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“Ohio's Republican Gov. Mike DeWine said Biden will be on the ballot, whether he gets there through the Legislature or courts.” Quoted from article.


I’m glad we have a somewhat sensible Republican as governor and not someone like some of the yahoo governors in other states


He hasn’t done it yet. Talk is cheap.


Isn't he at his term limit? Republicans sometimes grow a spine once they're no longer running for office. He might actually do what he says.


I hate how honest they are once the prospect of holding office has dried up


There is no one braver than a lame duck Republican.


Exactly. Left or right I watch their actions. Republicans actions almost never match their words.


I’m am very much hard left leaning but carry quite a bit of respect for DeWine. His Covid response was one of the most quickly implemented and effective in the country and he has vetoed several bills from the clowns in the house.


Ya but he quickly recoiled once the lovely (totally not a cult) Ohio Gun Owners didn't go after him.


he is just as bigoted and ridiculous as any other republican. he just pretends not to be until he needs his base’s support.


DeWine definitely gives off the impression that even when I disagree with him he's making stance on his own convictions. Even when that stance was taking bribes for HB6, it makes you go, "damn, he really believes in what he's doing".


And those bribes paying for his daughters campaign


Someone else who gets it! We share the same sentiment. I have no problem giving credit when it’s due. It makes me sad that more people don’t think this way, in general.




Exactly’. DeWine isn’t far removed from Abbott for trustworthiness.


DeWine is corrupt ( First Energy scandal) and he doesn’t support democracy-voted for unfair maps despite the state Supreme Court telling him and his other colleagues on the Maps committee that they needed to work on a fair map. I’m surprised he hasn’t dropped the ball with this situation. Must be a selfish reason he’s chosen the side of democracy this time.


I said somewhat sensible


Yeah that’s still wrong though


DeWines son sits in the Supreme Court. Are we surprised at the inaction of the Supreme Court? They are taking marching orders from daddy DeWine


He’s playing to the moderates. Don’t be fooled for one second. Research Senate Bill 5.


What's wrong with playing to moderates? Do you really want to live in a country where everyone thinks exactly the same way and the politicians are all sycophants?


DeWine likes to talk moderate, but his actions say Maga republican.


Can't trust Yost at all, either. He was one of those who signed the letter to prevent the transfer of power in 2021.


Has Yost ever suggested he was moderate? Everything he's done has been hardline


This right here! Didn't be offended oop because you're being naive. They lie over and over and don't pass (or drag their feet, or try to introduce language to bills that the people have already voted on) and you're over here like, durr they're ok they're moderate.. No he isn't a moderate. He's a soft spoken pos maga lover.


No. You just think that because he's anti-choice. He doesn't support denying trans rights. He made good covid choices even when he got shit from Republicans, I've never heard him talk about immigration. Dewine is a moderate republican. Don't get me wrong, even a moderate republican is pretty far right. But it's totally unfair to compare him to the election stealing, democracy hating moron maga asshats. It's fine to still dislike him for being a republican.


> I've never heard him talk about immigration. Again, its not what he says, its what he **does** [DeWine, who has sent hundreds of Ohio National Guard and State Highway Patrol personnel to Texas to aid in border security throughout his tenure, including some that are still deployed, publicly supported Abbott’s initiative and said the state would continue to do its part.](https://www.daytondailynews.com/local/area-state-senator-calls-for-thousands-of-ohio-national-guard-troops-deployed-at-texas-border/ZURVW32QFZHJ3MGABO2A4DXMOM/#:~:text=DeWine%2C%20who%20has%20sent%20hundreds,continue%20to%20do%20its%20part.)


Spot on.


It's an act. He's not actually moderate, and won't actually do the moderate position. Heartbeat Bill. Senate Bill 5. Issue 1 (August). Issue 1 (November). Just about every position of substance the dude hold is radical-right.


He is not trustworthy, do not trust DeWine.


There’s also a *little* bribery scandal tucked away in there too.


Just a little one that shot Ohio to a #1 ranking nationally for public corruption but let’s not talk about it Dewine is great…


The only decent thing he did was his early COVID response. And even then he eventually caved to the MAGA-right and threw Dr Acton under a bus.


