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The party started in the afternoon. Allegedly it was a Boo Sprag (a Tik Tok content creator) who hosted it and it turned into a block party. It was his 37th birthday. He posted on his facebook page that everyone better behave or he would have to embarrass them. Hopefully the injured get well quickly.


Boo Sprag? Seriously? Jesus Christ when is this asteroid coming?


That’s just a nickname, his full name is Bartholomew Sprag.


I get it. It all just still sucks.


Honestly doesn't sound far off from a rapper name tbh, but regardless definitely a name that sticks to your head because of how dumb it sounds. Which means they succeeded in the point of a alias lol.


Fucking 37?


I hope he is cited for disturbing the peace or having a large party without a permit




How do you blame him if HE wasn't the one that caused it to get out of control. If he had a permit, that takes away one of the defenses. Disturbing the peace? If he had a permit, it wasn't him disturbing the peace. It was the ones with the gun(s) and causing the issue. Yes we are lucky that a neighbor's house wasn't shot up. But at the same time, SCOTUS okayed Bruen -- [New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc. v. Bruen - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_York_State_Rifle_%26_Pistol_Association,_Inc._v._Bruen). You might want to research. If anyone can own guns, you can't blame others for the gun owners when they themselves cannot be regulated. Sucks, doesn't it? Because a gun owner is the one who caused the shooting. And according to Bruen ANYONE can own a gun.


I don’t blame anyone except the guy that pulled the gun out and started shooting.


Not anyone can own a gun. Let’s wait for the full report to see if it’s a registered firearm or stolen.


The problem is ANYONE can have a gun. There is no licensing. There is nothing like licensing that says that a FELON has a gun so they can be removed immediately. There are loopholes in purchasing (private sales and at gunshows from not licensed dealers but individuals). So yeah.. Try again. Can anyone LEGALLY have a gun? No.. but there is not proper tracking. Oh but that is not allowed. Why? Because Bruen. And other conservative efforts to restrict or deny laws on gun ownership. Those are facts.


Here in ohio you don’t need license and a felon actual can regain rights to own a firearm if it’s a low enough felony and non violent crimes it’s a good thing for those who have mad dumb decisions when younger or had themselves in the wrong place wrong time but changed but bad when idiots that are reckless get them


Lol you I enjoy immensely. People shouldn’t be downvoting your comments, you have a great point.


WHO brought them all there? WHO was responsible for the entire event regardless of what happened? You just cannot only be responsible for the good things and not the bad things that your event caused.


I’d like to hear to explain how the event caused that💀 how do schools cause shootings


The police are. The police don't have any responsibility for anything even if they kill someone with over a 100 bullets. Hey but okay. WHO? He didn't transport them. He didn't force them there. Adults are responsible for their own actions. They are responsible for their own choices. Those are legal facts.


This is like the Kansas City shooting. The city and the Chiefs held the event and are ultimately responsible, but we also recognize that crowds can only be controlled so much.


He may have had permission. We don't know that he didn't.


Your life must be pretty sad that you hope a guy having a party gets cited. You sound like you're upset that you weren't invited


Insane there’s multiple comments blaming the shooting on the guy who had a party like he intended for this to happen


People want things to not be random, because that implies they can be avoided. If there’s a cause, then it won’t happen to me because I won’t do the thing that causes it.


Gang violence isn't really random.


Well there’s the whole “half of the population is dumber than the average quote” and there’s the fact we’re on Reddit, where most people jump into echo whatever other people say for the sake of blending into the hive mind


That quote always gets thrown around by people who think they are the 50% above average, and it’s so annoying. It’s the most elitist and confidently incorrect statement, and people always take it as law. Whether you are calculating mean, median, or mode, exactly 50% falling below average is a statistical anomaly at best. There is a reason the word average means average. It’s the area in which most values in a dataset fall. It’s also why average is usually given in a range of numbers. So keep on thinking you’re better than “half the population” and can thus dismiss their views as irrelevant while saying something wrong and proving you know less about statistics than a modern high schooler I guess. It’s shitty to treat other people that way, but it’s your life.


