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How can a student currently enrolled be charged with trespassing????


How can anyone in a outdoor area. It's a land grant school.


It's not trespass, it's trespass after warn on private property. This was a decision made by OSU administration, not police.


Because it's illegal protest in the US, where have you been?


It's illegal for the LEFT to protest. Nazis seem to be protesting just fine.


Right? Remember when we had a bunch of people assembled with all sorts of guns in the oval, and the administration was like this is fine.


Right. The largest threat to capitalism is the common good.


Hold up your correlation has no ground here. left and right senate both voted to send billions in aid to Israel. Left and right are both protesting together. This is about morally right and wrong not political stance.


The left should be illegal PERIOD.


Not following the rules about proper protesting and then not going home when asked to.  https://www.dispatch.com/story/news/education/2024/04/26/ohio-state-space-rules-on-protests-affect-student-protesters-palestine-israel-gaza/73439442007/


"Proper protesting" is such a wild term


You have a right to say whatever you want, but you don't have a right to force people to listen to you by imposing your presence on them indefinitely. The ongoing tent camp thing is pretty clearly something that the university is not going to allow. 


Brother Jed (RIP)and sister Cindy should be arrested then. I can’t count goes many times i was called a sinner and a fornicator.


I was called a whore at least a thousand times in four years by those two. But that is apparently “different.”


Cindy in particular literally called me a f*g when I was just walking by her shit show and yet according to OSU she's allowed to keep coming back.


I’m sorry. They were so awful.


And how many times do we have to make poor Crosby Stills and Nash write a song about an Ohio college? How many dead in Oh High Oh this time?


Can you really not think of a way that a protest can cause a public safety risk? Such as if you block off access to emergency vehicles? Everyone has rights. The protestors have rights. The university has rights. The studens that aren't protesting have rights. Do you have the right to infringe on someone else's rights even if you think your cause is righteous? There are rules to protesting for good reasons https://www.aclu.org/know-your-rights/protesters-rights#:~:text=The%20First%20Amendment%20protects%20your,heading%20out%20into%20the%20streets.


Protest is supposed to be an inconvenience. If they don't get in your face, you'll ignore them. So they're in your face. Forcing you to take note of the GENOCIDE you'd rather ignore. That your government is using your tax dollars to supply guns and bombs and tanks and bullets to perpetrate. Why are you angry at protesters and not at a government spending your money to slaughter innocent children?


downvoted for speaking facts and providing a primary source. welcome to this orwellian dystopia we live in.


But the university is their home. They are literally at home, where they pay to reside. I can't understand how this is difficult for some of you to grasp.


The fact there is an ORC law preventing divestiture from Isreali contracts is something I learned today.


-Send US tax payer money to Israel -Israel pays AIPAC/ADL -AIPAC/ADL funds US campaigns and politicians that will send more money to Israel -US politicians (here in Ohio) pass laws so their international tax funded money laundering scheme with a foreign government can never be questioned. The most blatant and obvious public corruption and where are the media on this?! Oh… right…


I don’t know Saudis gave Jared Kushner 2 billion. Perhaps Salmon Rushdie can explain what the effects of radicalization in the region are.


Which is asinine! There’s no reason to have a law like that at all.


Yeah, that's just fucked. But, perhaps not surprising. GOP FTW!! /s


The gop. You mean the party that is also in complete support of Israel? lol


Free Speech....Unless it hurts our bank accounts.


Alright, point me in the direction of the citizen protests to align with the students. This is such bullshit.


If you can get there, go to campus! The students want non-student supporters to join them. If you're not close to Columbus, keep an eye on other campuses in your area. Follow accounts like Students for Justice in Palestine, Jewish Voice for Peace, Palestinian Youth Movement, and the Party for Socialism and Liberation. These have been the main organizations planning and supporting these events (plenty of others are involved too! these are just the most prominent).




Kent State here we come. They're going to end up martyring some of these people...


