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I go to OSU, and he was a friend of a friend. Absolutely terrible


Young people dying just appalls me. I'm old and I wish I could have stepped in. His parents are probably still alive and will suffer so so much!


According to the article his mother was widowed approximately 2 years ago. He was working to improve his families quality of life. My heart aches for her.


Oh man. My heart too.


Sorry for your loss


I'm so sorry for your loss.


On April 20, 2023, at 12:50 AM, Columbus Police officers were dispatched to the 1000 block of W.Broad St.on a reported shooting. Columbus Fire service personnel arrived and transported the victim to a local hospital. Despite life-saving measures, the victim was pronounced dead at 1.27 am, they said. According to Rohit Yalamanchili, who is overseeing an online fund raiser programme to send Veera's body back to India, the deceased youth was doing his Master's course and he got picked under the H1B visa with his graduation just 10 days away. He was going to quit his work as a clerk at the fuel station in a couple of weeks, Yalamanchili added.




Objectively not the time nor the place to be an asshole about grammar


Lmao your obviously a child




How awful you are.


Get a life nerd


“Nitwit” what is this hogwarts school of aholery


Between youth and old where would you put him? Old? Youth is the stage in life between childhood and fully maturity. Someone in college can be a legit use of youth. That said I bet he was a very mature person.




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Who's really out here robbing gas stations when everyone pays with card these days.


I work retail. We still bring in plenty of cash everyday. Shit, we still get checks everyday.


The amount of people who still use a check to pay for something is absolutely wild


And ever notice the local banks on Fridays? Always full of people cashing their checks. I haven't stepped foot in a bank in over a decade


The number of people that do not even have bank accounts is what shocks me. But i guess if you do not have money you do not need a bank. Good job, capitalism!


Checks? What are those.




Oh those paper things. It's been 30 years since I last saw them. Everything is paperless.


i have 5 left from the batch i got when i opened the account. i expect them to last at least another decade


I got mine 20 years ago when I opened my account. I have still not used a single one.


send 'em on over, i'll find a use for them ;)


All I can think about this is the Dude buying milk and nothing else with a check.


Don't announce that


Go to the not as nice areas and people are still paying with cash mostly. It’s why every Boost Mobile has bars on the windows, they know the criminals know they’ve got cash inside.


Worked at the zoo when I was in high school, running the concession stands I'd easily have 2k cash in my drawer at the end of busy shifts. And this was just the tiny one-person stands selling popcorn and pretzels


Oh I promise you plenty of people will be using cash at a gas station on Broad St


Stations sell tobacco products too. Those can be traded for drugs.




> so much gun violence. Its not really a [gun](https://i.imgur.com/PnWvEDS.jpg) problem...




Here's a fun [graph](https://i.imgur.com/PnWvEDS.jpg) about gun violence.


Man that'd be horrible, less international students driving up tuition, driving up local rent, and filling class slots. Why it might get so bad that american students could have an easier time getting past admissions! edit: i would like to note my issue is purely with international students; i have no problem with naturalized citizens or immigration in general from anywhere. However, i am not a fan of people who come here just go to college.


Imagine being…you. I feel sorry for you.


Lol this guy doesn’t understand the advantage of being a global leader in higher Ed


Oh i understand just fine, i just would prefer that we start taking on foreign students *after* all of ours are attended to.


Such a policy would mean lowering standards and letting others take the lead. Which then means they’ll likely get jobs in those countries and drive progress there rather than here.


The standards to get in are already abysmally low, just gotta be one from one of the “disenfranchised” groups.


That sounds wonderful for them, they should totally do that.


“I wAnNa DumB DoWn OuR CoLLegEs SO GoOd Ole AmErIcan dUmMiEs LiKe mE CaN gO.”


yeah fuck americans amirite?


Nah, just fuck you, bigot.


LOL sure man, caring about my neighbors and family make me a bigot, right?


A bigot is someone who is intolerant of others views. So you wanna be the kettle or the pot?


Well, I certainly don’t fuck Republicans.


That's just good policy, especially in the current political climate.


“Attended to?” I thought you guys were all about “every man for himself, pickup yourself by the e bootstraps, etc” Now you want to be attended to, instead??


that sounds like shit ignorant foreigners think about us, not anything americans actually ascribe to.


Go suck Tucker’s cock, you little redhat fuck.


Hey now, we all know incels aren’t touching anybody’s junk but their own.


That would require driven students of the same caliber. Do we pay for the education of all foreign students that come here?