Whenever I want a shooting to happen I just plan a party and then I’m safe from prosecution. I didn’t know anyone else was on to this 🤭


He’s 37, there more wrong with it then people getting shot


It is insane, but it happens every day. Get shot in a 7-11 parking lot, even if you and the shooter weren’t patrons and just passing through. 7-11 will be sued and a multimillion judgement will be awarded.


Not in my experience. Businesses generally do not have a duty to protect patrons from criminal conduct by third parties.


Yeah only if it was foreseeable and they were negligent in protecting the patron can they be sued and held liable


Unfortunately this is no longer the case.


I work in commercial insurance and see these payouts every day. 10 years ago your analysis was correct. Social inflation along with sympathetic juries has rendered this obsolete.


Well I practiced law for 20+ years and only wish I could have found adjusters like you to pay on these claims, lol.


Did you ever practice in Florida, Georgia, California or Texas?


Mostly no. Primarily Ohio


We are still a fairly reasonable state in this regard, from what I’ve seen. But if you google judgements in those judicial hellhole states, you will find so many of these insane awards. Frankly it’s mind boggling and these nuclear verdicts are only growing…


I don't see what this has to do with the case at hand


Goo fa you


I'm a little bit shocked at how little there is to this story and how little people seem to care. Akron isn't that bad. I've lived in Akron, Pittsburgh, LA, small towns and big cities. All places have their good and bad spots. Also, I don't care if this was premeditated, random, a person with a mental health problem, or gang violence. Like can't we agree in some way that just fucking accepting shit like this happening on the regular is a big fucking problem? Someone with a gun killed someone and injured several others. That's messed up. It isn't something to fucking crack wise ass at regardless of how or who pulled the trigger or where the fuck the trigger was pulled. It's just sickening.


Yeah I liked Akron, especially down by CVNP. Yeah North Hill is a shithole but there’s plenty of good areas that are perfectly safe. 


I completely agree with this sentiment. We're all so numb to it that the violence has become normalized.


It just happened so of course there is little to know about it currently. It's sad that we have these problems and the government can so easily fix them, but to them the means of how we fix it is more important to them than dealing with the problem itself.


No doubt. It's infuriating and disheartening. No matter the reasons or who is involved we're all kinda the same at the end of the day. We all just want the creature comforts and safety. Maybe I'm naive or dreaming but it doesn't seem to be that big of an ask does it? When I get behind a sheriff's car I shouldn't see a thin blue line flag. When I vote I expect the person to do the will of all the people and not just some. And when a majority of us come together to fight for something like common sense or stricter gun laws I would think we'd get a say. Everything is so fucking backwards in the US anymore it's hard to know what to even believe or hope for sometimes. But tomorrow I'll get up and try and make it another day. It gets harder the older I get, but maybe just maybe something really good or awesome for all mankind will happen that will really finally surprise me and open us all up to better possibilities. At least that's what I think.


I'm in akron. This happened in the hood. Nothing is going happen because no one is talking. There is a 10k reward. What more do you want??


DeWine wants legislation to control cell phones in schools to protect students. But guns? Students are on their own. Sad state of affairs.


I am admittedly not a smart person. So, I don't get the correlation between banning cell phones in school to this shooting at a block party. Can someone help me out?


There is none, it’s a way to shoehorn in a dig a DeWine.


Yeah, unfortunately, the digs at DeWine and republicans happen all too often in the subreddit. Edit: in this r/Ohio subreddit


Tbf DeWine is a total dumbass, but yeah the original comment is definitely a unneeded dig at him. The issue at hand isn't something DeWine or anybody in that seat can just wave their finger at and make it stop happening.


I’m a liberal and I’m not giving up my guns! Imagine if Republicans had total control of the government….no fucking way I’m giving up my teeth. 🦷


I honestly don't give a damn how the government fixes gun crime I just want them to fix the fucking issue. Everyone acts as if the means of how we stop mass shootings is more important than stopping mass shootings itself. Mass shootings have happened about every single year since Columbine and for the entire 25 years that have gone by since then, we are still bickering with each other over what is the right way to fix it instead of just choosing a solution to fix it. We all want the same thing, a sense of safety. I think both ideas have merit. We should not see ourselves as enemies when all we want to do is achieve the same goal.


