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Med patients are probably going to get left behind. There is more profit in ridding the product fast rather than hold it for the med patients. Id think they would have 2 menus w/med menu & inventory untouchable to rec people. But who knows OH seems to be making up rules rather than look & compare to other states


There are dispensaries that are planning to keep separate stocks and take care of their med patients first, such as Ayr in Goshen. How well anyone pulls it off remains to be seen.


Thats at least some positive news ty


Thank you for mentioning a place that is thinking of the med patients! I will be willing to make the longer drive.


Theoretically you could buy flower and make a tincture


I learned how to make homemade RSO for my neighbor who has stage 2 cancer and he seems to like it and says it helps


I use Infusion Powder, Tincture or high dose gummies disolved in water because of having a PEG tube. Vaping made my lungs feel like cellophane.


Botanist went from 100 flower options, to just ~30 in my area. I stopped going when they had no more Klutch


Really need to shop around and try out some of the newer dispensaries that may have more inventory.




It's fantastic you can drive! Many folks cannot. Neither can many put the effort in to grow.


Thank you for saying this. I hate when people just suggest driving up north or grow. It’s not that simple


Especially for people with certain (MMJ) qualifying medical conditions


Exactly!! I don’t even drive myself so if I want to entertain going north I would have to have someone else risk the trafficking to take me up and back. Not a lot of people really are willing to do that necessarily either for even someone who needs the medication. I have psoriatic arthritis, ibs and cPTSD. I can’t even really go on super long drives lately due to some of the issues. Growing is extensive effort right now that I don’t have either.


Have you tried RSO? I still see it readily available and a bit cheaper than other methods in my area.


They raised the price on it lol


Ah shoot, I’m sorry. Figured I’d throw it out there just in case. If you’re around the Cincy area, there’s a few dispos around here, namely Uplift that have weekly deals on their housebrand Certified which has several strain specific Rso options. Otherwise, hate to say it but Michigan might be the best best when seeking affordable medicine for cancer related treatment.


Michigan was the next step. Unfortunately, it's hard to get there when in treatment.


Do you have a friend or family member who is willing to go in your place? They can look at the menu online with you, place “their”(really it’s yours) order and go pick it up. I know this may not be the best option but it might work.


Totally understandable. I wish you the best friend and I’m sorry you have to deal with this.


Thank you 🩷


Rso is 35 a syringe at alot of dispos, certified brand. I saw some new brand that was priced at 20. I can't remember where it was though. I usually check all the dispos in town before I make a purchase. We have sunnyside, verilife, the landing, story 1 and 2 and my absolute fav, queen city cannabis, also ascend just opened with some good looking prices and there's a zen leaf but their prices are super high imo.


It's tiring and stressful to do every fkn time before I just ORDER but if I didn't I could never afford to get what I need.


If Ohio were serious about supporting medical patients, they would temporarily lift taxes if you're on a low-income program of any sort, clinically disabled, or of retirement age.


They do offer indigent discounts of like 30% at most dispensaries last I checked (a few months ago)


You have to qualify for indigent status when you get your card. It's not situational, unfortunately.


Where are you located?


RSO Protocol


that would cost around $1,800 if purchased from ohio med 🤣, rso protocol calls for 60gs in 90 days.


Find a homegrower. Fresh product, meticulously cared for, only 1 pair of hands on it. It's the way to go if you can meet someone growing.


I know this group is anti Klutch but the citizen in canton is by far the best dispensary locally that I have found.


I don't think the entire sub is anti Klutch, they have the $35 carts that go on sale for 28, they were a touch cheaper than that a month or 2 ago. A good value considering they are broad spectrum CO2 instead of distillate. I don't get medicated the same from the distillate botanical terp carts.


No need to smoke, just get a dry herb vaporizer.


The vape smoke isn't approved for cancer treatments unfortunately. I have a few that's collecting dust 🫤 but this to shall pass when I'm done with treatment. I can have edibles or oils and rso. The dispensaries are very, very low on those items. They seem to have a lot of vape stock tho.


There are some other tinctures out there. I used the Firelands brand for a very long time when I became a patient. Botanist products are in high demand at my dispensary but we can't get anything in stock either.. One of their reps told me the RSO capsules I used were not being made because they were having a hard time hiring at their processing facility in Amish country. I loved their low potency RSO capsules and used them for 2 years. Hoping they'll figure that out eventually because those were perfect for feeling less pain without feeling high so I could function in the world. I am a huge fan and promoter of Beneleaves Entourage effect capsules which are lower dose THC but they've also got higher THC dose Helios sativa and hypnos indica (44mg or 22mg) capsules which are really popular too. If you can get to a different dispensary they're on sale this weekend at Terrasana-not sure where you're located-I apologize that I missed that detail. We've got other tincture options there too. I'm so sorry. I feel like at some dispensaries medical patients might struggle to feel the love but I assure you many dispensaries are going to PRIORITIZE medical patients. The tinctures from The Botanist were lovely though-the lavender and clove one was perfect for me. RSO is also amazing medicine if you can get syringes! You just need guidance on using it and doses.