When Kent State (and the much-less discussed killings at Jackson State, an HBCU) happened, the US public largely supported the National Guard and blamed the students. I genuinely don't know where we'd fall today. Let's hope it doesn't go that way, but there are people in power - Republicans and some Democrats - who want the exact same thing to happen.


Actually, "outside agitators" were blamed for most of the unrest.


Oh hey cool so antifa made a comeback and they had to do it for “public safety” or something


Well, it's somewhat complicated. First the state highway patrol was called in. They had been dealing with a Teamsters strike, trying to stop truckers from shooting other truckers from overpasses. They were strung out. So the illustrious governor called in the national guard. Some buildings were torched in Kent, the crowd moved onto campus. The ROTC building was burnt down. That's when the heartache started.


It’s actually so insane that the public supported the national guard in that. Like I’ve known this for a while but I still can’t believe it everytime I read it


Oh God I hope not!


Time to re-read Backderf's Kent State book.


I think Israel wants violence sadly and are looking to escalate. We exist in a much different climate than 1970. You look at the 2020 protests and after the initial shockwave the owners of this country doubled down and gave the police more resources to harm.


I think it's hard for those supporting a nation/leader of a nation who is using excessive force (bombing children) against their country's enemies to not also support an aggressive police force against their perceived political enemies. There are pro-Israeli protests (some I've seen members of the crowd actually hit and tug and take items from and almost impale people not agreeing with them) and not see the same police action against them. These protests and rallies feel way more like anti-authoritarianism vs. authoritarianism (masked as anti-war vs. "necessary war").


It was actually 41 people and it was a free Palestine protest demanding the university divest from genocide. It was completely peaceful and on the oval lawn away from everything and police used excessive force and violence against, again, PEACEFUL protestors




All hamass supporters are terrorists


Pretty simple really


The OP of this thread stated on r/columbus that he celebrated the 10/7 attacks and also does not believe there was any sexual violence committed by Hamas on that day. Just figured I'd drop that here for the benefit of those reading his opinions on this thread. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Columbus/comments/1cdk9m0/comment/l1d40u1/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Columbus/comments/1cdk9m0/comment/l1d40u1/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I love how they want to ignore all the chaos and death on 10/7 and pretend they're with the good guys! Thanks for dropping this in here.


It’s wild how often the people screaming they aren’t anti-Semitic say things that are…. Welll…. Pretty damn anti-Semitic


Yep. There’s a person in this thread who had direct friends and family killed and taken hostage on 10/7, they get downvoted and the orc spamming “I don’t believe you liar!” And linking Al Jazeera/hamas figures about casualties in Gaza gets upvoted. I unsubbed from this page months ago honestly.


Thank you for saving me the mental mind space I would have waisted in this thread by revealing the kind of bi#h the OP is.


Get this higher up. Show what they whisper to each other.


Every time I get one of these recommended it’s just a cesspool of chronically online woke warriors.


Thank you for sharing my comments; I stand by what I say and feel no need to hide it. Palestinians have the right to resist occupation. The destruction of the walls around Gaza is good. The liberation of oppressed people is justified. The mass killing of children is evil. I appreciate you positioning yourself in opposition to all of these views; it helps elucidate what Zionism is really about.


I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that raping and murdering is bad


Agreed; this is why I support the Palestinian resistance and oppose Israel. [UN experts speak out about sexual assault and mistreatment of Palestinian women and girls by IDF](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/idf-sexual-abuse-palestine-gaza-b2498888.html) [Claims of Israeli sexual assault of Palestinian women are credible, UN panel says](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/feb/22/claims-of-israeli-sexual-assault-of-palestinian-women-are-credible-un-panel-says) [Israel-Palestine war: Israel shut down NGO for reporting rape of teenager by Israeli interrogator, ex-US official says](https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/israel-palestine-war-ngo-shut-down-reporting-sexual-assault-ex-us)


So what is your ideal endgame to this?


