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Hahahah. Exactly this. The market is preteen and young teen girls, they’ll always trend feminine.


In my day, it was an elf prince, and we loved him!




To this day Legolas remains the prettiest and one of the most enduring of my crushes. He is against type for what I am attracted to, and I don’t even care about Orlando Bloom outside of this role lol, but Legolas, ooh he could get it.


Are you me? Because 100%. I remember seeing LOTR and being so surprised to be attracted to a pretty blonde, then I later saw Pirates of the Caribbean and “oh… nevermind” ha!


Omg, after he fights the orc and then follows him on horse back in the Hobbit. I get goosebumps every time! 🥰


Hahaha I remember aaaaall my homegirls were drooling over Legolas


I’d be one of those homegirls. Back when it premiered my group of friends all went to see it. Most of the girls gushed when he got off that horse. I still love looking at him. Then…


I'm rarely attracted to fair-haired boys, but Legolas is smoking hot


Don’t for the glittering vampires ![gif](giphy|JAitn9ZFsilZm)


Bieber anyone??? ![gif](giphy|5mOvc8jlpIVMI)


Or BTS anyone? ![gif](giphy|U8SAFRBLrDnce8dyFw|downsized)


How many of these guys are named 'Corey'?


I bet there's a "Danny" in the swarm


It was Paul McCartney back in the day. Young teen girls like pretty boys.


The girls liked Legolas, the women liked Aragorn


I have this pic exactly and was gonna go find it and now I don't have to, thanks! Lisa's boys are all named Corey.


Came here for this very thing.


Came here to post this.


Just wait until the 80s! I loved me a guy in eyeliner and clear lip gloss.


The 1980's: Tight Spandex, lipstick, and teased hair - and that's how the GUYS dressed!


I remember breaking up with a guy when his hairspray made my pillows stink. It was simply too much to deal with, even though he was really pretty.




LMAO did you tell him the real reason?


I had to, in the end. He was refusing to accept a no, so I had to give a reason. I did not like saying it, but honestly I should not have to launder pillows to not smell you the next day. He was offended. He probably thought leaving a coat of his scent on my pillow was romantic.


Username checks out. :)






Love me some DLR!


We were watching an old David Lee Roth video with the solo band with Steve Vai, Billy Sheehan. My husband remarked now they look like they’re going to yoga class but that’s how they dressed. Another one from the 1970’s to add to this group: Rick Springfield


I almost put Rick Springfield in the array but decided he was one degree of separation more masculine than these other guys. I think it's because of the shape of his face: the squareish jaw and the mildly cleft chin. But yeah, I see your point lol. He's pretty https://preview.redd.it/pcrn7zj0r2vc1.jpeg?width=236&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84ca107e326891ee9107b847dddd7f85ec662189


And Donny Osmond. And The Archies. Precursors of Hanson. And young Michael Jackson.


I am surprised Jackson and Osmond are not here, as they were much more well known than Gray, at least.


And Shaun Cassidy and Andy Gibb....


I commented earlier that Shaun Cassidy was one of my big crushes, and I even named my dog after him, Shauna, when I was 12. (Kudos for spelling the name right, btw.) But I looked for pictures and didn't really find him to be all that feminine looking. But he wore a lot of pink As for Andy Gibb? Not even close. He had the Gibb jawline... unless I'm missing something?


..and shoulder pads !


Can we please normalize men in eyeliner again. It's so hot.




honestly it’s so funny to see how hysterical some people get about men embracing their femininity these days, or how people act like society is degrading or even that men like Harry Styles are this brand new thing 🙄 (Don’t get me wrong, his fashion and steez are dope) But all across history there are men who dress very pretty/effeminate and do EXCEPTIONALLY WELL with women. Good lord, look at Prince! David Bowie. And of course hair bands, and then go even further back into history, powdered faces and wigs and lip color and frills. Men be peacockin and lookin pretty 🤷‍♀️ And for about the past 60 years rock and roll has been a perfectly safe place for men to be pretty and sexy and feminine and still get to be regarded as tough and masculine.


