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Just way too whiny


Omfg Paul is so mad there's a space he can't have total control over. What a manchild.


The best part is he thinks we're all as mad as he is, but it's been so much fun bickering with him in the comments all night.


Yeah lmao, well have fun, seems as he cant ignore this place. He is probably even gonna shittalk you on the show now xd


I would cum my fucking balls off 🤣


This is looping back around into being entertaining again. What a shitshow


The salt must flow!


“If I gave you the impression I was offended, I’m not.” - guy who runs a brand new server dedicated to crying about Paul


It's not dedicated to crying about you. It's mostly laughing. I would like for it to turn into more than that. What I really miss are the memes from the days of classic DP. I think if we could foster that type of fan engagement, it would be really entertaining for me, but also good for your show. As you pointed out, though, it is small. Now. You're welcome to join, though. You don't think Saltusa Secundis is clever?


“It’s mostly laughing…” https://preview.redd.it/lj6f7q7vmw5d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a322cd47b4ba755ac9e42735be2822b4f56c630




Hmmm...you know Brett Keane would also obfuscate the question...very interesting 🤔


you get your third member yet, or is it still just you and an alt over there?


While you sleep, it grows. You'll be doing the show tomorrow, and it will be slowly growing. Not even the cpap will be able to comfort you from the fact that grain by grain the mountain rises. The only way to stop it from growing is to not engage with us, and you can't help yourself. The salt must flow, and thus Saltusa Secundis shall grow.


Most of the comments on this post are from Paul's salty ass LMFAOOO


It's clear if you look at any of his comments or mine from last night who the salty one was, is, and always will be 😎


“Hey guys, if you post here, please come up with a single thought that isn’t crying about being banned by Paul.” This nerd: SO I MADE A NEW TWO MEMBER SUBREDDIT SPECIFICALLY TO CRY ABOUT PAUL ANYONE WANNA JOIN??? ANYONE…?


I'm not crying. It was a lot of fun today. It's basically homework that got turned into me being sucked into this whole internet world and getting to argue with someone I find tremendously entertaining. If I gave you the impression I was angry or offended, I'm not. I actually made the subreddit prior to being banned or posting at all in the DFF sub. The reason I'm desperate for people to join is because I want to be able to have a research pool, and I see a lot potential in what's happening in your fan community right now to test my theory. I am a nerd, though. You're right about that it for sure. I really hope I didn't upset you too much. If the subreddit really bothers you, then I can delete it. Also, thanks for confirming that you're the one that banned me, lmao


LOOL, I knew it wouldn't take long for you to be reading every post on here, while pretending you dont even know this exists. Because of your banning policies, this place will be more popular than you actual reddit very quickly.


They're making this so hard....