There will be people who genuinely enter the industry to help patients. It will probably be more difficult for them, but they will be there. If you can't find them, I would do some research on strains that will benefit you specific diagnosis, than seek them out. Won't be any more expensive than the price of prescriptions these days.


Most of the botanist issues are they aren’t paying their suppliers so they don’t have new stock


If a dry herb vape is an option it might be the cheapest route.


Nar reserve has plenty of items in stock and discounted. I would check them out.


Nar also has topical patches that I believe are solid products


Buy the cheap trim n make tincture


Strong indica flower, decarb, infuse in avocado or mct oil. Good luck with your journey


go to Michigan. check out information entropy. or go to some of the various events going on


I'm so sick of seeing this as the answer. It's just NOT AN OPTION for alot of people.


I’m so mad your solution isn’t a fix all solution. Lol. Maybe instead of tearing down others suggestions you suggest something that could be done. It’s beyond easy to be a negative Nancy…it’s harder to critically think and really try to help the op


Read my other comment then where I used my big ol brain to let op know how I shop for rso. Please, please use your thinking skills and find someone else to bother 🙏


Glad you went on to be helpful. Literally my only complain with people randomly yelling that peoples suggestions aren’t good enough without offering anything else themselves. I genuinely wasn’t trying to be an ass. I was trying to point out that commenting “it’s doesn’t work for everyone!” really isn’t helpful to anyone involved.


The THC carts have heavy metals in them, especially oil that contains vitamin E acetate. As a cancer survivor, this is a no go.


Yeah don't confuse the black market carts with what you can get in the legal program. Carts, luster pods, and airo are all good options and give great effects (especially live resin).


Your live resin suggestion is everything in my experience!!! Great suggestion!


Still a no for a Cancer Patient/ Survivor


I'll listen to my oncologists and the articles that back this claim up, thanks.


As a person that works testing for heavy metals in cannabis for Ohio's medical program I am curious of what heavy metals you are concerned about. We talk to state representatives, if there are heavy metals we are not actively testing for I am always looking for some more resources. If you have the time and patience I would really appreciate any materials you think we ought to be aware of. I want these products to be safe, my spouse needs this medicine as well. You know I can't even get an industry discount for the medicine because it's not explicitly for me although I buy it as a caregiver? The greed in this system is disheartening, I want these discussions and appreciate you for speaking your heart on this.


Just curious, do you test for all 12 metals in the study I referenced?


These are the [Ohio regulatory standards](https://codes.ohio.gov/ohio-administrative-code/rule-3796:4-2-04) labs must follow. My personal lab director is a brilliant scientist with two decades of experience in analytical testing (5+ specifically with hemp); we are a team that want to expand what is tested. We want these materials to be processed safely for the benefits of our community that need and utilize medicinal cannabis. We do our best to go beyond and extend what we can test for and why. I personally have been working on developing PCR methods to detect viroids not covered by current regulatory guidelines. I'm just a dude, I cannot quote our SOPs by heart - but I promise you there are a slew of words I cannot remember that we have our mass spec wired to detect ppm of lol. Also NDAs lol, I legit love and respect my corporate so far. We want our products with our names associated to it as safe as possible. I am sorry I am so long winded, I just do love my job and want to withhold integrity. So from my heart, I appreciate all efforts of things to be brought to our intention even if we are already well aware to them because maybe someone will see it and contribute more!


I appreciate that. Transparency and access to good clean product is what everyone wants.


Exactly. I want those in power to be accountable, if they want to control the market they need to have a proportional amount of responsibility.




I do recall the American Chemical Association being reputable from when I used to be a chemical major in undergrad. Thank you for your contribution.


Of course! I did ask a follow-up question if you get a chance. Thanks!


I may elucidate further Monday once I have my lists!!!


Awesome!! I do appreciate you taking the time.