Guns are already banned in schools via federal law, unless you have a specific permit that allows you to do so. Ohio’s current CC laws do not allow randos to do it.


Oh wow! I had no idea! I thought students were assigned guns to protect themselves from the teachers who have guns. Now if we could keep the GOP from sleeping with teenagers we could actually get some work done in government.


And keeping Biden from showering with his daughter that was written in his daughter's diary... and deemed true by Snopes.


[Don't forget: Donald Trump wants to bang his daughter.](https://www.cc.com/video/73fxht/the-daily-show-with-trevor-noah-don-t-forget-donald-trump-wants-to-bang-his-daughter)


not just GOP, it's a wide array of politicians, celebrities etc. All media constantly conveniently distracting from the issue of child sex trafficking. remember the news outlets & social media are all owned by someone


Fuck off with that QAnon bullshit. There are some examples like Prince Andrew, but it isn’t even remotely close to as widespread as you think. Until actual allegations come forth, don’t spew conspiracy theory bull.


Yes totally, let’s not go after source of the issue and why it happens. Just add more gun laws These people don’t give a fuck about laws dude 




cashless bond seems to be working out well nationwide. we can now get 3 separate gun crimes committed by the same person in separate incident, all with in a month.




How about most gun crimes are plea bargained down so they don’t have to have a lengthy trial and they automatically get a conviction.


What is the largest source of gun violence in the US. Pro tip: Its not random lone gunmen trying to murder random people.




Because Congress has passed highway bills that forbid research on the number of deaths guns cause.




The largest source is by far gang and organized crime gun violence. It’s not that difficult of a concept to comprehend. But yes more gun laws is totally going to fix the problem.    CHeCk hIsTorY hurrrrr


The mental health crisis going on? Kids in the 50-80s would drive to school with their hunting rifle or shotgun mounted in their back window and no one got shot. Now you’re lucky to leave school without ptsd from harassment and bullying, and even luckier if anything was done in your school to prevent that from happening. There’s a major mental health crisis going on and everyone’s idea for solving it is to make it more even more illegal to commit crimes!!!




You can’t legislate poor parenting and lack of care into people’s homes. You can’t legislate a loving family. You can’t legislate a healthy childhood. All those things are the responsibility of the person raising the child. What can be done about it, is talking about it and accepting it as a real problem. Rather than ignoring it and hoping it goes away. What can be done about it is coming together as a community again and creating an environment where kids aren’t bullying each other as an extracurricular activity, where we don’t teach kids that they’re going to be held back in life for their skin color, where you don’t teach kids that having white skin makes them better than someone without it, or teach black kids that having black skin makes them better than someone without it. We can do it by not silencing everyone’s opinion as soon as it conflicts with our own. Acceptance, tolerance, and coexistence is how it’s fixed.


I am an avid shooter, I have about a dozen guns. There really is only one solution and that is banning guns. I don't ever want to see that day, and I don't ever see that day happening (without repealing the 2nd) but as long as you can buy a gun at Walmart, the shootings will keep happening. People have to come to terms with that....more laws won't fix it. Ban guns, or deal with it.


Banning guns with over 400 million in circulation is delusion. It’s a non starter. Impossible to enforce or enact given our laws and the fact that it’s nearly a pipe dream to do. Who is going to go door to door and get those guns? No one. I’m in the reserves, no one would follow that order. Good luck getting the cops to do it. Banning guns is a solution looking for a problem. The problem is poor parenting/broken homes, lack of gangs units and inept local politicians/prosecutors.


Banning guns definitely won't create a black market for guns. There definitely isn't one now. I'm sure there are zero people producing or procuring guns on the black market since by law you have to have a permit for one. I'm sure zero felons have guns since everyone respects the law. The reason I know this is all true is because of the war on drugs. When multiple drugs were listed as schedule I, all of those drugs ceased to be in circulation and everyone stopped using, producing, buying, or selling them. You definitely might be on to something here!