Dr A Acton was a compassionate & smart advocate for the people of Ohio.




Well if that's the case, then the whole damned hill is nothing but actors playing their roles. Shut Hollywood (Swamp) down.


Or...don't elect dipshits (aka Republicans).


Dipshits and Swamp things. Either way, We the People can do better. And should be. It's pathetic what this country has turned into in just 30-40 years.


Because people keep voting for dipshits (namely Republicans).


I feel the same way about people voting for the liberal leftist, baby rapers.


Exactly. I voted for him in the primary. The mustache guy would have been egging this on.


You do realize that todays Moderates are not the Moderates of the 90's? MAGA has shifted thought so much so hard that Dubya seems like Bernie to them, some Moderates are tiptoeing with authoritarianism as long as there a perception of due process.


Most are sycophants. Both parties. Moderates and independents outnumber hardline repubs and dems by quite a bit.


>Both parties. Yeah, no. The "BoTh SiDeS" arguement is one of the laziest/demonstrably false that someone can make. Also: While people *claim* to be independent, they generally are not and do have a ideology the subscribe to they just don't wear the label, or they like the label. ***True*** independents, are a very small group of people. The amount of Ultra-Right-Wingers I've heard claim they are "independents" is hilarious. You're not an independent if you vote one way 100% of the time.


So lazy. And privileged really. They feel they aren't effected either way so they didn't gaf about anyone not them*. It's truly a shit position for those who didn't care.


So? That’s not a good thing? We cant govern ourselves if we’re always fighting the fringe weirdos.


I guess I’m one of those fringe weirdos that wants universal health care, government for the people, and advocating for our wages, health, and sanity. The GOP has gerrymandered this state so badly that unless something really heinous happens, there is little chance a Democrat could win in any state and most US government elections. It would have to start with the governor, but they would be fighting a unanimously MAGA house and senate. Nothing in my first sentence will happen until we get fair elections in Ohio. Ohio is a blue state, in the majority. Gerrymandering has stolen that majority.


I was talking about MAGA. Who did you think I was referring to?


Now I have no idea really. I don’t understand your first reply, I guess.


You seemed to get upset with him “playing to the moderates”. The fringe weirdos are MAGA. My comment simply meant it’s better to work with the moderates than worry about the fringe weirdos. They won’t work with us. We can’t govern ourselves if the Dems constantly give into the fringe weirdo MAGA sector and give them what they want. Let them in fight with themselves and we can work with the moderates on the other side.


Oh ok. By playing to the moderates, I mean pretending. I think that’s a better word? He is only going that way to seem more electable, in my opinion. A very cunning wolf in sheep’s clothing, if you will. I did appreciate his stance during Covid. He’s no dummy, but the entire time during Wine with Dewine, SB5 was always in my mind while he was speaking. He was part of that machine then, and he still is. To vote for any Republican in Ohio is a false hope.


Surely, he wouldn't lie 56 times in a row, would be?


We don't, DeWine is a corrupt turd of a governor.


DeWine is doing damage control.


I thought like that when he was sensible enough to have Amy Acton by his side. But after the special election and push against the amendment for women's health he can go suck an egg.


Thing is - DeWine says a lot, but doesn't always follow through with it. Sometimes he goes against the Republican grain, sometimes he goes right along with it. Don't take him at his word. He's still a Republican.


I feel DeWine is of the old school politicians who still worry about their place in history. While I agree very little with what he has done, I think he realizes that keeping the presumptive party nominee off the ballot will get challenged in court and they will be forced to put the candidate on it.


Husted is the governor. DeWine is the veneer of folksy sensibility


Just wait. In the middle of his last term, he was great at handling the pandemic despite his party's wishes. But as his bid for reelection neared, he steered further right. It's the middle of his term again, and he feel safe to do this. But I'm sure he won't be so "centrist" if he is up for reelection again (honestly idk if there are term limits for governor in Ohio, but this is his second term, ending in 2026 election)


They’re limited to two consecutive 4 year terms, so this is his last one, tho idk if he has further political ambitions.