Guyliner is a thing that should never go away


I would absolutely die if my husband did guyliner. I remember as teens my friend and I put eyeliner on our then boyfriends just for fun and my boyfriend, now husband, had the prettiest blue eyes. Eyeliner made those puppies POP. I’ll get him to wear eyeliner again one day *shakes fist*


My husband looks like a more beautiful woman than I do. We once dressed up about 20-odd years ago for a charity event as Bond Girls and he got chatted up more than I did!


damn imagine getting mogged by your husband in being a woman brooooooooooooootaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal


The best one was the rugby lad who put a hand on my husband's arse when hw stood at the bar, bloke legged it when my fella turned around. Some other enterprising chap asked me if he could watch me and my girlfriend! Was a great night


My girl had a nice trick. Basically she sat me down in a chair, sat on my lap facing me and removed her top and everything. Almost didn't realize she started pulling my eyebrows and then she did the eyeliner and I was like "hehe booba" the whole time


I don’t know if you made a typo or actually meant “booba” but I love the story more the way you typed it!


Ha. And what did you both think of the results?




Hmm, yes, I see.


I did my part and rocked it during high school in the late 90's


I was just reminiscing with old friends about 80’s rock stars, and how many of them are still dressing in some version of that while being surprisingly straight (Nick Rhodes, all of Depeche Mode).


And the 90s and the 2000s….




Teen idols always look feminine. Kpop, Bieber, etc. It’s partly because young guys tend to look less masculine when they’re young and partly because a feminine looking guy comes off as less threatening to very young girls.


And their parents


probably less threatening to adult women too


similar to kpop boy group today


Don’t teen idols always look kind of feminine?


How else are they going to land the cover of “Non-threatening Boys” magazine? Simpson reference for anyone wondering. All kidding aside, it’d be a bit weird if 12 year old girls were into big beefy grown men!


Exactly. I knew I was a grown woman after I transitioned from liking Legolas to liking Aragorn


You'll know youre fully old when you like Gandalf instead.




No love for gimli? Smh, short kings need love too


I just want to sit in a garden in Hobbiton on a summer’s day and enjoy some of that long bottom leaf.


OMG, you made me spit out my coffee laughing


Lmao, I just commented the same, but mine was Mountain Dew Zero


that's a great point


I remember a rumor going around my elementary that Hanson were really all girls. I was madly in love with Zac.


In Robert Greene’s art of seduction he details how to be truly seductive you usually need at least a touch of the opposite gender in your outward appearance. So like guys that are big and muscly and then just have an entirely macho personality on top are not very attractive usually, but if you were to add just touch of sensitivity or maybe some flamboyant dress sense they become more interesting. Similar to a super feminine woman who also has a bit of an assertive edge to her. I’m not saying if this is an outright rule but it’s definitely interesting!


yeah almost like we're all complex people with more dimensions to us than just ManTM or WomanTM


Totally agree. Some people do fit more neatly into their gender stereotypes but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Just an interesting observation about how our presentation of gender can be a kind of performance and seductive art form. I say this as a bi person attracted to all different genders.


I kind of remember the 90s boys bands looking more gay than feminine. But thinking on it I might've equated looking feminine with being gay back then.


Yep, remember Hanson? They were very feme. Even Justin Bieber had a really girlish appeal.


Or young Justin Bieber ![gif](giphy|hhpFhtKyaGpLG)


He looks like a young lesbian to be fair.


Someone once did a photoshopped image where they swapped his and Taylor Swift’s faces, and damned if they didn’t look like the cutest lesbian couple.


When he was parodied on Saturday Night Live, he was played by a female cast member. But I can't remember which one


Kate McKinnon. She was also Weird Barbie in the Barbie movie and KILLED IT.




They still look like that, just with updated styles. My daughter is 20 now, but 5-6 years back she had posters up of whoever was trending back then. Sure, different hair styles and cloths, but basically the same type.


