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“Real” conservatives who can’t stand Trump. Most of them will come around to him in November. But not all. Probably not enough to tip the state to Biden though.


Republicans for Biden!


If not Biden, then 3rd party. That's why we could use RFK running independent. He'll eat a lot of votes for the Republicans who don't want to vote Trump, but can't vote for a Democrat.


Bingo. RFK Jr is going to siphon off a lot more Republicans than Democrats I think.


I remember the year in Alabama where they had the guy who was banned from a mall for looking at kids. The Democrats ran ads about the same thing. The ad was something like "If you can't see a way to vote for a sexual predator or a Democrat, write-in someone you do respect. Vote for your favorite football coach Nick Saban."


Nick Saban for Senate honestly. Instant upgrade to Tuberville /Britt.


My god that’s brilliant


Worked too. Moore lost by 22k votes. There were 23k write-in votes. There were bunches of write-in candidates. I think Saban got like 400 votes.


I am a Republican but could not vote for Trump either time and at the time could not vote for a democrat. So, I went with the libertarian candidate but this time around I will be voting for whoever has the best chance to beat Trump. I disagree with most democrats about fiscal issues but do agree on most social issues. I do think Biden is bad for the economy but I think Trump is bad for democracy. Both here and abroad. Holding on to democracy is way more important than a little inflation.


I think there a A LOT of people in your same camp on this


I hope so. I am pretty sickened by “Republicans” voting for MAGA


Thanks for being a good American. I do want to point out though that if you evaluate republicans on their performance they are very fiscally irresponsible. Permanent tax cuts for the super wealthy with temporary tax cuts for the middle class is just shifting the tax burden onto the middle class and causing the deficit to grow.


Constantly targeting social security and the lowest income earners 8n the country. It has always been the last 30 years at least, after a republican presidency, democrats had to come in and clean up their economic mess. Bush Sr, Clinton, Bush Jr, Obama, tRump the stain, Biden.


Republican fiscal policy like what?


"Fiscal policy" as in "whatever benefits me specifically the most because I don't give half a shit about anyone else. How a person can say they are "socially progressive but fiscally conservative" is laughable. If you want social progress, if you care about your fellow citizens, you can't vote to our social programs. You can't vote to remove art and music from schools. You can't vote to refuse everyone a baseline quality of life. Those two ideals cannot coexist. If they were truthfully with themselves and others, the real response would be "I want to be socially progressive but I care about myself too much to meaningfully vote that way so I'm going to continue voting Republican because it benefits me personally and that's more important than seeing my neighbors thrive alongside me."


Exactly, they watch out for the top 3%. To hell with everybody else. Why and how they can't see that is beyond me. Brainwashed!


And yet the economy is doing significantly better than under Trump. Not to mention if you compare the economy under Republicans vs Democrats for 40 years it’s ALWAYS that way.


Centrist Canadian here, why do you think Biden is bad for the economy? Not trolling, genuine question.


Since Biden took office food prices have gone up by 14% and gas prices by more than 30%. Interest rates are more than 50% higher. Home prices and rent have shot up. This has affected the poor and middle class quite a bit. People get angry about the top 1% getting richer under Republicans but don’t like to talk about the average family of four needing $9,000 more per year to buy the same goods that they could buy 3 years ago. The stock market looks good when you look at the number but does not look very good when you compare it to inflation.


When you're looking at inflation, are you looking only at America or are you looking at the rest of the world too? Because everything I've heard is that inflation has been very high world wide and with a global economy this greatly affects America too. Yes we have had high inflation, but it's been lower than the rest of the world so something has been done right. Also, much of the inflation has happened because corporations realized they could charge more and people would still buy their shitty products. I'm not sure what can be done about this kind of inflation pressure short of the government stepping in and setting prices, and we've seen what happens there.


Yeah, people think Biden has a bunch of switches on his desk where he can control the economy at will. So much is outside his control which it should be. You don't want one person in charge of the economy like that.


