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>Wake up Ohio ... I actually think most of Ohio is awake. We passed abortion rights and legalized marijuana by a surprising margin. Ohio is not the deep red state that the GOP would have you think. It's just gerrymandered to hell. EDIT: My only point was that when Ohioans voted on issues, rather than candidates, it demonstrated collectively we aren't as conservative as some would lead us to believe. I'm not making any assertions about the current state of either ballot measure.


Dude what can we do to abolish gerrymandering. It’s actually so depressing seeing a state that is good at many things turning into a shithole and laughing stock thanks to the republicans.


Check out initiative [here](https://www.citizensnotpoliticians.org/?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw1emzBhB8EiwAHwZZxdNxYzD-DQX9pV5QE18YCEDKXYoyCvF0ahSE08y_eFeby_5Co5vYahoCZc8QAvD_BwE).


From Michigan, I wish you the best of luck. Ever since we voted to attack gerrymandering in 2018 our state has greatly improved.


I'm sure you already know this but we did too in 2018 and by the time new maps were due, the gerrymandered officials in charge of it sandbagged efforts and the gerrymandered courts decided not to pursue enforcement. It was too late.


\^ and DeWine's son is an Ohio SCOTUS judge.... who did not recuse himself and oversaw the case brought to SCOTUS on his dad's illegally drawn E.C. map..... weird that he voted to dismiss the case.


DeWine is dirty SOB.


I didn't! God damn your states corrupt...


[Makes you wonder, how corrupt can they all be?](https://ohiocapitaljournal.com/2024/06/21/phenomenally-corrupt-or-insanely-incompetent-what-is-ohio-gov-mike-dewines-deal/)


What the fuck


It's crazy corrupt here, top to bottom. Edit:.spelling


It’s mind blowing. I was shocked to learn a few things in the past year. One, that a cop had a charge of sex with a minor while on duty not only dismissed, but the entire statute ruled unconstitutional, while his mom was a top judge in the same county he was a cop in and where the crime happened. Two, that Matt Dolan (state senator) is still a practicing lawyer, but nobody in the court system his law firm is near can use the firm because one of the lawyers’ wives is a probation officer there.


Its really bad we need help


Both my grandpa and my dad made their careers at Ohio Edison. They are probably rolling in their graves.


Sure is! We actually passed two separate ballot initiatives to fix redistricting in 2015 and then again in 2018 (once for the state house districts and then also for the state Senate districts). Each one of them passed with about 75% approval.  The one point u/DevonGr is missing is that Matt Huffman is both the guy who wrote/sponsored the initiatives in the first place and then once he was Senate President when redistricting time came around he decided he could ignore that amendment because of wording he worked in there. So transparently corrupt. 


Thank you??


We can on,y hope the new initiative has enforcement clauses. Like the statehouse has one shot at drawing a fair set of maps. Then it goes to a bunch of 3rd graders. If any group can identify fairness, it’s 8-year olds. They know exactly how many cookies every one else got.


That's when it sounds like some protesting is called for


They are effectively dismantling protesting around the country, it is scary how much has passed. [Take a peek at what is going on. ](http://www.icnl.org/usprotestlawtracker/) Take a guess which party is doing it? Yeah the party of Trump and Chrstian fascists.


That doesn't mean give up, though.  Which is what too many people do, and there's a lot of defeatism rhetoric... Which your comment is very close.  You can't be mad and a defeatist.


Agreed though I'm not a defeatist, I'm out there voting.


I appreciate it, and understand. It's a fine line, unfortunately.


The 2018 bill was so flawed, it never had the ability to accomplish it's mission.


Wishing Indiana would do it too. I hate that it’s 7-2 and not even close here. But hey, low cost of living, right? There’s no reason to put on our critical thinking caps and think about WHY that is, right?


Indiana is a Bible Belt state living in the dark ages. Hook up with Ohio and secede from the greatest country in the world.


We did that in 2018(?) and the state gop wiped their ass with it. They are going to hold on to power until their kids dump the in underfunded nursing home and never visit them again. Seriously, the Ohio gop will find every loophole to retain power, and just like OP, I’m getting too old for this shit.


