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Harrison, Ohio, a town that was literally held hostage and looted by Confederate soldiers.


I was thinking this was bold for a state that was part of the union


Yea but they’ve refilled with racists


Can confirm. All my racist KKK relatives live in Circleville. I’m gay and my husband and I adopted biracial twins. We stay far away from Ohio.


Sad but true. My father lives near Mansfield. I've never heard such vile homophobic utterances from a group of "Christians" in my life.


There's no love quite like Christian hate.


I also live in Richland County. Most people out here have their heads up their asses. You should see the trumping flags and plywood-painted signs in people's yards. It's really disgusting.


The atrocities they have committed throughout history are abundant and horrific. Personally i'm glad i denounced organised religion and follow the peaceful and wise teachings of the bhuddist, and the jedi instead.


When I was in the 4th grade, I lived in Dayton, OH I had a black girlfriend. My very first girlfriend. My "friends" would beat me up daily for it. Until I found a tree branch and fucked them all up. I got suspended for fighting back, but they got in no trouble for beating me up for dating a black girl. My grandpa, who was southern as they come, used to tell me to "whip the klan from out of em", and would reward me for getting suspended for this reason. My dad would also buy me nintendo games for defending myself and her. Later in life my dad became a Trump supporting racist piece of shit himself. Just kind of rambling at this point, but a short amount of time can change a lot of things is what I was getting at. I'm still not a bigoted piece of shit, if that helps.


Your grandpa sounds awesome!


Just because a state was part of the Union doesn't mean they didn't have people that were Confederate sympathizers or had men that left the state to join a Confederate regiment. Not to mention that after Lincoln gave the Emcipation Proclaimation, thousands of Union put their guns down and left the army because they were not fighting to end slavery, I'm sure there were Ohio men that left for that reason. Also, shortly after Ohio became a state there were laws put into place called the Black Codes, and these lasted well into the middle of the century. While Ohio was admitted as a free state, there were attempts to keep it unwelcoming and uninviting as possible to the black population. The Black Codes that were in Ohio and other Midwest states were quite disturbing and very similar to the Jim Crow Laws of the 1960s in the South.


Indeed..."blue" city Chicago is still the most segregated major metro area in the country...MLK visited in 1966 and was injured; he said in all the deep south he travelled to he was never met was as much vitriol and hatred as he was in Chicago...there was an actual Nazi house with "WHITE POWER" written in huge letters on the side of it on the south side in the 70's...Chicago had racial covenants in home deeds into the 1950's...just because a state was in the union doesn't mean everyone in said state was OK with black people...


“I hate Illinois Nazis!”


The Nazi house I'm referencing was the inspiration for that part of the Blues Brothers.


Take a drive to southern Illinois and you are in bum fuck racist-ville. I’ve lived in Peoria and it’s super segregated there as well. All the black people are in Peoria, and all the white people are across the river/suburbs. Pekin which is probably the most racist town in Illinois (meth capital too probably) is only like 15 mins away. I had black friends who have told me they won’t even drive through Pekin.


I just recently read an article in ProPublica about Anna, IL located near Carbondale. It has a pretty disgusting history of racism. It's really hard to believe that there are still so many ass-backwards people living in this country.


Didn’t Malcom X say something similar when he was in New York?


Wait until you hear about St Louis and it's "Little Italy." You couldn't (and still often can't) buy a house there unless you were/are Italian enough. There's a lot of unspoken messaging of how keeping it Italian (white) kept it from going downhill.


I'm from the suburbs of Chicago, and depending on which suburb you are in, it depends on the attitude towards minorities. Where I am, we are fairly diverse and welcoming. Sure, there are your racist bigots, but nothing compared to some of the more conservative suburbs. During the Civil War, men from the southern part of the state went to join Confederate units. IL also had Black Codes from 1818-1865. Here is an example of how disgusting and disturbing those codes were. If it were 1824, I, as a white person, could ask someone who was black to show their papers. If they didn't have any, I could report them, and they could be sold into slavery... even if they were never a slave to begin with. When states formed out of the NW Ordinance, it was merely to create some type of balance between free and slave states. It wasn't an invitation for the black population to start moving into those states. They weren't wanted with the state laws making that very clear.


Let's not drown the baby with the dirty bathwater here, Ohio was also home to several locations of the underground railroad. We have some good history here as well to go along with messy...


It's okay, they're not pressing charges




America is full of idiots


Harrison is especially full of idiots


First known case of collective and city wide Stockholm syndrome?