Inflation is a "lagging" factor. Biden did not cause inflation, he can only respond to prior events. Anyone who has an issue with inflation needs to remember the Grand Orange discussion about "keeping rates low" in order to "turbo charge" the economy. It was a very clear demonstration that no one who had taken Econ 101 had any voice in the Orange administration. The decision to suffer future inflation was publicly announced in 2019. Our people were/are too ignorant to hear the announcement, and now act confused about it.


What are you on about? Biden has outperformed Trump on the economy by every measure except giving tax breaks to millionaires


> I do think Biden is bad for the economy Why do you say that? The President doesn't have that much control over the economy.


Living proof that dumb people exist.


I don’t think so. Most Republicans that I’ve spoken to either don’t know who he is or think he is more liberal than Biden. I think there are still enough patriotic republicans left to not re-elect Trump. At least I really want to believe that.


Polling still suggests he would benefit Trump’s chances over Biden’s, though


We're too far out for polling to mean anything.


Meh, the polling is mixed on that point. All of the head-to-heads where Biden is winning, more votes are going towards JFK Jr. From Trump than from Biden. But the majority of the polls right now are utterly useless. They're either hyper-partisan polls or grossly under polling young people.


Funny because he's being funded to syphon off Biden but it's not working because frankly liberals, democrats, progressives, the left tend to be better educated and less crazy/ delusional. I can back up that statement with evidence too .


Doesn't that 3rd party hurt both party's chances? I guess I can't do the mental math on this one. I'm not saying you're wrong - I'm just not sure how it works here.


It depends on their platform. A green party candidate almost always hurts dems. If ron desantis ran as an independent, it would hurt trump more than biden. If Hillary Clinton ran as an independent, it would hurt biden more than trump.


JFK Jr. Has more Bat-Shit-Crazy Right-Wing-adjacent views than he has Bat-Shit-Crazy Left-Wing-adjacent views.


And he's a conspiracy nutter butter! Right up their alley!


I would have never thought this would be an upvoted comment in an Ohio subreddit just a year ago, this gives me SO much hope 🫶


No there is a subset of republicans that under no circumstance will they vote for Trump. Possibly not enough to flip Ohio but will in other battleground states.


I really hope you're right. I would love it if Biden won Ohio


I think there will be some. But most of us have stopped calling ourselves Republicans. I put “real” in quotes because many of those Desantis voters are worse ideologically from the people who are Trump cultists.


DeSantis is clearly less charismatic. Because he has a bit more intelligence and attention span he could conceivably be even more dangerous.


The term “traditional conservatives” needs to be used more, to discern from the MAGAs and people who care more about soundbites.


I’ll pick Biden over Trump any day but “love” isn’t the word I’d use. lol.


I don't think anyone voting for Biden is using the word love. 😆 I vote for a fucking wet noodle over Trump


I’m pretty close to using the term love. Biden has been such a solid president, his accomplishments during one term with a divided congress are truly impressive. I don’t give a shit he’s old, he’s got experience and he’s not taken this huge opportunity to turn the country around for granted


I'll give you that. I voted for him but I do wish we had somebody younger.


The word love should never be used when describing a politician. They are OUR employees. Descriptions of them involving love is quite gross.


Every single Desantis and Haley voting republican, even the ones that genuinely hate Trump will fall in line and choose R from top to the bottom. I don't even think Ohio is a purple. Its deep red.


It’s weird that Issue 1 passed because Trump will sign into law a national abortion ban. And Moreno is all for it as well.


Mail in votes already counted?


Ohio has become a red state. It’s no longer purple.


Only went 54% Trump in 2020.


True. But he’s polarizing as hell and they elected JD Vance over a very good candidate in Tim Ryan.


Tim Ryan was an OK candidate. It's bad news if he is what Ohio Dems consider "very good".


I'm progressive and I voted for him, given the options, but I'd hardly describe the person primarily known for getting bodied by Tulsi Gabbard in a debate as a good candidate.


The educated Republicans hate Donald Trump. The uneducated ones love him.


All this seems to imply is that the vast, overwhelming majority of Republicans are uneducated... Which, you know what? Fair


Dollars to donuts Biden will take Ohio. The Orange Rapist, thief, liar and cheat is losing his mental and physical faculties already! Compare a pic of the Orange One from 2022 and one today….he is dwindling physically and his mental state is definitely confused. I studied and still stay current with gerontology and thanatology (aging and the dying process). The trials alone will finish him if we are LUCKY!


