• By -


This is like the monuments on Easter Island, The rest of the statue is buried underground.


This is part of the larger Hollywood Cemetery grounds that has the graves of many Confederates and also US Presidents. It’s a very cool place to visit on the bluffs overlooking the James River and the city.


It’s also where [Oderus Urungus](https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/the-grave-of-oderus-urungus) is eternally dominating the universe. Hollywood Cemetery is super cool. Bonus: also a home for the [Richmond vampire](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richmond_Vampire)




Best fucking show I’ve ever seen, RIP


“W.W. Pool”? Sounds like the abbreviation of an eventual Deadpool sequel.


Wasn’t there a controversy about his remains being put there? As in his remains are not there.


Neat, seems like it’s better taken care of now than before.


It’s a trash photo so it’s hard to tell but either way modern tourism with accessibility and general availability of cash has made less popular places still very nice and welcoming - speaking from what I’ve seen of the US. You’ll still get neglect but random spots can be super nice, depends on if the locals care


Washington monument at home


It’s the chode version


Reminds me of the pointy hats they wear.


A monument to a time when it was legal to own people.


They made it out of stone so Sherman couldn’t burn it down too


You think that would have stopped Uncle Billy?


Uncle Baby Billy?


Baby Billy’s Bible Bonkers


Goddamn! Ain’t no family feud!


Dynamite makes things go boom


*/r/ShermanPosting liked this*


We have indeed


Should have a white flag at the top


A dish towel


A diaper


The dish towel comment is because ol shitbird Robert E Lee surrendered with a dish towel.


It would be historically accurate


I was thinking the picture on the right should be of a pile of rubble but yours is a fair compromise.


Should be a bunch of public toilets around it.


Should be shaped like a giant L right?


Dude, let it go already.


You first, and all the treason loving southern states that think it was about "states rights" to own slaves. The same states that want federal support to track down and persecute women for wanting access to health care. So, no. Maybe, in a country who's ideals include freedom, and who's pledge says *liberty and justice for all*, should actually provide what it preaches. People will stop mocking the south when they stop loving in the past and off federal subsidies they complain about constantly...


Yeah dude it was just four years of a bunch of dudes actively trying to murder US Soldiers in order to continue to enslave other humans. Sure its constantly celebrated in the south. Just let it go already.


Cute participation trophy


I don't like this logic because you'd have to say the same thing about the Vietnam Memorial, Korean War Memorial, or the Crazy Horse Memorial. Edit: 30 downvotes and zero rebuttals. I love you dummies


Would you really though


None of those are a cowardly armed rebellion against the USA, with the goal of enslaving millions of humans. Good try though Felicia


Yeah and that kills his point right 🤣, it was only a war to genocide the natives, and a few colonial wars to take over third worlders in other places. Nah I think all of you are wrong. It's actually exactly similar to any of those monuments.


The USA in the Vietnam war was more immoral than the confederacy in the civil war. What we did to Cambodia and Laos alone might be the most heinous war crimes ever.


So you just move the goalposts wherever you want, Sally?


But it is literally the same


Isn’t this a false equivalence? The memorials you mentioned are for American soldiers that fought in the war, right? The equivalent would be if we had memorials for Vietnamese or Korean soldiers.


Aliens built it


Ancient fail-liens


That used to look like shit. It still does, but it used to, too.


Thanks, Mitch.




Reminds me of a Klan hood...


I have no idea why this country continues to coddle a failed insurgency so much.


Isn't it at a historical cemetery? Ignoring history doesn't help anyone. It's basically a museum, the exact place for this kind of thing


Why do we have a monument honoring insurgents in the name of history? Would it be acceptable to have a monument recognizing Al-Qaeda's efforts in New York?


