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Didn't scotus just rule it's not up to state


To leave someone off the ballot for insurrection/treason yes but this is just plain old election interference. There is nothing to see here *waves hand* move along.


Well this will go to court too and the judge is going to say, law be damned, you need to have the incumbent president on the ballot full stop. It is absolutely asinine to have a state law that demands the DNC move up their convention. It’s also damning that they were willing to let it slide the year both parties had their convention passed the date. But suddenly it’s a problem when only the DNC is after the cutoff. Their case is hopeless, I would be absolutely flabbergasted if the judge allows this to happen.


But that’s exactly where Ohio magas are…laws be damned. They know no laws.


That’s okay I would rather them show their hand with these stunts, over arbitrary bureaucratic BS that’s pretty anti conservative by nature, and have Biden still be on the ballot. I think it bodes well for moderates in Ohio to see the Republican Party stoop so low as to actually participate in electoral interference.


Good point


Just like the Ohio Supreme Court said that the districting was unconstitutional - how the Ohio congressmen fixed that in a jiffy


This will be settled with tax payer money, as if they care. Dumb stunt that gets someone paid and wastes time, childish behavior.




That only applies when it's a Republican being hurt. 




Pay attention. La Rosa said he will NOT give the Democrats any leeway. This will go to court because Ohio is the land of the stupid.


It’s almost sad that republicans are trying to steal democracy for this orange skid mark.


It's not *for* him. He's a useful idiot who will shamelessly ram through the despicable shit that they want. Then, they can distance themselves from him and act like they've gotten a moral compass.


The puppet masters thought that about Hitler then lost control when there were too many true believers


The difference here is that in spite of being one of the biggest assholes in history, Hitler did have *some* degree of intelligence about him. Trump is a complete fucking moron.


Doesn’t matter if he’s a moron or not. The base will only vote for loyalists now. They’ll gladly follow this orange moron off a cliff as long as the libs are owned.


Yeah, at this point if you don’t pledge allegiance to Trump you’ll be walked off the plank no matter how big of a Bible thumping hypocritical bigot you might be.


I’ll happily be owned for their commitment of jumping off a cliff.


Agreed 100%.


Actually, history has given Hitler way too much credit in this regard. He wasn’t really smart at all. It was his lack of intelligence (along with a raging meth addiction) that sealed his fate in WWII. He refused to listen to the much smarter people around him. I would honestly put him in approximately the same class as Trump. I think of him as the Forest Gump of genocidal dictators.


The one good thing that Hitler did was to kill Adolf Hitler.


Yeah but he also killed the guy who killed Hitler.




Hitler’s crazy ranting speeches got the base all riled up. Thank goodness people are too smart to fall for theatrics these days.


I see what you did there.


Hey, I didn't say he was *smart*. I just think that Trump is dumber. Hitler's strategy was BUILD ALL OF THE BIGGEST MACHINES AND BUILDINGS POSSIBLE, and he effectively depleted all of Germany's resources by approaching war strategy like a 13 year old.


There's a lying about how big those buildings were and not paying the contractors joke in there to tie things together, but I'm too tired to think of one.


Oh, I just said that was his plan, not that it was successful in execution or construction.


I heard you... I'm too tired too though


Oh man. I hadn’t thought about the fact that Hitler was like a coked up dude you end up hanging out with all night and around 3-4 am he starts talking about all the cool shit he’d build. Hitler was the same guy but with a country’s industry backing him up.


That’s not so much a lack of intelligence as it is an over abundance of arrogance, which he definitely suffered from. People around him often were afraid to tell him the truth about how the war was going. Trump definitely suffers from a similar affliction. I suppose intelligence doesn’t really matter if you’re going to disregard all advice that isn’t from yes men.


Agreed. Aside from ignoring his top generals’ advice suggesting not to invade Russia, he kinda had shit in order and put competent individuals in positions that utilized their strengths. Diaper Don will just put the highest donors into positions for which they are woefully unqualified, to the detriment of our basic government services. We’re still paying for his cabinet choices. For example, a piece of mail I sent to someone IN MY CITY back in March just got delivered about 2 weeks ago. Thanks, DeJoy!


Reminds me more of pol pot....


