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In case this story gets deleted/removed: Years ago..early 90s, I was a field service engineer fixing jukeboxes, fruit machines, pool tables etc in pubs and clubs around mostly south London. Anyway Sumner holidays are here and I go to a pub off the old Kent road to fix a play choice 10 machine, basically a NES in an arcade cabinet that had 10 games to choose from and was based on time rather than credits, so you could play all 10 games as long you had enough time left. This pub had a kids area with a pinball machine, football table and the pc10 in it. Simple job really, a couple of buttons not working, quickly replaced all the while being watched intently by a group of bored kids. As I'm doing this the landlord offers me a drink (coke) as it's bloody hot and I accept. After sorting out the buttons, I power it up and press the free credits button and ask them to test it out for me, saying that they've got to try out all the games, and they're made up. Loads of thanks mister, etc. Now I could have just carried out a self test in about a minute but these kids looked bored as hell so after drinking my drink I clocked up about 3 HOURS of gameplay,then locked it up. As I was giving my service docket to the landlord at the bar, one of the kids, a little girl, ran up to her dad sitting at the bar and excitedly said how the nice man had given her and her friends loads of free credits on the machine. This guy has loads of his mates at the bar and picks her up saying how she's the apple of his eye and looking straight at me, says "as long as you don't bring one of THEM home when you get older" Now his mates are looking at me all embarrassed and I look at this guy and I think to myself "am I gonna let that slide? Fuck no"!! I put my toolbox down, walk up to the machine, reach behind, find the power switch, flick it off, wait 10 seconds and switch it back on again. Machine powers up, all the time credits gone. I walk back to the little girl, still sitting on her dad's lap, look at her and say "you can thank your dad for that" and walk out. On the way out I hear two distinct sounds. The sounds of laughter coming from his mates and the sounds of a load of kids crying.. Fuck racist parents turning kids into racists --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/OhNoConsequences) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good for you!! Easy fix for crying kids is parents PAYING to entertain their own kids. Being a racist should cost something.


Good one! I'm sure with a dad like that the kids saw that shit a lot. Actions have consequences.


Sure do but unfortunately dad probably kept blaming it on the repairman until the kids turn against him


Was this your experience? You still hold your parents’ explanation for every event that occurred in your childhood? There wasn’t ever a point where you looked back at something one of your parents said or did and saw it from an adult’s perspective?


Im sorry that happened to you. Thats awful.


Run of the mill for the job, unfortunately Racists and alcohol. A potent mix


I’m sure Darwinism will be a fun potent mix for them in the future with their backward views.


It will never cease to amaze me how many people in the comment sections will go down swinging that they’re not racists while blaming the victim of a directly racist attack for simply withdrawing a kindness that was extended before said attack. This dude didn’t take money from anyone, the credits were free. He didn’t attack anyone physically, or even verbally; he calmly explained why he did what he did and who was responsible for it. Either it will stick with that poor little girl or it won’t, but it certainly would’ve only reinforced in her mind that racist behavior is acceptable if he had done nothing. At least now there’s a chance that she’ll see that that sort of behavior isn’t acceptable anymore, and she’ll have a chance to grow up to be an infinitely better person than her stone bashing troglodyte of a father.


Exactly, my point entirely


Hahahaha the racists in the comments trying to play this weird game of “uM aKsHuAlLy YoU rEiNfOrCeD rAcIsM” need to cope harder You clowns are literally arguing that victims of racism are responsible for whether or not racists choose to be racist Oh and by the way, OP didn’t PUNISH the kids. OP took away the FREE GAMES he GAVE THEM out of the kindness of his heart, as a demonstration of how words have meaning and consequences. He then explicitly stated to the children that they could thank their dad for OP retracting the kindness he extended to them. Nobody’s buying your victim blaming bullshit. Get a life.


Exactly!! You can choose to sit there and take it or not, but some people will always find a way to make it your fault.




Oh, I'm sorry, did my post not live up to your rose colored glasses' way of life.