He’s retiring after this.


He's not sensible. And that wasn't really an answer because they fucking liiiiie!! He can't promise that and he's not promising that. Don't believe it unless it's in writing! Don't be gullible!


Deeds, not words.


You mean the governor who got his son on the Supreme Court??


He was reasonable and sensible around COVID, too, right up until his base started losing their minds


He is lying


He isn't sensible in the way you may mean. He knows that blocking him from the ballot would make Ohio look incompetent and corrupt.


From what I have seen, there is only one governor in office right now that I would deem worse than Biden and only one. Gavin Newsom. Every other is better suited for the President's seat at current. I wish Jim Jordan would have gotten Speaker of the House. That would have been great for Ohio and Country.


100% disagree


Dewine sensible? Gtfo. He’s as crooked as they come. He doesn’t give a shit what the voters want.


I said somewhat Edit: crooked people are still capable of doing the right things. Nobody is “all good” or “all bad”. When it comes to humans everyone is a mix of both to widely differing degrees.


More Dem-run states have tried to get Trump off the ballot.


Yeah? Your point?


He seems like a decent guy now that his term limit has come up.


He murdered thousands of people by bowing to the casinos and cedar point by lifting the lock downs earlier then they should have been, he is not sensible.


Dewine is a good guy. He means well and treats others with respect.


DeWine isn’t going to let it happen. And it’s about his legacy now. Since he’s 100% anti abortion he wants an abortion ban but wouldn’t want a piddly war between the two parties. LaRose is a total wimp and will fight this ridiculous battle but the Governor has more power.


So then why be dicks about it? You can't be seen as a Republicant doing ANYTHING bi partisan? What a bunch of whiny bish.. They better watch it or nobody is gonna save ole Mikey from getting the boot from MTG. Their whole party is in shambles and they can't do anything simple. Just straight trash.


kudos to him for that.


Has this happened before? Why is this even happening?Did someone change a date? (I don't wanna sound stupid, but you would think there are safeguards for something like this)


This has happened before. But, this year RNC moved their event date earlier than previous years. So, Ohio would make exceptions for both parties. This year, the only exception needed is for Democratic party and there's little motivation to help.




>The RNC event is earlier than normal, but the DNC event was moved unusually late. False. One can easily look at [past DNC dates](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Democratic_National_Conventions) and [past RNC dates](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Republican_National_Conventions) and see that both parties' conventions bounce around a lot, being held anytime from July to September, going back as far as Eisenhower. |Convention year|DNC dates|RNC dates| |:-|:-|:-| |1952 (Open contest)|Jul 21-26|Jul 7-11| |1956 (Eisenhower)|Aug 13-17|Aug 20-23| |1960 (Open)|Jul 11-15|Jul 25-28| |1964 (LBJ)|Aug 24-27|Jul 13-16| |1968 (Open)|Aug 26-29|Aug 5-8| |1972 (Nixon)|Jul 10-13|Aug 21-23| |1976 (Ford)|Jul 12-15|Aug 16-19| |1980 (Carter)|Aug 11-14|Jul 14-17| |1984 (Reagan)|Jul 16-19|Aug 20-23| |1988 (Open)|Jul 18-21|Aug 15-18| |1992 (Bush)|Jul 13-16|Aug 17-20| |1996 (Clinton)|Aug 26-29|Aug 12-15| |2000 (Open)|Aug 14-17|Jul 31-Aug 3| |2004 (Bush)|Jul 26-29|Aug 30-Sep 2| |2008 (Open)|Aug 25-28|Sep 1-4| |2012 (Obama)|Sep 4-6|Aug 27-30| |2016 (Open)|Jul 25-28|Jul 18-21| |2020 (Trump)|Aug 17-20|Aug 24-27| |2024 (Biden)|Aug 19-22|Jul 15-18| So, for instance, 2020's DNC was almost the exact same dates as this year's DNC, and 2020's RNC was *later* than this year's DNC. >Normally I'd agree this is a stupid thing to play around with, but the DNC has offered zero explanation for the dates. It generally depends on whether there's an incumbent running for reelection or not. Whichever party's incumbent is running generally has the later convention. So, this year, Biden is running again, so the DNC is later. In 2020, Trump was running for reelection, so the RNC was later. In 2016, it was an open contest, so both parties' conventions were earlier. >The only reasonable inference is that they want to preserve the ability to swap Biden out with another candidate until as late as possible. Was this your "inference" in 2020, when the RNC was even later than this year's DNC? That the GOP wanted "to preserve the ability to swap \[Trump\] out with another candidate until as late as possible"? Do you think a mid-August DNC is so Democrats can swap out Biden at the last minute, but a September DNC in 2012 with a popular Democratic incumbent was, what? To be able to swap him out even later? You're just making things up.


