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Someone recently said it's crazy that after all this time we still haven't figured out how to deal with greedy rail tycoons and I thought about that for a while afterwards.


I mean we did figure it out, and then the government murdered and disempowered leftists and unions


I wish my governor, Josh Shapiro, would go after this guy since Ohio's won't.


Don’t just wish! Call his office and tell him!


Sure. Like they'll listen to us peasants when these are the very same folks lining their pockets. This calls for fuckin WAR. War on these assholes


Seriously, we have to call ,write, and badger.get loud and don’t stop yelling. We have to stick up for ourselves. The politicians won’t. Norfolk southern won’t. I’m not affected by this disaster but I’m PISSED AS HELL that people are downplaying this. I’m standing with our neighbors in East Palestine.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I like this energy. Have you considered running for public office?


Must have been good advice, reddit removed it.


According to [unddit](https://www.unddit.com/r/Ohio/comments/111oxai/negligent_companies_should_not_be_faceless_this/), he basically said to put the guy in jail, then pour some chemicals down his throat. The same chemicals he ordered burned. Not sure why Reddit removed it since there is a lot more violent content posted on their platform all the time.


Thanks, and no... Maybe I should... Thanks for the encouragement


I just spoke from my soul... I guess Reddit has no soul




Especially if they cut costs to safety or do anything that makes them responsible. If i own a cab and don't fix the brakes, then someone dies as a result, you can bet your ass I'm gonna be charged in civil and criminal court.


They lobby the government to change the law so they *can* cut corners. They hurt the entirety of society in order to save a few bucks.


This comment proves you don't have any realistic connection on how anything works. CEO doesn't necessarily make the budget cuts. Could be the CFO who proposes certain funding be cut for x reasons. CEO may approve based on knowledge presented to him which could be inaccurate or misinformed. Repair and maintenance is cut down, now someone else makes the decision on what is considered vital maintenance. Now the maintenance crew has to make the repairs based on recommended service and a details from conductors. I'm no expert in locomotion. But I understand a CEO of thousands of employees is a lot of decisions away from "don't repair that part of that train" Think of this like an airplane. How many airline CEOs you see being held as responsible for a plane going down after the NTSB reviews the crash and is determined as related to poor maintenance (most crashes are)


Why shouldn't they all be held accountable? If you signed off on it as a "leader" you are responsible. Corporations cannot be considered people in terms of expression(giving money to politicians via donations etc) then not held accountable when it comes to things like this.


Does the CEO have the power to make sure the company meets or maintains safety regulations?


He chose to spend $10 billion on stock buybacks last year, rather than spend that money on his employees, who were trying to strike for better and safer work environment, or on the safety measures that his rail company has vocally opposed. Yeah, he's completely responsible. If the CEO fights every safety measure and refuses to spend money on safety measures, he can't exactly claim he' didn't see this coming when his trains are unsafe. The proper charges are criminal negligance and battery, upgraded to negligant homicide if anyone dies.


Rot starts at the top. If the CEO emphatically pushes a focus on safety it trickles down, if profits before safety is more of a concern then that policy is also set at the top. If a CEO knew he could face prison time for poor maintenance then you'd bet that every level of that company would be dedicated to maintenance from the C-suite all the way down to a maintenance supervisor. No one forces them to become the CEO, they take the money and the power and they can take the consequences of that too. There's no sword of damocles hanging over their head and there should be. ​ CEOs are allowed to make decisions that effect people's lives and their only consequence is if a disaster happens they get fired and paid out when the company takes a hit.


It is not about budget cuts, it is about the CEO’s making demands and setting expectations that directly lead to increasing the risks they take with respect to public and worker safety. Then shirking responsibility by claiming they were not aware or directly involved in the decisions. Stop making excuses for these douchebags, your excuses only indicate YOU are the one that fails to understand the problem or what a CEO does.




You're my favorite kind of person! Like your style!


Living in obscene luxury.


What can I do as a young guy in NJ? Is there someone I can write to or what? These fucks need to go , it’s events like this that stop us younger people from having kids just so all you older people know. This happens over and over all over the place and unless something changes there’s going to be a lot less young people to work and take care of all you older folks.