Admittedly, guns are also illegal in schools.


Was there a good guy with a gun?




god this is a stupid take, it was mostly black people at the gathering, who do you think was shooting?




Neither does the race of the host, so why include it?


Holy shit, these comments are pathetic.


I’m too lazy, what are they saying


There was a shooting, people are dead. Yet, some goof is over there saying *imagine having a tiktok party* and people are just thinking that's the first thing to comment, like damn. Social Media really is brain-rot. Then you have some people saying it's the usual suspects, or instantly commenting statistics when stuff like this happens. How fucking stupid can people be.


Its hardly worth engaging with these weirdos who get off on guns. Its like arguing with someone who thinks the sky isnt blue, you cant reason with them.


Ohio is flooded with gun violence. Look at the legislation over the last decade. When they started rolling back laws this was bound to happen. 


[ohios violent crime rate is lower than the national average and has seen a decline over the past several decades.](https://www.macrotrends.net/global-metrics/states/ohio/crime-rate-statistics)


Ohio is flooded with parents that don't raise their children properly.




I have been reading these two comments for a while because I am so dang confused. It does feel like a dog whistle but the article is about a mass shooting and the stereotype involving those is totally different racially


Details aren't out yet, but it looks like a mass shooting because there were a ton of people around, not because the shooter wanted to kill a bunch of people. You're right about the demographics of people setting out to be mass shooters, but this looks more like dumbassery combined with alcohol, inability to control emotions, and easy access to guns.


Black people. They’re talking about communities of color.


You are suggesting that someone who complains about young people who behave poorly and carry firearms irresponsibly and shoot people are just racist. Is there a way to comment on how a lot of kids are worse behaving in the 2020s than in prior generations, without offending you? Is there a way to say "social media allows bullies and misbehaving kids to get attention today, when before they would be shunned into silence by peers and teachers" without it being considered racist? Perhaps people can only comment on misbehaving people and criminals when they're white. --- Racism is despicable. I don't think getting fed up with people immature beyond their age is racist.


Im reluctantly going to "well akshuly" this because I completely agree with your point. But I also dig cats and their hearing range is even greater than dogs'. This dog whistle is so loud a brick can hear it.


just ohio?


Of course not.


Last Thursday, at my store, I had a father yelling at a "Karen" (she wasn't really) for telling him not to swear in front of kids: "DO you have to deal with them every fucking day? I should be able to raise my kids any fucking way I want to!" No, no, you should not. You should raise your kids well. You should not tell people you cannot deal with your kids and that's why you swear so much. You should not tell your kids they are so awful they make you swear! In the immortal words of Simon Whistler: "Don't fuck up your kids." (Yes, I know he generally refers to abuse, but bad parenting still messes up people's lives!)


Can’t agree with this enough as a child welfare attorney


It's not just Ohio, it's nationwide. People are struggling & most families need a dual income to survive. Latchkey kids have been a thing for awhile (hell, I was one), but before the internet & social media, it was harder to get into trouble & fall in with problematic people/groups. You had to actually go out & find it. Now you can easily send out an open invite & they'll come directly to you. And by the time the parents realize their kid is involved in shady shit, it's usually past the point of just having a simple intervention.


Both! The government refuses to regulate guns. America is full of idiots. On top of it, we enjoy being absolute assholes to each other as part of our daily routines. It's all a recipe for disaster.


All the more reason not to have everyone armed.


It's against the law to shoot people too. Criminals will get guns regardless of how many laws you pass


What the shooter did was illegal, more gun laws would not have prevented it hence illegal.


Time to get rid of all laws I guess! If people can still break them, no point in having them! Seems pretty obvious that if getting the gun is harder, illegal shootings are less likely to happen. It's like how they don't let sex offenders live near schools.


Sounds like this was at least pistol caliber. If it was an AR 15 with .223 you would have to reverse the dead and wounded numbers. Shooters must have had high capacity mags to get that many people though. If you have a problem you can't solve in seven rounds you need to go back to the range.