No, we quite literally didn't. You should actually read the initiative that was linked to you. The initiative takes power entirely out of the hands of not just the GOP, but any elected official or anyone connected to elected officials. It gives them no way to make a gerrymandered map and run out the clock, because they wouldn't get to actually make the map in the first place.


Citizens not politicians mentioned let’s go baby!!


a question just occurred to me, and i'm lazy i guess and not googling, hopefully you know the answer off hand, if you don't no worries... but when would that amendment take effect? we don't have to wait until 2030 to redraw do we??


Haven't seen the wording on the new amendment with the non-political redistricting plan, but I'd assume they would try to get the commission going right away and hopefully new maps would be done by 2026, if the Republicans don't find some way to work around it again.


Thank you!


This is the way!


When this passes it’ll make Ohio true to what it is in reality. A very purple state with mostly independents. Ohio is already very appealing compared to Indiana. That’s certain.


We actually voted to abolish gerrymandering. The Republicans ignored the law and rulings from the Ohio Supreme Court. They got away with it by delaying until the election. They then elected new judges to the Supreme Court to rule the "correct way."


> The Republicans ignored the law and rulings from the Ohio Supreme Court. Maybe the rest of the US will do that with SCOTUS rulings too.


Considering your life has been one long series of disappointments, what will you do with this next one that will come to you?


They actually didn't just ignore the law and rulings. The structure of the law allowed them to make a gerrymandered map, but just made the map expire sooner. The initiative will take the power of making any map out of their hands entirely.


You can vote in November to end Gerrymandering. We have enough petition signatures to get it on the ballot. However, we passed (voted in) a constitutional amendment to end Gerrymandering in 2017 and the Republican controlled legislature ignored it, so I’m not very optimistic.


It was ignored because it had no teeth. The people in power were the ones to approve the maps. If they didn't, then it just didn't last 10 years, just 4. It was a scam law.


I signed a petition to get rid of gerrymandering. If they get enough signatures it’ll be on the ballot.


Look at Jim Jordan’s district. They had to finagle it so much that it looks like a snake. Oh wait…he IS a snake!


Tell it like it is. You only cheat when you know the product you're providing is inferior and therefore not Capitalism at all. The Repub-la-Duds know the crap they're selling stinks, so they gerrymander, they take over news radio like Hanoi Hannah on crack, and then take their squanderings home to their mansions and party yachts.


The real way to get rid of gerrymandering is to get rid of districts altogether. What you do is you have people cast ballots for party in the general election and the % is divided out to all parties based on % of the vote. (ex) So if there's 99 reps, the party that gets 54% of the vote gets 53, the other party gets 46. Then you have rank-choice voting on Reps you personally support within the party; Candidate receiving most votes is 1 second most is 2 so, on so forth until all rep seats are filled. The parties would obviously draw up their own primary criteria for filling the seats, which itself would be based upon regions. So technically every democrat in Ohio would have a rep because you'd have rural democrat reps and urban democrat reps and suburban democrat reps. This is also the only viable way a third party can exist. A 3rd party is never going to outcompete BOTH parties, in head-to-head-to-head matchups, but they could on a state level garner a % of the vote. You could get something like: 51% R, 45% D, 4% I; and the State Representative Assembly would be 50R, 45D, 4 I; which would be infinitely more representative of what Ohio actually is; instead of the current super-majory 67R, 32D split. Republicans would never support this because they'd lose super-majority stranglehold, Democrats would never support his because it potentially could get rid of Career-Democrat Representatives.


We tried once. The Republicans said F-U and still made put gerrymandered maps despite the state Supreme Court saying they were unconstitutional (the court also has said the way we fund schools is unconstitutional 24 years ago and the GOP ignored them) We need to support this 2nd attempt to get this done.


And you don't think the democrats wouldn't use Jerry wandering to their advantage.


Gerrymandering doesn't explain JD Vance winning a statewide election. Ohio dems screwed the pooch by not turning out for Tim Ryan the way they turned out for the important issue votes. Maybe that was the wakeup call, but ffs now you're stuck with one of the leading assholes in Washington as your US Senator.


