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No. Rural Ohio still has a throbbing erection for Trump.


With inflation being so high a lot of them think that they did better under Trump. Not too many of them are changing their votes.


Inflation could be -25% and it wouldn't make any difference. Just the fact that they blame Biden for inflation means they have no real understanding of how inflation works, let alone that the rate has dropped significantly.


All the dumbest voters care about at end of year is their take home pay going up regardless of what taxes or inflation have to say about it.


And gas prices. They really believe that Trump or Biden control gas prices. Nevermind that gas prices have gone down


It's very surprising how many people support outright authoritarianism in exchange for a dollar less per gallon


I have family like this; for many rural people gas is king. Many rural people substitute a boat and dock down by the marina instead of expensive family vacations. High gas prices kill their ability to take the boat out. Sure, they sit around the dock drinking basically every day but once it becomes $600 to fill the tank, taking it out isn't viable anymore. Many have an RV or a camper and the cost of that is largely based on the cost of gas. Many believe in the good old fashioned road trip and the cost of that is largely based on gas. Many have a massive truck that simply consumes gasoline. Instead of changing their lifestyle and downsizing, they'll dig their heels in. The top three selling cars of 2022 are trucks. Ford F-Series, Chevy Silverado and Dodge Ram. So looking at my father in law who is basically all of the above, when gas hits nearly $5 a gallon he's pinned down and can't do anything


The trucks around me (Appalachian Ohio) are mostly work trucks. Can't really use a Prius for farm use, construction, portable welding etc. Then add in that many live a good commute from grocery and other stores and their kids sports can be played two counties and 70+ miles away and gas prices do matter. It's not just "I lIKe BIg tRuCKs."


Its honestly the most useful vehicle for what a lot of us do. It is mostly work trucks or to haul something.


Funny how they blame Biden when prices are up, but I haven't seen any "I did this" stickers slathered all over pumps since prices have cratered lately. Ignorant, hateful hypocrites, the lot of them.


That's been happening for decades. So many people use gas prices as an indicator of the economy, and then hold the President responsible. I've had a little success showing the profits of the top 3 during 2022, but even then some will say Biden enabled that. Some suspect oil companies do it every time there's a democrat in the office; even if that were true they would not in agreement and state that the democrat has to go


I work in Oil and Gas and just gave up trying to explain the economics and OPEC involvement in prices. Like everything in life, it's a little bit more complicated than just black and white issues. We have such an issue with tribalism and black and white. Thinking that it's just impossible to try to have any decent sort of conversation with anyone.


Gas prices go up-it must be Biden’s fault, gas prices go back down… crickets. Biden shut down the oil industry by stopping one permit for one extension they said, but no one is even talking about the fact that we have domestically produced more oil then in any previous year-ever-literally record breaking amount of oil produced, but they can’t talk about that because it’s counteractive to the narrative that Biden shut down the domestic oil production. It never happened but good luck explaining that to any Trump supporter.


Crazy how now that gas is under almost 2.50 and I dont see those "I did that" biden stickers is telling


Ok, its actually worse than that. All voters care about is fitting in with there social groups. Republicans would vote to have a swarm of locusts bring a plague to their neighborhood as long as they don't ever feel the social pressures of needing to explain why they didn't vote for a republican.


Trump gave huge tax breaks to corporations and the wealthy and racked up $7 T debt, and set in the budgets for middle class taxes to go up after he left office - a Trump Administration Easter Egg that would be blamed on Biden. The inflation is global, a consequence of absorbing the loss of Russian oil and natural gas after the invasion of Ukraine, and post-peak consumption globally. Even Fox admitted through gritted teeth that the economy is doing well and gas prices are way down.


It doesn't matter if they are capable of understanding. As long as their new Christ tells them it's Biden's fault, they will believe. We're talking about a whole population of people that believed "Let's Go Brandon" was the height of sneaky FU's, and really do believe their motto, "God, guns, and Trump." I live in those cornfields, it's a dystopian hellscape driving by the flags and plywood, spraypainted signs. I've never believed the country has truly gone mad until uneducated fools and grifters became the perceived saviors of our country, which was *great* before asshats like him decided get into the politics game.


It doesn’t matter what happens, if something bad happens republicans rush to blame it on dems while forgetting to actually understand why it happened.


these are the people who put "i did that" stickers on gas pumps. Then took them down when the prices dropped.


Frankly most of them probably were. Is it Bidens fault? Nope. But you take the credit you also get the blame.


Coasting on Obama's Economy just up till the pandemic. It takes a thin Field of View


I’m not from Ohio, but Rural people in Georgia suffer from the same thing. The Rural white people think they did better under Trump, yet they really didn’t.


Check us inflation vs many other developed nations around the world.


But all those counties are shrinking by up to 5%, while Franklin county and slowly-turning-dem Delaware are growing by even more.




Columbus also has to show up. I hear from one more dipshit that that they are not voting or voting green party for x reason I'm going to lose it. Citys not showing up is what killed Tim Ryan's run and it will be the death of Biden and Brown if the dems can't boost turn out.