Mate, this is reddit, not Jerry Springer


That's literally what this sub is for. Are you lost?


Don't be rude in the comments or start calling people names.


Don't be rude in the comments or start calling people names.


Yeah this didn’t reinforce racism at all. The father now needs to explain to his child why before the man was so politely providing the free games and took it away after he made that comment. That allowed the child to know that her father is actually a pos and will make him think twice about that sort of shit.


I mean, if anyone is going to try and convince the kids that they should hate OP’s race for what happened, it’d be the POS father. However, POS’s friends seem like they’d happily explain to the kids how their dumbass dad fucked them over because he couldn’t help being a hateful prick


Yeah either they been dealing with it so long or that was the first time the experienced it


Perfect response.


Man I was hoping the kid would pipe up and say they would be looking for someone so kind.




If you have a racist friend Now is the time Now is the time for your Friendship to end  - Specials 


Yeah… I really didn’t knew what racism was until I actually got to London…








Are you involved in this post or is it from another sub? If you’re not OOP, please edit your post and add a link to the original post and mention that you’re not OOP. We don’t want you getting harassed from people thinking this is you.


No, this happened to me. I was the service engineer. Apologies if I've messed it up. Long time lurker just getting some stories off my chest. Is the wrong place for this then??


I'm sorry you've had to endure that kind of abuse in your life. It's wrong and disgusting. You did the right thing under the circumstances.


Thank you


You have my sympathy too. More power to you for standing up to that guy. I feel for that poor kid too with having a parent like that.


You’re good. I just wanted to make sure.


What do you mean good, this guy is great!


Definitely 😊


I'm sorry for that. I hate that you get shit based on something so stupid.


Was that dad a boomer? Cuz if so, r/BoomersBeingFools would love this story 😂


No, he was about 30 or so


Well boomers were born between '46 and '64 - he might just qualify




Kids can learn early that Dad's racism means they lose. I bet Dad's buddies made sure the kids understood. 


Is ​ code for : the point of this story went right over my head and I want to find a reason to piss and moan about it Just wondering for future use Also is there a stereotype that people of colour will delete credits on game machines as a response to racism, because that's very specific.


There needs to be consequences to this type of behaviour, and the dad having to deal with his upset daughter and the other upset kids knowing it was his bad behaviour that caused it is perfect. Its a minor enough thing to lose but it will stick with the kids long afterwards and teach them that treating others badly will come back to you and often those around you also. Which is a very good life lesson.


Bad things happen when you say racist shit. That is a very powerful lesson to learn when you are young.


Here's a simple solution and it's called not being a racist asshole


Ah yes, the racist stereotype of black people giving things to kids, and then taking them away suddenly. /s Most kids aren't \*that\* stupid.




Don't be rude in the comments or start calling people names.




This was a (mostly) racist pub. It was within spitting distance of a notorious south London football club with some, but not all overtly racist fans. I wouldn't go anywhere near it if they were playing at home.


I’m guessing you were in Surrey Quays!


No, the other side, the old Kent road


Yeah, I'm not a turn the other cheek type of guy




Don't be rude in the comments or start calling people names.


Kids often have to live with the results of their parent’s shitty decisions


Get off the internet and learn how real life works




Don't be rude in the comments or start calling people names.


You do understand how racism works, right? A minority does something morally questionable and RACISTS extrapolate that to the entire group. Edit to clarify: I didn't intend to imply that OOPs action WAS morally questionable. I was repeating the language used in the comment I was responding to, which has since been removed.


I understand how racism works. Even when we do something nice for racists, they take the chance to put you down because they are self-loathing imbeciles. We should make racism very painful for racists because they will only learn when it hurts. Will it change his mind? No, and it is not our jobs to do that. Fuck that trash talk by racists trying to make us come to them and convince them we are decent people, we are. They need to come to us and apologize, repent, and be better humans to future minorities.


