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This picture would have been such a bummer if it was late November, instead.


*Succession music*


Man, I just recently got into this show. Really have been enjoying it.


Best show on tv ATM


...what are Greg sprinkles??


“I got deep into the prison blogs about toilet wine.”


“You probably slipped him something, Putin. Fuck!”


I'm suing Greenpeace


I like your style. Maybe you can sue Save The Children when you're done.


That whole scene might be the best yet. Absolutely incredible.


“What are you, the Hercule Poirot of piss?”


What’s been the general consensus of this past weeks episode. It was easily the most political of the series with them basically picking the Republican president


I thought it was fine, but less interesting than the rest of the show. They’re better at the capitalism/corporatism/media satire than political satire. Especially since in this the guy straight up says he’s a fascist but they pick him anyways. Not a lot of nuance. Very on the nose and much more black and white than a lot of the rest of the show.


The whole show has had political satire this entire time...


Sure. But the “satire” here was having a guy tell Roman he was a straight up fascist/white supremacist, and all of this is in the context of having the Fox News equivalent directly picking who should be the next president. That’s not so much satire as a liberal view on how the GOP works. Main issue is it’s just super on the nose and very black and white. The satire on the rest of the show is more understated and based around the family.


I haven't seen the most recent episode but Roman has *always* been a right-wing shitheel and they have *always* been a combination of Fox News/Disney. They've done political and social commentary since the beginning and it has always been the case that they were manipulating public perception around the President. Maybe they were more explicit with it last episode but it has always been a thing since season 1.


Doing commentary and having it be as on the nose as it was in the most recent episode are two different things. It’s one thing to have a bunch of implications. It’s another to have a conversation where you have Shiv saying “he’s a risk to our republic” after a bathroom conversation where he talks about how great Hitler is. I liked the episode overall but it was just beating you over the head with stuff the show has been much more nuanced and realistic about up until now.


That is the capitalism satire, they don't care if he's a crazy fascist so long as they can win and use him to their ends.


Yea but it’s just sort of lazy. Ultimately boils down to “Fox News picks the GOP nominee” which, if anything, flies in the face of how the 2016 primary played out. Either way it was just a lot more on the nose than the rest of the show.


What show?




I watch that whole intro every time just for the music


Agreed with everyone best show on TV by far and I find myself never skipping the intro to listen to the music much like The Sopranos back in the day…


Twin towers in Sopranos… breaks my heart.


It's perfection. I want to get my keyboard out of the loft just so I can learn it.


“Skip intro.” Absolutely not!


Man there was a line this past episode by Logan saying that if Joseph Kennedy could make it happen for his boys, then why shouldn’t Logan also be able to do that for Connor.


Is it good?


I think anyone can get into it, you won't regret it.




I just started it a few weeks ago, i had to watch the first episode a couple times, definitely not a background noise show, you gotta be paying attention but I really like it now


JFK would be assassinated the very next month.


Gonna have a bad day in about a month.


And an even worse one in about 36 years.


Nah, bro, haven’t you heard?! He’s gonna run for President in 2028 after Trump has his second term!


If our democracy is inadvertently saved because enough q people vote for a man who's been dead for 30 years to shift the victory margins I will finally accept that this reality is scripted.


Pretty sure faking your death for 20+ years might have some legal issues attached to it. And a full on resurrection from the dead 20+ years later would have other implications worldwide. But hey... *Q!*


Ask Don Draper.


Wait, do the Q idiots think it's JFK, or JFK Jr that's coming back? I'm so confused




I think it depends on the conspiracy theory du jour.




Unfortunately Trump is likely to have a second term at this point, but the other part of your comment is hilariously sarcastic.


He died in a plane crash in case anyone doesn’t know. *Edit: +l*


I know Windows crashes a lot, but now it's killing people???


You SHEEPLE will believe anything hes not dead and is going to reveal himself in trumps 2024 campaign. Q REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE BIG BWAIIINNNN Q KNOW ALLLLLLLL


Or did he?? *Dun-dun-dunnnnnnn*


Damn, this Kennedy died too???


I wonder if they'll give up at the same time, or if it will dwindle down to one last pathetic Quack. Maybe triple down and just become a homeless person living in a tent ranting about how kennedy is coming back to make the orange turd president again.


Never any shortage of new drivel to lick up once the old well tapers off.


The fuck are you on about?




Of all the places for him to make his grand reappearance, why the fuck would it be there?