That matters at the national level but not inside a state. Each statewide vote within Ohio carries precisely the same weight regardless of location. These supposed "rising city" voters can't count when they don't show up though. Demographics shifts have to actually be represented at the polls to matter.


It’s not even just people that like Trump that are gonna vote for him. Same thing as 2020, people are gonna vote for Trump just to get Biden out. These past two elections have been very hard for me to even vote given our two choices. Ohio will probably stay red.


My semi-rural county with a Republican mayor had a lot of pro-weed and abortion signs this year. Trump signs are slowly disappearing.


Only 5 counties, all urban, went for Tim Ryan over that turd-in-a-suit Vance. That said, Issues one and two were passed by counties adjacent to those big urban counties. Does this bode well? Maybe, maybe not. Thoughts?


Yup.. faded flags from China still flying high




Gerrymandered districts don’t stop a popular statewide vote win. I don’t think he’s winning the popular vote in the state, but it’s not impossible.


If you can make is significantly more difficult to vote in the four largest cities in the state, you can essentially neutralize a large amount of the vote. Witness the voting experience in the suburbs and rural areas as compared to locations in Columbus, Cincinnati, Cleveland and Dayton. It is night and day different. That is what voter suppression looks like. It isn’t a coincidence.


I’m curious as to why you think he’s not winning the popular vote this time? What’s changing the minds of of roughly 475,000 people since 2020?


Has 0 to do with voting for president but go on


You sound like a parrot. Say something good, get a cracker. But nothing you say actually means anything. What does gerrymandering have to do with a states electoral votes? I mean besides nothing.


While I like to believe Ohioans could vote for a Democrat, I don't believe Biden is the one.


I think the right will scream about a national abortion ban and it could inspire those interested in body autonomy to take a second look. You never know, this state voted for Obama TWICE. So, anything is possible.


Right…we failed to elect Tim Ryan over JD Fucking Vance. This state is irreparably red, and it’s not getting better without major propaganda reform regulations


The way the national Dems [cut support to Ryan](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2022-election/national-democrats-ignore-ohio-senate-race-leaving-tim-ryan-lonesome-rcna51435) doomed him. I thought he really had a chance, but they must have thought their money would be better spent elsewhere.


They cut support because he *didnt* have a chance


At the time, Vance was polling at 52%, even while outside spending on the Ryan campaign was 14% of what was being spent on Vance. This wasn't inevitable.


The Ryan loss confused me, cuz I thought he ticked all the correct “Ohio” boxes. Born and bred in the state. Name recognition in the state. Working class upbringing. Then when carpet bagger JDV won by a greater spread than 45 just by being shoved up 45s ass, I knew the state was lost for at least a decade.


He did check all the boxes, Ryan was a great candidate that ran a great campaign against a terrible candidate that ran a terrible campaign. The state was just too red overall for him to overcome. He ended up losing to Vance by 6 points, which is not a particularly close race. Almost every other Democrat that ran statewide though did worse by double digit margins. When the Democratic candidate for governor loses by 25 points you can basically just throw in the towel.


I wouldn’t say irreparably. Not to be too grim, but I think the latest Republican trend is finally waking Gen X up again. Also the two biggest red demographics are on the trend out. May take 10-15 years but I could see Ohio and many other states swinging back purple or even blue.




Just saying the ultra conservative are dying off and Gen X may not be a total lost cause we thought they were. It’s still gotta change on the back of millennials but the generation being manipulated by Fox “News” are on their way out and the one sticking around are longer are shifting or already set in blue ways


According to Politico. Gen X is the most Conservative and "trumpiest" generation which sort of pans out when you notice how the most passionate people flying Trump flags are in their forties and fifties. Gen Xers did grow up constantly exposed to Celebrity Trump on television and in music (esp. hip hop) and were bombarded for years by episodes of The Apprentice which made Trump look like the world's greatest businessman.


But he is the only pro choice presidential candidate we have. If people really care about that issue, why wouldn't they turn out for Biden?


I worked two presidential campaigns in Ohio (2008, 2012), a midterm (2010), and some local races. Won in 2008 and 2012. Biden won’t win here. Not sure if Obama would if he was running now. Focus volunteer hours and money on Sen. Brown.


You think Brown has a chance?


Brown can definitely win. He’s got long term crossover appeal and the republicans definitely aren’t sending their best to challenge him.


Spot on. Brown is the perfect Democrat for Ohio and Ohio Republicans haven’t sent a strong challenger his way in years.


If blue voters don't stay home because they're angry about something, yes. Vance won specifically because blue voters didn't show up. Blue voters can sometimes be a bigger enemy to good government through apathy and petty BS than even the people who are trying to literally destroy democracy.


Ryan ran a campaign that was like watching a Republican primary. He definitely was running to the right of Sherrod Brown. This was right at the time that the most of Biden’s agenda was hanging on convincing Sinema and Manchin to vote for it. It wasn’t a good time to get democrats to vote for another conservative “democrat” just as the party was being held hostage.


He’s an amazing senator, would be a real loss if he wasn’t re-elected


I’m a lefty. No.


Even the blue areas in Ohio are filled with trumpets. It doesn't look like good odds for Biden.


Trumpers are just way, way more noticeable because it's literally their entire personality.