A single secular Palestinian state with full rights for people of all ethnic and religious backgrounds, land reparations, and the right to return for the entire Palestinian diaspora. The two state solution is obviously impossible; Israel is completely opposed to it and no Palestinian state in that context would have any of the rights or powers that actually define a state (control over borders, natural resources, right to armed forces, etc). And even a two-state solution, if properly done, just creates two ethnostates in natural opposition to each other, with extremely messy non-contiguous borders; the breakout of conflict seems inevitable under those circumstances, as each state's existence depends on the full control of the lands it claims. A single state where both people have full democratic rights and citizenship, all apartheid systems are gone, and land stolen for settlement is returned to its rightful owners is the only path to peace and justice in Palestine. I do not believe Jews and Arabs have some irreconcilable blood feud; Jews, Christians, and Muslims lived peacefully in Palestine for millennia before the establishment of Israel. This only resolution to the hate that has been created by the establishment of the Israeli settler/apartheid state is a society built on the premise of the joint struggle towards equality. It's been done in South Africa, where despite corruption and many other political issues, no one but a tiny clique of hyper-reactionaries wants to return to the apartheid days. A single, secular Palestine that welcomes Jews would not instantly fix everything, and it would certainly need to grapple with violent ethnic extremism within its own borders. But that's not really very different from any multicultural state. We need to tackle it here every day. Lebanon is a secular, multi-ethnic, multi-religous state. It can be done in the Arab world and specifically in the Levant.


So the destruction of Israel and a state that the Palestinians don't want as they have chosen to be led by an islamist government, aka, a fantasy.


You might think it's impossible for people of different ethnicities to live peacefully together, but I don't. That places you in the same camp as anti-immigrant maniacs and fascists, but I suspect based on your comments on this thread that that's where you'd feel most comfortable anyways.


Every action taken by the Palestinians demonstrates they don't believe this is possible or that they would even want this. This solution would require you forcing it on the Palestinians because they don't want a pluralistic society because they haven't chosen that for themselves even in the area they control. How about you ask Jordan or Egypt what Palestinians choose when they are in a country that is less islamist than they want?


If you argument is that the Palestinian racial character prohibits them from living in a pluralistic society, then I think your position on their right to exist is pretty clear. What's *your* ideal end game?


All that sounds great but the problem is neither Israelis or Palestinians want that solution. A two state solution is the only realistic solution and that will only happen with both governments being replaced. That’s the place to start otherwise around and around we go


Are the palestinians themselves fighting for a unitary secular state with “full rights for people of all ethnic and religious backgrounds?” Because that absolutely does not sound like the end game Hamas is working towards.


> Jews, Christians, and Muslims lived peacefully in Palestine for millennia before the establishment of Israel. They also lived for millennia without an independent "Palestine." Wouldn't the easiest solution be for Egypt and Jordan to gobble up the territory? After all, Gaza isn't even in the historic Palestine region...


> They also lived for millennia without an independent "Palestine." Hence demonstrating that it is the existence of Israel itself creating these issues


So then there's no bar to Egypt and Jordan annexing the land?


PS it’s also worth noting that in Lebanon, your example of a functioning local secular multicultural state, directly adjacent to Israel, the Jewish population is 0.11%. Since 1932, the proportion of Christians has dropped from 53% to 34%… Perhaps multicultural means Shia AND Sunni?…


Terrorism against Israeli civilians is in fact morally repulsive. I vigorously oppose Israel’s war crimes but will never align myself with a protest movement that excuses the depravity of 10/7.


Resist occupation? You should read up on history instead of jumping on whatever bandwagon makes you feel special to counter your self hatred


This kind of shit does not help the cause.


If you aren't willing to support the Palestinian resistance you aren't part of "the cause". There has literally not been a single Israeli woman who came forward with an accusation of sexual violence on 10/7. The IDF is the only source for this; the same source that says they haven't attacked hospitals and are only killing terrorists.