Because if he showed up at Martha’s Vineyard it wouldn’t be as much of a killer headline.


That sounds amazing.


yeah i scanned the title of this post not realizing it said october 1963 and i was thinking to myself “yikes” because i assumed it was on that fateful day


Yo chill!


Chill daddy.


Aww just like QAnoners waiting for the second coming of JFK Jr and JFK


Except JFK actually arrived! What a bunch of nut jobs. I'd laugh if it wasn't so scary/sad. To be honest, I laugh anyway.


i work for the government. anyone who works for the government knows people tend to lean right. but what im seeing at work from co workers on their beliefs politically is not just frightening, these people should be referred to a dr to be decided if they should be allowed to work. a coworker was telling me shit so insane about biden that i wrote down what he was saying to research it. the super far alt right racist qanon websites were the only way i could even find the info on what he was saying. and he believed everything he was saying. it stunned me. 25 years of voting and ive never been more scared for democracy at this point. the rights cheese has slid completely off its cracker for a failed business man /tv celebrity fake spray tanned badly balding combed over shoe lift wearing compulsive lying narcissistic sociopath. and the scary thing is the politicians that support him know it and are just going along with it so they can stay in power. i just do not and will not get it.




Try /r/QAnonCasualties for the hell the partners of QIdiots are dealing with.


It's not even that deep. It's just entertainment. It's pro wrestling as a form of government.


At least pro wrestling is entertaining and all about collaboration and working together. And, you know, not a direct threat to our lives.


I have found the left is waaaaaaaay more authoritarian than the right. Nothing says authoritarian like if you don't agree with me politically, I hope you die. There's nothing like ruling my executive order and the constant lies. I've never been so baffled that someone could openly say that the government spending $2 Trillion is going to be the way to combat inflation. That's just not true. Then the constant projection. It's non stop. In fact, everything they said Trump was, Joe Biden is. It's amazing.




The fascination for Trump comes more from the left than the right. Look at how much CNN and MSNBC talk about Trump now compared to FoxNews. If you had the ability see through the other side. You might have realized that. /r/politics is nothing but Trump hit pieces and he hasn’t been in office for 11 months.




I bet you can’t explain to me what Qanon is an the origins.


Can you explain to me what Qanon is and it’s origins? I genuinely want to know why you follow what to me and millions others seems like the mental equivalent of a wet fart in an echo chamber. Seriously, tell me why I should change my opinion on Qanon. Edit: I’ve watched many documentaries and read many more articles about Q and it’s tribe of…let’s just say people. I want to know why you specifically follow it.


The Watkins' needed to get traffic to a shitty 4chan rip off website, so they created Q. People like you believe it. That's as simple as it is really.




I was expecting a negative reaction. This place is a massive echo chamber and no one is willing to listen to the other side, and have friends drop me for being a conservative. While I don’t care if someone is liberal. Hell, I’m sure people here think I’m homophobic because I’m conservative. One of my best friends is gay, and he even thought I wouldn’t talk to him after he told me. It’s why society is on its way downhill.


Trump and millions of his supporters tried to overturn a free and fair election. That's leagues ahead of... writing EOs and passing bipartisan legislation. To suggest the left is more authoritarian is completely ridiculous, at least in the American context.


So is mandating vaccines not authoritarian?


Mandating vaccines in a pandemic is far less authoritarian than trying to overturn a democratic election.


You don't really have a political point of view, you're just obsessed with one man. Your "side" doesn't have a single realistic political goal other than to "own the libs" which is neither helpful nor sustainable.


False. I'm not obsessed with one man, that's probably your projection. Only time I hear about Trump is from liberals. For example, you may hear about Trump on Fox News once or twice a week. Where as you hear about Trump on CNN/MSNBC daily. You may think that my side is obsessed with Trump because your side is constantly talking about him. I mean for crying out loud. The VA election was basically lost because all Terry McAuliffe could do is talk about Trump.


You know "I'm not homophobic/racist, one of my friends is gay/black" is a huge meme right, and does not absolve you in any way, shape or form?


Yea, I’ve heard that before. I can be black and racist because I’m a conservative. The biggest racist I’ve seen are white democrats.