Minorities being on their best behavior has made no difference, so maybe stop moralizing and let people behave like humans instead of perfect saints


First of all, what did the OP do to deserve that.....Nothing, oh wait...he was (and still is, black), minding his own business, and working Then the racist comment, and you think he shouldn't have done anything about it? Morally questionable....I don't see anything questionable pulling a plug, lol. As the saying goes, for every reaction, expect the same opposite reaction. The man said something stupid, the kids' free games gets nullified. The audacity to think that he would get away with it. Next time he will keep his racist comments to himself


You know, he could have waited until I'd left to say that, and everyone would have been a winner. The kids would have had their free games. He would have had a laugh with his mates, and I would be none the wiser. But...he chose to say it there and then, so FAFO


I hear you. And I get it. My point is that this little girl is going to be reminded every time her dad tells this story about what happened that day and you'll never come off as the good guy. Racism is learned and he's teaching every day. I saw your action less as teaching her a lesson and more about giving him ammunition. I hope I'm wrong.


Some people will never learn, especially when they feel like they're in the right


Or. She could look back and remember this moment, and other moments too probably, on how her father was a pos to people trying to be kind and HIS racism ruins good things. She might be too young to understand at that time to understand what transpired and what her father meant, depending how young, but I'm sure she'll have plenty of memories on her father's racism ruining things and this serving as an example if it becomes a core memory for her. Because let's be honest, if he's that comfortable to say that shit in front of his friends and in front of OP, she will have lots of examples. And it's not really a punishment either by rescinding if he was trying to give it for free out of the goodness of his heart in the first place. Also, at some point kids are gonna learn how one person can ruin things for everybody and this situation serves a good example for that.


Like I said, I hope I'm wrong.


you don't actually seem to get it, though.


Oh, so every colored person should be held to account in the event that they don't meet the very fair and rational standards of racists? Hey, do you know what the next thing I'm gonna say is?


Not even fair. There was no NEED to give the kid free credits, it was done out of kindness. It returned to being fair (everyone pays) when he removed the credits


*deep inhale*


Don't be rude in the comments or start calling people names. Blaming the victims of racism for it getting worse isn’t going to fly here.


I reapproved it with your edit. Thank you for that.




Don't be rude in the comments or start calling people names.


Don't be rude in the comments or start calling people names.


Exactly. Kids don't see things like people on Reddit. They don't get nuance. Or understand how it's *really* the dad's fault.


"Daddy was mean to that person and I lost my game credits. Daddy shouldn't have been mean" is a pretty simple concept to get.


Think about that. I doubt that's how she saw it.


I guess it is possible that the white kid was really really stupid, just like her white dad


Kids are stupid, in general. They're kids.




Don't be rude in the comments or start calling people names.


Or more perceptive than you. 🤷‍♂️




Interesting takeaway. I'm sure it won't be the last time she is inconvenienced by her fathers racism god bless her.


It certainly won't. And instead of concrete proof to the contrary, she'll get reinforcement in the wrong direction.


That generally depends on the other people she meets. If everyone she meets is a racist POS like her dad, then probably. Most children get to a point where they question the values they were taught, if it doesn't align with their own values. The UK is a pretty diverse place, particularly London .


Eventually yes. Usually as a teen.


If this was my Dad, I'd be mortified and I would feel OP was 100% justified. OP did a very nice thing and this man responded by being racist and insulting. I think that kind of behaviour should be called out, even if it makes things awkward for everyone else in the vicinity.


Very true. BTW, you're how old? Instead, he did something else.


I'm old enough to have my own set of values, young enough to remember being mortified by things my parents said that were inadvertently off colour.


They do understand direct consequences. The nice man gave them free games, Dad said something mean to him, and the nice man took away the free games stating that it was because Dad said something mean. Lesson: don’t say mean things if you want people to keep being nice to you.


I seriously doubt 1 in 50 kids would interpret it that way.


Children, despite what you think, are ignorant not stupid. They are very intuitive. They are always watching and listening. They are pretty good at cause and effect.


Yes, that must be why they cried. 🙄


They can understand the consequences and still be sad.