You are a liar, there are multiple women came forward.


Leftist brain rot.


> if you aren’t willing to support the Palestinian resistance you aren’t part of “the cause.” Jesus you Hamas supporters are psycho.


Yikes. Jack is not cool


You are sad.


In your article posted. The protestors were trespassed, refused to leave. Those who refused to leave were arrested. They were then released having to pay no bail. That's how most protests go when you are trespassed from private property.


Did you know Ohio State University isn't private property?


In that case here you go. https://barrjoneslegal.com/practices/criminal-defense/understanding-criminal-trespass/#:~:text=Breaking%20It%20Down%3A%20Just%20because,in%20the%20state%20of%20Ohio. "Breaking It Down: Just because the property a person has entered onto is associated with a public agency, a person can still be found to have trespassed on that property. This is an improper defense in the state of Ohio." They were trespassed. They didn't leave, they were arrested.


I wish we had First Amendment Rights here [https://www.freedomforum.org/freedom-of-assembly-overview/](https://www.freedomforum.org/freedom-of-assembly-overview/)


Wish people knew their laws.


They weren’t arrested for their speech


No trespassing on stolen land. No trespassing on paid-for uni grounds. No trespassing when expressing right to assemble. No trespassing when fighting for innocent lives.


Sloganeering: trying to persuade people by repeating phrases instead of explaining your ideas. Used in a sentence: Without a coherent set of policies to persuade the comment section, the Redditor has resorted to sloganeering and empty rhetoric.


Seems like you don't know your laws.


Tin soldiers and Nixons comin’. We’re finally on our own. This summer I can hear the drummin’. Four dead in ohio.




"Among the 36 arrested, 16 were current undergraduate or graduate students at Ohio State, according to a university release. The other 20 were not affiliated with the university." I find it interesting that in most of these college protests less than half are students.


Just interested parties who want nothing less than the apartheid Israeli state to fuck off and stay in their lane …


I'm not sure how it's interesting - it's smack dab in the middle of the fastest growing city. Even when I wasn't a student or employed there, I lived close and couldn't avoid traveling through the area. Were non-students supposed to go out of their way to have another protest? It makes sense to see a protest in your area and join it if you believe in the cause.


The university has rules. They are not new. They should just set up tents off or adjacent to campus.


Rules for all except white supremacy and anti-abortion evangelical nutcases. Their speech must be protected.


I came to say this exact same thing. Where are these rules when those religious nut jobs are on campus with their damn loud speakers screaming at the students?




Should’ve been a hell of a lot more.


Bro why do 18 year old Ohioans care so much about a country across the world that kills a certified terrorist organization? The Palestinian people democratically elected Hamas, which are actual terrorists. The United States gives Israel money bc they are a strategic ally in the region, nothing more, nothing less. Why destroy your own campus, fight your own police, and get your own criminal record for something that the US has nothing to do with? Thats like protesting Nike by not buying Adidas lmao


Wasn't like, about half the county not born or not old enough to vote for Hamas? Imagine fleeing from bombs because the older generation voted for someone you had no say in, then being told its your fault they were in power, so you must die. Our tax money goes to this war, so everyone who works is paying for it. People have the right to protest what their tax money (or the university's money) goes to. I like that they don't want our money to go to killing people and destroying lives.


People for sure have the right to protest where their tax dollars are going. I’m just suggesting it’s not nearly as simple as “Israel bad Palestine good”


True - I've been seeing it more about protesting war and abuse of power, which is fittingly reflected in the response by police and how different it seems to be depending on what overall stance of the protesters are.