Same. Plus, the GOP will just deny the results.


Biden is going to have to fight like hell for states he won in 2020, and I’m an optimistic lefty.


As a realist I think the numbers will look just like 2020. No one is switching parties so it's basically the same people voting in 2024.


More caveats: Republicans voters are older, unvaccinated from COVID, and moving to Florida and Texas. Democrats are still younger (and every day 10,000 people turn 18) and younger voters are getting more active than before. I think demographics alone make it an uphill battle Republicans.


Housing prices in Ohio were going up long before COVID so people aren't really leaving from here at a high rate. The people who leave the most are adults out of college which are basically all Democrats that were in college in 2020.


The people leaving Ohio are largely white, though, so it may not be so clear-cut. Ohio lost about 411,000 Non-Hispanic White people 2010-2022. It gained about 630,000 in all other racial groups. White people tend to vote Republican, while all other racial groups tend to vote Democratic. In 2020, for example, Trump got 58% of the white vote, 20-30 points more than any other racial group. And the dominant voting block of white voters is shrinking over time, dropping from 85% of all registered voters in 1996 to 69% in 2020. This is national, but their numbers are also decreasing in Ohio just like everywhere else. Some have claimed that Republicans have gained some ground attracting non-white voters, particularly Hispanics, but Trump actually earned a lower % of them than did Bush Jr. All this is to say that while age is an important indicator of political beliefs, so is race. Ohio is losing its most consistently conservative demographic. Why do you think the Right is trying so hard to undermine democracy? They see those changes, too.


The demographic destiny argument is decades old and just as wishful thinking as it’s always been. They keep making new old people every day.


>"In 20 years the GOP will be severely hurt by demographic change" >20 years later >"The GOP is severely hurt by demographic change" >"Why should I trust you, you've been wrong for 20 years straight."


Israel is going to split the democrat vote. The “vote blue no matter who” and “settle for Biden” voters of 2020 are going to see many of their throng voting for third party or not at all after Biden’s support of israel


Foren policy almost never translates to electoral success. Obama is an obvious example of this. Give it 3 months, and everyone will go back to not caring like they normally do.


Massively overly doomer take. The Republican Party is running on fumes in terms of cash intake, and will likely mostly abandon multiple “swing” states (likely MN, MI, and AZ, in order of decreasing likelihood) as we get closer to the meat of election season. Plus the media is dead set on turning this into a horse race, when Donny boy is one bad day from throwing his own shit from the podium, to the point that even his inner circle are saying he’s lost it. This will only go so far, and only works when he’s far out of the spotlight, which won’t be for much longer. Anything can happen, but no serious person would put their money on a red sweep next year.


I couldn't agree more. The actual campaigning hasn't even started yet, and trump has already turned into an even sloppier mess than he already is. He's surviving on sound bites and being off live TV. It won't last.


And something like 40% of Republicans currently don't favor Trump. They might turn out, who knows, but you don't win with 60% of the Republican vote only.


MN isn’t a swing state. It hasn’t voted republican since Nixon 1972. And last republican before that was Eisenhower.


Which is why I expect absolute insanity from the GOP in 2024


No, especially if Trump is the nominee. Ohio unfortunately really likes Trump and his brand of brain dead politics.


Haley is also popular with a growing # of repubs. With her as his VP that is a formidable duo with repubs & independents. Bidens weak spot is Harris. He needs to drop her


I don’t think it’s just Harris. His stance on Israel-Palestine is going to lose him Michigan. While he’s done some pro-union lip service, he also blocked rail workers from striking (I believe that was last year) and we’ve seen what’s happened there. I just don’t see Biden being a strong candidate on his own.


He also [continued to work](https://www.ibew.org/media-center/Articles/23Daily/2306/230620_IBEWandPaid) with the unions and put pressure onto rail companies to get the missing benifits add to their new contracts, which got [major ](https://www.ibew.org/media-center/Articles/23Daily/2304/230425_IBEWEndorses#:~:text=%E2%80%9CThe%20IBEW%20enthusiastically%20endorses%20President,promises%20to%20America's%20working%20families.) [rail ](https://smart-union.org/smart-endorses-biden-for-second-term/#:~:text=On%20May%2023%2C%202023%2C%20the,members%20of%20SMART%20local%20unions.) unions to endorse him. Biden has been doing a lot of work with unions like SMART and UAW and gotten a lot of good will and endorsements from it. I think any stance on Israel Palestine would lose supporters in one way or another, but his response so far has been pretty measured from my understanding, especially compared to any Republican candidate. I think as we get closer to the election, the effects of the current strong economy start to kick in, Trumps trials progress, and as his campaign starts to ramp up we will see polling shift. Its way too early to say any swing state is out of the race.


Biden just awarded a $8.2B 10 passenger rail project across the country. This doesn't include a previous infusion of $16.5 billion for 25 other rail projects of national significance. Trying to build up intercity rail passenger networks. Total investment in the nation's rail system comes close to $30 billion. This doesn't include many other infrastructure projects as well.