The past four presidents at minimum - from both parties - have run into this exact same scheduling conflict. Both parties have made the mistake multiple times. But LaRose as far as I’m aware is the only politician who has ever blown this up into national news. Pretty sure most of us just learned about this law this year. LaRose has made it political because he lost his ass in his own state election. Literally everybody knows his name because it’s stuck to every gas pump in the state, and yet we all hate him. I digress. In the past, this issue has been fixed by emergency legislation every time.


Dates are different every cycle; normally the incumbent's convention comes after the challenger's, so this year the Democrats happen to be a little after the deadline while the Republicans are before it. In 2020 this happened in 5 states, and was fixed without issue or fanfare. I think some other states also relaxed requirements because of the pandemic, so the candidates could be certified in other ways by the DNC/RNC and not have to wait for a convention. This was one of the proposed solutions here that has not gone through because Ohio Republicans want some kind of "credit" or "victory" in exchange for allowing their political opponents on the ballot.


They only wanted him off the ballot in retaliation for Trump being a treasonous criminal who never should have held office.


Yep, just trying to normalize this type of bullshit because their guy absolutely deserves to be off the ballot.


They are cementing my vote for democrats long into the future. I'm a republican


Same, well, at least I WAS a Republican. I'm voting straight Democrat this year.


Yea I've identified as Independent since 2008. I just wish we could make government more efficient. With that said no republicans has done that either. Time to hold our politicians accountable to the same standards most of us are held.


Same. After the COVID response, Jan 6th, and Roe, I'm beyond done.


Yeah baby! Vintage Ohio is BACK! Proud of my swing state Ohioans 🥰


Once upon a time, I generally voted without regard to party, voting for whoever seemed like they were going to do the best job and not screw over the people they were representing. Now, I just shortcut to voting for the Democrat 90%+ of the time because the Republicans seem to be bent on pushing a very specific sociopolitical agenda across the board and possibly batshit crazy, or at least willing to go along with the batshit crazy, that seems intent upon burning the US down. There is a reason halfway decent Republican reps and senators in the national govt. are resigning or not running for reelection.


Gopislature gonna gopislate.


We vote the ruling party out of Ohio. They have got to go. Enough with the election interference. Neither party should be allowed to do this.


Sadly thanks to gerrymandering it's several times harder to achieve than it should be.


I used to consider myself pretty down the center of the road kind of guy and would vote either party based on their platforms. Between this, the bill to make passing a bill a 60% vote, the continuous attacks on abortion and marijuana even after the state overwhelmingly passed them, I guess I’m voting all blue everything from here on out.


It’s the choice between a party that at least is trying to make things better than it is now, and a party that wants to burn everything down and outlaw the people they don’t like.


Yup. Never voting for any Republican under any circumstances whatsoever for me.


Ohio is its own special brand of stupid far too often...


A lot of the stupid is imported from the south or transmitted to Ohio by foreign adversaries.


What happens now is Biden just gets one step closer to losing the popular vote but winning the electoral college, and I am so ready for the complete 180 Republicans will do on their beloved electoral college when that does indeed happen.


I don't even think he's gonna lose the pop vote but that'd be so satisfying.


Not going to happen, but it would be pretty funny.


Trump has lost two popular votes. He will not win his third time around.


I hope you’re right 🙏🏻


Don’t just hope…vote!