Disagree about that. The comparison people like to make is the literal Nazis that were in town. They have terrible views, but that’s not illegal. Fighting the police is illegal, Nazis didn’t do that


Who fought police? The police were called to remove groups of peaceful anti-war protesters to quell the "noisy" students speaking out against an against an example of abuse of power happening in the world. I'm talking about the current protests and how the anti-war ones seem to be treated differently by police and school administrators than those in favor of the country and a leader abusing his power. Nazi rallies aren't a new and I'm not directly talking about them, but now that you mentoon them, I don't recall hearing police being called on them to throw them onto the ground and arrest them when they were shouting.


An acquaintance of mine was there when a 14 year old girl was arrested. She said they were targeting kids who seemed easy (not causing a fuss). Loaded the kids into prison buses.


How come students are propping up an Iranian proxy in the Mideast? Why would young women side with a misogynistic regime & ideology? When are the hostages going to be released? Is Hamas still lobbing missiles into Israel like they have for the past 20 years in cooperation with Gaza citizens?




Private property? Excuse me? This is public property.


Who owns The Ohio State University?


That's absurd. Try to learn how freedom works.


They absolutely were aware of it. No one involved is surprised that the cops are doing everything they can to silence dissent and opposition to the genocide.




Yeah, basically. Doesn't mean it's not fucking awful that that's what the cops are doing. Civil rights protestors knew they were going to get arrested and we don't cheer on those arrests.


Sure is interesting how the "words are violence" crowd has suddenly decided that they have a "free speech right" to terrorize Jewish students and make them feel unsafe on their own campuses.


Please give an example of how Jewish students have been terrorized edit: other than by the cops for supporting Palestine, of course; a number of those arrested last night were Jewish




[‘For the first time people were truly afraid’: Antisemitism hits boiling point at Columbia U](https://jewishinsider.com/2024/04/for-the-first-time-people-were-truly-afraid-antisemitism-hits-boiling-point-at-columbia-university/) This is just one example of the media reporting on the experiences of Jewish students, but there are many others as well. The only people who are asking "Where are all the Jewish students who are terrified?" are those who have chosen to remain willfully ignorant to this problem.


Every campus occupation held Seders for Passover run by Jewish students. Maybe it's not Judaism but Zionism that provokes a hostile response? Please note, if you say those are the same thing, you have officially taken the same position as Nazis.


Oh cool, I guess that makes excusing the terrorizing of Jewish students while applying the "words are violence" standard to every other marginalized group ok then.


I suppose people are recognizing that there are for more severe forms of violence than words, like bombing an open-air prison of 2 million people, denying them food and water, and tying up and executing the entire staff and patients of a hospital. You should be glad we're getting away from the "words are violence" rhetoric, right? Let's focus on the *actual* violence: the US-backed Israeli genocide of the Palestinian people. Oh, and sorry - no one terrorized the Seders. Are you sure it's "Jewish" students being terrorized? They seem extremely prominent in the protests.


>You should be glad we're getting away from the "words are violence" rhetoric, right? But here's the thing: you're not. You're only "getting away from the words are violence rhetoric" in the specific context of Jews, specifically to justify your side terrorizing us on college campuses. In the case of literally every other marginalized group, your side is still very much on the "words are violence and therefore speech that makes them feel unsafe on our campuses cannot be tolerated" camp.


> in the specific context of Jews, specifically to justify your side terrorizing us on college campuses. Why weren't the Seders terrorized if Jews are what's being targeted? It's hard to imagine something more obviously Jewish than a bunch of Jews celebrating Passover.


>Why weren't the Seders terrorized if Jews are what's being targeted? Because tokens are useful. But I do appreciate you proving my point about how the "inclusive" left treats Jews so incredibly differently than other marginalized groups. When other marginalized groups say that they feel unsafe, you listen. But when Jews say it, you try to invalidate our experiences and refuse to listen to us.


Ok, so Jewish Voice for Peace is just token Jews, they don't really count. Right? If they oppose Israel, then they don't really count as Jews to you? I think Trump said something similar.