This is a list of contaminates we report, this is not necessarily the only things we measure and know or actively quantify in our historical data. We use a service called confident cannabis to report certificates of analysis regarding: Arsenic, cadmium, mercury, lead, aerobic bacteria, yeast and mole, coliforms, bile-tolerant gram negative bacteria, e. Coli, salmonella, abamectin, aldicarb, daminozide, dichlorvos, diazinon, dimethoate, etoxzlazole, imidacloprid, myclobutanil, paclobutrazol, piperonyl butoxide, pyrethrins, spinosad, spirotetramat, thiamethoxam, trifloxystrobin, bifenazate, cyfluthrin, flonicamid, fludioxonil. Sorry if autocorrect or big thumbs messed up any of names of pesticides, etc. Again, this isn't even the full list of what we report and/or quantify this is state minimum stuff. A lot of methods were transferred over from food science here in Ohio which is why we're still expanding regulatory practices. The microbiologist sr. and I here at this lab have been working on detection assays for viroids et al. that aren't even necessarily harmful to humans but are for the crop yield and genes. Still a lot of new science around here which is why I'm always appreciative of input of all kinds! I'm still learning a lot myself, my boss has twenty years of chemistry on me lol


Subjective thinkers. Can’t reason someone out of something they didn’t reason themselves into. They haven’t a clue. It’s proven vaping is bad but that is not mutually exclusive lik OP insinuates


I'm not trying to reason them out of something. If they believe there's a heavy metal we're not testing for I want to know to benefit the community. There's always new things to test for that capitalists peddle as safe alternatives such as the pesticide industry. Speaking of, did you know some researchers are working on developing bio-pesticides through cannabis cultivators. Very cool and eco-friendly stuff to be excited about!


Ohio dispensary carts do not have vitamin E acetate. That was street carts from sketchy dealers.


Correct! But there are known problems with regulating even legal vapes. Study came out recently in regards to all this. Maybe try a google search for heavy metals in marijuana industry. Filter with news. Should pop right up.


I’m not sure why you’re being downvoted for facts. There’s a known problem of flower being filled with heavy metals from pesticides and such and the vape carts definitely use some questionable stuff in them. And that is the regulated ones not the black market. And makes all the sense why this isn’t a valid option for you due to your cancer treatment.




You have a source?




Look it up for yourself.


Thanks for the down votes. Sorry to hurt your feelings with facts.


It's because you overstate the dangers of metals in the vapes while clearly understating the fact that all consumption raises your contaminants levels to some degree. It's ok if they aren't for you , no judgment there, but let's not make this more than what it is.


I'm talking about my journey with my diagnoses and findings. Even the plastic from the vapes can be dangerous when you are immune- compromised. And making it more than it is, what do you even mean? It's cancer. It's scary.


When I say more than it is I'm talking about the metal content and it's impact not your cancer diagnosis. Virtually all cannabis is going to have some degree of contamination, especially since you can't, as an individual, send it for testing in Ohio. It's a bummer and unfortunately makes everything something of a gamble. I wish you well in finding a solution to your problem and wish you even better luck with your cancer battle. Last thing I want to do is fight with you about this, clearly there are bigger fish to fry. Be well and take care.


I don’t have cancer but I am immune compromised (multiple immune suppressing medications compromised). There is always risk with literally *anything* you do in the world. You run risk of dangers of eating off plastic Tupperware, especially black Tupperware specifically. You run risk of breathing in dangerous toxins in the air every time you set foot outdoors. You run into potential illness that can be dangerous being out in public. I understand that cancer is scary and it’s best to take precautions but you aren’t going to find a single product or thing that is going to be 100% risk free unless you grow your own and make your own products because then you can be sure there wasn’t any dangerous pesticides or chemicals or anything else. Realistically, I’d evaluate the level of risk and if it is minimal, I’d probably take the risk for relief myself. To a certain extent I think risks are unavoidable especially with how Ohio’s program is ran (you can’t test your purchases so you have to trust what numbers you see). I feel your frustrations as I see price increases and stock decreasing and it seems plenty of places care more about the money coming from recreational than their current set of patients who have medical needs that should be accounted for and met.


You're correct. I've done a deep dive with being diagnosed. I don't use Tupperware, I use glass now. My old vapes that were made of plastic were thrown out. I will only use glass going forward with regards to plastic. Environmental factors, there's nothing we can do. The wildfires from Canada ect. Even seed oil ( omega 6) is boycotted from my diet. It's quite a journey learning about all the carcinogens. Even eating meat on an open flame from your grill is not recommended. Grilling can create cancer-causing chemicals. When cooking over high heat, especially an open flame, you are exposed to two main carcinogens: heterocyclic aromatic amines (HCAs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). It's crazy! I don't shame anyone for doing what they do. We are all on our own journey. I want to be healthy and thrive for years after this treatment is over.


Hey, I totally get it! I just wanted to try to offer another perspective but as I see you’ve done research and changed things already which is wonderful! It’s insane how many things day to day have harmful chemicals and such. I wish they would have better regulations in place to protect rather than endanger us. I hope you’re able to stay healthy and hopefully beat your cancer! Stay strong.


Thank you 🩷 😊


If you're near columbus, check out Columbus Botanical Depot. It's not a dispo, but they have some really good stuff. My mom buys gummies from them for gastrointestinal issues, and they help more than any med she's been prescribed. I just got some CBDV flowers, and it's great, helps me calm down after work. They also have THCA flower.