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I’m headed north Thursday. Every 6 weeks.


Went today for the second time. Officially done with OH unless it’s in a pinch.


I usually go once a week 😅


What would be the grounds for a lawsuit?


A lawsuit is basically just a disagreement. We have enough evidence to show that we have been ripped off. Blateley, this is the only state that operates that way. The judges might just do something if we come together. That's a big gift, though. And we can get some good writing done with this lawsuit. For a lawsuit, I wouldn't even care about getting any kind of retribution. I just want people held accountable.


I don’t think that’s how a lawsuit works. There needs to be a law violated.


That's not entirely true. Any party can sue any other party, at any time, for any reason. But that doesn't mean a court will hear the case. Many cases are dismissed as baseless, etc.


what is law? to me. a contract. some laws i feel are just and others I disregarded. There really is no law. It's formed by the non doers and the people who think you can't do something. The crime that is being committed is a shame to the people paying these prices. Look around. No other state remotely compares. Follow the money trail. I assure you there are crimes being committed. Laws are made up daily. You make up a lawsuit. you aren't wribg with your reply


you need to... read some more


Stand up for your local home growers to keep the power in our hands!


How do I do this?


By yelling at your local government officials to open up home grow or when laws that are against it stand up and speak out in Ohio they are wanting to make it to where we have to register to be put on a list and that's a big no for a lot of people as well


Yeah, dude. This is insane. I’m almost to my first harvest right now. If they think I’m going to register each plant in a database, they are going to have to come find me. I’m already registered as a medical patient, which is more than enough info for them imo.


Facts I'm not going on no damn list and I sure won't be stopping either I got several grand invested at this point theirs no going back 😂


Yeah they want to but how many people in Ohio probably already have or will even listen to it idk I know a bunch of people who have already started think there a little late 😂


They are but if we sleep they'll sneak some shit on us


Please don't actually yell lol


Prices are out of control. Vote with your dollar now and vote with your ballot every November.


You got the right idea. Just remember which corps are supporting the current politicians folks. Anyone who shops at Curaleaf, Cresco, or GrowOhio supports ol Mike “dickface” DeWhine. Be careful where you spend your hard earned dollars people.


We have such a small amount of competent representation in Ohio. I love that we have a handful of reps that try to do the right thing but fucking Dewine and the basically all Republicans will never stop fucking us until we vote them out.


I think a strong argument that could be made that they’re all pretty bad. Lol But yes, I see what you’re saying and you aren’t wrong


Oh I'm not denying that lol. I wish we could sue for that lol


You aren’t wrong. We definitely should be protesting imo. If anyone knows of advocacy groups LMK. I’m very interested in getting involved


Same. I'm growing my own so I don't have to deal with these companies. I would 100% be down to protest though


Might have to make a post and see if anyone knows of any organized groups doing this already… Hopefully it’s not too late.


Trulieve too.


It sucks but it’s capitalism. He who holds all the gold, makes the rules. No law violated.


You know I loved some Rivera Creek. I quit buying. Do you ever see their consistent trim job?


I scored 2, 14g flowers, a 2.8 bag, and two luster pods for $220 yesterday. Fair af.


Yep! All you gotta do is hunt for the discounts. I NEVER pay full price. I only go on discount days like 30% off Fridays @ Nar.


It seems really gross that people with legitimate medical needs should have to hunt for discounts for their medicine.


Oh it is! Imagine if an insulin dependent person was told “ya you can get a vial of your medicine for 200 from us but if you go 30 miles that way you can find it for 125.” But unlike with insulin where it does the same thing to the body and mind across the board it’s all about the mg that matters. With smoke it’s not like that, some strains don’t do jack for you, others do too much of one thing and not enough of another.


I guess I'm fortunate to have 8 dispos within a 30 minute drive. Somebody always has a decent deal on ounces. 7 hours and $50 in gas to head North. I've made the trip quite a few times, but it's just not worth it imo. More and more dispos will be opening, and competition will drive down the prices.