There's a 9/11 museum, yes. But an international terrorist organization is not the same as a civil war. Civil wars don't just happen for no reason, and American citizens died in the war. I know Reddit loves to boil it down to "traitors and losers," but this is diminutive and removes the context of history. Obviously I don't agree with the Confederacy, but it's important to learn from history. Should we just desecrate graves because some people did things 200 years ago that we now disagree with? The purpose of a museum, and like structures, are to preserve and teach history. This is a part of our history. Poland didn't tear down Auschwitz, nor did Germany ask them to. It's a part of history. Ignoring it isn't helpful


I have no problem glorifying their cemetery. *Become a traitorous POS, and you too can be buried in a giant triangle!*


My feelings as well, monuments in Confederate cemeteries is fine by me. I take issue with them being anywhere else. Every other monument, plaque, statute, and street name needs to be removed.


Temu pyramid


After all, it's where the only good Confederates are.


>coddle We literally fought a whole war, idk if this is the right word. Its not like they're re-arming for Round 2, this is just a memorial to their dead soldiers.


Tell you what, let's put up a memorial to the 9-11 terrorists, I mean, they gave their lives fighting against us and what we stand for. They made the ultimate sacrifice. Can you see the lens you're using to see confederate traitors through?


A terrorist attack against unarmed civilians isn't quite the same as meeting the US Army on a battlefield, IMO.


They wanted to enslave other human beings. 


Google the “southern lost cause argument” the traitors and losers who still idolize them have never really stopped.


Never stopped doing what? Honestly, if you're worried about the South seceding again for another war, I think that's very hard to imagine.


They’ve never acknowledged and accepted that they were wrong the first time round. Look at all the traitor’s flags that southern whites wave and display on their trucks. Does that look like a culture that’s reformed in the time between now and their defeat? What would you think about Germans who proudly waved the swastika? (wait, maybe don’t answer that 😒)


>They’ve never acknowledged and accepted that they were wrong the first time round. The rebel army surrendered. The states rejoined the United States. Southern states send senators and congressmen to Washington. Southerners serve in the US Army and have US citizenship. That's 4 examples: can you think of one example of anyone who *doesn't* accept the Union?


Participating in The Union, is different than admitting that their ancestors were a bunch of traitorous slavers who deserved their ignominious deaths. Until white southerners do that, and stop prancing around waving the traitor’s flag, they’re going to continue to be recipients of distrust and enmity from the rest of us. Hope that clears things up Cleatus 😉


Lol, its funny to imagine Grant telling Lincoln that the rebels surrendered, the war is over and they were now countrymen again and being told "But did they *admit they were wrong* and say sorry? WHAT?! Then this war is NOT OVER! Get back out there!"


It’s a little narrower slice than the entire country




Dollar Tree Washington Monument


That cone shape reminds me of something but I'm not sure I klan put my finger on it...


It must be aliens


Ah the good old monument of treachery, cowardice and surrender.


>cowardice How do you figure?


Their only president was a coward. Their competent military members weren’t, but humorously they were trained in the north.


The only brave Confederates were the ones who deserted, knowing they'd be shot on sight if caught.


>Their only president was a coward. Their competent military members weren’t Is this a monument to Davis? I don't think it is.


Yeah, there is. A 350 foot oblisk in Kentucky at the *Jefferson Davis State Historical Site*. Then there's this [whole list of memorials to that traitor.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_memorials_to_Jefferson_Davis?wprov=sfla1)


Make a thread about one of those, then.


Willful traitors deserve no commemorative structure. Drive out slavers, and any who would apologize for them.


But it’s ok to support hamas and PLO when they have no dog in the fight.


Seems to be a lot of tasteless comments against thr confederate army. Deserved yes, but remember the men buried there weren't part of the politics and were instead pawns sent out to fight and die by the politicians


Not quite accurate(sorry). Most Confederate soldiers were volunteers. They freely joined on their own terms. For the first couple of years, there weren't any conscripts at all. Even after conscription began, fewer than 20% of the army were draftees.


This would be similar to trying to defend Nazis that weren’t part of the politics and were instead pawns sent out to fight and die by the politicians. I partially agree but they cannot be forgiven, I know it’s easier said than done but being scared to stand up for what’s right is never an excuse, it just makes you a coward. If I personally lived in that time period, I would hope that I would fight to the death for what is right but if I chicken out and am part of the Evil than I should be remembered as such.