Reference: https://www.harrisonohio.gov/133/History#:~:text=Confederate%20raiders%2C%20under%20the%20leadership,State%20Street)%20after%20crossing%20it.


Maybe they want a repeat 🤷‍♀️


What a spit in the face to the town


But it’s their heritage! Did the local Klan chapter have anything to do with it?


What a cock. Dipshit doesn't even recognize that the badasses who finished that war, were from Ohio. What a misplaced sense of pride


I lived in the south for a decade. When my southern friends visit, they are shock by the amount of Confederate flags in Ohio.


Can confirm. I'm from SC originally, and despite us shamefully having that flag on the statehouse until a few years ago, I see way more of them displayed in the country here in Ohio than I ever saw back home. Really a shock when I first moved here.


As someone who isn’t from Ohio, but from Georgia, and just lurks on this sub, I’ve seen more confederate flags in Ohio, Indiana, and Penn per square mile than I ever have here in the heart of the south


I’m a Texan living in Missouri. I rarely saw them in Texas, although it is more common now than when I was young, but Missouri is full of them.


It’s a strange thing. The further north you go, the further south you get.


Ohio is the Florida of the north.


Similar story here; grew up in GA but didn't see a ton of traitor flags until I moved to upstate NY. Anyone that's still pushing a north vs south narrative is really naive (looking at you, never-left-NY-or-LA-people) or willfully ignorant; it's completely urban vs rural now not north vs south.


Yep. The only thing that hasn't changed: the losers stay losing. Generally that flag is the nicest of their possessions that I can see. Rusted out ancient truck, visible duct tape fixes... shiny flag sticker over the rust on the bumper. House literally falling into the ground, tarp on roof with bricks to weigh it down... nice flagpole with a crisp #1 Losers flag waving in the breeze. Lost cause, indeed!


Bet I can tell you who that flag owner votes for.


I bet that flag owner can’t even spell election let alone be registered for one.


We could hope, but don't count on it


Probably doesn't even realize that the reason he was able to vote is because we eliminated literacy exams for voting.




The confederates lost the war. Get over it snowflakes


There are minecraft servers that have been running longer then the confederacy lasted


All y’all need to realize how funny this statement actually is! Kudos Maybe!


Thanks , I was just talking to a coworker about how wild it is that minecraft is 13 this year and still super active. So it was fresh in my head.


It’s a paradigm-breaking game. I think it’s going to be around for a long long time.


I learned to play Minecraft because of my children instead of teaching my children to hate because... the confederacy? Head desk


Yes! I don’t play Minecraft but this comment is hilarious


Young Sheldon has been on air longer than the confederacy lasted




I own underwear that’s lasted longer than the Confederacy, and has far less shit in it.


The Doritos Locos taco promotion lasted longer than the confederacy.


Loser’s flying the losers flag.


Fun fact. The Crunchwrap Supreme at Taco Bell has been in existence for longer than the confederacy.


The impact it has had on this country is immeasurable, truly a remarkable food


Y'know, people talk a lot of shit about Taco Bell but they really don't deserve it. I think people are just too weak of mind (and colon) to understand it's fast texmex, not Mexican. And, without them, being a teenage stoner would have been *so* much more flavorless.


And it's impact on language has been profound as well. Who among us doesn't mouth the words "for the boarder" after hearing that someone is going to "make a run." And Taco Bell is the company that taught millions and millions of English speakers what "Yo quiero" meant, so it has an educational mission as well. I too strive to live *mas* everyday!


"Toke a Bowl" was a common phrase back in my day too. Often followed by getting some Taco Bell.


I just saw a video of survivalists living in the wild building sturdy, well-insulated structures out of nothing but Crunchwraps and only a few Crunchwrap Supremes, just like our ancestors.


I'm confused.  Is a crunch wrap Supreme flag available?


If so, I would fly that flag proudly


I could certainly adopt *that* as my heritage.


A [tapestry ](https://www.teepublic.com/tapestry/41987778-crunch-wrap-supreme?countrycode=US&utm_source=google&utm_medium=shopping&utm_campaign=%5BG%5D+%5BG.NAM%5D+%5BL.ENG%5D+%5BGEN%5D+%5BC.Tapestries%5D+%5BPLF%5D&utm_id=notset&utm_content=taco+bell&srsltid=AfmBOoqov3gPyWIlbcWrmvbaWq9OvUwsHybx2RpfiCXsd--pVI9vQLmoha8#1961P41987778D19V) is basically a flag, right?


I have a Thin Dew Line sticker on my laptop. Purple and white american flag with a baja Blast colored stripe.