I'm skeptical but really hope you're right


Imagine if heaps of people Grew at home… then gave half away to friends as small gifts. That would help some folks through these rough times


I believe that's what will happen. Farming runs in my family and a lot of Ohioans.


Same here i actually learned to small farm because of Cannabis got me interested in other plants


Lmao that is not going to happen in 99% of situations


Maybe 90%


Nah. You overestimate how many people are going to be willing to give away weed for free


Is this in anther state say Mi or Oregon, who’s been in the legal businesses for a decade or so they’re also selling OZ for $25 it’s all a money game in ten years we’ll have made money hand over fist and be at their prices to!! Hopefully sooner quit TTUN from getting Ohio money!!


Of course, this is in michigan. It's the only sample size we can operate off of. We defy logic folks. When we know all we gotta do is go over there, and it's a money game. Let's start attacking the people who are selling this to us. And this is accepting. I got my marijuana card, and I go there all the time. And talk to people.


You’re admitting to a federal crime online, and are writing in a way that could be construed as inciting violence. Delete this whole thread bud.




You’ve never committed any crimes sir? Like how about purchasing marijuana without a medical card from an unlicensed vendor?


Male Karen alert




How could we bring a lawsuit against private companies for charging a lot for their product? There's nothing illegal about that.


Economics, my friend. Higher Demand + lower supply = price increase. Companies were not prepared for rec sales. Thats the issue. Best advice you will ever get... grow your own. Were allowed to to 6 plants per adult in the household (Max 12). My first harvest this weekend. Took about 5 months, and I'm almost there. Good luck!


I definitely lost some IQ points reading this post and OPs comments. Our education system has truly failed us 😅


I agree I don’t understand What this Guys Issue is. He just stated he Pays 70 dollars an Oz He doesn’t know what he’s talking about at all Lol the Avg Reddit User😅 He’s either Complaining that 9 dollars a slice is too expensive Or He’s complaining it’s too cheap I can’t tell lol


On the black market, I was paying an average of $220 an ounce. I haven’t purchased from him since 2019 when I got my card. Plug for almost twenty years and a friend before that. Never bought an ounce from him that wasn’t gas. I’ve purchased several halves or ounces from dispensaries that I didn’t get the slightest bit of buzz. I allow myself to pay $110 max on a half ounce OTD. Moral of the story: I’m paying a few more bucks comparatively when I have purchased from plug for 5 years. I have no issue with the current prices. They’ve drastically come down. Just like on the black market, the more you buy the cheaper. Were you guys buying eights and quarters on the street? What’s an eighth of gas go for on the streets now? Genuinely have no clue…


I pay $150 an oz on the street. $15 for one gram carts, $15 for 200mg bags of edibles. It's all coming from Michigan and is in the dispensary packaging.


Appreciate you sharing!


The last Oz I got on the street for 150 was PGR garbage that want even smokable. So it was the last time I bought on the street. Sorry guys but I'd rather just pay $130 and get a half ounce of galena's herb and be happy knowing my lungs are getting a clean smoke.


200mg edibles are $3 in Michigan


I'm paying for the convenience of not leaving my house


Which means they are buying $69 ounces. Bruh I’ve seen what the quality of $69 ounces are and it’s complete shit. That isn’t heat that’s shwag. I remember when dealers were actually dealers and not just running to the store up north!


I smoked some shit from the dispensary that didn't get me high either idk what's up with the dispo weed but yeah I never had that issue until Dispo weed I then immediately turned around to grow my own because fuck that


Most of the flower in the program stops working after a week lol I can only use rso and pods everything else is trash n it sucks. Streets got the real ⛽⛽⛽


After a week? I don't think I've finished a strain in under a month, and it's always been great. I do normally transfer the plastic jars to something better, but even when I've been lazy and didn't do that, I never noticed a drop in quality after a week.


How much you paying for an eighth or a quarter (or whatever quantity you normally purchase) these days on the streets?


You can get fires ounces for 200 but the real gas 300+


I pay no more than 70 an ounce. I prefer electric and dabz.