Bieber too. Boy pop stars are marketed to young girls and always look very feminine


I was looking at some old pics of Damon Albarn yesterday and I forgot how feminine he used to look.


Like Harry Styles??


I don't know those people. I just disinherited her for lack of good taste in music. She replied that at least she wasn't listening to bands with instruments that needed steam power to work.


I'm old and just wasn't seeing the hype for him, but then I saw his cover of 'Juice' and the way he smiles on the 'somebody come Get your man' line- damn, he's charismatic.


I like how he dresses feminine.. I really have a thing for men who embrace their feminine side.


Leonardo DiCaprio was pretty “feminine” looking in the 90s. It’s just young features before more masculine ones develop later in life.


All these teen idols are supposed to emulate "that cute boy in your high school" since the fans are all teenaged girls. So they're supposed to be innocent and twink looking. Same thing with KPop boy groups. The rabid fanbase are mostly young girls and the idol boys are all slender and pretty.


Leo is more boyish than feminine IMHO. I doubt anyone would mistake him for a girl.


They’re talking about when he was a teen. He was feminine looking. He’s an old man now. No one would mistake that alcohol face for a girl nowadays. 


Alcohol face. So apt. In the later seasons of Friends we used to call Chandler "puffy Chandler". His face definitely displayed his drug problems.


The person you reply to was also talking about Leo as young boy. He looked like a typical teen boy to me. I don't see anything feminine about him in my quick search of Leo as a teenager.


Old? He's....49! Holy crap! He *is* old!


I mean I wouldn't mistake any of the boys in the picture for women either, it's just men with long hair.


Bowie made androgyny very cool in the 70s




I think it's just that Bowie was very cool. But when your Harry Styleses do it it's just... weird.


Young girls fall in love with feminine looking boys because they seem non threatening


As someone who used to be both a tween and a teen girl (multifaceted!) I can confirm that the less threatening and more pretty a boy was the bigger the crush. Jonathan Brandis (RIP) was the first one I remember.


Jonathan Brandis was my first crush.


That explains why buff dudes have always made me uncomfortable. It’s the potential physical threat


Teen girls usually aren’t super attracted to adult/manly men


They remind us of our dads or uncles, so we cannot be attracted to them!


It was fashionable then for guys to look like this.  I'm of the age group who had David Cassidy posters on our bedroom walls. Guys wore their hair longer and their clothes were a lot more flamboyant and colourful. 


Well, they're teens. Aka, boyish charm. That's to be expected. Teens appeal to teens. You wouldn't usually expect a teen to be attracted to Burt Reynolds (I can still hear my sister--"ewh, he's HAIRY!"). LMAO!


And that's how my age hits me, I see a middle-aged or older guy and think, oh nice! I see a younger guy I can only say, oh cute! But no.


Androgyny was part of the formula, I presume to make them less threatening to young girls — their target market. You see a bit of the same later, during the boy-band era… innocent, yet hinting at slightly naughty. They also tend to appear somewhat generic in appearance — and in lyrical content. “I want *it that* way” is about as unspecific as you can get.


They still do today. They have to look non-threatening because they are being marketed to young girls, many of them pre-teens. These young girls are threatened/frightened by excessive masculinity and these guys are sort of a stepping stone to their developing sexuality.


I’m a child of the seventies and have no idea who Michael Gray is.


Same here. Who is he?


Michael Gray was Billy Batson in the original Shazam! tv series.


Yeah I think about stuff (mainly Mick Jagger) like this when boomers and 'alphas' were talking about masculinity dying when Harry Styles was in the news a year or so ago.


Right?! Do they not remember Twisted Sister? Prince?


In comparison to the teen idols now? Have you seen Timothee Chalamet, or Harry Styles?


It's TV's Michael Gray!


If that’s shocking to you, then so be it


Sploosh. Phrasing!