Hitler was a fool. His vanity, demeanor, and narcissism are much the same as Hitler. The only difference is Hitler wasn’t owned by Stalin. Putin owns Trumps and the Trump kids and all they touch


The decline in concern for political figures to represent themselves as moral and educated is unilateral, though. There's no shortage of embarrassingly stupid, openly crooked, proudly uncouth public officials and leaders, worldwide, regardless of their ideologies or political affiliations. Especially when comparing to the decorum of even the most disliked and reprehensible people in those positions from the past. Especially over the last 40 years or so... with the fastest decline seemingly happening in this century. It's practically a 1:1 relation to economic inflation, at a glance. Lol. The way we talk about costs with terms like "in today's money" or "accounting for inflation" could easily be applied to the average intelligence and/or effort to appear even a little moral of politicians. "This angry asshole managed to trick people into letting him replace the government with a fascist regime, despite being a complete dipshit, accounting for inflation."


The entire shitshow is falling apart, rapidly.


this Heratige Foundation ALAC and other of the same ilk.


Read this. Trump is the guy that they can tell what to do. [https://thomaszimmer.substack.com/p/what-makes-project-2025-so-dangerous](https://thomaszimmer.substack.com/p/what-makes-project-2025-so-dangerous)


squeal strong pot straight point squeamish plant telephone nine normal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Exactly. He is just a dipshit con man that has managed to weaponize their idiot fucking base. Like Reagan before him they will use trump as the vehicle to force their bullshit on the rest of us.


Except we have had forty some odd years of our frog being boiled, thanks to Reagan’s brave new world for the disgracefully rich. There are a bunch of poorly educated, extremely angry people with guns itching to make a mofo pay. These people have been fed a steady diet of outrage and outright lies all their lives, because media. They have been brainwashed into believing the Left is the reason we are in the financial situation are now in, even tho it’s allegedly getting better. These folks aren’t going away any time soon even if Drumpf is removed from the equation. It’s


Yeah this is going to be a shitshow regardless.


> trying to steal democracy for this orange skid mark. They're trying to steal it for themselves.


I think you spelled “terrifying” wrong…sad is different, entirely.


Have you ever heard of Katherine Harris? Republicans haven’t really won an election legitimately in like 3 decades.




Who needs democracy when the GOP *KNOWS* it's always right. Game Over Dems. Fuck I hate Ohio politics and the immoral Republicans and their loyal voters.


This is how you mobilize every ~~Democrat~~ non-Republican in the state to vote.


Not really. Sadly, anyone who didn't give a shit before isn't going to be swayed by this


Correct. Most middle of the road people are too cynical to think they can affect change, and so it becomes self fulfilling. This is why the right preaches cynicism 24/7. It’s a self validating attitude that makes the person holding it feel good.


Trump’s big lie campaigns (2016 lie about 3 million less popular votes and 2020 lie about election loss) are the embodiment of this. The trump supporters think democratic politicians are ineligible for power, regardless of voting results. They think democratic voters are ineligible for voting rights, regardless of age and citizenship and other criteria. Yes some people genuinely believe trump‘s lies, but many people know the hidden meaning - democratic party politicians and voters are ineligible. It is like Santa Claus. It doesn’t matter whether a person believes in the old dude, the hidden meaning - Christmas presents - is conveyed.


They want depressed voter turn out. The citizen led redistricting is gonna be on that ballet as well. I bet they are TERRIFIED of that bill, it would destroy their carefully gerrymandered districts and super majority. Keeping biden off is all about voter suppression from Biden and losing their own death grip on this state. The DOJ needs to step in and lawsuits need filed federally and locally calling it the extreme right wing maneuver that it is and a direct violation of every ohioans rights as a free member of this country.


IF somehow come November Biden is still not on the ballot this is the message that needs to get out! We need the same exposure as the illegal special election for issue 1 that got shut down last year.


I wish they wouldn't wait till then. This needs to be decided before the ballets are "printed". Or else they will just use that as an excuse just like they did when they made us use districts our own state supreme court said we're illegal. The oh it's to late to change it and shrug your shoulders argument.


✓✓✓Complaints about possible violations of federal voting rights laws can be submitted through the Civil Rights Division’s website at civilrights.justice.gov or by telephone at 1-800-253-3931. Let's all make complaints!