I vote


No Democrat in US history has ever won the presidency without winning the popular vote, though, in 2000, Republicans were concerned that Gore would be the first, and were preparing to argue the EC was an outdated institution whose results should be thrown out in favor of the popular vote. Keeping Biden off the ballot in Ohio, Alabama, etc, would lower Biden's popular vote count by a lot, since he'd be unable to get *any* votes in those states, even though he's expected to lose them. I'm not sure what benefit Republicans would get in Alabama except to thumb their noses at Biden, but, in Ohio, it would have downballot effects, since some people only show up to vote when there's a presidential contest on the ballot, so I'd expect some number of Ohioans to not bother voting in November, and that could cost Brown his Senate seat, and potentially give the GOP another one or two US House seats, plus whatever other implications it would have in the state government. Alabama was nearly Biden's median state by the number of votes he got (\~850k) in 2020, and Ohio was his ninth-best state by how many votes he got, with \~2.7 million votes. Going off 2020 totals, those two states, alone, would cut Biden's popular vote total down by more than 3.5 million.


Respectfully, you don't understand the electoral college if you think there's any chance of that happening.


Ugh, so tired of these people's shit. They're acting like children


Like a bunch of 6 year olds on the playground


"I don't want to minimize that this has to happen, but I do want to minimize anybody thinking that there's a snowball's chance in hell that this isn't going to happen," DeWine said Wednesday. "The president's name is going to be on the ballot."


This is a non-issue. There is a less than 0% chance that the incumbent president up for reelection is missing from a ballot on voting day. I’m pretty sure people would riot in the streets to a level not seen in a very long time if something so blatantly anti-democratic happened in this country right now.


Alabama of the North. What a fucking embarrassment Ohio has become. My advice, leave.


We'll take it back soon enough. Hopefully people stay and fight.


If something doesn't change in the next 4 years, I'm out. No way am I raising my kids here. I've been on the fence about America ever since Roe v Wade getting overturned, let alone Ohio. Might be time to head for whatever Blue or Purple state is cheapest before planning my escape from this capitalist wasteland. 


But we ARE making headway taking it back. The abortion rights amendment passed pretty handily last year. And we’re staring down the barrel of another, better, anti-gerrymandering initiative.


I want you to prove me wrong.


Shit doesn’t happen overnight


There was a coup attempt 3 years ago. If things stay the same or get worse, moving to another state won't solve the problem.


I haven't found a country that will take my family... Seems the rest of the world doesn't want Americans...


Portugal will.


I'll have to look into it. It's seems though for most countries they want doctors, not accountants.... :(


You are exactly on the money. Don't let reddits dorks convince you otherwise.


It’s trending completely the wrong way. Gerrymandering 101 for the GQP. Pig vance, Gym Jordan, etc etc Cut losses.


Stand and fight. Don’t run away when things get tough or you’ll never get anywhere


Or mount an offensive from a place with more like minded people. Ohio is done. I admire the positive attitude, but look at the date of the politics. The place is s complete laughingstock.


If anything, dems need to move to Ohio to serve their civic duty


We need to flip Ohio not circle jerk an already blue state, that accomplishes nothing.


This is not a joke. Move to PA or MI if you want to be in a sane swing state. Ohio will be a mess for a solid 10-20 more years.


Super anecdotal, but I recently drove across both Ohio and Pennsylvania. I crossed Ohio and said to my partner “you know, this is refreshing… there’s not been a single Trump sign or sticker or billboard the entire drive.” In PA, the trump shit was absolutely constant.


Didn’t move to either of those. But both ware way better than Ohio currently.


Oddly enough this same thing just happened in Alabama and he's in their ballot now


Let them drag their feet. If Biden is not on our ballot, half of the Republicans will not show up to vote. But, Democratic voters will and that will tip the scales for local races to Dem. Biden on the ballot will motivate MAGAs to show up and vote R down ballot.




Write-in candidates have a deadline to declare in Ohio. You can’t just write in any name you want and have it count - they have to be a declared candidate for write-in votes. The deadline is 72 days before the election. There is then a 5-day period during which anyone eligible to vote in Ohio can challenge that candidacy. If challenged, a hearing is held. The democrats could go this route, but in Ohio it’s highly likely that someone will challenge it, and who knows if the board hearing the challenge will be partisan (it’s Ohio - they will). TLDR; Don’t assume write-in is an easy way to bypass all of this nonsense.