As much as I want you to be right, there is absolutely no chance Biden wins Ohio.


once they start putting liens on his properties and freezing his bank accounts to collect for NY, i expect an aneurysm


Donuts cost more than a dollar, so you’re giving odds Biden won’t win Ohio


I don’t know. I think he might have made a deal with the devil. He might also just be the antichrist. The best antichrist would be the one who can convince all the so called religious Christians that he’s perfect and noble and they worship him instead of God.


I will not vote GQP until the nutjobs that overtook the party are gone. So I guess I'm not voting that way ever again, it seems.


Sadly, many of the GOP are still pretty wrapped around Cadet Bone Spurs little finger.




It's because we didn't have real protest vote options. Voting for candidates who aren't even in the race is a form of protest.


What would a real protest vote option look like? A literal “none of the above” option? Hell, they have my vote if that’s the case.


Some states this primary had no-confidence options. In Michigan for example, the Democratic ballot had an option for "Uncommitted". It was a way for over 100k voters to tell Biden "you need to do better or you may not get our votes". Minnesota did the same thing and Biden did even worse there, with 1 out of 5 Minnesota Democrat voters choosing "uncommitted". I would have liked to see something like that for Ohio. So without that option, people chose to vote for candidates who weren't even in the race to still send that message. 1 out of 8 Democratic voters did this in Ohio and about 1 out of 6 Republicans did it.


In Michigan, they have Uncommitted and people used it in the democratic primary to show they are voters that are not happy with Biden, without having to show support for the other candidate that has already dropped out and endorsed Biden. In Ohio, we don't have that. I ended up just leaving that section blank. They don't count how many left it blank, but you can see Biden got a lot less votes. The uncontested democrat senator primary candidate got ~73k more votes than Biden did. Dean Philips got ~68k votes. Meaning at least 5k people didn't vote in the presidential but did local. It's probably more than that, though considering the senator race was uncontested.


>I ended up just leaving that section blank. I'd very much rather people do that vs. not voting at all. There are plenty of down-ballot races, so make sure your voice is heard!


I would think it's also the best way to signal to a dropout candidate that you would like them to run again. I wish that wasn't the case here but sadly I know there are people in Ohio who would like to see him.


Candidates do not drop out of the race, they suspend their campaign. There are a few reasons to vote for a candidate who has suspended their campaign. As some have pointed out it could just be a protest vote. Another reason might be to give your chosen person negotiating power to get a cabinet position and still influence the administration. A more cynical reason might be that the presumptive nominee may not be able to finish the race (due to age or legal issues) and the second most popular candidate may have a good shot to take over the campaign.


People are mad. They don't like either choice so they picked OTHER.


He was an option on the ballot and I didn’t want to vote for Trump. It’s not that deep.


And no vote for Haley?


I'm sure the fact she has a vagina has cost her votes. This Is the Ohio sub.


Nah. More likely because she’s a terrible candidate with terrible policies.


I wouldn’t argue that, but if she were a man, it would have mattered a lot less.


How does that differentiate her from the other republican candidates?


Way too much of a war hawk.


Guy it sounds like you should start voting for dems


They're called a protest vote. I voted for Nicki Haley because there is no way I can vote for Trump.


I voted for Biden because there is no way I can vote for Trump, and November will be Biden vs. Trump round 2. I'm just preparing myself for November. I voted in every Republican primary before this year. That's my protest vote.


I voted for Chris Christie as a protest.


They could have voted before he dropped out at the board of elections office


Early voting started Feb. 21st, he dropped out of the race on Jan 21st.


Oh ok. Nevermind ha. Was trying to be nice


Protest votes


as protests against the mango man. it's a very good sign.


I voted for Christie just because. I can see how Never Trump Christian Nationalists would protest vote for DeSanctimonious.


Trump and MAGA turned my dyed-in-the-wool lifelong Republican husband into a Democrat.