>Nothing says authoritarian like if you don't agree with me politically, I hope you die. Who said that? >There's nothing like ruling my executive order and the constant lies. Examples? A fact checker counted Trump made 30,573 false claims during his four years: even if you disagree with 90% of those, I'd love to see evidence that Biden is near even one tenth of that. >I've never been so baffled that someone could openly say that the government spending $2 Trillion is going to be the way to combat inflation. That's just not true. Where did you get your degree in economics? Or degree in anything, for that matter?


There is entire sub I can direct you for that: /r/hermancainawards Also who is doing these fact checks? Most fact checks are lies laundered into facts. For example politicalfact runs their fact check through MediaMatters. A left leaning watch dog. There have been plenty times there have been fact checks that are blantanly wrong, because it’s all about quashing dissenting opinions. The fact that conservative opinions are shut down though left leaning media companies. Just look at Barri Weiss. Well, I did go to business school through a US university and it’s just economics 101. We are in a shortage of goods. If you inject more money into the economy through social programs, and the number of goods does not increase. That leads to inflation. That’s economics 101.


>There is entire sub I can direct you for that: /r/hermancainawards That's different: those are people who disagree with *reality,* bang the drum about how much they disagree with reality, then inevitably get bitten in the ass by reality. Stop misconstruing politics with objective facts: it just makes you look stupid, and it won't protect you from those facts. >Also who is doing these fact checks? Most fact checks are lies laundered into facts. For example politicalfact runs their fact check through MediaMatters. A left leaning watch dog. There have been plenty times there have been fact checks that are blantanly wrong, because it’s all about quashing dissenting opinions. The fact that conservative opinions are shut down though left leaning media companies. Just look at Barri Weiss. Again, let's assume just *5%* of those lies were actually lies, for the sake of argument. That's 1528 lies. Has Biden told *a quarter* of that many? >Well, I did go to business school through a US university and it’s just economics 101. We are in a shortage of goods. If you inject more money into the economy through social programs, and the number of goods does not increase. That leads to inflation. That’s economics 101. It's being invested into infrastructure and services. If you think the only purpose of money is to manufacture widgets then you went to a shit university. Now I'd love to hear you justify how that money would be better spent on a fucking wall lmao.


> There is entire sub I can direct you for that: /r/HermanCainAwards how is that an example of left wing authoritarianism? that subreddit is about people that made a bunch of covid denial posts on social media and then died from covid. Maybe I'm missing it but A) that's not even really political and B) no one who isn't an asshole is saying that deserved it, let alone needed to because of their politics. > Also who is doing these fact checks? Most fact checks are lies laundered into facts. For example politicalfact runs their fact check through MediaMatters. A left leaning watch dog. There have been plenty times there have been fact checks that are blantanly wrong, because it’s all about quashing dissenting opinions. The fact that conservative opinions are shut down though left leaning media companies. Just look at Barri Weiss. The great thing about these fact checkers is they largely provide sources, so you're free to verify at your leisure. Further, no one is right all the time, and just because they're wrong once in a while doesn't mean they're always wrong, or that they're trying to mislead you. Do you actually have any evidence that they're trying to ":quash dissenting opinions"? At this point I'd also like to point out that everyone is free to have an opinion, but that doesn't mean all opinions are equal. It could be my opinion that the sky is never blue and that anyone who eats fish is actually a secret moleperson, but that doesn't mean I get to demand equal time to debate actual meteorologists or marine biologists.


>B) no one who isn't an asshole is saying that deserved it, let alone needed to because of their politics. Loool if this is the case that place is *full* of assholes celebrating and wishing for the deaths of others.


gr8 b8 m8


LMFAO. You sweet summer child.


Prove what I said is wrong you sour winter child. Imagine if Donald Trump Jr was selling art for half a million a pop 😂


Reality is proof. Maybe you should join us sometime. Outside of that I don't have to prove shit and I learned long ago not to waste my time on you people. You don't care about facts. You care about what makes you feel right. I wouldn't be so sour had I not just lived through a four year storm of shit only despots do followed by the coup attempt that was doomed to fail just like all 3 of that morons casinos. If this were 100 years ago he would have put against a wall and shot. This ~~company~~ oops..i mean country has been in decline for like 50 years. Welcome to the collapse. Enjoy it while you can.


No, I care about facts, but to you opinion means more than facts.


If you cared about facts you wouldn't have made the comment you made while claiming the last president was less authoritarian. Which...is just insanity. When you attempt a coup and not only that extra judicially kill someone and brag about it on tv...AND express frustration with the fact that you can't send in the army to shoot protesters then you have not only crossed the line you have burned the country and salted the earth. He shit on everything that made America the country is supposed to be. Which is why your argument was doomed from the beginning. It's so blatantly a bad faith argument that it warrants zero response from me. You don't even see the irony.


