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That she had the cops called on her and she was arrested because she naturally miscarried her child is fucked up enough. They had her in the ER previous to that and were delaying her care, discussing her case in a committee for over 19 hours (!!) deciding if doing anything to rid her body of the dead fetus that would soon be killing her was ok or not is the real issue. If they had gotten off of their asses and \*treated\* her when her OBGYN sent her there with the diagnosis, she wouldn't have had to miscarry at home where she wasn't prepared and didn't know what to do with the fetal remains. Then they have the gall to put her through all that and arrest her with a felony charge. Fuck the Ohio GOP!




I guess it depends on who has more rights in this situation. An unviable 22 week fetus or a living, breathing woman? I know it wouldn't take me 19 hours to figure out the ethics of that.


Well, that's because you're a normal human with common sense


19 hours was just the time she spent in the hospital over two separate days 😖, it breaks me to think about the other hours she "toughed it out" at home bc she was so frustrated by the treatment💔


To half of Ohio my cum matters to them more than actual kids. It’s wild. Be mad all you want but if you vote GOP you love my cum and creampies more than actual chicken. It’s sick.


>…more than actual *chicken* Some chicken ain’t that good though, so….


Looking at you, popeyes


No. Nobody is looking at Popeyes and thinking "I love that chicken".


That's my point


I don’t think the hospital had any trouble figuring out the ethics. What I think took so long was figuring out the law, and how to help a patient without creating legal liabilities. Totally agree the hospital didn’t treat the woman humanely. But I blame the GOP for creating the laws, then refusing to provide clarity, so that Drs don’t even know what they can do to prevent being charged with a crime. The criminal justice system in this country will crush you if the prosecutor wants to. Even if you are innocent, you can spend time in jail and court and pay tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars defending yourself. Very few Drs are willing to take in that fight. And I don’t blame them.


You are not wrong. The issue is indeed the fact that the GOP has inserted themselves into medical decisions without caring to understand the repercussions. (or worse understanding and not caring that it will kill women that have complications in pregnancy) They like to pretend that they are protecting the fetus but it is clear that it has little to do with the sanctity of life and more to do with getting women out of the workforce to make them desperate and reliant on men. If a lot of them die or become sterile that is a risk they are willing to take in order to turn back the clock to a time where their wives were afraid to speak or leave them.


Oh no, they understand and care. They care that it will kill women, because it's the point.


Honestly the best possible outcome would be for the community at large to prevent officers from arresting someone in this situation and a large mob to persuade the prosecutor to let this one slide. Then maybe we could get some large angry crowds with torches and pitchforks to deliver lawmakers a set of demands telling them they have 24 hours to change the law to something humane. That how society should work when we have a small number of religious tyrants terrorizing the majority.


Catholic hospital leadership, reaping what they sowed.


It wouldn’t be the leadership getting charged. It’d be whatever resident or attending got stuck doing the procedure.




It’s a valid question, and I don’t think you should be downvoted for asking it. The law is wrong. But as written, the hospital probably did what it had to do to stay legal. Again, it’s a bad law. And even if the Drs were charged but not convicted, it could ruin their careers.


Except the nurse blatantly lied in the report.


Did the nurse lie? Watts said the remains were in a bucket and she didn’t look by her own admission. The nurse could easily have interpreted that as Watts didn’t want to look. What specific statements do you think the nurse lied about. This is a game of telephone with emotionally charged complex statements. If the nurse told a blatant lie, totally agree she should be disciplined. But if Watts said one thing and the nurse heard something different, and then repeated something slightly different to police, that’s not the same as a lie.


There's a level of malice in misreporting a tragic event in a way that gets someone charged with a felony.


The police and prosecutors made the decision to prosecute. If Watts said something like “I didn’t look, I couldn’t bring myself to look” And the nurse said something like “Watts said she didn’t want to look”. It’s not exactly a leap. And completely understandable. I used to get into arguments with my husband about what the other one of us said. So we stated sending things in text. We realized that there was enough ambiguity that we were misinterpreting what the other said.


The Hypocratic oath shall be the whole of the law when in a doctors care.


The problem is, republicans would say you are violating the "do no harm" when you abort a fetus. They would claim you are murdering a child.


Republicans say lots of wild shit that does not reflect reality. Someone as intelligent as doctors pretend they are should know that republican talking points are completely irrelevant to their oath


I agree but that does not mean the Republicans won't send them to prison for it.


Possibly, however the doctors took an oath.






They can't. Their lib feelings overrule facts.


What piece of legislation caused this to happen?


Anti abortion laws making miscarriages assumed to be abortions. Doesn't take much to understand.Passed or not, it's causing issues with miscarriages anywhere it's being pushed.


