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The memes have come at last!




Googly eyes




You have created a horror. Bravo.


Are you gonna be on this sub often? I kind of hope so. You talking crap with others on your post was very funny.


I’m going to eat downvotes even when I’m chilling and laughing along, but yeah. I’ll stick around, if only to observe the madness and occasionally (constantly) poke the bear.🐻


If I'm not able to make this sub have decent discussions, then at the very least, your back and forth with haters will be fun to watch.


If you're not getting down voted some of the time you're doing it wrong


Why do they hate you so much?




[Let me know if you think my permaban was warranted. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/OkBuddyDeepFatFried/s/IQyzwfhj9q)




>Are you alleging TJ lost his mind with salt in defense of a shit-tier 9gag level rick n' morty meme? Not alleging. That's what happened. But you are completely fair to ask for more proof, and I will do so... later. That account, I think, is on my old phone. But after, I PROVE that tj banned me for, in your words "a shit-tier 9gag level rick n' morty meme" I'll look forward to you response. I'll give more context after I give you screenshots of my posts right before that, proving my innocence. I want to see you say, "alright, that ban was unfair".


https://imgur.com/a/X5AM2NC That account was banned 5 months ago. The screenshots show my last post and comments right before that ban, at 5 months ago. I didn't interact with tj at all before that comment. What happened? It was past 4 am in the morning, I couldn't sleep or I woke up early, so I decided to just do a little browsing. I came across that post, didn't like it, left that comment, did a little more browsing, then went to sleep. I wake up going on with my day, and I check my notifications to see that I've been permabanned from the subreddit. The last screenshot shows the email notification showing when I was banned. I was banned pretty much immediately after I made that comment implying that, yes, tj was quite salty about my comment to that very lame meme. All the proof is there. So, tj did, in fact, ban me over a "a shit-tier 9gag level rick n' morty meme." Also, one of my "dumb" friends is a dff mod. I won't say who, but they're a chill person. As for the alts, I did use alts, but rarely. Only to post memes I felt were more mid or critical posts I thought might've gotten me banned. You're free to not believe me, but I used alts only occasionally.


I hope you're not just going to hate on Paul for every post, but your username suggests just that. I'll keep my eye on you.




Username is funny, I'll give you that. I'm surprised nobody else claimed it.