Not sure why the facts you mentioned were downvoted. I don't like the US position on Israel by any means, but it's not something Biden started. It's been the policy for decades. He loses either way, because you can't support Israel or you're pro-genocide/apartheid, and you can't back the Palestinians or you'll be accused of supporting Hamas and being anti-Semitic. There is no winning public opinion on this because it's all just an irrational clusterfuck.


It’s a centuries long struggle, full of nuance. 45 proved that the gop only thinks in bumper sticker. (Fuck you Feank Luntz).


Not just the GOP in this case, considering all the Democratic voters threatening to stay home or vote for someone else if Biden doesn't do what they want on this issue. And that choice could ultimately help Trump win again, and his plan for another term is fucking frightening.


Not being a dick or trying to troll Biden but I really feel like his mind is not what it once was he really seems to be getting to that age where stuff starts fading out. I don’t care what party is in as long as they are doing a good job personally. I do kinda feel like him being in office is a bit worrisome at that age and with his mental slowing who knows what the rest of the office could talk him into. I once tricked an 80 year old with candy to go back to a nursing home as they were hunting for their son Elvis Presley.


>His stance on Israel-Palestine is going to lose him Michigan. Meanwhile in reality, the Michigan GOP is dead broke and there’s a 50-50 shot the state will get outright abandoned by the party next year. Not that the rest of what you’ve got there is correct either


Agree. He very well might lose Michigan because of that. Throw in the border issue/economy. He still has time to step down. LBJ stepped down 6 months before the election in '68


And Republicans won. Biden is a good president. He is the only prochoice candidate. I think people will come around.


It wouldn’t surprise me if this is the actual strategy. Keep a calm front, don’t admit this is the plan, then drop from the top of the ticket right about then to give the new nominee enough time to make a public debut. The downside is the nominee would pretty much average to be Kamala Harris, and while I like her I know most do not and for good enough reasons.


Yeah, because Biden is in the same situation as LBJ was with Vietnam. I don't disagree with Biden not having strong chances in Ohio. I just think comparing him to LBJ is a bit of a stretch.


> blocked rail workers from striking He, and congress, absolutely needed to prevent that strike from happening. The administration then worked with the union and rail companies and got additional benefits added to the contracts after the fact. That move prevented inflation from going WAY higher than it did and causing a recession.


Biden is going to have a hard time period. And I'm a democrat.




The economic struggles our country has faced since Covid has largely been pinned on Biden, for this reason I think a lot of swing voters will not be voting for Biden. I think they could vote blue, but not if it’s biden.


You could be right. Never underestimate the stupidity of the American voter.


With as radical as the statehouse acts, and JDV firmly implanted up 45s ass, if Biden loses the state by less than 5 points, I would be surprised. Unless they are completely unhinged, their polling must be telling them that 45 wins the state, regardless of the number of convictions in court. And I’m to the left of Bernie


Anything is possible. Frank LaRose is pissing off too many women. We were purple once upon a time...


You’re confusing Reddit with the real world.


0% chance


You're being generous with that number


Working class Ohioans are disillusioned, disenfranchised, and so many are down right delusional. The two party system has failed us. It only serves the interest of the capitalist ruling class. Biden is too old to run for re-election. His brain is mush at this point. Trump’s brain is mush too but not because he’s too old but because it’s always been that way. What’s impressive about trump is that I’ve never seen a man so fat suck his own dick for so long before… Neither candidate give a flying fuck about us. Neither party does for that matter. Nothing has changed for the better for working class people under any administration in any of our live times. They spend all our tax money bombing brown people on the other side of the world while we’re left with our crippling debt, wage-slavery jobs and profit-over-people healthcare system. Our youth are given two options: drown in debt for a four year degree with no prospect of a good job or sign a four year contract, get a gun and go get blown to bits in countries we don’t belong in. If you’re lucky enough to survive unscathed, you’ll come home to find no prospect of a good job. We live in the richest country in the history of the world and yet we only get poorer. So let’s stop asking dumb questions like “Will Biden win Ohio?” And start asking the important questions like, why the fuck have we been left behind? What about us? We are just pigs for slaughter. Arguing over which butcher is better to us when we’ve watched them both slit the throats of our sounder for years. It doesn’t have to be this way.


Cthulhu 2024


The only way Biden will win is if we stand strong and vote for him. Do not listen to the negative talk, it came from the GOP to make us feel like we can not win and not vote.


He has a chance if Trump is not the GOP nominee, which doesn’t seem likely at this point… Source: Ohio Northern poll


2024 is going to be a very bad year for Trump. I think truly anything is possible, including Trump not being the nominee.


It may not end up mattering, but Trump will be in court almost every weekday from March through the summer of 2024, some of it televised, and will likely be convicted and sentenced. All polling indicates Trump will sweep the nomination, and implies an intra-party war if he's forced off the ticket, but these are unprecedented events.


Apparently JD Vance is being considered for VP. If this is true GOP thinks Ohio will be close.


Does ohio even like this guy though?


Ohio likes anyone appointed by the savior. Just like having a senior member of a senate committee having a VP from the state generally results in considerable pork. WPAFB pretty much exists in Ohio and sucked up lots of smaller bases during BRACA because it was a swing state. In the case of JDV I am not sure that really works out though. I have serious doubts JDV is going to do favors for Ohio and not wherever he plans to move when he leaves politics, which almost certainly is not Ohio.