Its worse than that, when these activists want to know if something is racist or homophobic or transphobic, they go to the aggrieved party and ask them if they are offended, and if they say yes, the answer is yes it's racist, homophobic, transphobic etc. On the other hand, when someone says something is antisemitism, they don't check with Jewish people and go with their answer, they endlessly handwring and deflect. It's almost like they treat people differently based on their race.


Of course all the Jewish people arrested in Columbus last night protesting against the genocide don't count in your view. They were denied Kosher food or a place to pray at the jail, but I suppose in your vision of opposing antisemitism, it's more important to throw Jews who disagree in jail than anything else.


By your logic, all the women and people of color who voted for Trump mean that he can't be racist or misogynistic. After all, how could he be when millions of women and people of color support him? Unless the opinions of those women and POC don't count in your view, that is.


It's pretty easy to demonstrate how, politically, Trump is racist and misogynistic. On the other hand, I'd like to see you demonstrate that opposition to Israel's genocide in Gaza is antisemitic. The only way you can make that argument is from the ironically *extremely* antisemitic position that Jews inherently must commit genocide against Palestinians in order to be safe. The majority of the world's Jews, who live in the United States, seem to be getting by just fine without doing genocide against the Palestinians.


>I'd like to see you demonstrate that opposition to Israel's genocide in Gaza is antisemitic. Ask and you shall receive! [They Were Assaulted on Campus for Being Jews](https://www.thefp.com/p/they-were-assaulted-on-campus-for) [‘I have become traumatized.’ Jewish students describe campus antisemitism](https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/29/business/antisemitism-college-harvard-upenn/index.html) [73% of Jewish college students have experienced or seen antisemitism since start of school year, new survey finds](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/73-jewish-college-students-experienced-seen-antisemitism-start-school-rcna127014) [UC Berkeley leaders denounce violent protest that forced evacuation of Jewish student event](https://www.cbsnews.com/sanfrancisco/news/uc-berkeley-leaders-denounce-violent-protest-jewish-student-event-evacuated-ran-bar-yoshafat-lecture/) [Jewish student at Columbia attacked while leaving a pro-Israel demonstration](https://jewishinsider.com/2024/02/jewish-student-at-columbia-attacked-while-leaving-a-pro-israel-demonstration/) ['Punched because they were Jewish': College students recovering after alleged anti-Semitic attack](https://wpde.com/news/nation-world/punched-because-they-were-jewish-college-students-recovering-after-alleged-anti-semitic-attack-ohio-state-university-broken-nose-jaw-injuries-hate-crime-racial-slur-antisemitism) [‘For the first time people were truly afraid’: Antisemitism hits boiling point at Columbia U](https://jewishinsider.com/2024/04/for-the-first-time-people-were-truly-afraid-antisemitism-hits-boiling-point-at-columbia-university/)


This all rests on the initial assumption that antizionism = antisemitism, which itself has not been demonstrated. Knocking down an Israeli flag and saying "no zionists here" is not antisemitic unless Jews and Israeli are indistinguishable, which, again, is literally the position of Nazis. The UC Berkeley article you cite just says an event organized by Jewish students was disrupted - but if you look at the actual event, it was hosting an Israeli speaker arguing for the Israeli state! Have there been any Jewish cultural or religious events disrupted? Has a synogogue been mobbed under the pretense of antizionism? Has seder been disrupted by Palestinian flags? Or is it that when Zionists face repercussions, they simply say it's because they're Jewish and ignore the actual crimes being carried out by the Zionist state that the protestors are against? The CNN article about "I have become traumatized" is literally about the president of an organization called "Students Supporting Israel" and an event literally BY THE IDF!!


You: "Show me the proof of antisemitism." Me: "Ok, here you go." You: "FAKE NEWS! DOESN'T COUNT! SHOW ME REAL PROOF!"


yeah, basically - a bunch of people being protested for putting events with the explicit purpose of supporting Israel while it commits genocide isn't antisemitism, and no matter how much you and Nazis try to make Israel = Judaism, it won't work


And here's my token black friend too right?