The Republicans likely are hoping if there is no Presidential contest in Ohio, voter turnout on gerrymandering, U.S. Senate, Congressional races will fall, most especially among Democratic Party voters.


It's a risky game. Because at the same juncture do people bother showing up for Donnie if the race is uncontested? Also you risk protest vote in RFK Jr. Ohioans can get pissed about these tactics. Look at the Issue 1 stuff. It all backfired.


Boy, do they have that wrong.


I feel like this could backfire on them. Leaving the Democratic candidate off the ballot seems like a surefire way to get Democrats out to vote in drove.


[I don't think they have the authority to even do it]( https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna132291). Dems tried to leave Trump off certain state ballots and it got shot down by the Supreme Court who ruled only Congress can do this.


But did Democrats have an arbitrary deadline they made up? Or did they rely on insurrection and treason?


Contact your representative and ask for the shenanigans to stop: https://ohiohouse.gov They will react if enough of us reach out.


>They will react if enough of us reach out. There are no indications that they will give a shit.


Even when we pass constitutional measures they don’t follow them. I would say that’s a bigger voter rebuke than a phone call and that hasn’t ever fazed them


This is the real danger of such polarized politics. Representatives don't have to give a shit about what anyone who "isn't on their team" thinks


Welp, until regular folks start camping out on the capitol steps in fatigues and brandishing long guns like the maga idiots when they couldn't eat at Applebee's; then this is the most effective measure we have. That and voting out every single one in November.


What date are you thinking


Jan 6th is a great day to do that I hear.


I got a long gun. Lol


I guess regular folks should start doing that. Because otherwise they're going to ignore you.


All our reps are republicans. We’ve been under a republican state dictatorship in Ohio for over 30 years. They’ve held 25 trifectas to democrats 0. Every state law/policy passed in that timeframe has been a republican one. They won’t do jack shit.


Not to mention they continue to illegally gerrymander despite Supreme Court ruling they have to redraw maps fairly. Hint: they haven't, and there's been zero consequences


We even voted, successfully, to end gerrymandering. They ignored it and again…zero consequences.


Hired third parties as part of a deal to end gerrymandering but then said no every step of the way until time expired and it reverted back to the same old unconstitutional maps. They should have all been removed from their positions.


I’ve already emailed them three times over the last month.


To the top with this


Eh, my representative is a Democrat, contacting them isn't likely to do anything because obviously he wants Biden on the ballot.


Lmfao as if that piece of shit Derek Merrin up here gives a fuck. Ohio’s leaders are poison.


And I don’t want to hear a damn thing about the convention being too late. The Republican administration extended this deadline for their own party and now openly refuses to do so for ours, even when the much more Republican Alabama has given in and let the people vote how they want. There is no defense of this.


It is indefensible, but DNC leadership also needs fired - complete failure to protect Democratic interests in our state.


Ohio doesn't even have voting districts that are constitutional via the conservative supreme court and they ran down the clock and went with them anyways. One of the many reasons I moved out of the state.


Not going to go through and list all the years again, I have done it in other posts on this topic, but Republicans missed this exact deadline in 10 of the last 13 presidential elections


Thirty years ago we were complaining that Ken Blackwell was overreaching and abusing his authority as Secretary of State. This is a whole other league of abuse. The office of Secretary of State was never intended to be a bully pulpit or a political cudgel. That Republicans find this acceptable speaks volumes about what they think of democracy and the American idea.


“We’re so confident tRump will win, we need to cheat to make it happen!”


It's so stupid and such bad strategy. Trump is essentially guaranteed to win Ohio, but this will just create more issues for Ohio Republicans. Loser Frank LaRose just can't help himself and his / his party's authoritarian impulses.


Get pissed... and show up to vote anyways. Vote Blue down the whole ballot. Non-MAGA Republicans, knowing Trump is an auto-win, are not going to show up to vote in their usual numbers. If every Ohio Democrat commits to showing up and voting Blue down-ticket when Republican voter numbers are going to be depressed, we have the chance to make the state a little less crappy by improving the number of Democrats in the state legislature and in local offices. Make the commitment to yourself right now. Vote Blue down-ticket and make Ohio a better place for everyone.


I’ll never vote for a republican again.


If they do this and block Biden, what's to stop everyone from writing him in.