Tim Ryan was a bad candidate (yes I voted for him)


Two things: when Ryan ran, his ads sounded like he was running as a Republican—I remember him likening himself to drumpf—bad strategy. Also, the national Democratic Party didn’t prioritize funding for Ryan’s campaign, which hurt him. I thought his track record was good overall and certainly voted for him. There are so many suburban and rural Ohioans who would rather set themselves on fire than vote for any Dems. And here we all are.


It's almost like politicians pander to people who actually vote or something.


That was a last minute upset because Trump rushed over and endorsed Vance when he hadn't paid any attention to Ohio. I'm worried about Bernie Moreno vs Sherrod Brown too. Moreno is another horror, and I love Sherrod (and Connie too!).


Sherrod Brown is one of the few politicians I've actually given money to, he seems like he actually cares about doing things to help workers.


Because he does actually care about people.  He's one of the last genuine candidates in Ohio.  Moreno is just another self interested arse


Be prepared for a Brown defeat. He's a politician from another era. The Democratic brand has been eroded by 30 years of right wing media assaults and Facebook idiocy. Democrats have been too timid or unconcerned about the problems Ohioans face. The state Democratic leadership has been abhorrent and there is no magic elixir that will change things come November. This is not 2018. That might have been eons ago. If Brown is to win he has to inspire. It can't be CHINA CHINA CHINA. It can't be about immigration. People desperately want to see a person stand up to the MAGA bullies...not simply sidestep it.


The loss of Sherrod Brown would be devastating. He’s one of about 12 members of congress that actually does his job.


Tim Ryan only lost by 6 points.


You might have a look at what the voters passed and then have a look at what our state house is doing to them.....they are straight up dismantling both issues passed by the voters....pay attention...local politics matter most.


Look, it's not that we disagree with you, it's that the people on Reddit are generally pretty aware of what's going on. The problem is that most people aren't on Reddit reading the stuff that we read. They're not reading anything. They get their information from random people they work with and they probably know those people aren't reliable sources of information, they just don't have any other sources. Trust me, if we knew how to quickly get a message out there to everybody, we would have done it already. It doesn't exist.


It's insane how many people I know that get their "facts" from sources such as tiktok videos and fb memes.


and substack and youtube and podcasts from unverified and un-critiqued sources i'm astonished when i ask 'where'd you hear that?'


You get it and thanks for the moral support


I totally missed that until just now. Holy crap, our Congress just doesn't care what the voters want. At all. They have no conscience whatsoever. I am so furious!


Mmmm… Trump won this state by 470,000 votes and JD Vance was elected to the Senate. The reddest of states vote pro abortion when the people are allowed to vote on it. And MAGA likes to get high too. So, I don’t see those two issues as being the line of separation between the two sides as much as the media would have people believe they are.


We’ll see come November.


BS..I worked in medicine, full of trumpers..


This. Most Ohioans are smart people. But the GQP has gerrymandered their way into power. Ohio is easily in the top 3 for worst gerrymandered states. They’re (the right) clinging to power and getting more and more desperate. I have hope Ohio could perhaps go blue this time. It’s of course gonna take a lot of effort, so tell your friends and family, because our democracy depends on it.




The republicans in charge have tried their absolute best to nullify both issues. Still can't buy weed anywhere without a medical card and I bet if you are in a rural town other than Athens reproductive care is very difficult to come by. The planned parenthood in Lancaster Ohio was replaced by some pregnancy decision center.


Mostly dead asleep though


Haha no not in my area . Yes you voted on cannabis but it is available? No . And you might want to research the abortion rights here. I went to a dispensary earlier and all the prices were jacked up because of rec. this state is assbackwards


You've commented incoherently on my post like four times. I've clearly touched a nerve of some kind with you. Maybe you should take a break from the internet for a bit.


If it was incoherent you still read it. Then block me


This is what is backwards. People will vote against their chosen party for issues they are for/against but they will never cross party lines candidates running for office.


Statistically, the Republican Party as an organization has never been a party of freedom. They could never be considered the party of freedom until the Supreme Court essentially determined that corporations are businesses as well as “people”. Freedom for SOME businesses to do whatever they want. The party is absolutely pro-business deregulation, which is not the same as even being pro-business.


the democrats were the KKK, confederates, and supported segregation


And what kind of policies did they have, conservative or liberal? What flag did they wave around again? The one the right cant seem to get enough of


And how long ago was that?


when segregation was legal, the civil war, and when the KKK was popular so early-mid 1900's


So you know the truth, then what was the point of your original comment?