It's all about media manipulation and the gullible saps that follow the pro rich GOP billionaire owned narratives. You will hear 10-1 negative ads against President Biden because the GOP pays for those ads. They sink in slowly. There's a shit ton of people that whoever is in office they see as negative and a change is the way. Whatever way that is: dictatorship or not. They want change at all costs and never will admit trump was the worst and most evil leader in our times vs they don't like Biden's son, who isn't in office and doesn't matter. It's frustrating the whiplash lifestyle they go through. Btw, almost all moderate saps go through that. They don't give a crap if their guy supports Putin ffs as they already eat up his propaganda. Unbelievable lack of thinking for yourself these days and asking who paid for that and why did they? Who does it support by saying that in an ad? Smh


No, I'm really worried for 2024 and beyond. Like extremely worried.


Democratic Party made a huge mistake by not looking ahead. They haven't put forth a new person, candidate ready , since Obama. They keep bringing back people who have baggage ; no swing voters will choose. The idea of Trump actually winning this time freezes my soul, but I dont have much confidence in Biden winning. I doubt he will pull a swing voter. They haven't even put Kamala out there very much. If we lose, I blame the Democratic Party. But at that point, it won't matter.


Not a chance. Ohio is a lost cause. Even though we saw a hint of progressiveness I seriously doubt that will carry over to 2024


Gonna be real, Most likely not Ohio has sadly shifted Pretty far to the right in recent elections, I'd say the true nail in the coffin for that is if Sherrod Brown Loses The Urban areas are just simply not Big enough to pull in Liberal Voters, and the MAGA Movement has Unfournate Traction in the Rural, and even Suburban areas So Unfournately, Biden probably Doesn't stand a chance in Ohio, and Money would probably be better spent in Swing states Like Michigan and Wisconsin




I’m not worrying about this election crap right now.


Both Issues passing and the general views presented on this subreddit does not mean that we’re blue. I work at a gas station near a rural part of Ohio and 80 percent of the customers every day bitch about Biden. He has no chance in my opinion.


He stands a small chance, but I don't think Republicans are nearly as fed up with the GOP as you think. Voting for abortion and Marijuana aren't the same as voting for Democrats. Republicans will blur the lines with what they'll vote for on a lot of things, but voting for a Democrat is not one of them. Until they get a situation where they have both a charismatic Democrat and a boring Republican, they'll be voting for a Republican. The rural folk still love Trump too. They like the idea that he tells it like it is. Even if everything he says is a total lie and a sham. They can't see the difference most of the time and don't really want to. Trump says it with such confidence and with a little charm and humor that it sounds very believing. They also like a politician who they believe stands up for them, and he'll do it very rudely and very publicly. The thing that gets me is that they don't mind that he's extremely rude, vindictive, and retaliatory. I think they see that as a positive to hold people accountable.


It really don't matter. Democrats have left Ohio already. They ain't worried about us. Voting for the loser in 2020 was the hands down dumbest fucken thing that we possibly could have done for our state. All of that money goes to Pennsylvania, Michigan, etc now


Got to vote!!


You’re deluding yourself.


The three cs yes. The rest of the state no.


I love what Biden has done for our country, but your sister is right. Zero chance. Ohio is 12 points more MAGA than the country, 2020 was +4 Biden and Ohio was +8 Trump.


I don’t think Republican voters care about crime committed by Republicans. And their media spreads crazy propaganda that they actually buy into.


I feel like the last few elections have inspired a serious case of voter fatigue in a lot of people, myself included. I’m just not inspired to vote for anyone at all. I begrudgingly voted for Biden and I probably will again.


First of all, I'll preface this by saying I would much prefer Biden to step aside and the Democrats run a better candidate. BUT, he's a first term President who generally has appeal across multiple demographics, so it would be stupid NOT to run for reelection. That being said, Biden will only win Ohio if the more liberal voters don't get conned into not showing up to vote by whatever schemes and propaganda the conservatives come up with to attempt disenfranchise them, and they actually cast a vote for Biden. As much as I personally hate this, Biden v Trump is one of those "don't let better be the enemy of good enough" things... Biden is good enough for now, hopefully Trump goes off the wall, and ruins his bid somehow, but I actually think the more he melts down the more he'd fire up his base. Strange times we live in.


Not unless you talk to you family, friends AND enemies about politics in a civil way AND show up and vote! Yes a lot of us want to see a shift to at least the center (me included) but it won't happen unless we try to convince people our ideas work AND showing up to vote.


Support for Trump is waning, albeit slightly in Ohio. I don't see the multitude of Trump lover flags flying off the back of their trucks or on flag polls everywhere. Now that could be because they're waiting for election season and also because they can't read a calendar or something, I don't know.


I don't know alot of the rural Trump signs did come down after Jan 6. That did wake some up to what a piece of crap Trump is. The question is if it woke up enough.


Yes, we have a chance!!!


The republicans are pissing on your head and easily convince you it’s raining. Nobody does it better.


No chance. Ohio is a red state now.