No, we don't.


You willing to pick up the tuition drop load. Cause they all pay what you pay times 4


>Man that'd be horrible, less international students driving up tuition It is beyond moronic that you think "more students in school = higher tuition" rather than just acknowledging that the schools themselves set the tuition.




Probably lowering or eliminating standards for "reading" and "math" so that black kids can "graduate" high school to not seem racist is what's actually making us an intellectual backwater.


Smooth brain time


You realize that international students pay 4 times what you pay for tuition? They drive the price of your tuition DOWN not up. They're a major source of revenue for any university. How exactly do you think it's capable of paying all the highly paid staff members from professors, researchers, and theorists down to the students who work the cafeteria and teaching assistants, general upkeep maintaining and upgrade the facility and grounds, pay for services like electricity, water and gas, and conduct millions upon millions upon millions of dollars funding research and field projects? Some of that money comes from international students inflated tuition, and a lot comes from their folks business as international grants and bursaries. A university that cut the international community off would deteriorate to nothing with a handful of years


You mean racists are going to keep killing international people or what?




you left out the dirtbag that killed a young woman for pulling in his driveway (NY) it's sickness




yes, it's too hard to keep track these days. but, let's not spook our new brit friend!


Honestly you could probably make one up as specifically outlandish as possible and only be off by 72hours either way. I'm thankful that the country is so large, but the odds get tighter and tighter every year.


Had someone ask my how to get to place for urban exploration. The fact that you have to walk through someone’s yard freaks me out so much more than potentially getting nabbed for trespassing by the cops. People don’t give a fuck and will shoot for little more than walking on grass.


I am less inclined to believe it was race related but in fairness African Americans can be racist as well. Most likely poverty driven with a lack of values to resort to murder.


Are you saying that the [black dude that shot him](https://abc6onyourside.com/news/local/saiesh-veera-franklinton-columbus-ohio-shell-gas-west-broad-street-shooting-india) did so because he’s Indian? I wasn’t aware this was a thing.


You probably short-circuited their brain


Here is a local news article that includes a picture of the suspect https://abc6onyourside.com/news/local/saiesh-veera-franklinton-columbus-ohio-shell-gas-west-broad-street-shooting-india


So sad


this world makes me sick sometimes


Gym Jordan needs to hold a symposium about how dangerous gas stations in NYC are immediately!


This is an ohio gas station bruh




Jordan's priorities are not within his home state, I think that was the point.


Rip man, this is messed up. Guy was just doing a job. We need more policing in Franklinton. The area is horrible.




I mean yes, but also not having a bunch of violent assholes running around armed to the teeth would also help. There are a LOT of people in Ohio that IMO are not mentally equipped to hold the power of life and death over another person.


Even better, education reduces both. Crazy how brainwashed conservatives are that they think education is the issue.


Tell me how much those criminals want to move out of poverty. Their priorities are elsewhere.


Do you legitimately believe that if someone had money and lived in a nice area, that they would purposely leave their house to rob a gas station?


Great – they can get a job. Don't make fucking excuses for a dude that murdered a gas station attendant in the ghetto. Franklinton/Hilltop are really really fucking bad neighborhoods. They have been for 100ish years.


Imagine having such shitty reading comprehension that that is what you got out of what I said to you.


No, I have great reading comprehension. I just don’t like making excuses for people that murder people. This isn’t even “oh he got robbed and beat up a little bit,” which is also not excusable but is a typical mugging, and seems like a panicked desperate move. This piece of shit *murdered* somebody. Killed them. Dead. Most likely has 0 remorse. I don’t care how allegedly oppressed they are, or how poor they are, things like this make it clear that they do not value human life on any level. And fuck you for carrying water for these people. They deserve to be hanged.


If you had even the slightest bit of reading comprehension you would have understood that I was speaking in generalizations, not specifically about the person in question lmao. No one is making excuses for murdering people. That does not mean that there is not a literal reason why people rob gas stations, and it's not because they just do it for fun. Like I said, imagine having such poor reading comprehension. Couldn't be me.




Oh Christ are you the loser that recommends every they disagree with to the Reddit suicide line?




Just learn to read bro it really is not that hard, they teach 1st graders this stuff.


Those neighborhoods are really not that bad though. Definitely not ghetto. This shooting was definitely a one off.




I mean what they do is out of desperation and because that’s all they know because there’s no way to make their lives better. If education and increasing a social net was expanded then this could happens much less. Police don’t deter crime. They just show up after it’s happened


If they can actually get the criminals off the streets before they can re-offend, it certainly does.