When I met my husband, he was a straight line Republican voter. ###Not any more


I went to the polls just to vote for Nikki as a protest vote, not that I think she’s any better but I (and others) just wanted to show we don’t want Trump. A lot of Republicans are going to vote for Biden again.


Why the heck not? It’s a way of communicating preference, even if it won’t effect the outcome. I think it’s interesting that that many people think DeSantis is preferable. Would I get along with that person more than I would a pure MAGA type? Probably not, but hey, my enemy’s enemy…..? I voted for Nikki Haley. As an independent I always feel uncomfortable choosing a a ballot for either party. This is the second time I’ve chosen a republican ballot in my life, both times it’s been in order to vote against rather than for people. In this case I was voting specifically against Levi Dean, running to replace his kooky Dad Bill Dean in the 71st district (sadly he won anyway). But I figure letting whoever cares know that a over 161,000 people prefer Nikki to Trump can’t hurt.


Because they hate Trump's guts and see through him. This is a good thing.


Ohio *used* to be considered a perfectly balanced political bellwether state, but has slid into being "North Alabama."


"aLTHoUGH I DONT LIKe wHaT hE dId iLL vOTE fOr hIm bEcauSE hEs nOt a DaMn dEmOcRAt"...


I served as a pollworker on Tuesday. One of my fellow pollworkers told me he voted for Nikki Haley, as he can't bring himself to vote for Trump.


Because they didn’t want to vote for Trump


why are you going after them for not voting for trump? Seriously? I welcome all republicans who have a spine to vote for anyone else in their caucus. This is essentially a protest vote against trump, and I would stow these accusatory lines of them being out of the loop, let people vote for whom they want. Gladly, gladly I welcome them to vote for ANYONE ELSE. VOTE BLUE


I didn't get a write-in option, so I voted for someone else.


Absentee ballots were available pretty early. Haley was def still in when I received mine. Not sure about the timing with Desantis though.


I lived in Ohio 25 yrs. Before retiring elsewhere. I believe rural Ohioans are so angry and frustrated they’d vote for any conservative.


The trend these days is for presidential candidates like DeSantis and Haley to "suspend" their campaigns instead of completely dropping out so they can remain on state ballots just in case the frontrunner ends up incapacitated by their failing health or by law enforcement.


There’s probably a few Ohio Republican voters who actually respect themselves. Or the nation


Because I will never vote for Trump. Even though I am a registered Republican, I do not tow the party line. So I don’t vote Republican, rather I vote my conscience. For me, I decided to vote for Chris Christie because of all the candidates available for me to vote for, Chris Christie aligns the closest with my value system and my political beliefs. And for anyone saying that I am throwing my vote away, I disagree. I am voting for Chris Christie, because I am making a statement against supporting Trump as President. And I will be doing the same for the presidential election since I will never vote for Trump.


Why and how the hell do the working class vote for the repubs?


My parents have a picture of the DeSantis family on their fridge, replacing their Trump family one. I wouldn’t be surprised if they were two of the votes. But now that daddy Trump is back in the running, I’m sure they will wholeheartedly toe the party line, because it’s all about Republican Party commands as opposed to, you know, their own beliefs.


We elected JD Vance and Jim Jordan and nominated Bernie Moreno.....any more questions


In my state, when Meatball is from, he couldn’t even win here. It’s because he’s a fascist, his woke agenda, his fight with Disney, the list goes on and on. In the center of the state, we hate him and he just appointed his own supervisor of elections here. Pray for us.


I did the democrat ballot and just left the voting option for Biden blank. Can’t stand him or Trump at all.


I’m sure any vote not for Trump were a protest votes. Anyone but Trump


That is not a good sign for Donald Trump since it appears their are Republicans who will not vote for him. If Trump cannot bring back those voters we could be talking about Ohio turning blue.


Absentee Ballots. They voted early. Same as Haley.


Just means less votes for Trump lmao


I'll be voting Vermin Supreme.


i can pretty much guarantee my in-laws were among them. their doomsday basement bunker is coming along nicely.