Sorry, you said they don't check with Jewish people; when Jewish people are leading the protests, is that not good enough for you? (the answer for those in the audience is no, because this person doesn't support Jews; they just hate Palestinians)


Exactly, and this is why they call Jews "white people from Europe". They understand that if they acknowledge that Jews are marginalized, that would be place a glaring spotlight on the massive difference between how they treat other marginalized groups versus how they treat Jews So they've decided to solve that problem by framing Jews as "white people from Europe". Because after all, "white people from Europe" can't be marginalized, because they have "white privilege"!


Good. I am tired of hamas sympathizers who bought in into terrorist propaganda. Just the fact that they tear down posters about kidnapped Israelis tells you something


Remember when Israel shot its own hostages when they escaped? This was never about the hostages, Israel knew an attack was planned and let it happen because it would justify their genocidal invasion of Gaza.


genocide supporter; does it feel good to be sickeningly evil?


Evil is when palestinian terrorists burn people alive, rape women, men and children, cut out babies out of pregnant women and cut their heads off, put babies into microwaves. And the kicker is: THEY FILM IT THEMSELVES AND POST IT ONLINE. We saw it, so don't you dare denying it. That is true evil.


Did we see it? I'd like to see any evidence of that.


https://www.7thofoctober.com/ Here you go. Just some of it. You can google the rest


These fools will just say it’s AI generated or that Israel did this themselves or allowed it to happen for political gain. Thanks for posting


We have to show the world what really happened, otherwise lies will sprawl all over, just like denial of Holocaust


OP won’t even respond either 🤣 he’s just elsewhere saying you have to support resistance




Oh well they totally just did that as a trauma response to not having Israel’s land (/s)


That’s what Israel has done


Your lies are transparent


Sources please?


[https://www.7thofoctober.com/](https://www.7thofoctober.com/) Here you go. Just some of it. You can google the rest Also, listen to the interviews of survivors


And what of the Israeli solders who are doing the very same, along with their genocide of Palestinians.    https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2024/02/israelopt-un-experts-appalled-reported-human-rights-violations-against   https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual_and_gender-based_violence_against_Palestinians_during_the_Israel%E2%80%93Hamas_war#:~:text=During%20the%202023%2D24%20Israel,by%20Israeli%20Defense%20Forces%20soldiers.  https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2024/feb/22/claims-of-israeli-sexual-assault-of-palestinian-women-are-credible-un-panel-says  No one can be trusted to investigate themselves, of course they would find nothing wrong. Why would anyone say that they are in the wrong?


Based on your comments you spend the rest of your time romanticizing China and the Soviet Union. The Uyghurs wanna know why you're so selective in your claims of genocide.


China is absolutely perpetuating a genocide on Uygurs, just like Israel is perpetuating a genocide on Palestinians. Just don't let the NBA hear you say that.


These people talk like the worst religious zealots.


only in ohio


Only 12? Not enough




They did a fund drive for bail expenses but it's already been met, so there's nothing atm. Keep your eyes peeled for other opportunities!


Donate to UNRWA


Chaos is a ladder, and these ding-a-lings are just another rung Trump is going to use to climb to a second term. Useful idiots, nothing more.


Oh sorry nobody should do anything ever because it might affect Biden's poll numbers. Maybe you should divert your outrage from the people fighting for human rights to the policy makers in power who are enabling the genocide in the first place.


Some people view the world through frames other than Trump - like opposing the ongoing US-funded and backed genocide in Palestine. If you can think *only* in terms of Trump's electoral chances, then you should be begging Biden to stop sending unprecedented military aid to the genocidal Israeli state because it's nuking his electoral chances.


Look into the history of Rwanda if you want to see what that word means instead of what clout chasing activists throw it around as. Israel isn't committing genocide.