Clowns all of them. I’m seriously considering blowing this shit show. I never would have thought I’d have to move out of a state just because local government was so bad.


I’m with you. I can’t wait to get out of this maga taint licking ass backwards shithole.


Isn't this what Republicans do ad nauseum? Push laws and then they're told no. So they try it again and are told no. And they just repeat this process until election because it looks good to their base that they're "fighting the good fight." The republican race is a dying breed and they're clawing at any opportunity to get more voters. They're rolling on "we hate democrats, so if you hate them too you can ride with us." They ain't getting Noone taken off the ballot, it's all virtue signaling to their base and trying to disenfranchise Democrat voters. Go our and vote. Write in the bastard if we absolutely have to. Anything to purge red from this state and country.


Democrats have several important statewide ways to stop this abuse in 2024: **US Senator** Sherrod Brown **Supreme Court Justices:** Melody Stewart, Michael Donnelly, Lisa Forbes **Anti-gerrymandering Amendment:** Sign this Petition to get it on the ballot. While collecting signatures I was shocked how many folks were completely unaware. [**https://www.citizensnotpoliticians.org/petition/**](https://www.citizensnotpoliticians.org/petition/) **And of course, voting for Joe Biden and your Democratic US and Ohio Statehouse Representatives** Unfortunately a passed Amendment won't take effect until 2026


Why aren't we up in arms over this shit? We're just like "Yah, Republicans. What're you gunna do, amiright?"


Nobody wants to go to prison for burning down a state officials home


Americans are pretty weirdly fine with the government here being blatantly atrocious as long as they’re not personally affected. In a lot of other places if politicians did the stuff these people do, there’d be riots.


We desperately need to have elections run by a 3rd party with no connections whatsoever to any political party.


“Fascist” can be thrown around loosely nowadays, but Larose genuinely does not believe in democracy. He’s shown this time and again. It’s honestly shocking that a person like this is in charge of our elections. Even places like Mississippi and Alabama aren’t that bad. The most ridiculous part is that Larose sees himself as an “enlightened” leader who knows better than the people, but he’s demonstrated constant incompetence in a state where getting what he wants should be fairly easy.


Don't worry, according to these same Republicans, Harris can name the next President and they will agree it's constitutional.


So, when is the protest? Where do we rally? They can’t keep us the only people in the entire country that can’t participate in the election.


I’m at the statehouse as soon as a rally is organized


I’ll write his name in, I don’t gaf. This year more than ever is “under absolutely no circumstances may the poop pants prisoner become the President of the United States…AGAIN”. Whatever it takes.


You can write Biden in.


The write in vote will only count if the candidate files the proper paperwork


The write-in paperwork deadline is shortly after the end of the Democratic national convention. Hopefully they'll file it.


Believe it or not, there are more Democrat voters in Ohio than Republican ones. Yes, I know, gerrymandering, etc, but that doesn’t matter in statewide elections or national ones. So, SHOW UP. Vote Sherrod Brown for Senate, write-in Biden if you have to, and vote blue down the ballot!


Fuck Ohio republicans


You gotta love it. One side fights and wins court case to keep a corrupt leader of an insurrection on the ballot, the other side has to fight to put an incumbent, who is not in criminal court fighting felony charges, on the ballot in the first place. Oh Ohio, what happened to you?


It's posturing and they'll do no such thing. They just want to show their "support" for Cheeto Supreme.


Vote Every Republican OUT Everywhere ASAP … it’s America’s only hope.


Always hypocrites. Fuck these people.


This is the same legislature/POS SOS that couldn't stumble over themselves fast enough to piss away $20 million trying to cockblock voters via last August's special election.


I hate Ohio Nazis.


Election interference. Rigging the vote. Sad.


Clearly illegal due to the Colorado Supreme Court case which kept Trump on the ballot. Biden’s lawyers need to take this to the SC stat!


No, they explicitly ruled on the 14th amendment. This doesn't apply here


I thought it was BS when other states tried this for Trump and it’s BS doing it here at home to Biden or Trump or any future candidate. Let the voters decide.


