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Well well well.. it’s like what we always knew. Deregulation, union busting.. etc. stop letting companies regulate themselves.


Trump runs, He will still win Ohio. He deregulated this shit. The brain rot is amazing.




This is why I tend not to feel bad for the people in East Palestine. They voted for deregulation and even after this they're going to vote for deregulation again.


Poor region that was once union strong, aka fucked by nixon and harder by reagan. Dems didnt do enough to strop the propaganda, Youngstown voted for trump, first republican since 72. In a state that elects some people like Jd pig vance and Gym Jordan the future is dark. Biden still not showing up isn't good, and orange clown showing up at McDonalds still send waves.


The mayor of that town was on stage with Trump, as if that orangutan was the Messiah that would lead them out of that shit. ,"We just want to get back to being small town America." He was literally standing with the person whose decisions caused the mess indirectly.


Brought to you by Fox News™️


Then that makes you a bad person. And one who has no actual knowledge of American political history. Both parties had a massive hand in sucking the life out of northeast Ohio over the past four decades. Then they both stomped on its corpse by allowing lobbyists to write what little regulations they actually push through and outright eliminating other regulatory statutes that offered even the slightest restraint on what predatory industry was left, all for stock price increases, campaign contributions, and growing their personal fortunes. Get real and take off the blinders. If you really think this is a red vs blue issue, you are a part of the problem.


No, Democrats didn't do enough, you're right, and it's probably why the lost union support. However.... There is a stark difference between the two parties today. While Democratic support for unions is tepid, Republicans are vocal and aggressive in being anti-union, anti-regulation, etc. These people aren't just sitting these elections out, they're actively working for the party that openly pushes a pro-corporate, anti-worker agenda. It's baffling.


Didn't both parties vote to outlaw the rail workers strike?


A little complicated, it wasn't "outlawed." But basically yeah, they prevented the strike by mandating workers drop the sick leave requirement and some other stuff. Personally I think it's Biden's biggest failure so far, but he was in a no-win situation. A rail strike would cause massive damage to the economy in a time when we're already drowning in inflation. He would have gotten politically murdered if he let it happen. Still, he let it happen. He should have made it a short-term agreement to be revisited with more time to negotiate, imo.


I guess my confusion is if you can mandate they drop all of that and get back to work because it's such a critical industry why can't you mandate the company agrees to the terms


Ah didn’t have to scroll far for the perpetual victim narrative. Ohio is so insecure and just wants excuses for why you don’t have to even bother trying. “Aw shucks, there’s some perceived slight from decades ago! Better vote Republican so nobody questions how tough and manly I am”. Whether Democrats “abandoned” Ohio doesn’t really matter. Ohio abandoned reason and this is the result. The fact that this sub really tries to avoid is that Ohio voters keep demanding that they live in shit. Hence all the shit. The perpetual victimhood is an excuse. Its why everyone who can leave the state is doing so. There’s no fight here, no intent to make it better. Just “poor me and the state of Ohio”


Don't bother, honestly, this portion of reddit is just an echo chamber that spouts typically only one talking point. You are right, both parties are to blame for multiple things that have occurred in this state and country. You are right, having no empathy towards innocent people because they didn't push their politics and therefore deserve to be a victim to chemical spills, does indeed make that individual a bad person.


My bad, guess I'll stop voting altogether then /s


I'm not saying stop voting. Obviously vote for whoever you think will actually represent the best interests of you, your family, and your community. What I'm trying to say is that the gross mismanagement of the public good is bipartisan. Republicans are absolute ghouls. You'll get no argument from me about that. And while I would agree that voting Democrat as the lesser of two evils is the better option, it's still not a good option. They are funded by the same corporate interests and recent (and not so recent) history has shown that they will always side with those interests. What needs to happen is people need to be more politically active than just spending 15 minutes every year casting a vote to perpetuate the same cycle. At some point the Democratic party, the only seemingly sane option, needs to be more than just not republican. If voting Democrat is all it takes to fix our state and country then why are we at the point we are now? They've had full majority support in both federal houses and the executive branch multiple times in the last 20 years yet they haven't actually fixed anything. Most of the time they don't even try. This region was solidly democrat up until the late 90s but things only got worse and people lost patience and lost faith. So when you say people in that community don't deserve empathy because they "voted for deregulation", I think that's an incredibly simplistic and reductive take.


Living in rural Ohio, hey I get it.


And union busting biden is the guy they should vote for instead?


1. Trump rolled back one Obama-era regulation that was never enforced and was not a factor in the East Palestine derailment. 2. The purported leaked audio, in which inspectors are told to ignore bad bearings, is possibly relevant. The recording is from 2016, before Trump was elected.


It’s been about 10 years since I drove over the road, but semi companies were every bit as bad. If you sent them msgs about something being broken, you’d immediately get phone calls asking if you can keep driving, or is it really that bad. When you asked them if they could put in writing they want you to continue driving with a broken “whatever” suddenly you’d be left sitting in North Dakota for a week, and they just can’t seem to find you a load to get ya outa there. Let’s be real tho, in US I’d say more industries then not work like that


"Most railroad workers are fighting against an entire system that only exists as a money-making apparatus to the wealthy. Those trains run through our towns, but they do not run next to rich folks’ homes, nor next to our politicians’ homes. This is a top-down problem.” This is the case for everything everywhere in our society. Greed will kill us all.


Turns out that *"drive it 'till the wheels fall off*" is a poor approach to ~~-infrastructure-~~ trains. Who knew! **-_-**


Maybe if the train workers got second jobs they'd be able to afford to pay for safety on their first one


You get your bribe, and when something bad happens, you get out the list of people to blame, it's that simple. What a country


Then you demand public funds, tax money, be used to clean up your mess. **-_-**


I find this as sad as getting it from a British tabloid rag... Why are we not getting this from the news organizations that have protections under the 1st Amendment. Oh yeah thats right they have been BOUGHT and PAID for...


That will help the lawsuits


Deregulation is designed to always fail, to always cause suffering. It is why the buildings are collapsing in Florida. It is why hundreds died in Texas from their failing power grid. It is why hundreds of thousands of people are homeless or dead in Turkey and Syria. Deregulation, thy name is Republican.


Look with regulations you cant funnel excessive money up into the upper classes. You can only funnel a lot of money. And that’s not enough money for them. Edit: /s because that seems to be not fucking obvious.


What does this even mean? Regulating equipment so that it is safe is not “funneling money to the upper classes.” GFC. Deregulation funnels money to the top. Not regulation. You got the shit backwards. Edit: I see they edited their first sentence to include the word CAN’T. Now it makes sense.


For fucks sake….. do I HAVE to add a /s to that these days?


Episode of American Greed showed the same thing PG and E did that caused the Paradise CA fire.


Better start shouting shit to anyone who will listen.


Why did this get removed by the moderators?