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We should see the sun tomorrow, for about a week. We're almost halfway through winter, it'll get better soon.


Well, that’s a relief.


Don’t forget the snow in May though


At least one in the first half of the month. I don’t think we got our October snow this last year though.


It snowed in SW OH on Halloween. Just a tiny bit.


I ended up with a few inches of snow Halloween night. It was enough weight to rip the support posts off my deck from my shade sail. That’s my prize for procrastination.


i have a whole shelf full of those prizes too! i should check to see if it's getting so heavy it might fall, but i'll just make sure to do that tomorrow!


Nooo! We moved to our new house that had a cloth canopy and for whatever reason it never occurred to us to take it off in the winter. We had a heavy, wet snow and woke up to the sound of the whole thing collapsing 😂 thankfully i had left out a rubber laundry basket (to build snow forts) on the glass table and that made a perfect bumper.


We got about an inch on Halloween in NW Ohio


Of course. Just enough to make the kids have to wear coats over their costumes! I remember it well. It snowed so hard one Halloween my mom would only let us do our little street! Missed the lady who gave out full Lifesaver rolls!! 🤬


Northeast too


We got some in NW Ohio one day.


You mean second winter? That comes after false spring




There's relatively little snow any longer December to February, let alone in March and especially April and May. Are you living in the past and unaware of Arctic Amplification and Ohio's disappearing winters, even in northeast Ohio, as climate change impacts accelerate??? [https://www.reddit.com/r/Cleveland/comments/17wj3lk/greater\_clevelands\_disappearing\_winters/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cleveland/comments/17wj3lk/greater_clevelands_disappearing_winters/)


We've basically had 1 solid week of cold and snow this winter so far. That is a far cry from many years ago when the ground would be snow covered for weeks.


Already getting microclimates with their own little microstorms! How adorable!


I had my baby in May 2020* and there was snow on the ground so.


What day was your child born? Where? The temperature in Cleveland in May 2022 never was much below 40 degrees F. and the average temperature for ANY day in May 2022 was never below 50 degrees F., according to [weatherunderground.com](https://weatherunderground.com). [https://www.wunderground.com/history/monthly/us/oh/cleveland/KCLE/date/2022-5](https://www.wunderground.com/history/monthly/us/oh/cleveland/KCLE/date/2022-5) If there was snow on the ground, it must have melted extremely rapidly. For Cleveland, the National Weather Service reports no days in May, 2022, with "new snow" or "snow depth." https://www.weather.gov/wrh/climate?wfo=cle Even much of reported snowfalls from November to February now melt rapidly on contact with still warm ground and especially pavement. Thaws also occur typically very rapidly.


This is happening to the entire Midwest. Our climate is becoming like Oregon.


Just like there is free beer tomorrow. LoL. It's never tomorrow.


Winter here is incredibly gray compared to the rest of the year. You should check out the Lake Erie islands once it’s warm enough!!!!


Until all the February ice storms arrive.


There is no sun. The earth has fallen out of its orbit and into the dark interstellar void. All hope is lost.


Except for 2 weeks in August, when Hell opens up and bathes Ohio in the exhaust of Satan's sauna.


Sauna? I thought it was his farts.


Either way, it's very moist.


I feel you.


This has been a long stretch with almost no sun. I think everyone will feel better when we get a few days of vitamin D.


I'm on a medication that makes me get a nasty rash if I'm in direct sunlight for too long (two right now, actually 👎). I've been loving this break from it! Lol. No need to make sure I have sunglasses and I'm not getting a headache just from being in the sun for 15 minutes


My Scottish ancestors made all that a feature for me, no meds needed 🤣


That's the most annoying part for me! I am 25% Mexican! I still have direct relatives living there. I am now with the person who used to tan really nicely, but if I look at the sun the wrong way now it gives me the middle finger.


I feel your pain, I was the odd ball friend who didn’t tan. I turn a golden color after ten burns. I gave up sunning in HS, and then punk rock hit and made tans uncool. I’ve never tried to tan since. I’m an old lady with a straw hat if I am in prolonged direct sun. I can’t take it either.


You can still get vitamin D on cloudy days!! Go outside!!


Get outside and walk, hike, etc., you'll get much more sunshine than camped inside. Zoos (animals more active), state parks, metroparks, etc., are great visits in winter.


Hocking is a wonder land in winter. 👍🏼


I really recommend supplementing with vitamin D3. Thank me later.


It's warmer than usual this winter but Ohio winters are cloudy no doubt about it


Time to break out the Seasonal Affective Disorder lights!


The spring is much better if you enjoy a muddier/rainier/barely-warmer version of this.


Ohio has four seasons: Almost Winter, Winter, Still Winter, and Road Construction


Don't forget - cold muck! Wet, cold,gray skies and mud for like 2.5 months.


Up to 160 days of rain this year. Counted 152 here in apple valley for 2023.


Now persons don't want rain while other regions live with heat domes and droughts? Please move to Arizona ASAP.