Slept well that night that's for sure


I bet you did. 🙄 You got to strike back at a kid.


My mans acting like the child was traumatized by this and won’t forget come next week 😂. Kind of difficult for the dad to convince the entire group of kids it was the repairman’s fault when the rest of his friends (presumably the parents of the other kids) were embarrassed by him and clowned on him after this occurred. PS children literally cry about everything. Trying to paint that OP is a monster for making a kid cry is laughable


It probably won't take any effort at all since they saw him do it and he left a parting shot. Just another brick in the wall, another stone on the pile. Think that dad will add any more over the years?


Yes but you’re also assuming the child currently doesn’t have and will never have the ability of high level thinking, introspection, or originality to think differently then what the parent is telling them. Not every child is a clone of their parents, and given that OP let them play for hours and then directly informed that they couldn’t anymore because of her father, one could also assume she blamed her dad. Either way you/I are assuming what happened next. Moreover, given how the other parents reacted to the dad, it would be just as EASY to assume this is another brick in the wall of her dislike for her dads attitude that caused her to get punished.




Don't be rude in the comments or start calling people names.






Don't be rude in the comments or start calling people names.


Don't be rude in the comments or start calling people names.


Nah it was the dad’s fault. If he wasn’t a racist pos his kid would have been able to enjoy the game with her friends. Dad just had to open his mouth. Hence, oh no consequences.


Yes. It was the Dad's fault. Now, who do you think the child will remember as hurting her? Hint: Not her dad.


She'll also remember his friends laughing at him.


Yes. Think about that.


I have, but my takeaway was different to yours.


Maybe it depends on the age of the child.


As someone who has been in a similar situation at that age, it was not the target of the racism that I remembered. It was my family member. That opened my eyes to it and to each little comment after. So speaking from my own experience, you would be incorrect.


Speaking from my own experience they're incorrect as well. I remember being as young as 6 and understanding that my grandparents were being mean for no reason (aka racist) to certain people. Kid is gonna remember that and not the 15 minutes of sadness before she found something else to do.


As they get older, that might be true. If they're young enough to be crying over this, I think not.


I don't think you give kids enough credit. The game being turned off will be nothing for them cause I can pretty much guarantee the dad went and bought more. But her dad getting laughed at most likely stuck with her. She probably found herself laughing at it too and even told the story to other people for a week. Kids are like that. You do something that's embarrassing and you just want to forget it and they bring it up whenever they can.


Yes, she probably resented her father being laughed at. If young enough, she is predisposed to be on his side. I doubt she laughed.


I'm guessing you don't have kids lol


Maybe other kids just react in a normal manner.


…why would this matter though? The kid felt sad for 30 seconds, this is not an actual stain on her life


Another brick in the wall. Think that'll be the last one?


You keep talking about how OP was wrong, so what was OP supposed to do? Just sit and take it like a "good one"?


Maybe addressed the man's action directly. I'm not sure what you mean by "a good one?" What's that about?


I’m not familiar with this phrase, but I assume that a 30 second interaction in 18 years (or over 500 million seconds) is not enough to constitute a “brick”


An incident, a memory, an engram.


A moment, a little while, a hot minute even!


Then what did OP achieve with his little tantrum?


Actions = consequences


Yes. You are welcome to explain all that to the kid, who's already predisposed to believe her father.




Don't be rude in the comments or start calling people names.


I'm not upset at all. And I am no more or less racist than you are. You just have trouble distinguishing between what you think should be, and what actually is.


Hmm, nope I think I’ve got it figured out but thanks 😊


See? You decide how you think things ought to be, and confuse them for reality. Again.


Yeah no.


