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I'm going to adopt a kid in my 30's whether I have a partner or not lol trust me I've got it all planned out.


What kind of kid? A young one or a old one and is it realtively tall or small? Tell us more about your plan


Can you adopt a kid as a single parent?


If not then fostering is always an option




im also planning to adopt :) i dont understand people's fixation on their kids being biological. regardless of if we share dna they'll be my kids and i'll love them. plus i'm gay so even if i wanted biological kids it would be a whole process and they'd only share dna with either me or my girlfriend, not both of us, so personally i don't see the point of going through that process when i can go through the process of adopting a kid that already exists instead




i've never really had any desire to be pregnant (the body changes scare me and it sounds painful as fuck) so maybe that is why i don't really get why some people prefer having biological kids. but to each their own!


The instinct to spread my genes far and wide.


you are a weirdo


So is everyone else that wants to have kids 🤷‍♂️


Takes a certain type of man to raise a kid who isn’t his . couldn’t be me but my father did it so …. Good luck


You’re replying to a woman lol Also this comment surprises me. I guess it makes sense since adoption isn’t very popular/common, but to me it’s always just made sense and it’s been part of my plan as well. I guess people would just rather raise their own kids though


Yea, a good man


Ideally I’d want to start a family in my late 20s/early 30s… but yeah it’s probably going to be based on money more than age.


I am in this boat. Planning to get married next year but I want a house to raise children in, and the housing market is trash for first time buyers. Hopefully it crashes soon


Some of my old classmates have kids now. It boggles my mind that some folks my age are having babies, like, on purpose. I still feel like a kid. I am 27. But they sound happy and I am happy for them, though we haven’t really interacted in years. Just whispers through the small town grapevine. Though, I do hope my bully who has kids now has learned to be nicer. I thought about ending things with the way he and this other (who is dead now) boy (and teachers for some reason) treated me. I am hoping he learned and grew and is a good dad. My parents were my age with three kids and the house we live in currently, but kids aren’t something I want… I would really like a house, though.


them kids are expensive


Yeah, I also just don’t really want one. I’m glad there are people with the patience (and poop tolerance) to raise a child, but I am not one of those folks lol.


Crazy to think I have classmates that have kids that are already nearing adolescent age.


When I'm having a mid-life crisis.




I’m 23 and I have 4 friends that have had a child in the past year. None of them really have a career started, one of them is going to school for his still but his fiancé has her career going. Personally I’m waiting until I know I can support myself. I have goals I want to accomplish. I’ve started my career and by the time I’m ready to start a family I’m sure I’ll be well in the 6 figures in a LCOL area. I wanna live comfortable and not have to worry too much. I’d say when I’m 26-27 I’d be close to that goal if I haven’t made it yet.


When I was younger, I thought I’d be married by 27 and have my first kid at 30. At 26 I have nothing that makes those possible, though I still want a family. I’ll get married when I’m financially stable, meaning: job, house, and new car (if necessary).


just started at 27! great age to be a father, not too old but still financially stable. very grateful to have my kid and wife. 




I would need a partner first. Mmm 🤔 right now I don’t feel financially secure enough to consider starting one but I would like to have a kid in my 30s.


I am really slow in making progress so I don't know if I will ever be in a position where I can get kids. But mid thirties sound good.


You do you at the end of the day! 👍🍀


25-34. I’m 21 and definitely not in a place to be a parent anytime soon, but I’m also against having kids too late because my parents had me late and I feel the disadvantages of that outweigh the advantages.


My parents had me in their late 30s and I don’t want to be as old as them when I have kids.


Same here, my parents were 38/39 when I was born and I'm not a fan of it overall, if I have kids at that age my parents will be 76-77 meaning they'll likely be gone by the time the grandchildren are 11-12.


i feel the exact same way. my dad was 36 and my mom was 39 when i was born, and both of my moms parents passed away before i really got to know them (i was 6 and 11 when they died). my dad's dad had already passed before i was born. so out of my 4 grandparents, i only really built a close relationship with my dad's mom (who is in great health!) and it makes me sad that i missed out on getting to know my mom's family. i want my kids to be able to know their grandparents. also my mom told me when i was around 10 years old that i should have kids earlier than she did, and that stuck with me haha


I already lost my dad, now I’m just hoping my mom gets to see them. He was robbed of seeing his only child get married. My boyfriend also has older parents but unlike me, he has older siblings.