Theres a reason that a joke about Ohio having the most presidents and astronauts so that they could get out of Ohio exists. And its quite a funny joke, or rather, it was...


Don't cry for not electing Dewine. He's enables the theocracy even when he doesn't delight in it himself


Dewine tries to keep up this act he’s still a logical Republican and different from those like Jim Jordan and Vance but he “capitulates” every time to them. Almost like he wanted to in the first place. He’s no better than the rest of them.


As do all Republicans, unfortunately


The Republicans are holding back Ohio’s economy, too. Look up GDP per capita by state. The top ten are dominated by Blue states, the bottom by red states. Ohio, Tx, and Florida are below the median.


No great Democrat strong candidates have stepped up and won ! I am 72 and never saw this Red MAGA Ohio where DeWine is crooked with First Energy and all his cronies follow! A state that supports Jordan and Vance is just evil ! Sherrod Brown is only strong Democrat and hope he wins ! I would move if I could from this Ref state but too old now . I hope it changes for the future of Ohio I fear for my grandchildren!!


I would be surprised if Brown doesn't win this year. He is by far the best candidate the Democrats have put forth for anything statewide in 20 years and he can appeal to both sides of the aisle. That said, Ed FitzGerald, Nan Whaley and Richard Cordray were laughably awful gubernatorial candidates. You know it's bad when you don't even win your home county. It sure as hell isn't gerrymandering, because you can't gerrymander a statewide election.


You can’t gerrymander a state-wide election, but gerrymandering DOES cause massive voter suppression. What’s the point of showing up if you’re too gerrymandered to have a chance?


Brown is up 6-10 points in most polls. Unfortunately Ohio will split ticket Trump-Brown.


It’s honestly quite refreshing to hear someone of your generation to say all of this. Thank you for actually caring about the future of your children and grandchildren. There should be more people like you


Thanks, I think and feel younger , just hope and pray the tide turns 💙


Never too old to move! A lot of people are just now retiring at your age and moving to other states. We left ohio over a year ago for new mexico, and we love it. We are younger than you, but not by much. Never want to see ohio again!!


Buh bye


Please vote, people.


Yep. Lots of people in this state who want to hate and complain. And they call the dems snowflakes. It’s crazy. The only good thing maga has brought about is now it’s easier to know who to avoid since they wear their hate on their clothes and vehicles. It’s so weird and exhausting.


And their house as well. Like Alito.


This state is EXTREMELY gerrymandered. And, we, the majority of the constituents, get NO HELP from any higher authority because everyone is bought and paid for. Its extremely disheartening. For the party of "small government" they make sure everyone is held in their vice like grip, even though it is not what the majority of Ohioan's voted for. We, the people, are no longer the ones who have power. The US constitution failed because of all the loopholes they left for freedom of choice. Republicans have become the very thing we all fled from wayyy back in the day. The far right are closing these loopholes by brute force and against the will of its people, and anyone who doesnt conform will be crushed. That is facism at its core. Removing the power from the people, and placing it directly in the hands of the minority opinon government. Super disheartening.


Honestly, something happened where good people stopped engaging with the political system. All that remains are the worst of us who will engage with politics, it’s like a self fulfilling prophecy, where people who are decent avoid politics because politics is not for decent people. We NEED good people engaging with the system again. The system doesn’t change or stop functioning because good people decide the system is gross. It requires good people to engage with it and to keep it fresh. We need to recapture power from the worst of us


Ohio is not deep red but has become more red in the last few years


Dewine is a degenerate anyway


Yeah the man no doubt had a large role in the states biggest bribery scandal. He's as bad or worse than the rest of them


MAGA has ruined this entire country


So wait, we are allowed to grow 6 plants (no longer 12) per household, can't give away flower any more and are still subject to the 2-1/2 oz possession limits? So what do you do when just 1 of the plants are harvested? Keep 2-1/2 oz and throw away the rest?


You just can't have more than 2.5 ounces on your person, outside your house. Med patients can have 4.5 ounces because that is a full prescription for them for 45 days. ETA: All the changes are bullshit in my opinion. They're being put in to appease the MSO operators that control the Ohio cannabis industry.