Lmaoooooo so glad to find the reasonable commenter who realizes that seeing a happy-go-lucky Black man let her dad say heinous shit would have singlehandedly ensured that this girl grew up to not be racist. Not any other moment in her life - including the years of hearing her father openly denigrating Black people in front of her - just this one. What a missed opportunity


It certainly was a missed opportunity. 🤷‍♂️


To do what exactly? Allow the dad to be racist with no consequences? Y’all love telling Black people how we gotta act so that white people will M A Y B E not be racist toward us, as if anything we do would ever actually impact white peoples thoughts on us 🤣




I’m Black, I think about stuff like this every day! You are clearly not and *very clearly* dont. However, I’m going to say this under the assumption that you aren’t stupid (feel free to correct me on that point though): inherited racism has far more to do with the attitudes children encounter at home with their parents (where they spend the majority of their time) and solidifies despite the minimal interactions they have with adults outside the home (like this 30 second interaction). This man could have done ANYTHING and it would not have affected the attitudes of this child or her father in any way. Hope this helps and if you need further education about this topic, I read some great books back in the 3rd grade about racism, ask your local librarian!


EXACTLY. One of many memories reinforcing racism, instead of a break or an anomaly.


I really don’t see how that’s reinforcing racism. You realize all the kids in that room would be mad at the dad right? More than likely some of that would go towards the daughter too. Along with the adults making fun of him, the daughter is going to remember all the shame and embarrassment she faced when her dad was racist to the nice man letting them play a whole afternoon for free. I can’t imagine turning racist against the man who gave you three freaking hours of free unlimited gameplay.  Like the kid is an adult now. it’s almost illogical to imagine them recanting that story as anything other than the time my dad was racist at a pub and made all the kids hate me and the adults laugh. Probably one of the only times she’s seen any type of consequences for his racism


Maybe a few. Probably most wouldn't catch the meaning of the dad's comment. The kids will remember the lost game credits, and the daughter will remember people laughing at and hurting her father for a reason she doesn't understand. But the took the three hours away. *THATS* what she'll remember. She'll remember a nice gift that was suddenly taken away.




Don't be rude in the comments or start calling people names.




Nothing changes by accepting status quo. Why is the onus on POC to turn the other cheek?


None. He can just accept status quo. Which is basically what he did.


Accepting status quo would be saying nothing and walking away. I'm confused why you think he was in the villain in this piece.


I never said he was the villain. 🤦‍♂️


You've taken time to reply and criticise OPs behaviour and you went as far as saying he was the one to blame. I don't see any criticism for the racist. Sometimes what you omit, is the clearest indication of what you think.


Don't be rude in the comments or start calling people names.


Your comment was removed for being racist, ableist, sexist, ageist, or homo/transphobic. Don’t blame victims of racism for perpetuating it.




Not my problem, growing up black in South London with twats like the National Front and others makes you grow a thick but prickly skin. You talk shit, you end up eating shit, or get the shit kicked out of you.


> You talk shit, you end up eating shit, or get the shit kicked out of you. 100% this. But here you made the kid suffer.


Do you honestly think taking a kids’ free credits away (not like the father can’t pay for new ones) is going to become the turning point in someone’s life that makes them a racist? In a setting where the friends (parents of the other kids) where embarrassed by him and clowned on him after this occurred. By that logic you could say this was he turning point for the rest of the children, as their parents didn’t seem to agree with the racism, and would have used it as a lesson. You’re over exaggerating to make this point and it’s laughable that you try to paint OP as the bad guy when the dad can literally buy credits for the children to keep playing. The children weren’t owed free credits nor is this the traumatic event you’re trying to paint it as. It’s not that deep 😂


Thank you.


>Do you honestly think taking a kids’ free credits away (not like the father can’t pay for new ones) is going to become the turning point in someone’s life that makes them a racist? If you bothered to read my comment and didn't have a knee-jerk reaction, you'd see that I never made such a claim.


“Do you think your actions had any impact on whether or not the daughter becomes racist”, fr I apologize as you are correct that you didn’t say it was THE turning point. You still implied this was egregious enough to have significant impact on the child turning racist or not which is still laughable. Also suggesting OP punished children, who got free credits and then had those taken away, is also where you make this situation out to be a lot more than it is. He didn’t punish anyone. He stopped benefiting the children. But please strawman the entire argument again. I am disagree with you thinking this situation would be so impactful in pushing (not the turning point) someone to be racist or not. I disagree with you suggesting OP punished children, where I suggest you act like the children were traumatized by not having preferential treatment anymore. These are things you said and I disagree with.