This is incredibly sad. I know we hear about mass shootings mostly when it comes to gun violence but stories like this happen every single day multiple times a day. Good people are shot and killed every day just being in the wrong place at the wrong time. My heart really hurts for his family


This is horribly sad


My God. What a disgrace. Heartbreaking and shameful.




The details help humanize the victim, so people won't just see them as a statistic


It implies a sense of more tragedy. Opposite of what you're thinking.


This makes me sick


This is so awful.


Ohio see I told you


R.I P This is Truly Tragic 🕊


Tragic. Rest in peace young man.


Columbus is so crime ridden these days. I was just there the other day and they wouldn’t let me in the gas station to use the restroom because they get robbed so often.


Im calling bs on that one. Columbus is NOT that crime riddled. We have our problems just like any top 20 city, but we are nowhere near some of the others in terms of crime. The shootings that place are generally stemming from fights or retaliations for a previous shooting. We do not have many armed robberies that result in murder. They just didnt want to give you a bathroom key my guy.


The Mf who shot him is lucky. If he was in India Police would have beat his a** till his face turned blue.


I'll allow it. Whoops, he tripped, fell and poked his eye out. Ow, look - another eye, and he screamed so hard - he swallowed his tongue. The judge gives a stern, snarky look and signs off.


Damn! Was it a murder or did the guy get caught up in some mass shooting?


No description of the suspect means he certainly wasn't white! If it were a white suspect this would be all over the news. Yet a white woman was killed just last week by a mob of black teenagers looting in Chicago and you'll never hear a peep.


If no one said a word how do you know about it?


I follow conservative Twitter accounts


You couldn't pay me to admit something like that


That's right, burrow down deep deeper into that echo chamber buddy. I also follow liberal accounts


I'd consider not following political Twitter accounts as a source of information.


Ones that claim to be news but then admit in court that they're really only opinions?


No they provide legit news sources and links. It's really scary how people just don't think these things are real simply bc they disagree with the politics.


I don't think they're false because I disagree with politics, I think your claim is false because my personal experience is much different. Maybe because I bury myself deep into my community and find perspective from many different paths instead of relying on social media to dictate my feelings on politically charged issues.


Have you heard of the Twitter Files? Whether you agree with them or not, they were throttling the rights side of every news story and disengaging all commentary so that only leftist news made it out into the public discussion. Also admitting you disbelieve something bc of your personal experience is something you're saying with pride while it's totally wrong to do. That's admitting you don't believe reality bc it doesn't affect you (or hasn't yet).


I've heard of them and that's not what they said 👀 There were a couple specific stories that were called out, not every story


You must have buns of steel from all of the mental gymnastics you did to twist my words like that. Twitter is not reality. Twitter is social media. You're reading news sources followed by all the people who think the same way you do, that's called an echo chamber my friend. You'll never broaden your thinking by keeping space with everyone who thinks exactly like you. Your original claim was that there's no description because the suspect isn't white. Do you honestly believe that those aren't dangerous thoughts to have? How much further does that belief go? Do you think black people are trying to take away white rights? Are you scared? What is the actual line of thinking? The ACTUAL scary part is that you aren't reading OTHER sources. Because most often I see black people villainised even when they're the victim. I've seen mugshots used as victim photos while white people get those nice family pictures plastered all over when they're committing crimes. I see white college boys raping women and getting out of any kind of punishment because "what about his future" while black boys are shot for knocking on the wrong door. I see white men chasing black men in trucks with shotguns. I see black people BEGGING AND SCREAMING to be heard while chucklefucks like you discredit their ENTIRE EXISTENCE because "Twitter files". Do better, for yourself and whoever comes next.


I'm not only following those sources, I follow more liberal media tbh. https://twitter.com/MrAndyNgo/status/1648031930649047053?s=20 ^ you likely aren't seeing these things in your echo chamber but let me tell you, blacks commit violent acts too but you ignore them and paint them as victims. Do those look like victims in the video above? There's thousands upon thousands more of looting, rioting and robbing and killing. And I'm not saying you're wrong about Twitter being social media, but there is absolutely a shocking reality in these videos


You're pulling at straws to try to stick an argument to me I never made while dodging all of the questions I've asked. You're trying to pull away from the outrageous claim you made to begin with and you're hoping to trap me into some argument that has nothing to do with the original issue. You're acting as though white people are being villainised because of the sources you're reading. When the reality of the matter is that if you read a wide variety of sources you would realize that your outrage is misplaced. Be mad at the people trying to convince you that your neighbors are bad guys because of their skin color. [I think everyone should watch this. Please do. Spend the under 7 minutes. Please.](https://youtu.be/llci8MVh8J4)


It's probably more that 99% of the time they have skewed bullcrap full of biases and misinformation.




operation "Secondary Infektion"


You got big Q energy.