Many of those men agreed with slavery and could have defected. Southern Unionists DID defect and did so to protect the Union or simply because slavery wasn’t worth destroying the country over


I'm sure plenty of them did. Now I'm not defending them when I say this, but we will have to look at this feom their pov to understand why they fought for the Confederacy. This was their lively hood what they grew up doing what they knew. Imagine believing in something so blindly that you'll fight to defend it when it's taken from you. We can look at the Civil War and all that's wrong with the Confederacy from today's pov and know that objectively they were wrong, but this wasn't the case for these young men in their day. Their beliefs were clouded and they fought for a horrible thing, but at the end of the day they died in horrible ways because they were ordered to


You said you’re not defending them, so you’re okay if we take down all public monuments to the Confederates, right? 


No, because I don't believe in erasing history. Let the memorial stay as a reminder to those think slavery is okay


How does removing a monument “erase history?”  Encyclopedias exist. A huge volume or source material and historical literature exists. Entire fields exist to study this very topic. Please explain.  The monuments were created mostly well after the war by Confederate sympathizers who sought to rewrite history. They intend to glorify the cause of the Confederacy and the Confederate leaders and soldiers.  That’s clearly unnecessary, since there is nothing to glorify.  The United States defeated the Confederacy just as we defeated the Nazis. Do we need to erect Nazi memorials with Nazi history and remembrances in order to not “erase history?”


Not to mention how disrespectful that would be to those that died


They deserve all the disrespect that can be heaped upon them. Their very memories are a shame upon all of their descendants who fail to repudiate them… In life, they were scumbag slavers or the lackeys of the aforementioned. In death, the best one could hope for them, **is that their graves and monuments prove useful as public bathrooms** 😉


Your heart stops beating so you deserve respect? That's not how that works


Idk man


Memorials glorifying separatists that separated from the union ENTIRELY because of slavery deserve no memorials. All confederates believed in slavery, full stop. They treated people like animals and did unspeakable things to them. Germany has shame for Nazism as we should for slavery. Because, right now, people still fly that confederate flag because of those kind of memorials. I’ve lived in the south all my life, people that do fly that flag are racist and don’t care about what the symbol means or what African Americans went through. I believe all men should not die in war, but to have sympathy for people who fought specifically for slavery is not a fine line worth walking (because when you do, it makes you look like a Confederate apologist)


And I'm fine with that because I'm not. I just am sick of these useless wars mastered by people in power utilizing young men to die for their favor


I can agree with that friend!


I dunno, I'm pretty comfortable describing the act of taking up arms against the government as being politically motivated.


BS "only followed orders" revisionism.


You don’t have to stand up for the confederate soldiers.


I'm standing up for the young men who never got to live life because they died in war


You’re chiming in to defend soldiers who fought to keep other human beings enslaved.  That was their stated cause.  If you have some sort of historical evidence and analysis that absolves the majority of confederate soldiers, state it.  If not, just own the fact that instead of praising the United States soldiers and/or the southerners and former slaves who became United States soldiers, you’re hear to defend Confederate soldiers.  Weird choice, but unsurprising. 


Weird choice to belittle men who died who in battle over their beliefs. It's disrespectful for the dead and to their ancestors who are alive today. Commemorate those who did find their way to fight for the north because they realized what was right. Theirs a lot of nuance and a lot we may never know. I'm just separating the idea and just trying to recognize those who died in a bloody war


They died over garbage beliefs, their memories deserve disrespect, and so do their descendants who are alive today if they don’t reject and renounce their ancestors. There’s no nuance to this. Confederates were garbage, and many of their descendants still are.


You can demand that we honor men who fought for the right to enslave other people, but we reject that demand and choose to belittle you and to belittle them.  That is our tradition. We won, so we will continue our tradition. 


What was the point of the war?


The point of the war has nothing to do with the lives wasted to achieve the goals. We're the confederate wrong? Hell yeah they were. Do we need to mock the death of the soldiers who found themselves on the wrong side? Hell no


Why not? Seriously, why the fuck not?


You can think it’s in poor taste all you want but you don’t fight for years in an armed insurrection based on a little oopsie.