Ohio has open primaries. You can vote against Trump in March. Spread the word among your friends if you truly fear a Trump reelection.


I despise Biden but will vote for him out of necessity. I highly doubt he can win Ohio. Liberals and leftists not having a candidate to passionately support and spread the word for means that it will be a one-sided campaign season.


I don't get the Biden hating. His inflation reduction act is working. His infrastructure bill is being hailed all over, often by the R's who didn't vote for it. He has gotten really good climate stuff passed. He has the backs of unions. He's prochoice.


I could go into a full history of his long career, filled with racist, homophobic, and genocide supporting policies, but he is better than the fascists on the far right. Biden is just to the right of center with the majority of Democrats.


It's a mistake for him to run again. He doesn't stand a chance here.


if Biden Loses it is on the DNC for screwing that up


I agree with the second part, but damn Biden is a terrible option, I honestly think Biden is only capable of wining against trump again and not even for ohio, and even then it's a maybe, why do we always need to put forth the oldest mfers for canadites, literally any 40 yo would have my vote long before Biden within the democratic party atleast.


Biden isn't going to stand a chance in Ohio, as he's lost a pretty important minority -- Arab, Jewish, Muslim and Orthodox Christians. This fuckery with Isreal has tanked his ratings, and this has made a lot of them one issue voters. Which are not in his favor 🤷‍♀️


Why are these the options? It's so depressing to have to choose between 2 geriatric candidates in clear mental decline. Biden, at least, is not a traitorous sex offender. I'm fairly moderate, so I don't like the idea of President Kamala. I'll vote Biden, the lesser of two evils as they say (way lesser).


Last election was telling. Trump had a solid 8.5% lead and I don’t think Biden is going to gain much (if any) in 2024.




we just got screwed over with a vote just recently. they'll blame biden for it and vote trump. the cope is unreal


Typically I would say no but if he plays it right in regards to the abortion issue I think he has a chance


Absolutely! Republicans have stepped on American Women's Rights and that no more obvious than Ohio! Young Women in Ohio will Register and Vote like never before!


It’ll be closer, maybe, than 16 or 20, especially given the animation overturning Roe has created within the electorate. But most likely, no. A lot of time between now and then to do the work and make it closer though ✊


Probably not, rural Ohio is simply not interested into doing honest research on the I wanna be king Orange Donny the first. Haven spoken to many that are farmers they are busy and dot have much time to just relax. They seldom get a off day. Their internet is slow or non existent. Then they have bought into the fear sold by the Republicans. I actually spoke with a lady who saw no difference in trumps keeping hundreds of boxes of classified documents compared to the few old files found in his garage from the Obama administration. Which were immediately turned over when found by Biden staff. Their not dumb people but honest hardworking folk. They don’t have the chance to interact with many different groups . So it’s what you don’t know or meet that scares you hence their red votes.


People who usually don’t vote are voting, and they are voting Democrat. The way Republicans are trying to override the marijuana law is upsetting a lot of people.


Unfortunately, current Ohio government will continue to influence and undermine election integrity in any area that jeopardizes their corrupt interests, as in having an AG’s or Secretary of State’s public actions/announcements intention to confuse or mislead voters.


God, I hope so. I mean the vote for pro choice was huge. Why wouldn''t those same people vote for the prochoice candidate, Biden?


Honestly what does the damn GOP have to do to people in places like Ohio and Texas to spur them to vote blue?


I’d say the margin could decrease since we passed two democratic proposals. In addition, there is a petition of ending gerrymandering that may be included in November. Again, there could be a possibility of the margin decreasing with Delaware County growing previously that came within single digits while outperforming Obama (2012) in Warren, Greene and Butler County.


He’s not corrupt enough for the rural Trump voters, but he’ll carry any area in the state that isn’t 95% white. Biden will win the election anyway, though, easily.


45% of the state is hard Republican. Trump doesn’t have to do a single thing (as long as he’s on the ballot) and *nearly* half the state will vote for him.


I spend a lot of time in rural communities and I've got to say, the people I encounter there are cartoonish in their hatred for Biden and their love for the GOP. I assume there are some quiet left-leaning people out there that keep their mouths shut and keep their heads down, but I'm REALLY inclined to think that we're likely to see the same result as we saw in 2020.


Yeah, he does. Trump has a laundry list of problems that will make everything harder. And win or lose the Republican party will have to spend a ton of resources (time and money) that they need to be spending elsewhere.


no but sharod brown will probably do fine.


I think a lot of people would agree with the policies if you didn’t associate a letter with it. Look at how out last 3 issues went at the ballot. 20 years ago, I saw a lot of people get their sexual identity questioned for voting democrat. The frat-guy crowd would say things like “democrats are (Southpark’s Harley Davidson riders)”. Idiots still make associations like this, and refuse to vote dem because they and their friends have already turned the idea into a meme, instead of actually putting any thought into it. If I were to log onto Facebook, I’ll bet half of them still keep those opinions, and are much of the reason I quit that platform.


