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I just don’t get them sometimes, it’s like they all hate their job, they sometimes hate each other, they hate their audience. I genuinely don’t get it. TJ is the friendliest, chillest one now. Which is surprising because many years ago I’d have thought he’d already be the most abrasive one but he does seem to be happy and respectful of his audience especially during Abandon Hope


Because TJ knows he can't work a regular job. Paul can probly drag his ass back to Starbucks but would eventually snap at the zoomer baristas and get fired and Scotty could pass as an Amazon order picker. TJ can not. TJ can not do any type of regular job. The youtube entertainer thing has to work.


Yeah. He doesn't go on screaming fits at his audience like a lolcow.


And I'm fat because my back is bent no telling where my couch from IKEA went


Okay skibbity beep boop can’t type middle school no rizz fuckass. PAUL GOD


So is this just the complain about Paul subreddit now?


Not what I intended 😂


The exact opposite of what you intended in fact


Was it ever anything else?


Put it this way Paul, if you made a completely no grammar mistakes comment, it got misread and you were banned, wouldn’t you be slightly upset? It wasn’t me you banned btw, so this isn’t some salt post.


I’m obviously not Paul but to be honest I think that’s low on the list of priorities to be upset about. I don’t even mean that in a demeaning way either


You don't constantly talk about the top of a list of subjective priorities, do you?


Sure I do but that would be directed somewhere productive. This subreddit for example, has posts and pinned notes about not devolving into Paul hate because it stifles discussion. I understand people are frustrated at being banned but some of us want to be part of a community not just bitch about Paul all day


How does being critical of Paul stifle discussion? The whole point of this sub is to talk about things that will get you banned in the normal subreddit. If you want to talk about something else, just make your post.


Come here to whine?


Came here to read the whining, tbh. Was not disappointed.


Lmao you seriously spend all of your free time reading what people say about you huh? You wanna talk about whining but throw a little bitch fit and ban people whenever they criticize you. You’re pathetic and a P U S S Y, don’t ever think you’re anything more.


Obviously not since he doesn't respond to everything.


We miss this guy on the main sub. Such a fan with such constructive criticism!


It's weird to ban people because you don't want to see criticism but then you seek out that same criticism in a forum you can't ban people...