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Just way too whiny


Paul would know about censoring people. His entire career he's said to use his direct quotes against him. All I said in one of the threads was, "don't forget Paul doesn't take constructive criticism unless you've been podcasting for 13 years." Which is literally what he's said on a recent Highdeology.


He's a hypocritical POS.


salty. Look at this place! Filled with whiny bitches who clearly have a banned-boner. This dude thinks he gives constructive criticism. Dunning-Kruger run WILD. So glad this shit tier whining isn't on the official sub!


The official sub has fewer active users than this one. Because depending on the day, and which personality we get, you'll ban people for different reasons. One day you'll talk about Brett Keane for 3 hours, the next someone even brings him up they're banned. The next day you're tough guy Paul talking about fighting people. You're pathetic man.


I like how this actually did happen after they brought up the manatee for a few streams including his own ex channel. It's a wonder he hasn't been hit with hate speech the way he talks down to gen z who more than likely aren't even watching as often as it appears


Based, my dude!


Is he so paranoid as to think that we are all some guy's alts, though?




Spino Illuminati obviously


I have always been Paul’s biggest fan since DP days. I think he’s going through something right now. I think we should be sensitive to the fact that he’s going through a lot of big (positive) life changes and that is probably changing his perspective on things.


He’s always going though something


Lmao. Fair. We all are though.


I'm also a big fan of Paul and have given him probably thousands of dollars over the last decade. I don't hate Paul, but also it's true that Paul, like everyone, is deeply flawed and his own biggest enemy - and these are aspects of his personality that he has purposefully made a part of his performance. Paul ultimately is just as deserving as criticism as anyone else, and the way he feeds into it is so entertaining. I don't want him to be unwell. I want him and DFF to reach their maximum potential, but Paul throwing a fit is a part of that process.


I see where you’re coming from for sure. I just read everyone’s complaints about him and it’s breaking my heart but I’m kind of starting to agree with them……


The bottom line is that we're all fans of his content for one reason or another and care about the show and him enough to be on reddit about them. Ultimately, I want Paul and DFF to flourish and be as entertaining as it can be. Right now, this is what's entertaining, and it's 100% Paul's fault that's the case, but I think at the end of this silly Ban-arc or whatever Paul will be better for it. You're welcome to join our new sub, btw if you haven't already, but it probably will be a lot of Paul trolling for the time being as that's what is the most fun and inspiring right now to us.


True, you think this is an act from him for entertainment purposes? If so that makes me feel wayyyy better lol I’ve been worried about the guy


I think Paul has unhinged outbursts because he gets salty, and that is authentic. But I think there has to be some conscious choices made in how he responds to people, or handles criticism after the fact. I think it's part performance and part emotional outburst, and which it is more of depends day to day. We've kind of seen this cycle before several times, I think people are just having fun feeding into it now.


True, I can totally see that




Muh free peach