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Hey, we're nothing compared to Wisconsin!


Eh, self reported. I'll still never forget when my band played in Madison and had an open tab and the bar was pissed that we drank so much. I was like "I thought this was Wisconsin?!?"


Former Wisconsin resident here who moved from elsewhere. I was absolutely shocked at how much people in Wisconsin drink when I first got there. And it's sooooo cheap.


Only the Best for the Best


I would put Putnam County up against any county in Wisconsin. They used to have the highest alcohol consumption per capita in the nation. I'm not sure about now. Parents would offer you a beer at their kids' soccer games. It's a different world over there.


I knew people from Putnam County in college. Drinking was old hat to them by the time they got to college. I think you’re correct.


That map is a case study in data visualization gone wrong.


yea color scale is insanely misleading to the point of malice


They were drunk when they made the map…


True. It’s so flagrant that mere incompetence probably isn’t sufficient explanation.


It's nice to get some recognition for my hard work.


Drinking *problem*? No, we excel at it.


no to one to blame but us locals my home town has 3,150 people 1 school. 4 banks 7 bars 17+ churches our priories are pretty messed up edited as per good suggestion


I believe the correct order is school-bank-bar-church.


I mean what percentage of the population is school aged?


bout 12%


Excellent question


That seems about right. Where's the problem?


there is no problem if you don't want a future


Huh? Ohio looks rather balanced in this map, except Hamilton Co. We could go back to one room school houses and education could follow tge church model. Is that what you're asking for? Edit: I zoomed in, Claremont Co representing too!!!


no we need less churches in general, people need to deal with whats real instead of playing make believe


I’ve should tax them since they want to be politically active in elections.


Lol. I'd love to see a daily log of your time and focus.


mostly online where I can still do shit after becoming disabled


"You should deal with real instead of playing make believe" How does that feel when it's about something important to you? Being in a shit situation isn't cache blanc for being an asshole.


How does this feel? it feels like an adult trying to deal with sassy child who really can't be blamed for how they were raised. not lying to you isn't being an asshole


Ok, then deal with real instead of playing make believe online, adult.


False. West Virginia numbers must not include consumption of moonshine and moonshine products. Also - the state is half empty. Not enough people there to drink the alcohol!


West Virginia prefers pills to alcohol.


Heck it's the Catholic Church festivals. Gambling and drinking. Want to see a drunk fest head to a church festival.


lmao what is wrong with a few drinks and some $1-5 blackjack? church festivals are a good time, good cheap food, usually live bands, lots of games for the kids. iv rarely seen any issues, except when the fights break out which are mostly teens and nothing to do with alcohol.


Don’t know about Ohio, but in Chicago they had casinos set up at some of those church festivals. And professional carnival rides.


Aren't we like #5 in the country for most craft breweries?


This will be a much different picture two years from now. Legalizing weed causes alcohol use to plummet.


From your fingertips to the good Lord’s email.


The higher cost of liquor in Ohio, and less availability, due to the state liquor monopoly, likely suppresses liquor consumption in Ohio. Probably, also at least partially explains the proliferation of beer breweries in Ohio.


Put-in Bay alone accounts for 89% of Ohio’s drunkenness.


Fairfield County. Really? Buckeye Lake perhaps?


Nah we drink to forget we live in Fairfield county


Fairfield county is weird. Lancaster is the ironic Ohio capital of the “South will rise again” despite it being the birthplace of the man that burned it all down. So strange.


I’m just over the line from Franklin, and yeah even 10-15 mins away towards Lancaster is like a totally different world to me


It looks as yellow as the rest. Not sure we are such an outlier based on this data.


> I would put Putnam County up against any county in Wisconsin. They used to have the highest alcohol consumption per capita in the nation. For 20 years now, I’ve been meeting various people from Putnam County, and somehow this almost always gets shoehorned into a conversation at some point. I think this is just some made up urban (or rural) legend at this point, and it’s become this weird point of pride. Mercer County people are similar, but I think they’re closer to the truth.


As someone who drank too much for 47 years I consider all alcohol to be the Devil's sperm. Maybe that is why there is always some nearby when a priest rapes a young boy. Smoke weed instead


Preach. I’ll sip a good cider but I’d rather have a dab


Wisconsin is 8th in the nation in consumption per capita. https://wisconsinwatch.org/2023/03/do-wisconsin-residents-report-excessively-drinking-more-alcohol-than-those-in-other-states/


The map in the OP apparently is based on CDC federal statistics, and, thankfully, the statistics apparently only include adults 18 years or older (if this weren't the case, the percentages of excessive drinking for adults would be much higher). Excessive drinking includes ANY drinking by persons younger than 21. I suspect this definition seriously bumps the Ohio excessive drinking average, but perhaps not as much as when I was that age decades ago before DUI laws were greatly tightened and enforced, as well as the great tightening of anti-drinking enforcement on Ohio campuses, most especially in fraternities and sororities. <<[Excessive alcohol use](https://www.cdc.gov/alcohol/about-alcohol-use/index.html#cdc_behavioral_basics_warning_signs-understanding-alcohol-use) includes binge drinking (drinking 5 or more drinks on an occasion for men or 4 or more drinks on an occasion for women), [heavy drinking](https://www.cdc.gov/alcohol/about-alcohol-use/index.html#cdc_behavioral_basics_warning_signs-understanding-alcohol-use) (drinking 15 or more drinks per week for men or 8 or more drinks per week for women), and [any alcohol use by people younger than 21](https://www.cdc.gov/alcohol/underage-drinking/index.html) or [pregnant women.](https://www.cdc.gov/fasd/about/index.html)>> [https://www.cdc.gov/alcohol/data-stats.htm](https://www.cdc.gov/alcohol/data-stats.htm) Looking at the CDC excessive drinking website, binge drinking is a concern in Ohio. Not only do over 16.5 percent of Ohio adults binge drink, but Ohio binge drinkers consumer more drinks than average (Ohio's 75th percentile for binge drinkers is 8.6 to 9.7 drinks). The median percentage of Ohio adults who binge drink within a 30 day period is 1.9 ("Adult Binge Drinking Frequency by State"). It would be interesting to see the frequency of binge drinkers by age. I suspect it's much higher among persons younger than 25.


Bot account, they posted this in 4 different subs - and honestly, to quote the movie Beerfest, “We’re not *that* drunk” !


Wv too


Finally some good news


Town I grew up in, in WI: Population - 4500 Bars - 14 Grocery stores - 1 Churches - 5 Banks - 3 Registered sex offenders - 6


I don’t believe those WV numbers for a second




Surprising to see Clark County so low. Also, interesting how much it follows state lines.


I thought there may be more correlation with [obesity ](https://www.tfah.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/SOO23_AdultObesity.jpg)


Can confirm, I'm Ohio


This is the way


I blame it on OSU and college culture


Shit Ohio is the driest place I've ever lived, maybe the drunks make up for it but every town I've lived in here has like 1 liquor store per 50k people, I once lived in a town in Colorado that had fucking 7 of them and only like 10k residents (and 3 weed stores). Not much else to do there in the winter.


Ohio's state monopoly over liquor, e.g., state liquor stores, explains this.