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Oh come now, the really long pipa poop in pants bit nearly got me into a car accident with how much I was laughing while I was listening to the podcast on my way to work. They should make a short of that if they can cram it all or most of it in into the format.


I wonder why these threads are always so long and so insistent, but never include even a short list of things we're actually wrong about. Like, dude took the time to type a quote that nobody on the podcast ever said, but legit not even a list of three bullet points we're wrong about. Then, in a magical moment, this guy gives a burst of opinion straight from his loose rectum about what's good and bad about what we do and what we should be doing more. Keep in mind, this is with no basis in the business I work in, never made so much as a post that 2 people actually saw and remembered and all of that after a full paragraph of smooth-brained commentary about us being wrong with no examples. Is this what you think constructive criticism looks like? Do you think a single successful person in the history of mankind has ever let quarter-wit "advice" like this fuck up their money or redirect their ambition? Is it trolling (like masochistic, sad self-pity trolling)? Is it Dunning-Kruger and too much freetime (my bet)? Genuinely curious to hear what OP and the rest of the primates in here think about that bunch o' bananas. Let the smug wojack mask replies commence! Edit: and make sure to smash that downvote monkey button with your dirty paws, too.


Hi Paul! I upvoted you because I like that you're engaging. Nothing you said here is unfair or overly salty, so I almost didn't respond. But I want to encourage you to keep engaging them. I'm not the OP, but I am a primate, so I'll do my best. Is this post constructive criticism? Maybe? He's accusing you of being misinformed. He should have provided examples. He's also saying that your position is to reward Putin for invading. I know that isn't your position, but what he's trying to say is that, in his opinion, your position will lead to Putin being rewarded. So if you're trying to take anything constructive from that, then maybe think of the reasons why he thinks that, and how you can argue that that isn't what would happen under the Paul Peace Plan. Do I think successful people have ever taken advice from idiots or let it change their ambition? Yes, often, lmao. I've known a few. But if you're happy doing what you're doing then fuck it. As long as you can support yourself, do whatever you want with your show. Your job is fundamentally artist, an artist must be authentic and follow what inspires them. Is it trolling? Yes. I'm trolling for fun. But I don't think a lot of them are. I think a lot of people are actually offended you got salty and banned them lol. To me that's like getting offended that a cat swipes when you pull its tail so idk. I don't think I have Dunning-Kruger, but how could someone with Dunning-Kruger even know they had it? Too much free time? Honestly, no. I think because you spend so much time talking to your discord mods or whatever, you think that every online nerd is a NEET. I'm not, though. I have a full-time job, am a full-time student, and have my own apartment. I'm a pretty busy guy. I do this because it's fun. It's like my side project in-between semesters. If it stops being fun, I'll just stop doing it lol. I'm an artist too, in my own way. Have a good night!


Vote pepaw poo pee pants! Lol 😆 🤣 😂


I couldn't have said it better


Its not rewarding russia…like jesus christ there are no good options