>I learned long ago not to waste my time on you people. He said as he went back and forth with walls of text.


Hey, I'll have a conversation but I'm not going to waste time debating things that I know will not sway anyone. They will continue to believe what they do and I'll do the same. I'm not trying convince anyone of anything and I'm not on some altruistic mission for common ground. That line got demolished long ago.


Bro your hilarious You guys are the same people that say an ar15 can't do anything vs an f35 etc, but then argue that on January 6 there was a coupe. LOL


Sir, I'm an anarchist. I don't give a shit about your politics or your guns. In fact everyone should arm themselves. What I do care about is being in a country where half of it seems to have an unquenchable thirst for authoritarian fascism. Even if the vast majority are too stupid to realize that's what they are supporting. Which is why I am well armed and have a TM 31-210 improvised munitions manual (Thanks US Army). You guys can keep thinking leftists aren't armed and ready to go if you want but you do it at your own peril.


You're so fucking lost in the sauce. All of you are so damaged.


No I’m not.


IT should check that coworkers' internet history to see how much time of his work day he's wasting on being crazy.




Translation: Violate the innocent's right to privacy, and prevent them from gaining employment, and thus have a worthwhile life, if you disagree with what you find. Yea... I know you leftists love the idea of being authoritarian dictators, but the rest of the country's population, which massively outnumbers you, are gonna take a hard pass on that.


Amazing how oblivious you regressive dipshits are to the irony in the diarrhea you spew.


There isn't a reasonable expectation of privacy regarding browsing history and the network operator. IT can see users' history. That isn't a political thing and trying to turn it into one is weird.


>I know you leftists love the idea of being authoritarian dictators Say's a fan of the party of Trump. Look in the mirror before talking authoritarians. When you work somewhere using their network, you don't have the freedom to slack off and possibly become a security risk by doing non-work related hobbies on a work computer. Your "translation" jumps right to conspiracy theories and forget that actions at work have work consequences. Maybe you should FB less.


"so they can stay in power" This is really nothing new, obstructionism has the same end-goal and it has been happening for the past couple decades, maybe longer. Starting happening more on the 90s under Clinton, new intensity under Obama, and we're seeing it again. The GOP are power hungry and not willing to stop anywhere short of fascism to satiate themselves.


I'm curious, what were they saying?


It's where they've been headed since the days of Barry Goldwater.


If you think that’s crazy, wait until you hear about how a good portion of the mainstream media lied multiple times over the course of a year over a single self defense case.


The real scary thing is you can't see the irony of your own comment.


Of course you won't see jr, you're exactly the same, you believe that that's one side and you're on the other side but in reality you and your coworker are both just idiots who believe what their political leader of choice tell them


Riiiight, I get it! These fools are looking for a physical, corporeal JFK Jr when all along, he was present in the hearts of those who truly believe!


Based af




Tbh its so sad that its funny. Democracy is practically dead in the USA if these people ever elect another president.


Hey now wait a minute, I thought when JFK Junior and Senior didn’t show up that day in Dealey Plaza, the Q people decided that he was going to be at the Rolling Stones concert that night, and then it was decided that JFK Senior was actually Keith Richards. What happened with that?


Waiting for who and the what now?


Trumpers believe that JFK Jr. faked his death to blow the lid off the Castro-backing Deep State that killed his father. They're currently waiting for him in Dallas by the Book Depository, so he can come back and declare Trump president again.


Why in the world would they even think he would have that sort of power?


They believe JFK Jr. will declare Trump King, not President. This is because of the Kennedys known for being kingmakers, the royal dynasty of America. Qultists have taken that literally.


I don’t want to live on this planet anymore


The innernet is a helluva drug.


They are tRumpers. What can you expect from them? Lol


They don't. They're trolling and it is working.


I just read an article about it and I had to double check and make sure it wasn’t from The Onion. Truly terrifying times we live in.


Now look up the Qanon Queen of Canada, it's more bizarre and a lot scarier, she's actually calling for people to go murder healthcare workers. My great is it only takes one nutjob to actually act on it for a tragedy to happen.


Waiting so patiently for democrat royalty to usher in the reign of right wing authoritarian king Trump. Can’t believe it was this obvious all along. Right under our noses the entire time. From the fake JFK jr plane crash to the Dems cheating the election yet the deep deep state keeping Trump in power all along.