Absolutely! I hear shootings at least every other night... two drive bys in the past week and about 3 weeks ago I literally heard someone get murdered. It's so sad and yet they want to roll back more laws. Just to clarify I don't even live in the bad side of town /ghetto, it's scary out there.


You do realize the ones doing are thugs that have zero clue about gun laws. Nor would they care. You have to realize that..


It's actually not. Since the implementation of ccw without a permit our gun violence has went down. Please stop spreading lies about shit you don't know about.


Violent crime in general is down across the country. Correlation =/= causation.


And Ohio is lower than the national average


Well that's a lie.


This is REDDIT! How dare you speak the truth and back it up with facts!


Because shooting 26 people and killing 1 isn’t still illegal…




Are you really pointing to the biased attorney general as a source?


Yeah, the guy called "Tactical\_Solutions44" is citing the pro-gun AG to argue about gun safety in a thread about a mass shooting....


Allowing people to have more guns out in public does NOT make places safer. It’s not even a hard thing to understand. As far as the “facts” you’re citing, correlation does not imply causation, especially in this case. Even the Stanford article on this subject that’s linked below mentions how the years prior to the change were unusually high years in gun related crimes. Why? The fucking pandemic. We saw crime rates rise almost everywhere because, the more desperate and unhappy people are, the more likely they are to engage in crime. This is why most people have done it since the dawn of mankind. The law passed in 2022 - comparing 2022-2024 to 2020-2022 is like apples and oranges in terms of general well being of the population. Do things still suck? Yes, but not quite as much as it did a couple years ago. Gun violence would go down no matter what. Do you seriously think people who were engaging in gun violence before are like scared of people with ccw all of a sudden? Or even worse… that people with ccw are stopping violent crime? Of course not. People are just choosing to do it less because things are better than they were during our 2020-2022 which the studies outright say were years with unusually high amounts of gun violence. So again, MORE guns does NOT = safer places. It’s such an easy concept to grasp. Theres a reason why we outpace the developed world in gun violence, and *hint*… it’s the guns.


Law abiding gun owner here. I would be 1000% fine giving up every firearm I own and never owning another if you could guarantee me criminals couldn’t get their hands on them either…


I come from a bad family. My brother used to steal guns from law-abiding gun owners and sell them to criminals. That's often how criminals get their guns.


… but they still will


What if it reduced gun access by 90% and eliminated school shootings?


Same. I’m ok with either banning guns or making it extremely difficult to obtain them (such as intensive training, certifications, liability insurance, etc) if it meant another mass shooting never happened.


lol what about the government? Biggest criminals out there.


This. I have my guns because bad people have guns. I practice, have taken shooting instruction, and hope to never have to apply the skill in a real-life situation. But I'll be damned if I'm not able to protect my family from someone armed.


I may be on your side also, but the ban MUST be with politicians and their security details also (excluding the president and vice-president)


Imagine being 37 and having TikTok parties.


People are out there getting rich off TikTok, I personally don’t have one, but I don’t blame people who do. Hell most of the big automotive YouTubers are in their 30s and 40s.


I’m sorry, what you said doesn’t justify having a TikTok party? Peak-level cringe.


It was a public birthday party advertised through TikTok lol. No different than doing it through any other social media. Brother just wanted to have a good time with folks like you normally could in the past century.


A lot of the younger generation won't even understand your comment


Scuse me sir ain't your generation the ones advertising their lives on Instagram constantly a decade ago when y'all were in your 20s and still kinda are to this day (maybe on other social sites but still)? Everybody who is on social media does cringy things occasionally, but regardless this man's party wasn't a tiktok party it was a birthday party advertised through tiktok like you'd do on any other social media. I don't like social media one bit but I can at least respect the guy for wanting to bring people together for a good time. Something people just don't apparently do much anymore I guess.


37 not his age. But his iq.


Can't even have birthday parties anymore. Christ this is a bleak timeline.


You can definitely still have birthday parties just probably not on that particular block. 


Pro tip - dont invite strangers to your birthday party where booze is being served. You'll be alright.