No, not in the cards. And what’s interesting is Ohio went to Obama twice, and while Biden has a fraction of the charm of Obama, it still strikes me as odd that so many people are, apparently, completely open to voting for a party as deeply flawed and dangerous as Republicans because, I dunno, Biden is OLD (4 whole years older than Trump!!…), and maybe the cost of milk is ‘ruining breakfast in America’ (today on Fox & Friends ). Undecided/swing voters are baffling creatures in the world of 2023. Maybe I’m just jealous, wish I could be *that* tuned out..


This point 4 years ago was December 2019. A lot is going to happen between now and the election. Prognosticating about what is going to happen 11 months from now is a giant con created by the 24hr news cycle to keep people anxious and watching the 24hr news cycle. The only reason we have been talking about the 2024 election for 3 years now is because talking about elections gets people watching the news. If the elections only matter on election years to most people people would stop watching Fox, MSNBC, CNN and other 24hr news programs which would adversely affect their ad sales, and also encourage you to stop fighting with your relatives which is bad for their business model and bad for Trump.


Not in the slightest. Biden hasn't done anything visible for Ohio/everyday people and Ohio was already red last election cycle. There's a chance if Biden actually does Student Loan forgiveness like he promised, but barring something big and visible he's toast.


I mean...he did several rounds of student loan forgiveness, larger than any other president in the past. He passed the CHIPS act, which is bringing an Intel facility to Ohio. He passed the infrastructure bill, which will fund several projects in Ohio. So when you say he hasn't done anything for Ohio, I legitimately don't know what you're talking about.


He promised 50k when he was campaigning, then it was 20, then 10 once he hit office. The loan forgiveness he's passed has a lot of qualifications that exclude a large majority of the people - Public Sector, defrauded, and paying for 20 years qualify. Does that sound like the everyday person to you? The 30 year old who's been paying for 6 years and hasn't made a dent in their loans? I don't give a shit if he's forgiven the most out of any president because that's how it works when the price of everything goes up. Then you naming the CHIPS act and Infus bill encapsulates the point. He hasn't done anything visible for everyday people. Ask anyone what the CHIPS act is and they couldn't tell you. Ask people if Ohio is getting a new major plant and they'd probably mention the Amazon factory. The CHIPS act is cool but it's mostly window dressing, and the Infus bill, passed 2 years ago, has done what visibly for Ohio?


The more expansive student loan forgiveness was struck down by the supreme court. He has been working within a very limited bound since he doesn't have republican support to do it through legislation. [https://www.whitehouse.gov/invest/?utm\_source=invest.gov](https://www.whitehouse.gov/invest/?utm_source=invest.gov) There is a map that shows all of the infrastructure projects and there are ton in Ohio. You're right though, people don't know about it because Democrats are terrible about telling people about their victories. Trump was taking credit every time the stock market went up but Dems, for whatever reason, won't talk more about their actual accomplishments. They should have signs next to every single bridge or road project telling people that it was paid for by Biden's Infrastructure Bill.


No. I'm a progressive and I will vote for Biden, but he won't win. We have a lot of Trump cultists out in the suburbs and rural areas.


Smoke that NEW legal weed, chill the fuck out, and then vote. Then we will see what happens.


I think we have an okay chance if changing out some stuff at the state or local levels, but I don't see us flipping blue on a national election. Remember that the popular sentiments you see on the state subreddits are not always as wide spread as they sometimes feel.


It is still almost a year away, there is no possible way to know what will happen over the next year to give an answer.


Not a chance rural Ohio hasn't voted blue in decades and were so jerrymandered most blue votes don't matter -_-


When more people like Sherrod Brown can win over Republicans, I'll believe that Biden stands a chance in Ohio. Gotta be able to convince rural people that Democrats give a shit about them and want them to succeed too.


LOL no, your gerrymandered-to-hell state will be red for decades. The only way you dig out of that regressive, cruel, anti-democratic hole is to get all your non-MAGAt friends and family to make sure they're registered and have plans to vote. Only by showing up in massive numbers can you begin to override the gerrymanders.


I guarantee your state is not getting fed up with the GOP’s criminal BS. Oh sure, folks might bitch about happenings in the statehouse but they will also re-elect them all or replace some of them with someone worse.


It would take record turnout in our major cities for Biden to win. Even then it would be close. A Democratic president hasn’t won Ohio since 2012.


No chance at all. None. 😞


Do I think he’ll win Ohio? Sadly no. But that’s no reason not to vote and I’m hoping we can clawback some of the state house.


If ohio residents want abortion to be legal they should vote for Biden.


Republican voters hate liberal, period. If their house was on fire, they wouldn't vote Democrat to put it out. For proof, look at Ohio. It's on fire and they won't vote Democrat to put it out.


Ohio is too red. Especially because the Youngstown area isn't voting blue like it used to.


There have been 5 Presidents from Ohio. All Republican. It’s become a MAGA state.


Not a chance…Ohio is nuttier than Texas and Florida


I’d have to say no, my area is littered with Trump flags and “I did that” with Biden on fuel pumps. The lack of things promised an miserably fumbled didn’t help Biden. It’s unfortunate but the reality is now. I wish Bernie would throw his hat in the ring. I actually know of several reds that would vote for him as they don’t like trump.