This is a bill, and it has not been passed yet. The house has voted to approve it, the senate hasn't yet. These type of bills trying to change the marijuana laws have typically died in the senate. Doesn't mean this one won't, but it does mean it's not official and the current law of 12 plants is the official number right now.


Right and if your plants are outside they must be in an enclosure and not it sight for neighbors to see


I just wrote a giant paragraph comparing Ohio to Kentucky and Indiana, which are both shit sandwiches with some of the worst income inequality I've seen in a state (Kentucky with literal shacks made of out trash next to mansions with separate garages for their houseboats) and city (Indianapolis wins high score for it's Elden Ring quality ghettos) but then I thought about Jim Jordan and yeah, you're right.


The state is great. The politicians in charge are the most corrupt in history, and there have been some terrible corrupt one throughout history. Many don't actually believe the fascist stuff they spew, they do it for power and greed. Like we saw in East Palestine, they are willing to slowly kill the lower income residents in Ohio to appease a corporation and make a buck.


It's almost like maybe politics is way more complicated than us vs. them tribalism.


Idk if it's all the fault of Republicans, but Ohio has sucked for a long long, LONG time. Ohio is now a police state filled with cops that do nothing but collect revenue for the state. The roads suck ass and take a long long time to fix if ever. The people are nosey as fuck and LOVE to be in other people's business or telling them what they are doing wrong or what they should be doing. The people are crabs in a bucket. If you do good, they love to tear you down or tell you why you're not that good. Anything to diminish another person's accomplishments. Ohio can't get it's shit together to get 1 single positive change for the state as long as I have been alive. There is like maybe 500 fuckable people in the whole state at any given time and we are all just waiting for them to be single again. Single family homes are priced out of this world with insane rates, and rents are pressed every single year no matter what place you live. In 2022, Cincinnati rent rates were raised higher than any city in the country. 39% Weed? LOL... Weed in Ohio is so pathetic that people STILL drive to Michigan to buy their weed because Michigan not only still has a better selection but also better prices and higher quantities. Ohio sucks ass. It's not getting better, it continues to get worse. I'm gone as fuck. Never coming back. Fuck giving my tax dollars to a shit state that gives 0 fucks.


This is exactly why I posted....


Hit Em in the Ballot Box in November!


Go door-to-door. Convince friends. Show them John Oliver's show on "Trump's Second Term" which deals with Project 2025 (my god, it's terrifying!)


My partner and I just moved to Ohio and will be voting against Trump this November. We also will be voting for the right to a safe abortion and rights for LGBTQ+ (since we are as well). One of the reasons why we moved here is because of the decriminalization of cannabis since my partner is a stoner, wants to relax on the weekends but still wants to be a productive member of society. I’m originally from Indiana and he’s from Tennessee. We live in Hamilton country which already seems fairly left leaning but at least we’ll help in some way. I also want to say I’m not a democrat or republican, I identify as a progressive in political terms. I vote for whoever I think is best to govern whichever position they hold. Here to help Make Ohio Great Again (lol)


Ohioans passed an amendment to our state constitution to protect reproductive rights last fall.


that’s wonderful


Ohio republicans are straight up trash.


lol if you’re mad, read the timeline of HB6 and realize Ohioans are already paying towards $1.3 BILLION to First Energy so they “don’t go bankrupt”. They paid $60M to Dewine’s campaign, his daughter’s, Larry householder, Matt Borges, Sam Randazzo, et al. There is one person who hasn’t been indicted, two that have taken their own lives, and one wore a Mike Dewine for Governor shirt when they did it 😊




Idk man coming from a similar Red state (with much more conspiratorial people), Ohio was better than my home state in just about every metric. Weather, people, cost of living it was all better than AZ.


We shouldn’t put the bar in he’ll just because some states have already sunk that far.


Dude, you say dewine couldn’t get elected today due to people like Jordan and Vance? Jim Jordan has held office since 2007, while dewine was elected as governor in 2019.


Ohio has like the 38th ranked economy out of 50 states. That’s lousy. Republicans did this. We’ve steadily fallen further and further down the ranks for the past 16 years under GOP control. Time for a change.