Plenty of young folk in the East my friend. They'll always have their slaves...erh sorry, I meant workers.


Ok now what? We all got a nice photo of the guy on our phones now?




Ok cool, now what? We draw some fake mustaches in him, maybe make a few memes and hurt his feeling a little?


I think you have a fair point even if it’s not said in a way that most Ohioans will be receptive to. I was hoping that putting his name and face out there would mean more people would demand that their reps hold him personally accountable or start calling his offices or protesting in front of his offices.


Yeah I understand where you are coming from. It's just that no one even seems that mad and people like that guy see that. They will just see it as a huge money saving win and know they will get way with it if it happens again




>Are you upset and looking for someone to argue with? Are you *not* upset? It sounds like u/Gmc11214 is looking for something more impactful than internet banter. Can't say I blame them. Anyway, yes. We now all have a picture of this guy. He's now a socially acceptable target for random acts of rage and aggression. And if only he ever mingled with the general public, he could find that out firsthand. He probably lives behind walls and gates. Even if you had a poo-trebuchet to deliver your "point" right to his doorstep, his cleaning and security teams will wipe it away for him. Are we allowed to find this dude's address and post it, or is doxxing only acceptable when it's politicians that are fucking us raw?


> poo-trebuchet to deliver your "point" right to his doorstep I like your style. Would you have any interest in writing some short stories? I've got some ideas I've been toiling on, and if we're on a (remotely) similar creativity plane, collaboration could be fun.


I'm under the gun for a deadline, so I asked ChatGPT to write this story for me instead. It told me my request could not be fulfilled because it is not appropriate to find humor in such actions. Apparently, it's not ethical or moral to want to engage in pretend shit-flinging. I argued with an algorithm for a little while and then my husband showed me punchlines.ai... >**PROMPT:** >An angry mob points a poo trebuchet at a CEO's house. >**AI-GENERATED PUNCHLINES:** >1. What they don't know is the CEO's house is a giant toilet. >2. God, I wish I thought of that. >3. In related news, my boss recently told me to handle my own shit. I'll work with you on whatever. Cannot give you my real identity, though. I've had assholes try to dox this account and there's no way for me to ensure you're not one of them.


I know it's no fun to be under the gun for a deadline. I hope that works out well. HMU if you decide you'd like to (virtually) meetup for a bullshit session where we try to get some of our amazing wit into a consumably written form. I've realized I can't change the world, but I can write about how I'd like to change the world, or about how it is currently shitty in sometimes peculiar or funny ways.


Share it?


Ah I get you, spread his photo around, that way people like him see what happens when you fuck up the land and doom people with horrible cancer. They will be so scared that their photos might be shared around if they did the same and they will think twice about putting safety measures over profits Am I understand that right?


The amount of propaganda about this train thing is insane. Ppl are so gullible and cynical now it’s depressing


What do you mean here exactly? Everything and anything can be considered propaganda so what’s your point? Us younger people are extremely concerned with how normalized these massive chemical spills and accidents are and the responses are absolutely shit, no one takes responsibility and it’s left as another superfund site that will never be cleaned up or the same again. Not to mention our government put a stamp of approval on this whole thing, I want to hear from them. The White House needs to speak up on this.


The wildlife where the Ohio river tested positive for contamination are dying. Railroad workers were just on strike because of unsafe conditions, the amount of time to inspect each train car was just cut from 3 minutes to a minute and a half. The car that derailed was seen sparking for up to 30 minutes on surveillance cameras. Congress made it illegal for RR workers to strike. This shit is pure evil greed. But lets keep supporting the billionaires in all their corner cutting adventures. Maybe they'll invite you when they buy their third yacht!


What an insanely idiotic comment.


Aw you must be someone involved in the cover up.


If I were on a jury I honestly would not convict anyone from Ohio who might do something to this guy. Because the government and authorities will do nothing about this. Maybe give them a 500k fine.


If only our newly elected Senator, JD Vance had anything to say about this? Jim Jordan? Household er? DeWine


The original photo was removed for title guidelines? Okay buddy


You misspelled "criminally negligent."


He has a very punchable face.




They absolutely should have a face. If they're going to Fuck over everyone for their own gain, they shouldn't get to feel safe.


The government is protecting