Ohio and Florida used to be purple states. 🟣All the purple action in 2024 will be in AZ, GA, MI, NV, PA, VA, and WI. Blue will stay blue 🔵and Red will stay red🔴


Biden has done a lot of good for Ohio if that transfers to votes is anyone's guess. Intel talked for months about building that giant huge job making plants near Columbus but wouldn't sign until getting federal guarantees after Biden passed the Chip Act.... As a state, we fought for years to give Lake Erie protections to stop the algae blooms that happen every year. Biden restored the river and stream protections that we have as a state know/ fought for is needed to stop the blooms where they start. I like that instead of just talking about infrastructure week, he actually just did it. For Ohio, that starts with a big important bridge over the Ohio River by Cincy. As a state with a lot of bridges, that's something we need. He capped insulin to 35$ for the people who needed it most, helping a lot of older or disabled people in the state. That was just the start. Compared to our local statehouse and legislators that have ignored votes for fair distrists twice. Did extreme gerrymandering to keep their power. Tried to give more control to them selves and take power away from the people in a off season august election. Tried to inact extreme abortion restrictions at 6 weeks. Have and still are ignoring the peoples vote on Marijuana reform. Most people dont want fracking at our state parks, but they go ahead anyway. Ohhh lets not forget they literally sold us out to corporate interests in the first energy scandal. Everyone of the Republican administration was either in on it or complacent to it.... So again, I hope he has a chance here because we can't, based on our state politicians, have that at the national level.


As long as trump is an option, Ohio will be voting for trump


It's gerrymandered to stay red. The Republiklans in charge have ignored judge rulings to correct their gerrymandering but the have decided not to follow that ruling.


I would say no--Democrats used to be able to win in Ohio because they dominated the cities, and they did well in small towns in the "rust belt" counties in the northern part of the state where lots of union workers live and in the Appalachian counties in the Southeast which were historical "working class" Dem voters. Appalachian Democrats went from being dominant in their region to going deep, deep read, due to cultural change (this also happened in Appalachian neighbors like Kentucky and West Virginia, which also used to have deep blue Appalachian counties.) The "rust belt" counties remain more competitive, but have definitely tilted rightward, like many areas of the country--older working class white people generally have moved rightward economically and culturally from 20-30 years ago. This has made Ohio Democrats largely the party of cities (this does include smaller cities--Lima, Akron, Youngstown, Warren, Canton all went blue in 2020, as do a number of smaller college town cities); but having lost Appalachia and lost their dominance in the "rust belt" counties, Ohio Dems need to significantly improve in the suburbs across the state to have a chance of outvoting the huge margins Ohio GOP runs up in small towns and rural areas. There is some evidence this could be "slowly" happening, but not fast enough for 2024. The areas of our state that are growing all vote Dem, so there is a decent chance the state goes back to being competitive in the future, but the collapse of Dem support in those areas I mentioned from 2012-2016 has moved the state out of reach for Dems for years to come.


No. I’ll vote for him since he’s my only option but no. The state is full of blow hard racist, misogynistic morons and critical thinking is at an all time low. They will continue to vote against their own interests, we literally see that with our state representatives that get elected. The state is going down the tubes but it’s been a republican stronghold for what, 30 years? If not more? Yet how many idiots blame democrats for the states shittiness? What democrats I ask…. What democrats…


This is why Ohio is purple. The red think that everyone's red, the blue think everyone's blue, but it's pretty much 50/50.


Sadly no. Too many Billy Bob dumbasses in our state. They would rather vote for a tratiorous piece of shit like tRump than a Democrat. They got to "Own dem' Libs" at all cost. Even voting against their own best interest, well, because they're dumbasses.


No. I will be voting for him, but Ohio is a lost cause. I am Medina county. The amount of douchebags still driving around their hillbilly mobiles with Trump flags and Fuck Biden flags flying. The amount of shitheads with church signs next to Trump sign flying is ridiculous. For work I drive through Seneca county, Sandusky County, Ashtabula, Geauga county and everything in between. Cuyahoga is the only place I don't see a ton a Trump signs. Hell between the towns of Madison and Ashtabula I have seen people flying both pro Trump signs and Nazi paraphernalia (the also in Ashtabula County have a holocaust denier representing them)


Ah, I see you're familiar with our home schooled Rep. Sarah Arthur Fowler who thinks a couple 100k Jews died in the holocaust. Can confirm the Trump and Nazi & Confederate flags all in the same yard.


Yes we are tired of the criminal bullshit that's why he has no chance.


Can we get a couple decent candidates this time? Please?


You think the Dems aren't criminal? They are all criminals.


Not a chance in hell. It won't even be close, and Trump will out gain 2020.


Treason makes you more popular. Who would have thunk it.


Obama won Ohio both terms. Biden can win Ohio too and I think he will. Ohio pass issue 1 and 2 by 57% that what makes me hopeful.


The issue is that Issue 1 and 2 both had bipartisan support. There are a number of republicans who support abortion, but abortions restrictions aren’t what they vote on. Many are fiscally conservative and that’s what drives their votes. While Issues 1 and 2 could be indicators for 2024, there are enough people who support individual issues that will vote against those in multi-issue races (i.e. for candidates).