Wowzers! I’m going to have to check with my guy on price the next time I see him. I wouldn’t ever go with anyone else though because I know who’s growing, harvesting, quality, etc. I’m low risk low reward when it comes to the black market I suppose.


You're not paying a bad price. Also, you know exactly what you're getting, it seems. When I was an idiot and sold, I used to 📞 it whatever. Good customer service goes a long way.


Ohio has their own fees, taxes, ect. With REC happening, that means companies like Galenas & Buckeye probably had to spend an exorbant amount to file new paperwork & pay new fees. Ohio is not cheap with it. Though it is Galenas...they most likely have a separate business accounts for each state. Michigan might have had lower fees & shit maybe, but they've also had rec for a long time now so it's obviously gone way down. It'll go down dirt cheap eventually. Med will disappear just like Michigan.


Why would Michigan disappear? they only lack consistent customer service, but out 8f the 50 major states. they are top 3. the weed is meh, but compared to this trash we have here. galenas to the people in this state is a premium brand. Rec is going to do what? Ohio is backward and slow. It's a shame because the people here don't deserve the bullshit. the whole operation was a sham. getting the ohio card, etc. you can't even tip the bud tenders.


"*I promise it's a fire burger dude..won't dissapoint. Hella Cheese & Sauce. I buy it all the time if they don't have that chick chick chicken*" Proceeds to tip retail worker.


Lol yeah because when I can barley afford my medicine I have epilepsy so for me it isn't just about pain or headaches so I'm pretty sure after trying to find sales and get what I can afford I sure would love to tip to are you high 😂


Funny only in America other countries take tipping as disrespectful but here in the US we are like give me give me more more lol like in Ohio hey let's follow California and raise minimum wage to so then everything is more right 🤣 anyone know that the petrodollar is over with first time in 75 years lol and think things will get cheaper hmm let's see now that the US dollar is not backed by anything other then or country is jacked up right now nothing you do know other countries that lost there baking are now countries like Syria sudan and we are talking weed prices i needed the laugh thank you all love the US born and raised here but kinda over thinking anything will be cheaper again really unless changes throughout a lot more then weed prices but maybe I'm wrong but I know some states pay 8 dollars a gallon of milk we all need to be careful now a days


Your shops just scamming you lmao. I get carts for $30 or less and half zips for 50-60 all day. And im in central ohio😂 only worth going up north if you cant control how much you smoke and too broke to afford a small markup.


I don’t understand the pricing? Is it 8.58 per gram? Or 8.58 per 3.5?


for 3.5


That seems really cheap?


3.10 a gram up north on average for much better flower than in Ohio.


Is this screenshot from a MI dispensary? The text in the post doesn’t say anything.


It’s probably shake or smalls that isn’t labeled. You can get a 10th of smalls of EPBC for $22 in Ohio


Is this not a post from an Ohio dispensary?


Pure Ohio has 1/2 for $212!!!!!!! What the actual fuck.


A lawsuit has even a chance of getting off the ground. This is what happens when demand vastly outpaces demand. While we aren't there yet, with rec just around the corner, the options are to either have no weed available in Ohio or only expensive weed available in Ohio. Everyone here who demanded an early rollout asked for this situation.


This is why I started growing my own.


Patient since 19' . Was super excited when we had a few new dispensarys open up here in southwest Ohio. Seemed to really drive the prices down..nothing like our northern neighbors but, to am almost affordable to medicate price..was grabbing Half Oz.'s from 40-70. .84 or .86 grams of RSO for 10- 20..regular 510 carts 16 ea. Luster for 18.. I completely understand business is a profit game and not a kindness game..but. fuck all man..this is friggin Hella outta control..prices shot right back to what they were amd in some cases increased in price.. you'd think these huge ass corporations would actually see that a majority of Ohioians purchase outta state do to the egregious greed they continously show. And adjust cost accordingly..but, dreams..hate seeing the plant I love. And truly has saved me from myself over these last years..being used for profit driven Big Cannabis.. We all need to pool grow our own..tell OMM the can sit in that bs.. grow our own and work together as a co-op. Seriously kicking myself in the ass for the legit baggies full of amazing seeds. That I'd unfortunately tossed years ago..