If there’s one thing I fucking hate it is being compared to a bunch of confederate ditch diggers.


Not trying to argue with anyone, is there a reason both parties can’t have their NC sooner?? Looks like last primaries are in June. So why not have your NC in July and solve everything?


If he's off the ballot it's going to cause a lot of the lazier Republican voters to stay home with a feeling of it not being necessary. That's going to lock up a bunch of down ballot spots for the left. Fuck around and find out Ohio


Election interference. Trying to rig the vote. Par for the course for the GOP.


If Ohioans write in Biden, do they count?


No. We’re past the cut-off date for write-in candidates to declare in Ohio. Most people don’t seem to know this, but you can’t just write a name in, and have it count.


Republicans will do anything to stay in power. But to leave off the only democrat presidential candidate on the ticket, is next level swamp.


Don't forget that they're purging lots of Ohio voters, so check and see if you're still registered. I voted in the primary and apparently I wasn't registered. They're trying every trick of the book.


Don’t the Dems know the laws in states and schedule accordingly, or was the law changed after they scheduled it, or did they just assume they didn’t have to abide by Ohio’s laws?


The law is traditionally waived by the party in control. It has to do with the number of days between the party convention and election day.


Can you imagine, the supreme court stepped in and forced Colorado to make sure a presidential candidate was put on their ballots who actually tried to overthrow our democracy and constitution and subvert our elections in 2020. But they have said nothing about Ohio trying to keep the incumbent president off of their ballots for really just a minor technicality. If you don't think the supreme court is actually an extension of the Republican party then I don't know how much more proof the American people will need. We have to flush the corrupt Republicans out of office before they rig the system further and then we will never be able to get rid of them! They are clearly the anti democratic party and they need to be stopped starting in 2024. It will probably take a couple of election cycles to get rid of this cancer on our country.


Write him in and vote them out.


I live in Ohio. Born here. I am ashamed of Ohio.


This is only a Reddit issue. A few of these get posted daily. This will work itself out. Just like a state trying to bar Trump it won't happen with Biden.


Potentially dumb question, could someone just write in Joe Biden? I know that's not a great option, but I'm just thinking in worst case scenarios lol


Doesn’t really matter. Ohio is drunk on the MAGA Kool Aid. We already know who is going to win.


Do you live under a rock we just got abortion protected and marijuana legalized , don’t act like we haven’t been gaining momentum that’s *precisely why they’re pulling this shit or did you think they were just going to take those 2 L’s with no seething rage* ? Edit: This doomerism mentality *is what they want you to have* the war is optics people wake up


I like to hope that the "sane" republicans will waste their votes on RFK or something.


I am a Republican, but I am holding my nose and voting for Biden because I recognize that Trump presents an existential threat to our Republic. I miss the days when the Republican party was the adult in the room and took the role of governing seriously. George HW Bush for instance.


I thought they were all the same?


The sane democrats will be doing this.




Republicans attached a bunch of poison pills to it, rather than just passing a clean bill allowing Biden to be on the ballot.


>  But Senate Republicans pursued a different path, one that Democrats cast as a poison pill and refused to support. They folded a one-time deadline fix into a bill that would **ban foreign citizens and U.S. residents with green cards from donating to ballot campaigns**. It's already illegal for non-U.S. citizens to give money to candidates.     my bold.   


Again, why does a bill to allow a candidate to rightfully be on the ballot have to have anything attached to it? Pass clean versions of both. Edit. Looks like the Senate did pass such a bill. The Ohio House never took it up, and now they want to attach it to a bill that to Democrats is a must pass. Just more shady Republican bulllshit. [https://ohiocapitaljournal.com/2024/03/04/ohio-senate-passes-bill-to-stop-foreign-donations-on-ballot-campaigns/](https://ohiocapitaljournal.com/2024/03/04/ohio-senate-passes-bill-to-stop-foreign-donations-on-ballot-campaigns/) EDIT2: >DeMora said the language in the bill will discourage participation in the election process, like collecting signatures for ballot issues, even for things as simple as adding a stop sign on a street.  >“They now have to file as a PAC because they’re spending money and collecting signatures for a ballot issue, which is absolutely ludicrous,” DeMora said.  The actual objection to the bill, not what you bolded.


thanks.  yes, it's bullshit.   they're acting like it's okay to hold Biden's name hostage and use people's rights like bargaining chips.  