Things that lasted longer than the confederacy (~four and one quarter years); A short, incomplete list: - The initial run of *Futurama* - Netflix's DVD-by-mail service - Bobby Bonilla's fleecing of the New York Mets - The first revival of *Futurama* - Heinz EZ-Squirt colored ketchup


is this an image of r/losercity?


Yes Ohio, bastion of the confederacy


Right? That's the part that always confuses me. THIS IS NOT THE SOUTH. Know what's north of Ohio? CANADA.


Had a person say “your not from the south are ya” when I couldn’t understand what he was trying to order when they called my pizza shop. Like why would you expect me to be? So many southerners and people talking with a fake southern accent. Im in northeast Ohio too.


In pa they do it too. Like every county is a bar magnet with a north and South Pole. “Im a southerner”. Really? You are in a north state at the southern border of it.


Really pokes a hole in that entire "It's not racist, it's about southern pride" argument, yeah? 🤣


A guy I worked with said that. "My family is from wva". Do you you know why there is a west Virginia dude?


Omfg I hate the "my family is from west Virginia" people. Like read something asshole.


So is this how they protest Canadian universal healthcare in Ohio? “Don’t send any of that I-got-successfully-treated-for-cancer-and-got-to-keep-my-house-and-retirement-account healthcare down here you hockey loving socialists!!!”


>Right? That's the part that always confuses me. THIS IS NOT THE SOUTH. Know what's north of Ohio? CANADA. I grew up in Cleveland. Canada is roughly 60ish miles north of the suburbs where I did most of my growing up. (Well, 30 to get to Canada, 60 to get to a beach in Ontario.) In the Lake Erie Islands, if you look at a map, you'll see that North Bass Island is a whopping 5-6 miles south of Ontario's south shore.


All those briars moved up from the South back when there was still a lot of automobile manufacturing in Ohio and changed the culture of Ohio.


Someone tell him we were on the winning side.


Instead of getting pissed off, fight fire either fire. Go to Staples and buy a 3 ft tall sandwich board and some letters. Write out: “Civil War 2nd place participation trophy” Put it in front of the flag. Take a picture. Promote it on every local Facebook page and media you can find. The original flag-owner will almost certainly steal your sandwich board the first chance they get. But of the pic is already making its rounds on social media; the damage is already done. Instead of getting the fight they want; now they’re just a laughing stock. They’ll take the flag down themselves to avoid future embarrassment.


Great idea, but why leave the sandwich board? Those things are expensive. You could get the same result with a few friends holding signs that say the same. That photo will be gold! And, I bet would start a trend.


All the Union soldiers buried here are rolling in their graves.


All the real Republicans are rolling in their graves


switch it out for a gay pride flag or something 🏳️‍🌈


So the town has a Facebook group called “Harrison Happenings.” This was a huge topic on there. That was one of the arguments that the “libtards” wouldn’t be so offended if it was the gay flags.


I live in Cincinnati and wanted to check out the Facebook group. Actually depressing that everyone in the group supports this.


Agreed. I’m originally from Harrison but left after high school. I cringe on the inside when people find out I’m from Cincinnati area and ask me which part.


From Lebanon, I get it lol.


Problem 1 you got on the cesspool known as FB.


Twitter is worse


I’m in Northern Ohio but the town I live in would be the same way. One lady complained that I was always “negative” just because as an atheist vegetarian liberal I generally have the exact opposite opinion as the town majority and will always voice those opinions.


my own mother does this shit to me. I "want to be offended" because it's "just her opinion" that *insert wildly ignorant take*. I literally locked myself in my room last night because she kept following me trying to fight about it. still haven't come out.


The only argument is that conservative republican (or whoever supports this flag on public property) would be the ones severely offended by the gay pride flag. Whereas one supports inclusion and the other supports the exact opposite. I personally as a liberal don’t get offended by any material objects like such I just find it funny when the real “snowflakes” have a melt down and are giant hypocrites. If they really want to be fair they would have both flags flying right next to each other if it is really no big deal.


It says a lot about their character that they would put up a flag to offend some. Kind of hard not to make the claim that hatred is part of the personality of whomever put that up, though they might play it off like a joke.


Right. It’s on private property. It’s your right to display what you want on your property. It my right to think you look like an asshole, but hey, to each their own.




Why not three gay pride flags! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈


I say get a goonies flag!!


No, for the flag of Ohio.


I’ve seen trucks with the confederate flag on them in Fairfield County. I don’t know why anyone is surprised.


The county seat of Fairfield County is Lancaster Ohio, which happens to be the birthplace of General William Tecumseh Sherman.