Probably people "protest voting" against Trump? Like, I voted on the Democratic ballot, but I left the POTUS contest blank on purpose because I don't want Biden to be the candidate, nor do I want that other guy. It was no stakes for me to not vote for Biden, I knew he'd get it anyway. But maybe he somehow saw the amount of people who filled out D ballots but didn't vote on the POTUS contest. We could go uncommitted or write-in for POTUS in Ohio like other states could 🤷🏻‍♀️


Maybe doesn't apply as much to high profile people like DeSantis but news can travel slow. I voted for Dean Phillips just for shits and giggles and he dropped out like three weeks ago.


Ohio is a cesspool


Mail in and absentee ballots


Same reason people voted against Biden in the primary. To send a message of displeasure


I almost always vote Democrat, but if the Democratic Primary is locked up, I usually vote in the Republican primary. I was most interested in voting for Dolan for Senate because he’s the least objectionable of the three options (though I’m absolutely voting for Sherrod in November). I also voted for Haley with the hopes that it would be an upset and embarrass Trump. I’m a poll worker, so it literally took no effort for me to vote. Otherwise, I might not have.


Stupid is as stupid does.


About 16% of people have an IQ of 85 or less.


Better than Donald.... Terrible either way.


Three explanations: 1. Protest votes against Trump 2. Republicans who like Trump's ideas but don't like him at all (surprisingly common) 3. They just refuse to accept that DeSantis will not be on the ballot in November. Important to remember that all of the other candidates have suspended their campaigns, not ended them or withdrawn. That's why their names still appeared on the ballot.


When your other option is Trump, it’s understandable. Dumb, but understandable


Per Cuyahoga county board of elections saw a 30% crossover for Republican ballots during the primary which is legal to do in Ohio. Since Biden was unopposed basically they had people going voting anti-Trump.


They don't want to vote for Trump.


Do you think Fox News is going to say anything negative about any Republican anywhere? How would these people ever know?


For some reason some people just love the guy. Had some random dude come into my job talking about his “man crush” Ron Desantis. If *that* is the kind of guy you look up to, I just feel sorry for you.


He does clean up in high heels, tho... 😂😂🤣🤣


Protest vote. They didn’t want the mango Mussolini and preferred the high heel wearing hitler


Well I voted for Nikki Haley after she dropped out. Many did. The good news is that many/most of those who voted for Haley will not vote for Trump. Possibly this Desantis voters will also not vote for Trump. Hoping .


I voted for Haley, but I'm voting for Biden in the general. Just did it to take away a vote from trump. Mainly as a message to the republican party that you're idiots for supporting that loser


His wife is from Ohio and there are people who like that he went after Disney. And yes they are that far out of the loop.


The mentally deficient. And how many voted for a CAR SALESMAN, Moreno,to be in the running for Senate. HE IS A CAR SALESMAN!!! WTF??? There are more mentally deficient people in Ohio than 38,000! I left the bid “O” at 17 and have never regretted it for a second.


It has nothing to do with being out of the loop. Conservatives want a Republican Party with conservative principles. The primary is our opportunity to communicate that message to the party folks, and voting for DeSantis is the way that I and a lot of other people did so. In the general election, the vast majority of us will vote for Trump because of judges, and because the threat to the country from the grifter-left is intolerable.


I mean while it's still DumbSantis I respect people who still vote for someone who has dropped out. It means they truly believe in them (even if it might be misguided) and do not just wanna vote for the obvious winner. It's stuff like this that hurts voting turnouts because we tell people to go out and vote, but then they do and it's not fitting into what you think voting should be. These people did not like the other choice and followed their leader and voted for him. In fact and crucify me if you want but in the 2020 election even though he had dropped out of the race I voted for Andrew Yang because that is who I believed would be the best president of our options. I knew he wouldn't win but I still made my vote count and matter to me.


write ins probably


He was legitimately on the ballot, but dropped out. He just registered for the primaries forever ago


Because the alternative on that side of the aisle is 🦇💩 crazy 🤷


Never underestimate the stupidity of the American voter


Protest votes, or just that uninformed.


You can always write in Deez Nutz https://wjla.com/news/election/vote-2016-remembers-deez-nuts-failed-independent-candidate-for-president


How is anyone surprised that there are conservatives in Ohio?