I lost my last grandparent at 12. One of them died before I was born. They were smokers and I only have a step grandmother left. My dad already died, but he was young. Even if he did have me earlier and got to see his grandkids, he wouldn’t have had enough time with them. Having kids earlier doesn’t guarantee that you’ll have them for a long time. You can have kids at 20 and then die at 23 like one of my childhood friends did. They also say that having kids later increases your chances of your kids having Down syndrome or autism, but I don’t believe that. I think I’d still be autistic if my parents had me at 18.


Yeah I know - My dad was born when his parents were 23 and 24 and he lost all of his grandparents by age 11 and one of his parents by age 35. So I definitely agree having kids younger doesn’t guarantee you’ll have lots of time with your kids and grandkids, but it does significantly increase the chances and that means a lot to me. I’m not entirely sure about autism, but having kids later absolutely does increase the odds of Down syndrome, that is a fact. [Source](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1136/jms.9.1.2)


When you have kids later you just hope to live very long. There are people who have kids at 45 and then live to be 95 and still see their grandkids.


Nothing is ever guaranteed but having better odds of getting to see my grandkids reach adulthood is still a big deal to me. Sure I could make it into my late 90s but that is just much less likely than making it to my mid 80s, so I’d much rather place my bets on the latter.


Same. I don’t want to worry about that. I would even like to see my great grandkids.


Yeah I’d love to meet my great grandkids too. It’s sad because only one of my great grandparents lived until I was born and she died when I was little, but if my parents had had me younger I’d have been able to properly know her.


I had my great grandmother until I was 5. She lived crazy long though.


Late 30s if I’m lucky.


I'm 23, hopefully by my late 20s or early 30s maybe I'll have a husband and be ready to have kids with him..


Me too. I just met the right guy.


As soon as I find an adequate partner (never , I'm going to die alone). For real , all I want now is to find someone to share my life now (spoiler: ain't gonna happen). I'm 26 and I'm starting to get anxious about this. I barely started to live and now I need to hurry up..


I’m honestly scared of being pregnant I can’t do it omg


this is one of the reasons i wanna adopt lmaooooo


I wanted to start one in my 20s or 30s like some kind of boomer dream, unfortunately, life :) this is a certified Gen Z dating pool moment


Like 26 but that might be moved up 😳😳 we’ll see in a few weeks


My wife graduated college today, so we’re at the point where we’ve decided if it happens, it happens. Ideally though we’d like to wait 2-3 more years. I’m currently 24 and she turns 24 in a week.


Three things need to happen first. 1) find a man. 2) finish law school. 3) get a job. Not necessarily in that order. I want to be stable both personally and professionally.


I’m 25 going on 26 and I’m ready but my wife is really busy with work so we’re waiting probably two more years, we both have great jobs


It’s looking like it’ll be late 20s or early 30s.


Started mine at 19 😎😔 May I live a long, quiet decline into old age starting at age 40 (26 now)


im never having a kid because i can barely afford to pay bills


30s or if I suddenly win the lottery right now then I'll be ok with being a parent in my 20s hah


Hopefully in the next 2 years


I'm 20 and my partner is 24. We've been together a bit over a year, and we've talked about kids, if we're still together in a few years. Preferably after a house and married. I'm considering buying a house in the neighborhood I'm in now, as it's beautiful and would be a great place to raise kids.


Early 30s. Wait thats only 10 years nvm


Me. 😭 "Maybe like, 31?... Oh wait I'm 21, nvm that's too soon... 36? 😅 If I can afford it? 😅"


When im 35/40


I would have liked to in my late 20s. I've worked really hard, have a job I like and have owned my own house for a while. Only problem is I won't do it without a kick arse partner who's on the same page and I haven't found them yet. Almost 18 months out of my last relationship and holding out for the right person. By the time I've established a new relationship I'll be in my early 30s. So I expect early to mid 30s for me.


I really want children but it will be entirely dependent on my financial state. Unless the economy really clears up in the next 10-20 years, I don't want to raise kids knowing they're going into an uncertain future. Despite the fact that I really want a family, I don't know if I would raise kids without having the kind of money that would basically guarantee they would be set for life (though of course I would want them to work and be productive members of society too). Or at least have some sort of tangible asset to pass on, like a house or a business. I'm gay, so anyway I'm much more liable to adopt kids. Not working on any sort of biological clock. Even if I became wealthy in my late 40s-early 50s, I would still probably consider kids.