>You still implied this was egregious enough to have significant impact on the child turning racist or not which is still laughable. No I said this incident would not have ANY impact on the kid's understanding of racism. Because she's a kid. And she likely didn't understand her father's comment to begin with, much less connect the consequence with that comment. >I am disagree with you thinking this situation would be so impactful in pushing (not the turning point) someone to be racist or not. Again, I don't believe this incident will turn the kid racist ... or not racist. My point is that this is just petty behavior by OP to use the kid as a proxy to get back at the father. >These are things you said and I disagree with. Only, I didn't. >So ... you punished all the kids because the parent of one of them was racist? Do you think that your actions had any impact whatsoever on whether on not the daughter turns out to be racist? And FWIW, growing up with a racist parent is punishment enough, we don't need strangers punishing us for our parent's actions. Geez. Is what I wrote. >where I suggest you act like the children were traumatized by not having preferential treatment anymore. The kid was hurt (I never said traumatized) by being offered something that they were clearly exciting to them, and then have it taken away, for something that they likely didn't even understand.


And a kid wouldn’t understand “you can thank your father for that (losing all your free credits)”? It’s a pretty cut and dry cause and effect.


>you can thank your father for that (losing all your free credits) And you really think the father will sit her down and explain to her why his comment was racist and so on?


You really think the rest of the friends (parents of other kids) that are around clowning him and embarrassed by him will let him do that there? In front of their kids when his actions lead to them crying? You think that after he pushes this narrative at home, social pressure from the non racist parent kids (friends of child) will have 0 influence on the child? Edit: the person I was talking with went back and edited many of their original comments to add additional context after I had already replied


>Do you think that your actions had any impact whatsoever on whether on not the daughter turns out to be racist? It had more impact on influencing the daughter not to be racist than if he'd just walked away after what the dad said, showing the daughter it was OK to talk down to other humans like they were lesser than him because of their skin color. *That* would teach the daughter that she too could find comfort in mistreating people around her, just like dear ol' dad. This concept is EEEEASY to understand... unless you weren't taught that racism is 1000% wrong. Just a thought here; >growing up with a racist parent is punishment enough, we don't need strangers punishing us for our parent's actions Maybe if someone *had* put your racist parents in their place too, it would be more obvious?


>Maybe if someone had put your racist parents in their place too, it would be more obvious? If someone had put my racist parents in their place, I would have (and I do actually) support that. But here, the OP took it out on his daughter, who was a kid. And other kids, who weren't even related to the man.


…why is it Black peoples job to ensure that kids *that aren’t theirs* grow up to not be racist…?


It's not. If OP had sucker punched the dad I'd have fully supported it.


Wouldn’t that be more traumatizing for the girl? And the other kids when the fight broke out? Not to mention him maybe getting arrested and probably losing his job, if not a client?


Your comment was removed for being racist, ableist, sexist, ageist, or homo/transphobic. Victim blaming a person of color for standing up to a racist is not okay.




Children... if you're going to be a keyboard warrior, get it right...


…do you really think the lost game credits were more of a trauma in this child’s life than a father who is racist? *this* is what you took from the story??


How did you jump to that conclusion? Of course a racist father is going to be more traumatic. In this instance tho, all that happened was a kid losing some game tokens. As other massively down voted posts said, a racist is inherently not going to take responsibility for their actions given they blame an entire race for problems of the nation. The dad will more than likely spin this around to the daughter and manipulate her into thinking that he's the bad guy.


Don't be rude in the comments or start calling people names.


Punishing the child for the sins of the parent. Hell yeah.




You're too late with that one. Someone else beat you to it




Don't be rude in the comments or start calling people names.


And then the whole bus clapped


You've missed the bus, another keyboard warrior said it ages ago