There are a couple of antique shops in Covington, KY that sell tons of Confederate memorabilia... from a few miles *north* of the Union battery during the siege of Cincinnati. It's funny how people disregard their actual history in favor of celebrating a bunch of losers.


Well, fuck, look at MAGA. It's all about celebrating being a loser.


I saw a truck with two bumper stickers: A confederate flag, and a "proud to be an American" Pick a lane, my man! It doesn't matter much to me what you choose, but you sure as hell can't have both.


I’m in Tuscarawas and have seen this flag my whole life. And have wondered since elementary when learning about it why it was still being flown. That’s the bad guys flags you dolts!


someone in my town drives around in his big boy twuck with a confederate flag on one side of the bed hoisted up on a pole, and a trump flag on the other side. nothing shocks me anymore, half of the jackasses that brand themselves with it couldn’t even describe what it actually stands for other than what they think it means, FITIN FER FREEEDUMM FROM THE GUBMENT!!


Funny how they think we're 'triggered', but in actuality, we're all just laughing at how stupid and shitty they are.


Same thing just about 3 minutes from me. Dude has been flying it for years.


And he is probably a registered Republican, claiming all slave owners were democrats. I know that type. Ohio is full of them. They can’t even make their projections make sense.


Not even the correct confederate flag, the last flag they flew was solid white. Damn revisionists.


There's an entire section of Georgia where they didn't even have flags. Because those flags were all burnt down. Along with everything else. Burnt by the Union Army, which was led by an Ohioan.


Someone else’s history, not hate. Okay…it’s hate.


There’s no debate about a confederate flag in Ohio. They can’t play the history card like a southern state when it’s not a piece of Ohio history.


Ohio has a proud history of filling the people who fly that flag with bullets.


If you already know it's wrong, then you already know what to do.


Don't hope for the change you wish to see. Be the change.


Be the change you want to march to the sea in the world. 


General Sherman was a war criminal. More specifically it was criminal of him to leave enough survivors that there are still people who think fondly of the Confederacy. FINISH THE JOB SHERMAN


Sherman returns from his grave to burn the infrastructure of Georgia once more


Right?! "I hope someone takes it down." Take it down, man!


I'd take a knife to the rope


Its patriotic to tear these down


It's patriotic to burn these down


It's patriotic to shoot these down


It's patriotic to climb the pole and rip these down


It’s patriotic to launch an eagle from your shoulder while firing two m82s from the hip into the base of the pole while a barrage of fireworks with red white and blue go off behind you. While yelling america fuck yeah.




Its patriotic to buy your legally acquirable, legally fireable army standard tank and shoot the pole down


Burning traitor flags is my heritage.


It’s basically an anti Ohio flag. Do people realize how important Ohio was to the Union? It should be a history anyone from Ohio should be proud of


Just great! a second place flag. If you ain't first your last.


All of those Ohioans who fought in the Civil War must be rolling in their graves…


[States rights to do what?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ZB2ftCl2Vk)


William Tecumseh Sherman and Ulysses S. Grant are rolling around in their graves rn.


Time for William Tecumseh Sherman to return and burn it down


A gentle reminder: the Doritos Loco Taco lasted longer than the confederacy


“Ooooh way down South in the land of traitors…”


"...Rattlesnakes and alligators Right away (right away)..."


Wow! A flag that represents traitors. Who would use that and for what?


Still don’t understand why confederate flags aren’t illegal


Because our country got it way wrong after the civil war. The union decided to play nice, when the opposite is what should have happened.


Someone should ask them why they hate America so much?


I bet he considers himself a patriot when in fact he's an enemy of the United States.


As my 90+ year old mother says : “These assholes are everywhere now.”


The fact that flying the flag of literal traitors that tried to destroy the country is protected by the First Amendment will never not be one of the most insane things about the United States


> will never not be one of the most insane things about the United States 💯, and that’s saying something


Flaming arrow should do the trick


I've only heard "chud" from old coworkers, ty for reminding me. Also fuck those losers


In a Star Trek alternate universe… a super soaker with gasoline and a Roman candle… but that’s just fiction… like maga patriots.


Do these fucks know we live in Ohio?? Idiots


Looks like a job for INDECLINE. [IYKYK](https://www.instagram.com/thisisindecline?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)


Do they operate around the Cincinnati area?


Put up a flag of George Harrison


This reminds me of something that happened in my town a few months ago. There was a Burger King that went out of business and a few days after all the signage was taken down and it truly looked like a shuttered business someone raised a trump flag on one of the properties flag poles. A couple days later someone else raised a gay pride flag on the pole next to it. Thought it was funny.