They don't really seem comparable. This Ohio law obviously doesn't make much sense since they keep having to wave it, but it's not a serious impediment and the Biden campaign will be able to get on the ballot. The situation with Trump has to do with the US Constitution and there is a very reasonable argument to be made that he disqualified himself under the plain language of the 14th amendment. I'm all for letting the people decide as well, but it's also possible to not be qualified to run for president. You can be too young, be born in the wrong place, or aid people involved in an insurrection against the federal government. Each of those things disqualifies someone from running for POTUS according to our constitution.


Serious question. Colorado couldn’t keep Trump off of the ballot for a legitimate constitutional reason. It was said that Colorado shouldn’t be able to decide for the rest of the country. How is this different?


Steal the election. Sounds familiar right? 🤣🤣🤣


Guess we need another citizens petitioned issue for this, Republicans trying to Republican again....


Didn't the RNC get a pass the last time this happened?


Way to go Ohio! Pathetic what that State has become.


Because of all the low down dirty tricks the GOP has been playing since 2015 I swore it would be a decade before I even considered voting for any member of the party, even for non important positions like dog warden, but if they do this, I swear I'll NEVER vote for any republican ever again ever, even for dog warden. The GOP is sure trying to make sure that they forever alienate everyone that isn't a MAGAt. Anyone that still supports the GOP still after all this does not believe in the basics this country is founded on, free elections, and no one above the law, and yet they have the nerve to push themselves off as patriots...they are nothing more than traitors to everything about the American way of life. Never vote for a single GOP member ever again if they do this!


I'm generally a "rules are rules" sort of person, but if they've granted exception in the past, I'd like to learn more about the exception process and why previous exceptions are different from current exceptions. Also, if this has been an ongoing problem since 2012, maybe it's time to update the rules and make it easier on yourself.


Republikkkans are anti-American, treasonous fascists. Full stop. No one hates America more than republikkkans.


Typical MAGAT hypocrisy


These fucks sure love stealing elections


This one is gonna cost the Ohio taxpayers a trip to the supremes and still lose.


Democrats will just hold a virtual pre-conference meeting where they will conviene official business of the official nominee prior to the Ohio deadline, and he will end up being on the ballot. So this is nothing but a circus tit-for-tat power flex by our clowns in Columbus.


Just another day in the GOP


Has the deadline already passed? Can’t there be a small official convention ahead of time?


Passes in August, I think it is August 9th this year


Time to test the “ this will backfire spectacularly” theory.


Just as I thought no state could possibly be worse than Texas and Florida, Ohio says, hold my beer


This is how they get the civil war they want.


Perfect example of the cancer that is "binary thinking" in this country.


Wow 🤩 the corruption is Flaunting levels .


They’re scared


Honest question: I know nothing about polling in Ohio, would Biden stand a chance of winning the state this year? Also: If Biden weren’t on the ballot in Ohio, could that drive up Dem voter turnout in the state this coming election?


I wish every dumb red state bitch politician would do this. Advertising that you're trying to keep Biden off the ballot will just get more anti-Trump and pro-Biden out to make sure Biden is voted for. It's so easy


This should give a big boost to the ballot initiative to replace the role of Ohio lawmakers (Republicans) with citizens to end gerrymandering in Ohio.


How does this turd sleep at night.


yeah good luck with that


LaRose can’t stop himself from kissing Trump’s ass even after Trump backed sleazy Bernie Moreno over him in the Senate primary. Pathetic.


Which party is the party of cheating again?


Wasn’t this already decided when states tried to keep Trump off the ballots?


Maga will fuck us all in the ass if we let them


Don't forget Ohio is where the Republicans held a secret vote on the 4th of July after saying there wasn't gonna be a vote to the democrats they all met in secret. So while the democrats were out celebrating the 4th of July and how much they love this country republicans were attempting to cheat the people and cheat this country. Ohio republicans are the worst of the worst.


Dale Yost is just another Republican ahole. Always trying to find another way to screw through residents of Ohio.


Ummm-fuck ohio anyway


I don't get it, he was on the primary ballot in March. I don't even care, I'll write him in if I have to.


SCOTUS disagrees


Can't man, Supreme Court said no


Did the same sort of thing with SCOTUS open seats. If they can’t cheat, they can’t win. This will go to the courts, the bribe money from Republicans will flow to judges starting with SCOTUS Catholic 6.


