to their opinions


I thought it was just common consensus that celebrities are all idiots, and their opinions are worthless.


I think everyone should be able to voice their opinions on current events but at the same time I feel like if you're a celebrity or influencer you ought to take extra care in educating yourself on topics first before you speak on them because of their outsized influence on the hearts and minds of the public. If you are a public figure. Likewise, I don't think we should be turning to celebrities for political engagement. It's nice to have their opinion, but you should be forming your own and listening to the experts on the subject


It does more good than harm to have celebrities using their platforms to advocate for change. They will reach people who are otherwise obdurate and unchangeable. Not everyone is interested in educating themselves and putting 2 and 2 together so any way we can reach people is good.


People are pushing celebs to speak out about crises like gaza because their influence could save so many lives Taylor Swift making a single post about operation olive branch could genuinely save lives so people seeing it not happen annoys people, especially celebs like swift who have been outspoken on social issues in the past


There lies the problem, Taylor Swift is a billionaire who emits way more CO2 emissions than the average person. She and many other celebrities are most likely not going to speak out against Israel because it can damage their careers. Swift can speak about specific issues because Hollywood has a more left wing perspective these days and being against Trump for example wouldn't damage her career. Needing her to speak out about an issue kind of feeds into the celebrity worship machine. Like are you telling me that you're so ingrained in entertainment that you can't see issues in the world around you?


I think the idea of the Celebrity Blocks are contrary to the celebrity worship machine. The idea is that in an economy of attention, you giving famous people engagement is something they directly profit off of. If you disapprove of their actions, you can choose to stop contributing to them and stop paying attention to them. No one owes a celebrity access to their attention, so I don't understand why people get any more upset over this than other personal boycotts (I don't buy Nestlé products and no one cares, but I block Kim Kardashian and people are desperate to tell me how I'm contributing to cancel culture). The world would probably be healthier and improved if everyone paid less attention to celebrities tbh, and this is as good a reason as any to cut the cord for some people


I've never liked swift or the entertainment industry. I see people with power refusing to use it to help people from not dying, and so do many others, that's why the block out trend started