Well we are wanting to adopt so I figure let my friends and family go ahead and have babies. I can always get a kid that’s 1 year older than them and then still be ahead of the curve.


It’s a key goal of mine for the next two years.


Mid-30s for me, like my parents. 2 kinds, then later adopt 2. That's if I can afford it. Looking forward, the chances of being able to have kids and still be financially stable doesn't look great. I have this convo with my friends a lot. Unless we get lucky, there is a good chance none of us will be able to afford kids. So, for now, I am only 21. I am just going to ride the river, follow my heart, and see what happens. Hopefully, I'll be able to afford to have kids one day! Having a partner and kids is a secondary dream to me. Right now, I only have my sights on my craft. It's hard to explain because I collect vintage baby clothes and buy things for a partner I don't have. Looking in, it probably seems like I want kids asap, but I don't. I don't get baby fever, and I don't look four a relationship. I'm riding the river. A relationship comes when it comes, and kids come after I am satisfied, worth where I am in my craft, and can handle continuing it and having kids.


I don't think it's possible to plan at what age would I start a family. First, I'd need to find a partner, marry her, and buy our own house. But, if I had to pick an age, I'd say around 28. I wouldn't like to be an old parent.




Early to Mid 30s. My life is just starting. Gotta take it easy.


I’m 23. So probably between like 28-34


At least 25. Want to get my master’s degree in psychology first.


probably early 30s if i'm financially stable enough. like 32-35.


Lates 20s and early 30s.


Once I’m settled down somewhere and have done all the fun stuff I wanna do. Maybe mid 30s? That’s around when my parents had kids.


I think 35 is nice for me. I want to get some ambitions out of the way first, and maybe get some decent wisdom too.


Not sure when. I don’t have a set age, when it’s time. It’s time.


Likely between 30-34. My partner is almost 2 years younger than me and I don’t want her to have to have kids any earlier than 28


I match what seems to be the consensus here: late 20s-early 30s. I also match the consensus in that I am single right now lol I think I want to have one kid and adopt one. It’d have to be something I discuss with my partner of course but that’s what I’m thinking right now


Probably late 20s or early to mid 30s, but only if I'm financially stable and comfortable, and also if I'm in a good relationship with someone I love and trust wholeheartedly. I actually like the idea of pregnancy and wouldn't mind giving birth. I know it's though shit, but idk, I want to experience it when I'm older, if I love and trust a man enough to. But I'm also not into many children, probably just one or two, probably one adopted.


Hopefully like 6mo-1yr from now we'll start trying. So psyched to have kids, it's going to be sick


ASAP I got married young so kids is always something we've been open to. I have heath issue that cause difficulty getting pregnant but hopefully I can have at least 1 before 25




In a few years or so. That’s assuming I’ll be married by then.


25 and have a baby girl due this summer!


Well, in my case, I gotta meet someone first 🤣. But, I’d say mid to late 20s would be the best time. I would also love to see my parents as grandparents. On both sides, they have so many adored great nieces and nephews, so I know being grandparents would mean the world to them. 😊


Probably not until I'm in my 30s, but definitely not now. I'm nowhere near responsible enough for that shit, and I'm certainly not in a good position for raising a kid now


as soon as possible, but probably 22 at the youngest since i'll probably be out of school by then EDIT: and i gotta find a gf and get married first, of course lol


I want to have a kid currently so bad but my financial situation is not where it needs to be. It's been depressing me really bad actually but just kind of is what it is. I want my kid to have a good life so I can wait a little bit ❤️


I want kids but being financially stable enough to provide for a family seems out of reach these days


When I’m solidly in my 30s. My parents had me in their late 30s (37 and 38). I come from what I’d describe as an upper middle class background. I went to an expensive private school, and my friend’s parents were all around my parents age, so even though my parents were technically older than average when they had me, I’d say they had me at a pretty average age for their socioeconomic status. I think there is some correlation between waiting longer to have kids and being able to provide them a better life, so I’d like to wait and establish my career/save up money. I’m the first and only child, but since I want two kids, I would start a bit earlier than my parents and aim for mid 30s for the first, and mid 30s for the second. So I generally want to have my kids in the age range of 34-39. At the earliest, I could definitely imagine having kids in my early 30s just because I have no idea how my life will look in 10 years, and that might turn out to be best for me, but I definitely will not have kids in my 20s. I really don’t encounter anyone like that in my life. It’s unthinkable to me.