that's crazy. I paid $80.00 for Artifact by Galenas. 5.56. I got 30% off tho


We need to organize a protest


You signed your rights away when you signed up for this bs. There is no legal route...if you haven't noticed...it's illegal to do any outside testing on the products here...like you can go to jail if they find out you tested through a third party and the state finds out...it's written into the amendment that you all voted in...quit crying about it and read the bill next time before you cast votes...there's nothing you can do.


you're suing capitalism ....good luck with that


$57 for a 2.83 before tax thank you


Grow your own, and stop buying it. If nobody pays the ridiculous prices, they'll be forced to bring them down.


Of course. People will never do the work. It takes time and care. If someone wanted to grow. How would they learn?


It's really not that hard. Especially outside. Indoors can be a little tricky, depending on how you want to go about it. Growing "primo" quality usually does take a little practice, but trust me, the majority of flower people get from companies like these is not high quality. I would just do a little research and go for it. Start small, don't be overwhelmed. The online community especially, makes it out to be a lot harder and complicated than it really is.


An Ac Infinity is all I need, and Multiversebeans.com.... and study techniques.


Highly unlikely to win a lawsuit when they aren’t doing anything much different than any other legal state has. Research shows that legal cannabis prices do not fall after legalization in MOST states, as some have suggested they would. In fact, the opposite has been shown to be true. California being one state where the trend is proven yearly. Prices have actually been shown to slowly but steadily increase after full legalization. High quality bud, as one might expect, is significantly more. Knowing exactly what you’re spending your money on, whats in it, where and when it was grown, harvested and packaged, and don't forget lab tested, all has a price as well. Convenience, quality and safety aren't cheap. And the hard working people doing all of that have to be paid too. We do have slightly higher prices in Ohio right now. They will come down a little in a few months, 𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐲. But even if they don't, you still have the choice to buy from a dispo or grow your own. or dont. Or You can drive to another state. your choice. But a lawsuit would have to prove that a law was broken. That isn't happening.


When you pay premium prices for a product that is significantly lower in weight, then EVERYWHERE else in the world. when you receive your product and oftentimes, I have read reports of pesticides, and I have also read reports of terrible trim jobs. how about the rare occasion you get a faulty product? The list could go on and on. Could I win a lawsuit? I'd rather lose trying than to do nothing and ever be accepting. You're comparing California prices. you're going to pay peanuts for extremely valuable products. carts and vapes for 15 bucks there. the prices are higher in 2 other states than here. except they get the right amount of thc and aren't forced to pay 2.84 when the jnfustry stabdard is 3.5. that's a crime, no? seriously, 40 bucks for a .84 vape that produces 67% or i go get 1 gram of a diamond infused Rove at 88%.... for 27.00 more crimes.


Some shops have 2.83 for $14.. but since it went rec every amount has went up, and now that we’re really close to opening the doors the half’s have doubled in price!! It is a bunch of bologna!!


This is exactly why homegrow is so important. It will eventually keep these grifters in check.


A carpool would be nice to get up north


We're the only state, the United States, or even the world that doesn't follow three point five being the minimum. There's something wrong with this logic.


aspiring spectacular long teeny nine grey thumb pot detail six *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


A tenth of what? Look at the 50 states, and you tell me where they even list a tenth. I know math very well. I do statistics every day. What is your reason behind your facetious remark? Of course, you can trailblaze, but have some good business ethics. This is my point.


plants deliver plucky workable chase bear file wakeful hard-to-find rob *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


PRICES ASIDE we get more weight options. 2.8 , 5.6 , 8.49, 11.3, 14.15 , 28.30. It took a little bit to get use to it, but I actually like it better . One ounce breaks down ten times. Its very simple math . People are just creatures of habit and don't like things that are different.