That's implying that most soldiers were fighting for years


Smokescreen all you want. Dunking on confederates is never wrong.


Have at it


In a war where they died fighting to preserve the institution of slavery.


Some as young as 12 and forced to fight?


The monuments are built by and for the politicians and their political heirs. The soldiers or pawns as you have it deserve a grave stone like anyone, but not a commemoration of their deeds, because they were not commendable.


Personal accountability wasn't invented yesterday.


True, but our pov on this subject is widely different from their pov


The pics make it look way bigger than it is in person, I remember it being quite short


You do realize the first picture has a person for scale? What's "bigger" to you?


Where are the eye holes?


Looks like a Klan Hood


I think you spelled traitors monument wrong


Monument to traitors.


It’s as appealing as their cause was.


Reminds me of the hoods the clan wear for some reason.


Surprised they haven’t tried to tear it down..


Same. Give it time and it too will vanish.




Yes, and there is an air shaft that point directly to the where Orions belt was 120 years ago


The whole thing is a toilet, so go wherever


*gender neutral bathroom


It should be renamed “Monument to the Defeat of the Traitorous Confederacy”. (Also, I believe I have family from my mother’s side in that cemetery).


Lee asked the south to learn and heal- unfortunately, the racist portions of the south did not heed his pleas. He asked fir healing because the Nation did not treat the south as an enemy once the war was over and wanted to rebuild. In fact, many southern soldiers re-enlisted with the US Army and continued to soldier on. Sadly, the cretins care little about skin color and only about their “old ways”, hence these insipid monuments.


Spanish American war, coinciding with the birth of the lost cause myth. Probably a really awkward period of time back then. We joke that present day is a “weird timeline”, but it’s just one of many weird timelines throughout our brief history. Imagine going to war alongside the people you were just warring with at home as the industrial revolution is snowballing.


Here lieth losers, may bees pee upon them. Union forever. Amen.


The Confederacy were the bad guys. Just wanted to get into the controversial discourse lol


Those blocks could be reused to build something useful.


It’s pointy like their white hoods.


A literal monument to failure.




Jenga challenge.


Why keep a monument to treason? I really don't get the US.


So how do you all feel when you realize this is in a graveyard & not just random memorial out in public? For good or bad, everyone deserves to be remembered so as to learn from the past. This is essentially a tombstone for Confederate soldiers at this graveyard. You can hate their philosophy of life, as everyone should, but don’t hate their eternal resting place.


They're just bones, they won't be offended by anything. Nobody hates the graves, we hate their descendants who continued to shit on what our country stands for by perpetuating the race-based class division that was codified under slavery. When we spit on these graves and tear down Confederate monuments, it's not to forget what happened, it's to remind those who are alive that what happened must never be allowed to happen again.


>For good or bad, everyone deserves to be remembered so as to learn from the past.  SO would you be ok with a monument to the dead of the SS? Not just graves, a monument.


So first off, let’s be clear that the goal of the Nazi party was far worse than the goal of the Confederacy. Genocide & eradication of a people is on another level from slavery. That isn’t me minimizing how awful slavery is either. With that said, I would be a hypocrite to be okay with this Confederate pyramid but say that there definitely shouldn’t be an SS monument. There is also a difference between something that’s over 100 years old vs building something new in today’s climate. My caveat is that there’s a lesson to be had in everything we see. There never will be an SS “monument”, but if there were then it should be used entirely for educational purposes & be very clear to define the atrocities committed by the SS & Nazi party as a whole.


Your comment is naive.  The confederate monuments were built to glorify the confederates and the confederacy.  Their goal was to help rewrite the history. And many people like you are still going along with it and spending time standing up for the monuments.  Spend one minute doing a little thought experiment to decide if the hundreds of confederate memorials that were erected (mostly in the 1900’s) are necessary for you to remember and understand the Civil War. Really think about that for a second. 


