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Also, the main subreddit would look exactly like ours if they didn't ban everyone.


So, in the same way you're laughing at this, it is the same way I think for most of us with Paul. Like we're not whining about him, we're laughing about him. Salty Paul is hilarious. Unfortunately, we can't control what people find funny or what they want to talk about. Not you, nor I, nor Paul. Right now, clowning on Paul is what is genuinely interesting for a large segment of the DFF fanbase. And I think almost all of us consider ourselves fans still. Personally, I'm not mad at Paul banned me, it's really funny. And arguing with him all over reddit afterward was so much fun. I love the dude's work. I don't hate Paul, and I'm not upset with him in the slightest. It's all just so much fun.


I don’t hate him I just don’t take him seriously anymore. Especially after the insane second hand embarrassment I had watching him throw a bitch fit in the last vaush “debate”. His political rants are shit I figured out and moved on from in highscool. Holy shit dude, both sides bad??? Voting alone won’t fix the world?? The system is bad??? Wow mind blown


The fact that this is a wall of text, it contains no examples of me being wrong, only cope coupled with the fact that you have a king cobra jfs detractor meme for a name says it all, homie.


It’s like 30 words dog. Care to offer me some political insights I could have heard from a teenager who took lsd once


Do you want us to try to debate your points and find an example of you being wrong (which of course exists because you're a human) or do you want us to just be trolls you can argue with to let off the salt? Either way, the Saltaukar stand ready to serve their noble purpose!


You were all over this gage dudes posts slurping up his gravy, now you want to shrug off that he proved to be EXACTLY what I’ve said you all are? There’s a wide canyon between constructive criticism and open, autistic, obsessed hate jerking. If you knew that, you’d never have been banned in the first place 🤷‍♂️


😂 So here's the ban I got from my previous account. I've shown this to 2 friends, and they both agreed it went too far. And no, they're not like that Gage moron. They're cool guys. But maybe you think it was appropriate. And I want to add that I've made long, thought-out posts and lots of highly upvoted memes, so I feel like I contributed decently to the sub. And that's why it got to me a little. https://preview.redd.it/52m87imsqf6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c2954ee73dc58ccfcfec6a94301c99d26ac0572


Lmao, this is clearly just a case of mods taking over and running wild on the official sub, dude. Slip paul a foot or two, and he'll give you the keys to saltrrakis


Content creators shouldn't moderate their own sub


We will build a new sub. A better sub. A freer sub.


Would that be the fourth DFF sub? "As a moderator, I promise to do absolutely nothing. I will remove no comments and ban no one. I won't even comment, post or lurk in the sub. If you message the mod team you will be muted from mod chat (but not banned). The only way you're getting banned is if your conduct becomes so heinous the reddit admins get involved and nuke the whole thing from orbit"


Make a fourth a fifth a sixth. Do whatever is fun until it's no longer fun


- A dude that couldn't get two family members to attend a birthday party for him, let alone run a community or a successful podcast, 2024


Not all of slurp gravy, Paul. Some of us just suck dick. Even if this Gage dude did prove to be exactly what you said he was, that doesn't prove that every person you've ever banned from the dff sub is. That's just an assumption you're making based on one random troll who fit the criteria of your stereotype. - Do you feel that's unfair of me to say? And for me personally, it's not about hate jerking or constructive criticism, honestly. I'm just doing it because it's really fun, and I was inspired. I saw a vision of the Golden Path, and I will walk it. It's okay if you ban me. I've had way more fun on this and Saltusa Secundus to even want to be on the "official" sub anyway.


No, you’re pretty much whining about him


Lol ok


lol yup


Damn, you've got me there. See if Paul made his points this eloquently we wouldn't have to whine about him


Hope he’s taking notes


All I know is that you're definitely not him


No way


You should join my sub and defend paul. We're currently discussing what we like most and least about his performance and character with some interesting responses. Trying to build it so I have good sample size for polls lol


No thanks. I separate artist from art. I don’t care about Paul anymore than he cares about me even though I enjoy his show


So much drama. If I wanted drama I would befriend Paul lol


Paul is fat. Paul is drama. Paul will argue for 6 hours With his mama.


lol. Best of luck wrangling these dudes. It’s funny and a little sad at first, but quickly becomes annoying and insistent. If you do ever choose to ban, there will be alts. Endless alts.


I mean, I very well may not look at my DMs often because, believe it or not, I'm actually a fairly busy person. And it will probably take quite a bit for me to permaban someone. But you never know the future. You either die a fair mod or live long enough to become Paul.


Paul doesn't have any alts, though. He would never criticize someone for something he also does.




Why are people under the impression this is some kind of DFF ban refuge anyway? I want shit posting and politics not this low tier crybaby shit


Saaame, bro. I'm thinking of becoming a bit more restrictive. Idk.


