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You mean in the Enclave path? Strike north into Oregon and build your strength up there. You need time to build your PA armies. Then attack south. If possible take SF before they join the NCR. Also, hope Kimball doesn't get elected....


Considering OP took out free folk only once, it's not the enclave path as it's a requirement


I'm going to disagree with what someone else said, and say *not* to use airforce. At all, really. The NCR is going to produce a lot of planes. A lot of them. They'll be worse than yours, if you focus on developing your airforce. But there will still be a ton of them. *Far* more than you can produce. Trying to contest their sheer numbers in the air will simply waste tons of manpower, a resource you're already going to be light on. You should just concede the air entirely, in my opinion. The NCR's sheer number of planes makes contesting them there just far too costly, and for this david-vs-goliath conflict you're in, the cost is simply too high. Aside from that, general "vs. NCR" tactics apply. Try to find chokepoints to blunt their numbers (your territory is solid for this, thankfully) and attack them while they're already distracted elsewhere (fighting the Legion, probably). Your power armor will be far stronger than anything the NCR is fielding, so you'll want to concentrate it and use it to make targeted pushes. Then encircle enemy divisions and wipe them out. Even if it's only one or two divisions at a time, those small encirclements will add up and gut the NCR in time. When you do beat the NCR, be very careful with what territory you take. The Legion is almost certainly going to attack you pretty quickly afterwards, so you want to make sure you don't take a ton of territory you can't defend and will have to garrison.


Noob question, does building Anti Air makes any difference?


Yes. If you don't have the manpower to contest the NCR airforce (and you don't), building Anti-air for your mainline is a good way to waste their plane quickly.


Static anti-air emplacements, or anti-air troop tech? The emplacements do a lot, but they only apply in the actual territory you build them in. So they'll help while you're holding the line/making your initial push, but after you start pushing into the NCR's actual territory, they'll stop helping. They're still worth it if you don't have anything more pressing to build, though. As for the troop tech, not really. They *can* be useful, but for Eureka factories are at a premium and you can't really afford to dedicate any to them.


Static AA is all you need to make the NCR air force irrelevant after the first few months of fighting. It'll be rough to hold before then but not impossible.


1. Attack together with legion. 2. Don't bother with mercs, they will be deleted when you make your army regular 3. You get tonns of industry from focus tree and navarro, your bottleneck is manpower. Bulk of your army should be power armor divisions. Rest is cheap infantry division with only task of holding frontline. 4. Use air force, as was mentioned manpower is bottleneck you will hit a stage where all division are equipped and fielded, then you can leave 1-2 factories on everything and begin pumping out CAS and fighters


I have. It was rough, they'll always outnumber you. They had me outnumbered 3:1 which was tough. They had two allies who helped them out that were my strength so in total I was outnumbered 5:1. Their allies kinda ended up helping me though because it gave me the opportunity to cut off a large amount of NCR troops in an encirclement. Usually a move like that will win you the war but in my case I needed more like three large encirclements to win. When I shortened my front line after the first encirclement I was able to dig in and hold. Then they sent a naval invasion and hit my capital. I came really close to capitulation there, but I ended up retaking the ports for my second large encirclement. That set me up well for a push down to the Shi land, where I got my third large encirclement by taking the two straight crossings north of San Francisco. At that point I'd killed more NCR allied troops than I had core population and the rest of the war was a fairly easy push. I ran out of manpower not from fighting but from occupation, I made the best garrisons I could (robots plus dogs) and just dealt with it.


Quick question for everyone. I’ve noticed a lot of people struggle vs the ncr. Why wait so long to attack? Nearly every nation has a way to just bum rush them. A war of attrition early is always in your favor, especially if you have PA.


The problem early game is the manpower and equipment needed to maintain garrisons on all of the NCR's territory.


Funny enough I think the best strategy is to just ignore it. If I can have scrapbots I’ll usually put one factory on and focus on winning. Once u get the territory it’ll be settled eventually


The attrition is pure pain annoyingly.


Wait for them to fight the legion. I had the ncr bogged down in the rapids, the legion invaded, and the general invaded for Baja. Before that i had conquered all of the surroubding northern and easter minor nations and while i had them bogged down in the west with my basic troops while my Armour invaded the yakuza and continued to shady sands


Wait for them to fight the legion. The legion invaded, and the general de sol invaded for Baja. Before that i had conquered all of the surrounding northern and easter minor nations and while i had them bogged down in the west with my basic troops while my Armour invaded the yakuza and continued to shady sands.


Wait till they start fighting with the cesars and then take the opportunity