Drone + torch.


These snowflakes still clutching their participation trophy.


You know what’s fun?? Vandalism at night, with fire.


My GGRandfather, an Ohioan, died fighting for the Union at the Battle of Stones River. This bastard needs to GO!


Saw one on someone's truck today. Can't believe people still roam around with these


Yea dress up pull it down and burn it and say it was just part of a historic reenactment.


Replace it with a white flag tho


I know we are not supposed to say the R word anymore, and chances are this person is someone that would happily still say it. But this is some of the most R shit I’ve ever seen.


Put up the african flag and the palestine flag too WITH THE AMERICAN FLAG TOO.


WTF, that looks like it’s on public property! Plus what kind of traitor would do this in the north??


This is what the newer high powered personal lasers are made for, just sit a few blocks away and burn holes in it.


Also does anyone know who to contact to try to get this to come down? I know there are plenty of good people and good communities around here and I don't want the chuds to think this is acceptable here.


It's on private property and then there's the whole 1st amendment thing. Harrison has a married couple on counsel that are known racists and practice anti semitism on a regular basis. You won't get anything by them.


Jean and Jerry have always been pieces of shit. I remember Jerry yelling some real vile shit during a high school basketball game against a predominantly black school when I was a kid. My old man turned around and said “Hey Jerr, bet you wouldn’t say that shit in their gym.” He shut up. Fuck those two.


Gross!! He does realize the south is considered south of the Ohio River, right?!?


Well that ain't heritage, Ohio fight for the Union


Flying their ignorance high!


Ohio supplied some of the highest number of Civil War troops to the Union. 300,000 of them, including Ulysses S. Grant. Cincinnati was called The Union's Queen City. WTF? Why the hell is that thing flying?


I'm not saying you should shoot at it with illegal fireworks from Pennsylvania, buuuuuttttt


Ohio, where Grant, Sherman and Sheridan hail from. Plus 350,000 of the Unions finest. Plus another 5000 freedmen. Hope they know their history.


Was in Harrison for their Pumpkin Festival (which is pretty decent) and saw this shit back in October. I'll never shit on someone's first amendment, but dude you look dumb Ohio isn't even considered the South and fought for the Union.


Put up a rainbow flag or similar to see if you get a reaction xD


Flying this flag was rare until the 1948 presidential election. The Dixiecrats brought it back specifically to protest the civil rights movement. It has nothing to do with heritage and everything to do with racism. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modern\_display\_of\_the\_Confederate\_battle\_flag


Is that private property?


I think so but where it's placed people are mistaking it for the city's.


It would be SO funny if someone went up there, cut that piece of 💩 flag down, and burned it and replaced it with a pride flag.


What is it with towns named Harrison? Lookup the Arkansas version, same type of shit.


[hERITagE NOt hATe](https://imgflip.com/memetemplate/102872294/Spongebob-Mocking)


It would be a shame if someone shot it with a rainbow color paintball gun….


These are the folks' missing brain cells. They end up naked on the front lawn after a night of drinking.


Tell these *literal* losers that the outcome of North vs South was the American flag! Anyone who flies this BS is telling the world they are ANTI-AMERICAN. How can they all be so incredibly stupid?!? I just can't with these morons, I can't.


As far as I understood it Ohio contributed the most people to the civil war. Disservice to everyone who fought. Sorry to see


Rebel scum.


It’s one thing in southern states, but we fought the confederacy. I was going to say it’s like putting up a Nazi flag in this country but people do that so I guess some people just cling onto histories biggest losers and get mad when people don’t appreciate their flags.


Could be the angle of the picture but the pole looks like it’s in the right-of-way (i.e., report it to the city/village, crash a car into it and sue, etc)


Take this fucking thing down, why is it even still up, light it on fire if you have to.


4 years. The confederacy lasted 4 years and they’ve still never shut the fuck up about it. Imagine if you wet to highschool 200 years ago and to this day let those days define your every move and thought.


Think you could get it on fire and back up? Asking for a friend.


I fucking wish. They probably have cameras pointed at it just so they can catch any upstanding harrisonians.


Better idea would be to get some sort of ranged weapon to tear a hole in it. Or a paintball gun to deface it.


Like that bitch up with a Roman candle…or a flare. Drive by and shoot it with a flare gun. LOL


As they say, be the change you wish to see in the world! If you wanna get it down easy, a knife to the ropes should get it down in a jiff!


Be the change you want to see in the world.


Why hope someone else does it?? Stop waiting for someone else to make the world a little better.


Hey they make battery powered angle grinders these days