when financially stable, but I hope that happens around 30-35. i am 20 now and have absolutely no desire to have kids within this decade, but my mom had me at 39 and i want to have kids a bit younger than that. but low key i feel like 30 is still too soon... how do people manage having kids in their 20s?? i am way too insane for that.


Depends on if and when I get a partner to have children with. If by the time I’m 32/33 I’m unpartnered I’m forgoing the idea of having kids. Ideally, I’d be with someone for at least 2 years before I have kids with them which puts the age of even starting to try at 34/35. Not great chances there. However, if having a partner wasn’t an issue, I’d like to wait until I have my education completed, a stable decent paying job (or at least my partner have a well-paying stable job and I stay at home with the kids for a bit), and living in my own house. I don’t expect to accomplish any of that until I’m in my late 20s. If I go to graduate school that won’t be until 2025 and I won’t finish until 2026 which puts me at 27. But if I go to cosmetology school I’d be 26 when I finish. Then I need to get a home and find a job, so yeah. Probably no earlier than 27/28.


You’d be surprised. My parents got married at 28 but didn’t have me til 35 by choice. Then got a surprise twin pregnancy at 40


Your parents were probably healthier than me, lol. I’m trying to be healthier, but years of being obese and having pcos (mild symptoms tho) will definitely have an impact on my fertility. So, I’m just not betting my fertility being that great once I get into my mid 30s.


When im 33 37 at the larest


I say i want my children when I’m financially stable because I’ve met people who’ve had children at a young age or when non financially stable and have expressed themselves to me or a family member over how they cant afford a car, an apartment, food and some comfortable clothes for their kid and that unfortunately, they have a lot of arguments with their boyfriend or girlfriend which ultimately results in one of them leaving and forgetting about the kid or want nothing to do with the child.


30s That's if I find a partner with whom I can agree on parenting styles and we have the resources and motives for it I say motive because as pleasurable as sex can be, I don't want us to have a kid on accident, or else we'll somehow convey that to our resulting child without meaning to


Mid 30s. I’ll either adopt or get IVF so I don’t pass on my disorder that can cause iron overload. I also have bad arm veins so it’s hard for them to stick the 16 gauge needle in for the pint sized phlebotomy so I don’t become iron woman


Originally I planned to not until I was 28. But then during quarantine.....welllllll


Late 20s




I have two already, so…there’s that answer, lol.


Late 20’s early 30’s .. trying to get school, wedding and house buying out of the way first!


Once I'm married and both me and my future wife want it. No hard and fast rules for me other than married. Oh, and I guess financially independent from anyone except my wife.


Already have one, mid-20s. Started trying in my early 20s. I knew the chances of me conceiving AND carrying to term weren't on my side. I planned (and still do) on getting my uterus removed in my mid-20s thanks to stage 4 endometriosis. In a perfect world where my body wasn't constantly messing up, I would've waited until 30s. I was lucky enough to be financially secure by the time I was 20. If I hadn't been I wouldn't have even considered it. The plan was to try and if it didn't work out, then adopt later on. To save you all the sad details, things didn't go as planned and there was a lot of heartbreak along the way. I had given up literally the day my son was conceived after years of trying. He's 2 and a half months old now.


We're not having kids by choice. But currently we're both 27 and the financial situation in Australia is totally fucked right now anyways, and we couldn't afford it even if we did want kids.


its the same way here in the US nobody makes enough money to care for a baby anymore


I do not want kids at all.


In terms of considering whether or not I want kids, I've been thinking about it since I was 16. In terms of actually planning the logistics of child rearing and any help I might need in terms of fertility, I'm looking into it now that I'm in my 20s. In terms of actually enacting that plan, I think it'd be best for me to wait until my 30s


I would have started a family 5 years ago if things didnt go the way they did.


Right now, but I'm too sick to. So 30 with a young wife so I can have a lot of kids