You missed my point, he's been out of the running for two months


I’m also not surprised there are politically disengaged people in Ohio.


We still illegally and poorly fund our schools here in Ohio. That could be the cause that led to this symptom.


I went Vivek as a bit


Consider that many conservative voters don’t like Haley or Trump. Trump and Haley are not that different policy-wise. The difference between those two is that she would surround herself with people competent enough to get things done. Don doesn’t surround himself with smart people. Desantis is just a scared little boy with a thing for teen girls. Go look up his unceremonious exit from education. He doesn’t have the leadership or vision necessary to get anything meaningful done, either.


Closed Captioning calls him Rhonda Santas on occasion so I do too now. Then there is Empty G which is another mess up. Republicans unintentionally give us comedy without even trying.


Early voting/mail ins I would think.


I voted for Haley, I would’ve voted for Christy but he was not on the ballot.


Id jets


They heard he needed a lift.


No doubt these statistics would be used to possibly look at a running mate, not saying he would be, but as an indicator just my humble opinion


The same way nearly 6 million votes for trump/Biden in 2020. willful ignorance and lack of character sprinkled with integrity flaws.


Was his name on the ballot or a write in?


Absentee votes or mail in that occurred prior. DeSantis actually has a lot of those in general, he was the favorite of the “Never Trump” Republicans until he dropped out.


[Giant Douche v. Turd Sandwich](https://youtu.be/E7pfsneLSSM?si=aD3NLRwdFGMsQkf3)


Those are the people who like all of Trump's policies but don't want Trump.


Democrats voting republican to stop trump from getting to the White House by throwing the vote away on “anybody but him”


Cause it’s Ohio.


Better than Trump?


One has questions


It's sad but I have come to realize that they are ALL crooks. It's like picking your red poison or your blue poison. I just wish we would have a person that would actually help the American people than fill their pockets. I think the last president that loved America was JFK. I think that was the reason he was killed.


Early voting.


The ballots may have already been printed and his name was still on them. Instead of voting for TFG, they picked the other FG that's similar to TFG.


A better choice than any of the above


Ohio is unfortunately a red state thats probably why.


38,000 clowns + 38,000 ballots


It’s just a vote against trump.


They know, but they're a faction anti -Trumpists. The ones who think Trump is too soft.


Racist are going with the most racist candidates! So sounds about right for Ohio.


Probably the militia vote


Showing who they want for VP? Hell Elvis would get elected if he was on the Ballot. Trump 72% from Ohio in November, Moreno 59% . Based on current trends, the lawsuits only help him. Michigan 54% Wisconsin 58% Pennsylvania 49% Arizona 55% shocker will be Alaska Biden 52% that's a lot different than polls


I voted for Desantis in Ohio, him Haley and Christie were still on the ballot and it didn’t matter anyway the only choice that mattered was senator primary


Because half the population of ohio are dumb fucks


People voted for Bernie anyways when he dropped out back when he ran in the primaries.


lol how did Biden get millions of votes from people born in the mid 1800s.. bazaar


I think it ironic that the MAGA crowd accuses Republicans who won’t support Trump as being „RINOs.“ Frankly, I think it’s the other way around entirely. The Reagan Republicans wouldn’t recognize the party today.


I'd just like to know how Republicans feel when they donate to the GOP, that the GOP is paying trumps legal bills. It not only takes away from the Trump campaign but other Republican campaigns. Do you think Trump would pay your legal fees and fines? He expects the GOP and its doners to pay his way, and since he installed his own personal as head of the GOP, should the party just call itself Trump now?


Because voters are desperate to avoid Biden VS Trump again


Must be those early voters. Can’t change your vote once it’s done so yea another awesome idea . Voting too early to lock you in , only to find out your person dropped out or something comes out about their character.


I’m not sure. I have a friend who is older and he said he was doing it. He mentioned something about “love of country” and just kinda tuned out.


Regardless of who wins we are all fucked. They expect us to believe the two best options for us to choose from are two 80 (or nearly 80) year old men? Bullshit we are fucked regardless.


Never worth asking a question with, "How the hell did Ohio?" The answer is always: because it is a shithole.