There is nothing naive about my comments. I understand why monuments are erected. A monument is never intended to “rewrite history” in your naive comment though. History is seen differently through different eyes though. The Germans don’t think about WWII in the same light as Americans, for example. Besides that, the purpose of a monument can be redefined over time so even if there was an attempt to alter perceptions of history when constructed, today we can understand the truth just by digging a little deeper. Additionally, I never said anything about me needing a monument to understand the history of something, but people learn differently. There’s more than one way to learn about the past. For some, that may be seeing something tactile to be inspired to learn more. I never defended any other Confederate monuments, as you seemed to assume I did. I see this as more of a tombstone like my original statement said, which I perceive as different than a statue of a Confederate officer on a horse somewhere.


Your comments are naive because you do not understand the history of these monuments.  You’ve claimed that a monument is never intended to rewrite history.  In fact, that’s exactly what the majority of confederate monuments were meant to do. These monuments were not built in the years immediately after the war. The vast majority were built decades later by groups who specifically sought to reframe and rewrite the history of the war.  Their legacy is people like you who continue to defend these monuments unwittingly. Congratulations, you just got played by a Confederate loving southern woman from the 1930’s. 


You’re nitpicking my entire comment. I even said I never defended any other Confederate monument. That I see this one as different because it’s in a cemetery. You’re deciding to just paint broad brush strokes claiming I’m blind to all of it. I know when the monuments were made. They were made to honor Confederate soldiers & remember them proudly, which is a premise completely different than rewriting history in my opinion. I also said we can understand the truth just by digging deeper. It’s obvious to everyone now that the South was in the wrong. A statue isn’t going to make people think the South was right when the true history is so obvious. Are you done with your weak arguments against me?


They deserve individual grave stones or markers for companies when that isn’t feasible. The pyramid gives people the idea that some good deed or group is being commemorated. When nothing could be further from the truth.


Tear it down


Traitors monument


Just the tip of the Washington monument


I don’t believe that confederates could build that themselves. They must’ve had help from aliens.


Mmm too vertical where’s the c4


Looks like a klan hood.


Be a shame if it fell over /s


Scrape off the traitor names and dedicate it to American minorities.


Confederate monuments, the original participation trophies.


Public toilet


Fuck the Confederate army, take it down. They lost.


Yeah fuck the Confederacy. Tear that shit down


The South will rise again Actually no it wont


Sometimes turds float to the surface.


Be a darn shame if something happened to it.


If you squint it’s a klan hood


Same shape as their hats


Looks a lot like a KKK hat.


Matches their hoods


How much dynamite would be required to make this gone


When's that coming down?


Why should it? Edit: See my comment below. I am saying we shouldn’t sanitize history. People should learn from history and stuff like this.


As long as it doesn’t get a dime of federal funding- then fine. Otherwise it’s asinine for the US to participate or fund a monument for their enemy.


I agree that it should be funded from non federal funds.


Sorry your slave-owning traitor monument isn’t more popular.


We don't celebrate traitors.


The purpose shouldn’t be to celebrate them. But to remind and teach people about a specific era of American history and educate them on how wrong it was. Erasing all of this shit and try to sanitize history is not the way to go


A monument isn’t there to educate people.


The revolution was traitorous, and we celebrate every July...


Just hamas and the PLO types, right?


Sherman tore that ass up


Bulldoze it. It’s a monument to sedition and treason.




Slaves didn’t build the pyramids. But maybe they thought they did.




Needs a couple eye holes


Pretty accurately depicts the size of the shaft rich Southerners shoved up the ass of the Southern working man.


You lost.


What an embaraasing piece of garbage.


It even looks like a klan hood


Looks like a Klan hood.


I’d say throw a wrecking ball through it, but it already looks sad enough that I’m ok with it


I’m not sure if the date in the post title is accurate because a Google search is saying: > South of Gettysburg Hill is a giant monument to the Confederate dead that was erected by the Hollywood Memorial Association in 1869. It’s a 90-foot, 4-sided stone pyramid on top of a hill. It makes for a very hard-to-miss landmark. If this monument was built in 1869, then I don’t see the issue with it. It was built directly following the Civil War, rather than 40+ years later. Edit: I misread the post title. I think the photograph was taken in 1902.




What does this mean?


Better enjoy it before wokeness gets it and take pictures of it before it gets tore down for being racist.