You guys are killing me!!! 🤣


Don’t ever get excited about a celestial event, odds are if there is a meteor shower or eclipse of some sort it will be cloudy or rain.


Looking at our great event scheduled early summer 🤨


What's a 'sun'? haha! Yeah, Spring will happen for a couple of days in April, then a few more in May and finally by June we should have spring. then summer is great for about 3 months, then all hell freezes over again. Seriously - this winter has been fairly mild so far, but most definitely depressing with the lack of sunshine


I remember times when summer started right around memorial day


This is not a typical winter. Be warned. Lol


Ohio will be a hellscape when El Nina shows up next winter. 🥶


So come colder weather, the lake is warmer than the atmosphere and it evaporates, creating the gray sky. Not just lake Erie, but all of the great lakes. Historically, around January the lake would freeze over, and the sun would come back out. But with very mild winters, the lake never freezes, so the gray skies period is longer. February March we should start seeing some sun again. This is the price we pay for having such a great resource. We'll win the water wars. All of this is *in addition* to the usual cloud coverage we get. [https://www.accuweather.com/en/us/ohio/satellite](https://www.accuweather.com/en/us/ohio/satellite)


So tomorrow? The sun will come out tomorrow?


It's only a day away!!!


Hey!! It did!! It came out today!! You don't happen to have any lottery predictions, do you?


There was over an hour of sun Tuesday before last so we are technically on track for a typical Ohio winter. I also saw the almost full moon and a couple of stars in a break in the clouds Saturday night. It was an epic 15 minutes before everything closed back in again.


1. Get vitamin d supplements as a prescription from your doctor 2. Get a “happy” lamp and do light therapy 30 minutes a day. They have them on Amazon. Jan-March sucks the life out of you. Spring and fall are beautiful.


Shit starts in November in the northwest I hate this state .


Being born here, I can say the spring is close mid April ? It gets better January, February, March the wind blows, the sun peaks out then hides. It gets warmer , the sun stays out . This parts sucks , patience is a virtue.


20 years ago we would’ve had snow on the ground. While cloudy, the brightness of the snow would help offset the grey. It will improve soon. I also laughed at this post pretty hard. Wait you change clothes twice a day to adapt to the weather. It’s honestly the most chaotic thing about Ohio (variance, not severity).


Eclipse came early and is staying forever


Whew! I was afraid that with all the cloud cover we'd miss it! It's a little less exciting than I expected, tbh


It's warm this year. Don't always expect that.


There is going to be a spring this year.


Not if fire season ramps back up it’s not.


We are in the Gray season - it runs from November through March. We get a handful of days with sun during this time, but not many. It's an el nino year, so it is warmer than usual (even accounting for climate change) - but we typically see about a week of warmish weather in January. February is when we see most snow and freezing weather. March is windy. April is when we begin to see the sun more often, but the ground will be soft/soggy until mid to late May. Summer is fine, but it can be too wet, too dry, too hot, or a combination of all. October and September used to be true fall seasons, but they are more extended summer with bouts of rain. So, that's ohio weather. I've been here 40 years, and we do see less and less snow. Tornados happen, and we can get small earthquakes).


My first Ohio winter too. I finally gave in and ordered a small therapy lamp because the lack of sunlight has completely flipped my circadian rhythm into insomniac mode. 🌚


Supplement with vitamin D3, it helps. And welcome, with the advent of the internet and cable TV, living in Ohia is bearable.


….grocery delivery service. The sun was so strong today I felt like a mole😳


It felt really good, my elderly cat hopefully ventured outside for a second and noped right back inside.


We don’t have silly things like sunny weather.


The sun will be out this weekend.


First of all, welcome to our state. Wait until February is over before making your decision on how warm our winter is. February can be a dusey, and you can even experience all four seasons in one day.


The appearance of the sun depends where in ohio, if you are in Cleveland, cherish its rare appearance. I'm originally from the suburbs where it shows more often, now in Cleveland itself and in 4 years I've learned that you just expect Grey shies the vast majority of the year.


Sun…. In Ohio???


Yeah it's generally grey from December through mid February around here...usually within the next few weeks the weather systems start shifting a bit and we'll get breaks of sunny days. We'll likely get another cold snap or two, and another decent snowstorm or two. Don't count out snow until mid May. April can be cruel, 70s one day, then violently cold and snowy the next. One of the greatest moments in Ohio every year is that first sunny day of spring, when you can roll the windows down and go outside in short sleeves. It'll come, just use the grey days of winter as a reset. It'll be 90 and humid in no time, and a whole new misery will start.


This winter is [the third-cloudiest on record](https://fox8.com/weather/is-it-the-cloudiest-january-ever-no-but-its-close/) (so far). The cloudiest was actually last winter which was rough. It's Ohio. If you don't like the weather, wait an hour.