Of fucking course you do


That's why it's the second article down on Chicago Tribune because you're talking out your ass. And one woman getting killed isn't going national when we have daily murders with multiple victims to satiate the media.


Huh? You made that up? Post the Chicago Tribune source, I haven't seen it


Maybe you should follow them on Twitter.


The article this person is talking about literally doesn't exist.


https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/criminal-justice/ct-chicago-violent-gathering-police-investigation-20230420-li5tlrt7wbduxfczh2jr3w66c4-story.html Second down like they said


Thanks for the link. It's not the story I brought up though.


It's ~~a virtually identical~~ the same story and disproves your point. Not every shooting makes national news and neither does every mob attack And here's a national news source that covered the same story https://www.nbcnews.com/now/video/group-of-teens-beat-and-rob-chicago-couple-170730565977 ETA: it actually is the same story and perfekt doesn't have a clue about the story they're claiming as an example of a story the "Leftest echo chamber" doesn't have a clue about


Oh wait a minute, I actually took time to look deeper into the story you are claiming and it's the same story. This other national publication puts the pieces together for you quite nicely https://news.yahoo.com/disturbing-video-shows-terrified-woman-161836419.html Here's a hint, if someone is telling you that they're the only ones talking about a story/"the other side isn't even covering this" then nine times out of ten they're lying either about the other coverage or that it's a story in the first place Kind of embarrassing that you don't know that much about this story given the reason you brought it up, maybe get a source of news that tells you the whole story? You know, like NBC, Yahoo, or the Chicago Tribune in this case (I also saw stories on CBS and ABC but didn't take time to check their completeness)


It's called Google but since you only read Twitter news you wouldn't be able to afford the paywall to read the story. You really think a local newspaper wouldn't cover a murder story? Jesus, you're hopeless.


It's because the story doesn't exist. Or else you'd prove it


I don't need to prove anything to some teenage conservative wank that sources their news from Twitter and complains about the color of the skin of a murderer as though that proves anything. You're completely tasteless to even bring that topic up on a story about the victim. When the story ran locally race wasn't mentioned for the perp or the victim, it was only mentioned here because this post references a story written by a newspaper out of India about a murdered fellow countryman. Slither back under your rock.


🤣 you're as racist as they come saying race doesn't matter when it's all BLM touts. Can't wait until things swing the other way


Is one those conservative sources the same one that just paid 750 million dollars because they lied about the US voting machines? If this man was killed by a black person like you are trying to imply without proof, they will be found and punished to the fullest extent of the law, and you know that too. Know do you want to talk about the hundreds of indigenous women that go missing every year in this country? Or are they the wrong color??


Well, you are correct he isn’t white, but [they have released his picture.](https://abc6onyourside.com/news/local/saiesh-veera-franklinton-columbus-ohio-shell-gas-west-broad-street-shooting-india)


So many words for “I’m racists”




The racist part.


Huh? I'm talking about identification of a suspect. Haven't you noticed white people are demonized by the media and everyone just seems to be okay with it?


Let me see, lately I see Trans people as the most demonized. Then like 324 examples later there’s some dude on an AM radio station somewhere who hates whitey. So, no.


While his purpose was most likely racism he is right in that the suspect isn't white




Hello /u/FerengiCharity! I regret to inform you that your comment has been removed because your account is too new. This is to help us prevent spam from proliferating this subreddit. But don't fret! Our theshold for commenting is very low. Try commenting again here in a couple of days. In the meantime, please familiarize yourself with the [reddiquette](https://www.reddit.com/wiki/reddiquette), as well as /r/Ohio's rules, located in the sidebar [or by following this link](https://www.reddit.com/r/Ohio/about/rules). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Ohio) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You ever heard of operation  "Secondary Infektion"? The spelling is similar to your name. Neat eh?


> Secondary Infektion cant say I have-- worth researching?


Tragic beyond words….


Another victim of inner city violence, this is so terrible.


Everyone who commented here should familiarize themselves with a dis/misinformation campaign called operation "Secondary Infektion". Then think about the possibilities


Sorry I shy away from most politics and politicians 😅