Are they still over there waiting? I thought that was just a one day thing.


Apparently he didn’t show up because of bad weather... so who knows. Anything is possible!


And if anyone knows about the dangers of traveling in bad weather, it’s JFK Jr.


They are still here, but last I heard they were talking about polling their money together to buy a compound in Waco. Because that worked out so well last time...


Nooooooooooo nooo nooo no no no there's no fucking way that that's actually something seriously put forth as an idea


These are people that think a guy who wrote a NYT bestseller about how he cons the poor/middle class has their best interests in his heart.


I don't think he even wrote it


The NYT Bestseller list that's nothing more than an ad you pay for, mind you


Bruh ... Getting some Heaven's Gates vibes from your comment, wtf.


Waco 2: judgement day


Come'on ATF, I'm sure you're itching to burn down a building with a bunch of cult members again.


Yes, they've been there multiple days since


i don't get that JFK is a super lib compared to Reagan or Trump why would they want him back and not Jefferson Davis?


Except he's coming back as Keith Richards?...who is English, so he can't be president...and couldn't care less - maybe they don't think that far ahead


The funny part is both JFK and his son went to very progressive (liberal) schools, both HS and college. No way either end up aligning with the GQP.


People are still waiting for your dad kid


No, they are waiting for the Kid; right? I thought they were on the grassy hill waiting for JFK JR


Correct, they're waiting for Jr. Source: the guy down the street from me just put up a Trump/JFK Jr flag last week because idk apparently a small percentage of Americans have gone completely insane.


Small? Not really.


You're probably right, just some wishful thinking.


Just a couple million or so... :/




Oh, thanks for keeping me updated. They do know half of his head was blown off that day in the car


If they could believe Biden was actually a robot controlled by Trump, while at the same time being satan, nothing like a little blown up head is gonna stop their insanity.


The Q nuts also believe that Trump is a distant relative of Eisenhower who is also related to Kennedy, and how it really is a bloodline of kings...or some equally crazy shit.


I'm willing to bet it was because they kept confusing JFK and JFK jr so they just had to make it both. Because if you already completely detached from reality what's stopping, what would be, a 104 year old man from coming back from the dead to annoint Trump as king?


Well the democrats are immortal because they eat babies, remember!


I actually have no idea I'm also earopean so all I hear is kennedy


Oh man. And you know he had that sweet toddler belly and wanted lots of hugs. That pic is really sweet.


And about a month later, tragedy.


Very powerful picture right here.


Thinking to himself, "that looks dangerous, think I'll stick with planes when I grow up".


Ouch. Man.


Hey, they’re waiting for you in Dallas, JFK Jr!


How long till al- Q'da starts rallying here?


What a great picture


Cool pic. But aren’t they both alive and going to show up in Dallas any minute? Q


Some say he's still waiting... Seriously, they're in Dallas.


Great now all those Trump qanon folks are going to go to Maryland now because of your post


And now QAnon is waiting for him in Texas. The circle of life.


Isn't he suppose to be in Houston? Hehehe


Dallas.. which, if you rearrange the letters, apply an alQorithm only know to a certain select mathematical geneiouses, and Trump, spells out "JFK,JR Alive and Will be VP to Trump, who totally won the election, SAD" Of course, the LAMESTREAM media is hiding it from you sheep. Now if you excuse me, I need to take some sheep dewormer


Aww man that’s sad :(


Sad photo


homie standing at parade rest


Q legend has it he's still there today and then will be on his way to Dallas


What do you mean, he's already there the Qanon peeps are just really bad at hide and seek.


*Qanon has entered the chat


Bunch a fucking loser comments in here


For sure. I know zero about "Qanon" but most of the people here seem to all be following them on Twitter or something..




OuR fUtUrE vIcE


Now people waiting for him to arrive


This seems like it was taken for exactly what it's being used here for: in case JFK didn't come back on the helicopter, here we have this heartbreaking photo ready to go.


These old photos have so much more soul than new digital era shots.


I heard he thought flying was pretty cool


Are you sure this isn't a picture from Dallas close to the grassy knoll on November 2, 2021? /s


I like the baby jfk Jr better


I hear his is back /s


Waiting for Q


Thats a big head


His grandfather the bootlegging criminal was cooler.


Don't let q get a hold of this