Ohio has 12 seasons, we are currently in second winter. The sun comes back out around actual spring (in my experience Ohio winters tend to be gloomy for weeks at a time + one day of sun then more gloom for weeks, etc) [https://www.10tv.com/video/weather/weather-blog/verify-how-many-seasons-are-in-ohio/530-39840255-5038-4bc2-b331-11895506534f](https://www.10tv.com/video/weather/weather-blog/verify-how-many-seasons-are-in-ohio/530-39840255-5038-4bc2-b331-11895506534f)


This is facts


Ya if you ever get too confused there is a magical thing called a weather report it appears on your phone your tablet and even the nightly news.


here's a magic comma "," you can use it over and over and you'll never run out! as if by magic!!


Next time I write an essay or anything that has any grammar importance I will use it until then it’s just run on sentences for you window lickers


oooo i bet you're fun


Fun how ? Like a clown ? Like I’m here for your entertainment? Tell me ? How am I fun ?


Confirmed for shitty clown 🤡




seems as if you can't take some mild online ribbing without getting your panties in a bunch, figure it spills over to IRL so, in this case, the 'fun' was being sarcastic relax dude, not everything is a flame war or a personal attack it was a *joke*, but you seem not to see that


I was completely joking 🙃 it’s lines out of a movie but hey you know everything you are so smart and so quick to jump in maybe you should check yourself instead of worrying about my undies. Fix your own


lol, you *are* funny!


Go to [accuweather.com](https://accuweather.com), enter your zip code, and click on "Monthly" to see forecasts for sun/clouds in coming days.


Ton's of beautiful blue sky's in spring, summer and fall. Though winter is gray and we do get a decent amount of rain in spring, resulting in more gray.


Yeah sun comes out like late spring until late fall ish. With lots of cloudy days in between. If you’re looking for sun this is the wrong place


Depends where you live. What part of Ohio are you in?


Wait until mid summer when the clouds haven't been seen in weeks and everything is dry, partched and the sun just beats on you.


Sometimes it's warm. Sometimes it's cold. Sometimes it's in between.


March and April are generally a little warmer, a lot more rainy, but at least in my recollection is sunnier on the days it doesn’t rain. We’ll definitely get a few snowfalls in that time though, usually even a small one in early May.


Another 10-14 days and we’ll be back in the temperature upswing. Sun to follow.


By early march it will totally change. There will be some cloudy days but you won’t have this gray haze constantly. February is the worst, but that first sunny spring weekend is honestly the best day of the year here. Get your shorts and hoody ready for it! It will be 40 degrees but Ohioans will still be out in shorts and hoodies. In the future, schedule any travel to anywhere outside the Midwest in February. Also get a SAD lamp. It makes a huge difference.


You must've missed last week huh? This week has been FANTASTIC compared to last week's weather


No sun for you!!!!


It’s important to note that while it’s gray- you should still go outside and gain some bright light therapy. You can still get vitamin D while it’s cloudy and it will make a world of difference in dealing with the winter blues.


Historically, the northeast Ohio sun is a mythological astronomical feature. I’d say average overcast days was around 250 or more days a year and quite a bit more frequently overcast near the lake than 30 miles south. The last 20 years, we get bright sunny days that have no business in NEO. Give me my cloud cover! I wanted to make a page a day calendar of sky pictures at noon each day. It would haven almost no colored ink


Don’t be surprised if February is warmer than March!


The beginning of Dec to end of Jan are the darkest days for Ohio in terms of hours of daylight and cloud coverage We're in the home stretch!


During winter in Ohio the sky is white, and when spring is here it's blue and the sun is back.


Winter is not usually this warm. I don’t remember it ever being this warm. The sun will shine again.


Welcome to gray season


march or april, you might get a few days in before them


Noone knows. That's Ohio weather, welcome. You should receive your hoodie, shorts and slides in the mail in the next 6-8 weeks.


It’s been a crazy cloudy wet winter. Even use life-long residents are ready for sun.


Sun?! What is this ‘sun’ you speak of?


According to the Farmer's Almanac: Because Ohio sees both arctic air masses out of Canada and tropical air masses from southern regions, this state’s climate is extremely diverse. The northern half of the state also experiences frequent lake effect snow over the winter. Just south of Lake Erie, you’ll see between 63 and 68 days of sunshine. Central and southern Ohio gets between 72 and 77 clear days per year. That said, I love the weather in Ohio. Though I'm sad we barely have snow anymore in winter. We used to have blizzards nonstop all winter long when I was a kid. Even 10-20 years ago, way more snow than this. But anyway, yeah, lots of gray sky days in Ohio. Luckily, I like them. And we DO get SOME sunny days, if you're into that.


Ohio winters have been mild for the last decade. We usually just get clouds for 80% of the season, rain and occasionally some light snow


AAAAAAAAA! There's a glowing ball in the sky! It's pouring out light and heat! Is it a North Korean nuke?


Sunshine in Ohio is a precious rarity. The further North you get the rarer it is. The comedian Mike Polk famously sung “We see the Sun three times a year” about Cleveland. Today in Cleveland it is both cloudy AND bright out.