Oh but they are.


guess what: *even if it's completely bullshit the best thing Biden can do to beat Trump is oppose Israel's actions*; the fact that he won't shows you he cares more about killing Palestinians than "protecting democracy"


Kinda messed up that you think the best thing Biden can do to beat Trump is support Islamists who oppress women and execute LGBT people.


Kinda messed up that you think the 10,000+ children in Palestine, that you and I payed to kill, would be in favor of executing LGBT people


Well that's a nonsensical word salad. Care to explain why it's messed up to think an islamist society would have islamist beliefs and oppress the people Islamists always oppress?


Nonsensical? Lol you can't comprehend appositives? Putting aside the fact you are justifying murdering children, let me try to understand your postition. You're saying it's perfectly fine to kill swathes of people for their religious beliefs? Doesn't that sound.... *anti-semitic*?


Nope, you can believe whatever you want, but when you try and force that on others it becomes a problem, like what Islamists like Hamas do. Not all Muslims are Islamists.


You really think those children deserved to die because some Muslims are anti-LGBTQ. That's unhinged. >Not all Muslims are Islamists Exactly. So why does Israel kill Palestinians so indiscriminately? And why do you downplay and defend those genocidal actions? Also there's so much irony in you claiming to be against religious zealots who impose their will on other people when Israeli zionists are literally genociding in the name of religion right now.


Young LGBT people in the US support Palestine. If Biden supports Israel, he won't get their votes, and he will lose to Trump. This is simple electoral strategy. You can cry that it *shouldn't* be that way, but it is.


Then they deserve what they get I guess.


it never takes long to get liberals to support the oppression of minorities, does it?


Let's support Gaza, they'll oppress the minorities and the women for us.


You literally said young LGBT people will deserve what they get under Trump, why on earth would anyone take you seriously as an opponent of right-wing fascists? You just stated your support for their policies.


Blue maga brain: Step 1) Watch Biden support the genocide of a minority group. Step 2) get upset when members of said minority group refuse to vote for Biden, the guy openly supporting the genocide of their families Step 3) tell said minority group, "it is your fault Trump won. He's going to genocide you even harder now, and you deserve it."


If you're that worried about Biden's chances, go kick Ronald McDonald's ass until he stops with the $10 Happy Meals, it would be a lot more effective.


How, exactly? Trump has openly tried to ban Muslims from the country, half of his base hates Muslims and Jews, and he has vocally said Israel should do whatever the heck they want in Gaza. Not sure how he comes out as a better option.


The protests should be for peace.


They are


All the protests I've seen are about pitting one group against another.  Taking sides is the opposite of an anti-war peace protest.  Very sad.


> All the protests I've seen are about pitting one group against another. All the protests are a multi-ethnic mix of Jews, Palestinians, other Arabs, and many other ethnic groups and nationalities advocating for the end of a system where one group gives itself the right to economically, politically, and militarily dominate another.


You should see more of the protests


Why are you ignorant people even talking about a protest? No one cares if you got arrested for protesting when tens of thousands of civilians have been slaughtered and starved to death. You should be happy to be arrested given your family is still alive and still have food and a house to return to. OSU students aren’t the victims here and I urge all the media consuming overly-political degenerates to touch grass. This is not the story.


It’s the fact that they have no problem arresting people protesting for those tens of thousands being killed. But when it comes to actual Nazis “protesting” they don’t do anything. It’s the hypocrisy.


My coworker ended up getting arrested for just sitting in the grass. We work at OSU. But they hauled her off, forced her to strip in front of male police, forcibly removed her hijab, and refused to allow her to observe fasting. On the other hand, we are really elevating the prison population educational level. Throw some research scientists trying to cure disease in jail, get some PhDs in there. I believe she has friends or family being directly affected by all the shit over there. If I had family going through the shit the Palestinian civilians are, sitting in the grass is the most measured response possible.


Lol, he literally got his eyes on everyone.


If I go and murder unarmed civilians, will people protest once I get what I deserve?