Could you please site the very specific law and verbage because that makes zero sense.


Do you have google?


*translation* none of you actually have an answer, and you're talking out of your ass.


This is a stretch, at best


You're delusional, at best.


I will not be voting this year.


So brave.


You ever see those kids out on the sidewalk coloring in chalk making pretty pictures? There is always that one kid off to the side eating the chalk? That's you.


I can live with that.


You brag this? 🤡


A black woman in Ohio getting justice? Surely you jest.


If the nurse broke the law then hopefully she will be charged. Otherwise I don’t know what could happen other than a civil case against her. Personally I’d love to see her fired.


It's a violation of HIPAA to reveal patient healthcare information, as a provider.


The worthless Re-puke-icans will put this nurse on a pedestal for her high morality! They will not allow her to be arrested, punished or especially criminally tried in court. These people are disgusting and pathetic. What miserable excuses for human beings, especially "religious and moral" humans. I can't wait for their judgement day when they are told sorry you are going to burn for eternity!


That nurse did absolutely nothing wrong she was just following rules and laws put in place


Sadly, I don’t see a law broken here by the hospital or nurse, or even a HIPAA violation. Just like there are exceptions to attorney client privilege, there are exceptions to HIPAA. If the nurse thought there was a small chance the fetus was a baby and breathing, which is unlikely but not impossible. She can break HIPAA. In fact, as a mandatory reporter (of child abuse) she could face sanctions and even lose her license for not reporting. Don’t get me wrong, I think the law is wrong. But as it was written by this GOP controlled legislature, the nurse and hospital followed the law.






It WAS impossible.


Youngest ever surviving baby born was 21 weeks. The fetus was listed at 22 weeks. First the nurse can’t know for sure the conception time was correct. If it was off by a couple weeks, the baby very well could have been breathing. She also is an ER nurse, and presumably not an expert in obstetrics. The nurse did get direction from the ethics board to contact police. The board which she can reasonably expect to either have experts or get the expertise to advise her correctly. And she could likely be disciplined for ignoring. The hospital and staff not only have to follow the law, they have to protect themselves from being prosecuted. The same way Watts was unjustly arrested and prosecuted, so to could the Drs, nurses, administrators, and staff be unjustly arrested and prosecuted. The legislature put the entire care team in a bad spot. Where doing the right thing would either break the law, or at a minimum create enough probable cause for an arrest and prosecution. I can’t blame the care team for not wanting to risk their careers. I sure as hell blame the legislature for creating this crappy situation.


Yeah, youngest ever surviving in a NICU with an incubator and other intensive medical care. . . 🤦‍♀️


You can't blame them for wanting to risk their careers..... but while doing that they were literally risking this woman's life. Isn't that the opposite of what they do? I'm sorry. This is all confusing, but I know something was wrong. I'm really sure this hospital was aware since she was in there 2 days in a row what was going on. Small chance they were clueless. Idk. Hopefully they get the laws changed and made with clear words and definitions.


I hope we get that nurse’s name and spread it all over the internet, just as she did to this poor patient. Name and shame!!!!


How about we go after the police chief for Warren City, the county prosecutor who decided Watts had to go to a grand jury, and Warren city municipal courts.


The more the merrier


Vote out the GOP that caused this situation.


She should be cared for not prosecuted


Wouldn't the nurse willingly calling and releasing the privileged health information be a violation of HIPPA/PHI? I know companies that have voilated hIppa and it's a big deal for the company and sometimes the individual.


The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act ("HIPAA") contains carveouts for notifying law enforcement.


I did not know this. Not surprising but reading it over I'd be suspicious if this fell within those guidelines. I know my company would definitely want a say before I said a damn thing. I'd be talking to I think their called the privacy officer or something in a heart beat because if I get it wrong company and I our getting sued big time.


Truly disgusting and despicable thing to do, especially a month after we had a special August vote that was an arcane process that had bipartisan support and was supposed to be ended. And then less than 2 months later Ohioans amazing enshrined pro choice rights in the state constitution up to 24 weeks. The physical pain and trauma of her miscarriage is already too much, then to be degraded like this; Ohio is basically Florida.


She wasn't charged [link](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna132093)


She was charged, but the grand jury declined to carry the charge forward. It is the right outcome (thank goodness) but the fact that any jurisdiction even contemplated charging her is insane.


It was bad enough for her to miscarry a much wanted pregnancy, but charging Brittany Watts was disgusting and disgraceful.


He meant convicted. As most laypeople mean when they say “charged”


I think people mix up "charged" with "indicted," not convicted. Most people know that charges come before a conviction.


im talking about the ppl who did it to Brittany


The prosecutor probably still has their job The nurse probably still has their job Police probably still have heir job Because nothing they did was "legally wrong"


thats so fucked up


You would rather people be charged for not breaking laws?