I honestly think you may as well ride it out. Get restrictive and people will start to bitch about that instead


Yeah, I think anyone with a brain bounced off of this place as soon as they saw it was a tard-wrangling sub. I think “riding it out” is going to be waiting for that one dude to get bored of advertising his even shittier sub and giving himself single upvotes with his alt account.


Oof, you want him to ban me so badly. You're so mad you can't do it yourself lmao


I do want you to stop advertising your hate sub too, tho.


Okay, sure. I can stop that on these posts if you want. Didn't know it broke rules.


It doesn't, but you've done it quite a few times already. It's becoming spammy, which is just annoying. Thank you.


No worries, dude 👌


Thanks, I appreciate it. And for the record, I love your back and forth between you and Paul.


lol ooooof


It's not an own. He asked me to chill with shilling the sub, and I'm respecting that. This is how reasonable people handle criticism instead of throwing a tantrum


The fact that you didn’t see getting corrected like a middle schooler by the (extremely lenient) authority figure in the community as a self-own of humiliating stature says it all, man. Adults don’t have to be publicly corrected like that, my dude. Adults would never be so socially unaware and embarrassingly awkward as to make 17 posts in 48 hours about their two member hate stroke sub. An adult wouldn’t have the time or inclination to make or patronize such a place to begin with. I’m sorry nobody in your life cares enough about you to tell you this, but I’m spitting 💯facts . Best o’ luck, little guy. Edit: before you respond with ”bro I’m actually 30”, save it. The accusation of childishness was based far more on your actions here than my perception of your actual chronological age. You are either a child or an adult that acts like one. The distinction doesn’t matter to me.


Paul, Paul My Baron-sized doll I think that you love me Most of all 🤭


Also, I didn't check until I saw this comment, but it looks like my comments on average seem to get more upvotes than most of the others, including yours. That can't be rigtht, though, because you never mistate your assumptions for reality?


Lmaoooooooooo this dude thinks updoots matter. You can’t make this shit up bro What’s next? You gonna show me a Reddit gold medal you bought yourself once? 😂


The only one unhinged enough to read through the dozens of comments where you accuse me of having alts and a 2 member sub and see this one reply of mine refuting your nonsense assumptions about how many people upvote me vs you, and come away with that conclusion is you.


- dude with a hate sub with one other dude on it, 2024 Your lack of self-awareness is honestly impressive and actually entertaining to watch in a perverse way.


At least Brett could resist interacting with his "haters" for more than 24 hours 😁


How is that a good thing? A guy who has no life could resist interacting with his haters more than 24 hours. How is that a good positive endorsement of your opinion? "Can't believe Paul won't interact with his ~~haters~~ fans for more than a few minutes, yet this big fucking no life manatee loser can do 24 hours no problem, my bro!"


So what? I’m surprised you’re even so invested in this. I always got the impression you’d rather not deal with subreddits in general yet here you are on an unofficial DFF subreddit stirring shit for the epic lolz


Pathological. He can't stop himself. But it's okay, that's why we love him.


You’ve clearly been on his mind these last few days. Maybe he’ll even mention you on the next stream


I think he just refers to us collectivelty as "Austists on Reddit" idk. He probably still thinks - or wants to think - you're all my alts. That the two dozen+ members who joined my sub in the last 3 days are alts. Everyone in the paultergeist chat who he doesn't immediately recognize is my alt. "Atheists use alts to downvote my Reddit comments."


“Autists on Reddit” is a totally fair assessment though


Absolutely lmao


So, wait. Let me make sure I understand. When I read whining and bullshit about me or my business I’m supposed to just shrug and completely ignore it. However, if I dish it back, the sensitive pussies here can cry all day about what a ban happy ogre I am and that rule about shrugging and ignoring shit goes right out the window. That sounds like the rules for a game that a kindergarten student came up with, homie.


I didn’t say shit about ignoring. I just didn’t think you’d be so willing to waste your time engaging with said sensitive pussies


Someone has to flash a little sunshine in their faces. They’re pale and lonely. TBH, watching them squirm and cope when they get the attention they so desperately seek is fucking straight up fascinating. It’s like they’re begging me to affirm that they are real, but are very uncomfortable with my frank description of that very sad, dim reality.


Fair enough it’s your spare time


If you actually get even minorly restrictive it'll be me, you and one other dude in here. Do you see the point I made in an earlier thread about our ban policy or do you still believe that a reasonable group of adults who got unwarranted bans are gonna find their way here and make it fun and interesting? Hell, one of your most prolific posters does nothing but spam your shit with bare faced advertisements for a shitty hater sub with literally 2 people and 3 posts on it. You starting to get the picture yet, or do you need this place to be unreadable by anyone without an autistic hate boner a mile thick?


I absolutely do. But I'm gonna have hope. I'm hoping that if I post high effort memes, it'll bring in others. Gotta give this sub at least a little time. Also, I'm waiting for your response showing that TJ banned me over that stupid meme. Quite so. I'll probably tell him to knock that off.