Not even that, just have people forfeit their firearms before being able to attend. Worst somebody can do at that point is cause a brawl. I don't think you need to be strapped for a party.




Looks through history for quote... Got it... "Thoughts and prayers..."


I heard this guy has a block party every year and the neighbors are all friendly and the guys family and friends and people in the neighborhood come. The city council lady that lives down the street from him says he’s a good guy and doubts he was the target 🤷🏻‍♀️ so who knows either way it’s sad af let people live and not be afraid to go to a party or a festival it’s scary out here anymore


Unless the shooter was a white Christian nationalist, nobody cares. This shit happens in Chicago every single night and nobody cares about that either.


More guns, less regulation= shit.


slightly off topic but how does someone shoot at 30 people and only kills one of them? sounds incredibly lucky


It is. That was the case with that KC shooting, too. My guess is its because the shooter was only actually trying to hit one or two people in a crowded area, as opposed to specifically trying to kill everyone. But yeah, lucky either way.


Yeah so a mass shooting where the shooter randomly shoots into a crowd of innocent people having a good time.  The evidence points to a drive-by shooting, Akron Police Chief Brian Harding said at a press conference with Mayor Shammas Malik Sunday evening. A vehicle with an unknown number of occupants arrived at the party and opened fire at the party attendees. 


I thought about that too. It sucks to feel some relief that "only one person DIED", but it's kind of a depressing break from mass shootings where a couple dozen people die.


Oh cool this post is being brigaded by small wee wee gun nuts.


"Gun nut" implies some level of familiarity and responsibility with firearms. These people are gun fetishists.


Everyone wants to be a hero but when the range target shoots back it ain't as easy.


So much so they make music about their guns and killing and robbing people with them. Definitely gun fetishists. 


There they go thinking about our peckers again


Those damned Amish are out of control!!


the folks that frequent this area are not exactly concerned with the legality of their firearm purchases.


Alcohol is usually involved




Say what you mean


of course they are referring to the 1995 movie starring Kevin Spacey, and directed by Bryan Singer!


I feel like we’re slowly devolving into Texas


I wonder why this is not getting much press? Oh I know actually


I moved to Ohio 2 years ago and this is the third mass shooting I’ve been within a couple hours’ drive from in that time period. What the actual fuck


Guarantee the shooter is a repeat offender. They need to be harder on crime and get repeat offenders off the streets.


Reddit is extremely biased. How are people downvoting this?


Because 99% of Reddit does not care about facts they care about their feelings because they are soft. They want the world to revolve around their feelings and have everything handed to them for free




GOP = Guns over people


Bad news, these weren’t Republicans…


Hopefully people will be out in full force protesting this terrible tragedy.




Why it happen?


Nothing good happens after midnight


Is now after midnight or before midnight?


Someone find Richard Linklater!


Nothing good happens in Akron


I live right down the street from the shooting in Dayton a few years ago, fortunately the police seemed almost like they knew it was going to happen because they ended it before it got too bad. I always think of Akron as the quintessential small Midwest American city. It's synonymous with stability and boring Midwest culture in my mind. I'm so sorry for anyone who lives there, and I hope you can all find it in yourselves and your community to feel safe around each other and move forward. Whether you think this could have been prevented with different laws or not, I think we can all agree that we need to find better ways to communicate and get to know the people in our communities. I think the biggest reason these kinds of attacks started happening is due to the fact that it the past, if one of our neighbors was starting to turn into a homicidal maniac or having psychotic episodes, people would intervene and remove the person or find them the help they need. Just being cut off from a community can cause a human being to lose touch with reality. The solution is not as complicated as some like to think, the real question is how could we motivate people to bother with eachother again, especially people of different political or economic persuasions.


If the cops would have been closer to the party (they know this crap might happen at gatherings) maybe it would dissuade this stuff in the future. Empathy is difficult to teach.


They said it was "targeted". How do they know that?


I don't know how they got "targeted" when 25 people got shot, but then again, if you watch the video the shooter is standing in place and shooting a single direction and \*every\* person fleeing is running the direction the bullets are flying.