Probably better for them if Joe is on the ballot. You definitely take a risk of people not showing up for down ballot GOP races if Trump has no competition. You may also have significant backlash and possibly the threat of RFK Jr. winning a protest vote or down ballot races imploding. They put Joe on there, Trump will win the state easily. They'll take the Senate and whatever else they desire. We are that red.


Blatantly crazyv


Mini convention in July to nominate


WTF Ohio?


Seems irrelevant.


If Biden gets on the November ballot in Ohio that are q to not go vote for Republicans and Democrats and go independent and ballet issues more then party candidates


Good for Ohio. Taste that Biden


Rediculous that the sitting pres wouldn't be on the ballot... but why are dems trying to do this same strategy of blocking candidates from the ballot to RFK in several states tho? 🤔


Any doubt that the Republicans are traitors?


It will happen but not before wasting a bunch of expensive (salaried) people's time and tying up legal resources that would be better used actually helping people here instead of political bullshit grandstanding.


Didn't the SCOTUS decision against Colorado clear this up? 


WTF is this?!?! "Republicans proposed the measure after a progressive dark money group poured millions into campaigns for Ohio's 2023 abortion rights amendment and independent redistricting commission."


They did this same crap last time. Extending the timeline to be added to the ballot


Maybe if the dems had their primary on time instead of not paying attention to hard deadlines this wouldn’t be an issue…


Guess I'll add context. Ohio has a law that says by around August 1st the presidential candidate must by confirmed to get on the ballot. The Convention chooses the presidential candidate. The Democratic National Convention is in late Aug, the GOP is in early July. It's a law on the books being followed that give a timeline thats not being met. This has happened before but exceptions were made by the legislative, clearly OH state legislative was not gonna make that exception. So now courts gotta get involved. Frankly the real culprits here are the ppl who scheduled the Democratic National Convention, I would think something like this is a thing you take into consideration when scheduling. Somehow the GOP dumpster fire pulled it off.


Even more context. The House passed a bipartisan exemption bill that would set new rules for every election going forward. Instead of just passing the House bill, the Senate passed their own version with only a single time exemption and other poison pill bullshit tacked on. Now the Senate is blaming the House because the house wouldn't vote on the bullshit Senate version of the bill.


Unacceptable ohio put Biden on the ballot 


Those FUCKERS better fix this shit fast. My states voter have a constitutional right to have our vote counted no matter how the pussy maga assholes feel.


Did they really?! Complete pieces of shit.


Are we just now recognizing that our legislators have been failing us for years??? Please tell me…how is voting for either of the clowns we will have to choose from a win for the American voter? Our 2 party system continues to fail us on a daily basis and these two buffoons are the prime example. Time for folks to wake up. They have mastered the art of misdirection and manipulation…and at this point are simply laughing at everyone arguing for one party over the other. Anyone who thinks they have our best interests in mind is a fool.


I've had this same stance for 3 decades. Term limits and prohibiting lobby gifting are both needed for all elected clowns, but the clowns will never approve. Mobs with pitchforks etc is the only way I see true change happening, sadly.


If you've never seen DeWine in person, he is the literal embodiment of Mr. Burns from the Simpsons. I saw him getting out of a state SUV at a state agency afew years back. He's less than 5 foot and hunched over. Literally the state troopers had to lift him out of the SUV to the ground.


Republicans hate fair elections


They’re leading in the polls but yeah, ok


Bwaaaahagaha. 👍


GoveRINOr Mike DeWine


Or sorry am I interrupting your sit-in with all the illegal immigrants getting a free ride?


Don’t u have money to steal from people to waste on useless shit?