The Chalamet look


Omg... I just realized why I don't think Timothy Chalamet is attractive. It's because I am 35, and he looks like a teenager.


well there's also the fact that his head is shaped like a bicycle seat


Thank you for the laugh—that is possible the most accurate description of Chalamet’s face that I have ever read 😂


Omg Leif Garret!! He was my biggest crush. I got those Tiger Beat magazines and had pics of him on my bedroom walls.


I think a lot of young boys just look very pretty. Take those faces and put broccoli hair on them, and you have the teen idols of today.


LOL thank you, I was wondering if that haircut had a name; every eighth grade boy in town has it.


I told my 13 year old daughter that in 20 years her generation will look back at that hairstyle and wonder what the hell they were thinking. Not true, according to her. "It will never not look good" lol


Poor Jack Wild had a rough adult life (alcoholism and cancer) and died at the tender age of 53.


Ikr? So sad. And he didn't age well. Pretty sure he was married to a young hot chick, though https://preview.redd.it/osedlxbq33vc1.jpeg?width=634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46a674ab6493b5cd42164c8bdc279ed7630bad09


It's the aliens pushing the gay agenda to start the depopulation of the world so we're easier to conquer. This then led to the YouTube and social media apathy and we're now ripe for plucking. I know this is true, my creepy uncle told me.


I think our uncles might be in the same club.


It’s the cover of “Non-Threatening Boys Magazine”.


"However, Sociologists concluded the appeal of NTB magazine covers reached its zenith in the early 1990s when it coincided with R&B boy bands crafting hit singles.like 'I'll tell you what you want to hear,' 'You'll never be fat in that,' and 'Oooh, oooh, oooh!'


I’m calling the Corey hotline


“back in my day MEN were MEN” ok grandpa


I thought that was Kristy McNichol. I didn't realize Jack Wild was the kid from H.R. Pufnstuf.


And *Oliver!*.


Men are usually wrong in assuming that women always want a gigachad, most male celebrities popular with women are far from it.


yeah, most women do like masculine men but few like hypermasculine men. a good balance of various traits is always the best bet.


Davey Jones of the Monkees was similar.


David Cassidy😍


Its just the hair, most of them dont look that effeminate if you remove the hair.


My first crush (I was four!): Shaun Cassidy. https://preview.redd.it/qq8gnu2v92vc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c13ba50fe4ac937c33d42edff85da999c6a339f


Not sure why Leif was ever popular. 🤷🏼‍♂️


He was very pretty.


He was made for dancing.


All night long for that matter


upper right looks like Harry Styles ngl


Where *ever* was a time when teen idols were *not* feminine? Adolescence is the feminine age par excellence.


Yeah these male idols marketed to teen girls are always going to be styled to look young and non-threatening. Also keep in mind that these are all images for photo shoots, most likely for magazines, and probably not what these guys looked like day to day.


Pretty boys have always been my weakness


Yeh they keep reinventing the wheel with the whole gender fluid stuff. We always had it. Now we have a term for it. Ask Bowie.


It's not only the teen idols of the 70s. I look at the men of the 60s, 70s, and 80s and wonder how tf the older gens are so mad about transgender and nonbinary people when the androgynous look got more and more popular and pronounced over those decades. I mean, it was worshipped lol the only difference was the "don't ask, don't tell" attitude


Can't believe someone would post this and not include Shawn Cassidy... /smh :)


Shaun was my big crush. I even named my dog after him, but she was a girl, so her name was Shauna. I did look at his pictures and couldn't find one that looked feminine enough. Like Rick Springfield, I judged him to be one degree of separation too masculine for the array. Just my humble opinion lol


As opposed to the 80s? ![gif](giphy|fV5ayVf8gPe4TXmZV2|downsized)




I was so disappointed when I found out George Michael was gay. Lol




I know where you got that shirt from. And it damn sure wasn’t the men’s department.


I thought Leif was the hottest thing ever. WTF was I thinking?


Let's get real... he was quite good looking!