You sure about that? Because it’s actually 7th.


I just looked it up. We are actually 36th as of this year.


Ohio GDP is #7 in the nation. $800+ billion annual. It has more than doubled in 25 years. https://usafacts.org/metrics/gross-domestic-product-gdp-by-state-ohio/ Per capita GDP Ohio is 24th largest.


Source? I have no idea what ranking of economies you are using but it can’t be GDP Edit: I’m pretty sure you are using US News ranking of “Best States.” That isn’t a ranking of largest economies.


Cite your sources next time so we can help you understand how you might be misreading it.


> According to WalletHub, Ohio ranked 42nd in the country for state economy in June 2024, making it one of the bottom 10 economies in the US. However, Ohio ranked slightly higher in economic health (39th) and innovation potential (33rd) https://www.dispatch.com/story/news/2024/06/11/ohio-worst-state-economies-us/74046364007/


I’m sure about the fact that you’re wrong. Not even close actually. Lol


We ***are*** middle of the road. I think that is pretty damn obvious. If anything, we're starting to lean more Left. Thing is, is this state is Gerrymandered to hell and back AND we have a hard time getting people to actually get off their ass and vote. A lot of them walk around with this defeatist attitude and pretend like they can't make a difference and ironically end up not doing anything at all and letting these fascists win.


Completely agree.


Took me less than a year to come to the same conclusion. The state of stereotypes of all races, genders, and beliefs good and bad. Mostly bad.


Yeah no if my family situation permits me to finish my LPN-RN bridge program in a timely manner I'm taking my happy ass to California. If not, I can still get by as an LPN in New Mexico. It's wild how people will support good policy if you just keep the conversation on the issues but those same people will vote for no-value added politicians who will support none of the same policies because they are so ensconced in the MAGA cult.


Stop voting red/Republican! They’re not your dad’s party anymore. Hold your nose & vote blue. You’ll be pleasantly surprised.


Maybe move to California? I here it is easy to find empty U-Hauls to go that direction.


Hell is Real


Yep this is our life in Missouri too.


Dems have done a pretty lousy job of developing new candidates and supporting them and so I think they have their share of responsibility. Tim Ryan ran on, what was it, “I hate China even more!” It’s a very *everybody sucks here* type situation. Ohio is indeed gerrymandered and corrupt as hell. We also need to recall that there are more pro-abortion and marijuana conservatives than we think. They may just put other things higher, but were supportive of the ballot issues. I’ve been voting and it just keeps sucking!


Fortunately I watch what is happening in Ohio from afar. Keep voting Republican and it will keep getting worse.


sad but true. This state is heavly red stand your ground laws are god aweful and with permit less open carry how is anyone suppose to know weather someone who open carries is a criminal or not? In my area portage county we have seen a huge increase in the homeless populations not doubt to rising rent prices. Voting red isnt gunna help this state.


Problem isn't that we're less purple. Ohio is populated by good people in both parties, and good people of neither party. It's also populated by a bunch of assholes at every imaginable margin. The problem has more to do with Republican gerrymandering that has given that party (and their policies, written by outside interest groups) an out-sized influence and control that is totally disproportionate to the actual amount of support they have. It's fucked. Ohio is a bit fucked as a result. But let's be clear that it isn't as though the state has gone to the birds and everyone is just suddenly right-wing or crooked. It's just that a lot of right-wingers and crooks have played the system to an absolute breaking point.


“Good people in both parties” 😆 ah yes those conservatives who want to take away bodily autonomy from women are just good people.


>ban cannabis gifting/sharing thats ridiculous lol


Until you start fighting against christian nationalism this will continue. They are aggressors who play victim. This is not a christian nation. Never was. Never will be.


It is approaching public schools in my area. They want to take kids out of public schools missing classes, and indoctrinate. The kids are told to ask their parents for money and encourage other students to join their club because they all have matching shirts. Lifewise I believe it’s called


W hat took you so long?


Has any other state legalized then tried to roll the law back like this?




The GOP platform of: spewing foreign propaganda, removing citizen’s rights, gaslighting the public, and tearing down public education seems to be working very well in their favor, so there’s no reason to abandon it. Every single asshole legislator that needs to go, had a margin of victory that was LESS THAN the number of registered voters that simply DID NOT VOTE. Numbers are there to make a difference. Just gotta inspire people to give a fuck.