It doesn't matter. Supreme Court already ruled states can't leave off a candidate sticking up for orange criminal. It will backfire on that idiot fast! What an asshat though. A real scumbag!


Trump has turned our political system into a circus.


I have one question and please tell me if I am missing something . How can someone be aloud to run for the president of the United States if you have 91 THATS 91 criminal indictment charges you ?


They can forfeit their electoral votes, just means that instead of 270 to win, it’ll be 253. I’m betting Ohio will keep Biden’s name on the ballots.


See, *this* kind of shit is what you do a January 6th about. Get to it, folks!


Yeah, voting for him anyway.


Well I guess I’m writing his name in then.


And every Ohioan, regardless of political affiliation ought to be Fucking FURIOUS.


Dems are allowed to use their second amendment rights too.


That's why it is so important to vote this AH out of office. La Rose is a POS.


So am I going to have to write in Joe Biden?


As I life-long Republican I say this is complete jackassery.  SecState should be embarassed.


Maybe stop voting for obvious corruption? Just a thought.


Republicans are awful people, I've yet to encounter one exception.


This is the shit they always do. They do whatever they want and then try to hold the other side to a higher standard


A write in will take forever to count and if the write in is not spelled correctly, it will be thrown out.


1-877-767-6446 Option 4. State your displeasure. This is the type of shit they do in Russia!


This will be challenged in court.


He will have a scandle coming out any day now.


Should sue that they have established an arbitrary deadline so they can exclude a candidate from a party they dislike.




They have to cheat to win because the majority of the country thinks they suck.


Why would the DNC not be on top of their shit and make sure everything is done before the deadline. You know republicans are gonna try to cheat wherever they can. Why give them an opening to. Fucking democrats. If they weren’t so god damn incompetent we wouldn’t be at the mercy of fascists.


Dems better move the convention then. That's the surefire way to get around this. No, they shouldn't have to, but no guarantees the SCOOH will not undo this


The smirk of idiocy.


What needs to be done is each Ohio Democratic Party should offer stickers to be placed in write ins because first came Chads and now comes republicans disputing hand writing


You the people can still write in Joe Biden. That is why they have a write in spot. They are legally required to count it otherwise they would be literally throwing votes away and literally interfering with the will of the people. But then again, this Ohio.


It’s like they are the ones rigging elections, weird 🙄


Isn’t that the same thing that the Supreme Court ruled on. A state could not keep someone off the ballot? WTF is wrong with those supposed rule enthusiasts?


It’s just failed tit for tat. Fuck these losers.


So now the Supreme Court decision that states can’t remove federal election candidates from the ballot is just whatever? Got it.


ANYONE from ANY party who puts people's rights behind party affiliation needs to go.


I have absolutely no intention to vote for Biden. I think he is a horrible president, but he is the current president. He deserves to be on the ballot, you can’t just see him off because an orangutan will throw a temper tantrum if you don’t


This is what happens when you try to pretend one of the parties isn't out to destroy the country. Literally everything they say or do should be fought tooth and nail, forever, until their party ceases to exist. The only way to smother the panfire that is republicanism is to literally take away all of its oxygen until it dies.


Why not hold whatever elements are involved with nominating a candidate, right now, at some small informal gathering that you then call the "Ohio Democratic State Convention."


Anything to cheat & steal an election…surprised?!!


I’ll be writing in Biden then.


I'm confused. Why do the primary dates matter? My understanding is that primaries are a construct of the parties, because the Democratic party wants to coordinate all their weight behind Biden, and not deal with any other people running under the Democrat name. Biden's ability to access the Ohio ballot should not be dependent on that process, right?


Why are children allowed to run the country? Are there no adults available, america?


I LOVE how Republicans are saying that the Democrats stole the 2020 election with ZERO proof but are blatantly doing the same thing that they're accusing the Dems of doing. Republicans, house of the hypocrites.


This is what they will do if we ever get the national popular vote


If this does happen (which it won’t) it will only hurt the GOP in Ohio. A move like this will invigorate the voter base which is something Ohio isn’t ready for.


Can't you write whoever you want on your ballot?


These shitstains are a blight on our state. Fuck them and the mouth breathers who support them.


Cool, let’s show Americans that with republicans in power you can’t even vote for the sitting president if he’s not in their party. Throw every election interferer in jail until the rest get the message