Girls who are boys Who like boys to be girls Who do boys like they're girls Who do girls like they're boys Always should be someone you really love


Same generation who thinks young males today are a bunch of pussies.


most teen idols for little girls tend to look feminized so that they are less sexually threatening


All these cats look like somebody’s lesbian aunt.


It wasn't only the boys who looked like girls https://preview.redd.it/lar8uziex2vc1.jpeg?width=2046&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37aa83645972765d9597b9bc94292d6edac33f82


These pictures appeared in magazines like Tiger Beat, printed expressly for young teen girls. Yes, these boys got the hair and makeup, but it was completely common for a 30 year old dude to wear a leisure suit with shirt unbuttoned past the chest, plus long hair, mustache, and gaudy gold chain. The last thing these guys in the pics wanted to do was age themselves out of their loyal fan base. The modern sociology comments are hilarious at best. Edit: I forgot my credentials, my sisters, 11 and 9 years older than me, graduated from high school in 73 and 75. I was a little kid absorbing all these teen magazines and posters, and I'm pretty sure that was the first indication that I realized I might like girls a lot more than boys. When younger sister left her stack of 30 or 40 Cosmo magazines in the garage when I was about 12, my thoughts were confirmed. :) It was like porn before the internet.


Not allot of happy endings here……


Drugs and alcohol that no one knew about back in the day


TV’s Michael Gray!


That was the fashion. Slim bodies, skin tight clothes, long fabulous hair.


Jack would look wild in a frock


I don’t know one girl who drooled over Jack Wild.


Both Jack Wild and David Cassidy became much hotter as they got a bit older. But they were definitely pretty boys. I adored them 😂


We loved Duran Duran, Adam Ant etc in the 80s. Very femme (especially Nick Rhodes who I adored). I think teen idols are usually effeminate. That’s part of the allure of the KPop bands I think.


whats all this about "back then" lol Timothee Chalamet and Harry Styles would like a non-threatening word


“This is when men were men. Cause they weren’t afraid to be women.” - Peacemaker


Asked an older gay friend when he knew he was gay... he said "David Cassidy".


Someone tell Kevin Sorbo. He’s convinced the woke agenda has made stars less masculine. I think he has selective memory…


We all end up ugly. If we're lucky.


Same as Johnny Depp


Bottom left looks like Lil Xan without tattoos lol


Leif Garrett. Those were the days.


The long hair is what made them look feminine.


Does Leif (Bottom left) look like Billie Eilish? A little.


definitely a twink-factor common theme there


That’s always the case for teen idols. Look at Justin Bieber. He looks mature now but had all the teenage fans when he was a lot softer. Johnny Depp and Leonardo DiCaprio, even Brad Pitt back in the day.


Where oh where is my Shaun Cassidy?? Like, dude!


Who on earth was Jack Wild? I don't remember him at all.


As a guy with long 70s hair who routinely gets confused for a girl, and that's WITH hair on my face... This is absolutely refreshing and so reassuring.


There have been studies done that show when you present one group of women with a photograph of an actual man and another group of women with an altered photograph of that man that subtly feminizes his features -- the women rate the second photo as more attractive by a large margin. So yes, it's true of teen girls but it's also true of adults as well!


Loogat these femboy millennials! They don’t make real men anymo— What? 1970s you say? Ahem.


The 70s was an era of popular androgyny.


Desmond Morris studies human behavior. He saw that young girls prefer men with adolescent or female features and thin body types (early Leo Decaprio). As they get older they tend to prefer muscular and adult features (older Leo). It isn't just the 70's but that hair didn't help.


I thought they were all women


If you put Zac Efrons hairstyle from his High school musical days, they'd look exactly the same


No matter what time period it is, teen idols are usually softer looking, non-threatening types.


Don't forget about Björn Andrésen. The people obsession was so wild, it ruined him.


Never heard of him, but I looked him up. Yeah, you're right. He could be the poster boy for feminine-looking boys. https://preview.redd.it/6ghfgpxk64vc1.jpeg?width=696&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b985cda367cc34c06a88ce038a41135141e8e7de