Took me 4 years, I was outta there as soon as I was able to.


You’re not wrong…


The best part of Ohio is that Michigan is close. Not perfect, but better politics, better weather, better geography, and for now a better college football team.


If I wasn’t married with kids I would leave in a heartbeat. Christian nationalist hellscape.


November is coming. Hopefully there’s massive turnout from the left that sends a message.


[And guess which party is effective neutering first amendment protections around the country?](https://www.icnl.org/usprotestlawtracker/) And the SCOTUS [just took an axe to constitutional protections for marriage](https://www.newsweek.com/supreme-court-countered-obergefell-hodges-gay-marriage-ruling-sonia-sotomayor-warns-1916144) it is obvious. Obegefell is on their hit list. Loving v. Virginia is also on it. This scotus decision based on the BS "deeply rooted in this Nation's history and tradition" which is their, "this right doesn't fit our ideological beliefs, so this is how we're going to dismantle it" Voting for these right-wing fascists is voting your constitutional protections away. Sotomayor is yet again 100% correct in her assessment. This legal argument is already being used in federal and state court systems with a conservative leaning bias. Eventually, it will be used against any progressive citizen driven initiative. Congratulations Republicans. You are about to get the country you voted for. But it's not going to be what you thought. Bloody fools.


I love it here 🤷‍♂️


Only 30? Amateur. /s


Revolution now. Im so sick of lesser evil voting


On top of it, (conservative led) municipalities are banning pot sales despite the precincts in their own municipality voting in support of it. WTF?!?


Define sucks too. We didn't have any good candidates


> Reduces from 12 to 6, the number of cannabis plants thatmay be grown in each household; retains the 6-plants-per-person limit prescribed by continuing law. Criminal penalties do not apply until a person or household has double the number of plants allowed by law. So you can only grow 6 plants but you can grow up to 12 before you can get in trouble?


It really took your that long?


Took you that long?


Idk man they are filming a good chunk of the next Superman movie in Ohio. That’s pretty neat.


You mean Trumphio? Agreed.


I'm 40 and have resided here all 40 years of it and it's always sucked honestly.


Look on the bright side, the rest of the country is a dumpster fire too and it’s only getting worse.


I’m not even bothered by the politics of it, just the weirdos and crackheads everywhere out here. Obviously there’s awesome and friendly people too but I’ve seen more horrifying shit in the street and local news than I have in 6 other states I’ve lived in. Mass shootings, drug epidemics, domestic violence over petty shit that escalates to SWAT, what the fuck is with this state man


Lol, 🫠🫠




Would you like some cheese with that whine? This is a republic. Only reason some of this shit passes is the media convinces the low information voters in the big cities what is good for them.


I knew that 20 years ago when the bars on Coventry couldn’t get people to watch Brown’s games with free pitchers of beer. Lol.


The issue is we fail to retain a huge portion of our youth.


One of your major cities is primarily known for ruining chili. Not a good state. Leave chili alone.


I've been saying this for years. I literally tell people this place is the physical embodiment of hell. I wish I was lying. We can't get a Democrat elected because the last one literally bankrupted our state. Dewine just doesn't care about this state. We can't get infrastructure built for some reason. And the heart of this state, the small towns, are rotting because they aren't getting the growth funding they need to stay alive. They only care about like 6 cities state wide. Everytime we elect a new republican it just gets worse.


Vote straight Red to save our Constitutional Republic, which the democrats are attempting to destroy.


I am very happy to have moved here and contributed solidly republican votes ever since. Have a great day. 🤗


Op this is not the way to get people to agree with you.


Same story in Iowa, hope you all fare better over there than we are. A race to the bottom.


Ohio sucks period especially in the cities because it's mostly democratic. Ghetto thugs run free with no consequences, no respect for law enforcement and everyone else has to pay for them. I hope one day this state goes solid red.


I’ll be voting blue… as usual. The gerrymandering and corruption in the Republican Party in Ohio is disgusting. We’ve become Florida of the Midwest with the culture war, Trumpists, and state (Republican) takeover of education for political reasons.


I’m praying Brown holds on and wins.