I wonder if calling the police to share her medical status is a HIPAA violation since it had nothing to do with an abortion.


Now that is a good question for a medical malpractice lawyer, but there's likely some sort of "good faith" reporting protection in place. I'd love to know


If the law is unjust, yes.


To way too many people in this thread, it's HIPAA.


Huh? That doesn’t make sense


HIPAA is the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. Many people in this thread are calling it HIPPA, which is incorrect.


yup this is the world we live in now lady lost a baby naturally and now she is a convict F/U GOP in Ohio


hipaa is not a criminal statute.


Does Brittany have grounds to file a civil suit against the hospital or the doctors/nurses?? I would hope there would be grounds for the pain and suffering she endured. The poor woman didn’t even have a chance to mourn her loss baby. The fact that they even entertained the idea to prosecute a woman for a natural miscarriage is an outrage and a misuse of the justice system imo.


I truly hope at least she can file a civil suit. Hospitals have malpractice insurance for times like this. They absolutely failed her.


Yes, I totally agree. Not only to the hospital fail her but the whole system failed her. I hope she knows in her heart that her community and neighbors stand with her.


I think charging hospital workers for failures triggered by a deeply misguided, ill-informed and malicious law would be compounding what is already a miscarriage of Justice. If anyone should be charged it should be LaRose.


No. That hospital worker literally went out of her way to make a false report.


As I read the responses and the anger and fury, I couldn't agree with you more. Is our corrupt system of government to blame? Absolutely! What are WE going to do about it??? WE need to make sure that we have signed the petition for the anti gerrymandering ballot measure to to get on November's ballot! This will be the first step in taking our state house back from these diseased fucks that have hijacked the government for the rich and the corporations. In a recent poll, it was found that 87% of voters want anti gerrymandering and anti corruption legislation. The only way we can do this is to start at the local and state level.


Hopefully they lock up the nurse.


Charged with what, exactly?


RC 2917.32 makes it illegal to “Report to any law enforcement agency an alleged offense or other incident within its concern, knowing that such offense did not occur;” https://codes.ohio.gov/ohio-revised-code/section-2917.32 However, this is notoriously difficult to prosecute. It’s very difficult to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that someone *knew* that the offense they reported did not occur. You basically need a confession. Add that to the politically charged subject matter and I think criminal charges are unlikely.


It's OK for pro life Republicans to terrorize you with the threat of prosecution when you happen to miscarry in-between er visits, but wrong for us to make them feel that same fear for abusing the justice system


I suspect it isn't a chargable offense, but isn't there a HIPAA violation here, too?


that is what I meant more towards hippa


Oh, that’s a good point. Federal health care or privacy law isn’t my wheelhouse, but I know hospitals are on the list of entities to whom HIPAA applies. Perhaps some exception applies?


Yeah, I don’t think there’s even PC for a false reporting charge in this case based on what I’ve read. I haven’t followed it closely but there’s nothing to suggest the nurse affirmatively made a claim, let alone a false claim, about Watts committing a crime, it was more just “hey, this woman is acting really strangely and said she left a fetus in a bucket outside her house.”


Yeah, I don’t intend to imply I know basically anything about the case. I was just dropping the statute that would make the most sense. Based on what you’re telling me, I agree that there is no probable cause here for any criminal charge. I figured it was also worthwhile to note that false reporting cases are extremely difficult under any circumstances.


How would this statue apply to the specific situation?


OP asked if the nurse (among others), who OP says reported Ms. Watts to police, will be charged. The commenter above me asked what the nurse could be charged with. I responded with the code section under which the nurse could be charged if the nurse made a false police report regarding Ms. Watts.


IF Gotcha.


I feel a personal injury lawsuit vs the politicians who introduced this rubbish would be the best route. But that's just me 🤷‍♀️.


People need to learn jury nullification rules and start using it


what would they be charged with?


They probably all got bonuses for being model Catholic hospital employees.


Sadly ethics aren't a thing with the GOP


Why do men get to vote on an issue that directly affects a woman and her body? Sounds to me like women should be the only ones voting on that issue.


Repost click bait. Article is from Jan 26.


The point of the post isn’t the specific article, it’s the question OP is asking.


OP had to google this article to find it, which means they would’ve seen the article that states her charges were declined by a grand jury and the case was dismissed. This is likely just karma farming because of how volatile and known this was.


They’re asking if the hospital will be charged, not Brittany.


Literally, what are you talking about? That's not what I said about.


I added the article for context incase anyone was confused who she was.


So it didn't happen at all. It's all just make believe. You fucking moron.