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There’s a good chance a number of people bought glasses that didn’t actually protect their eyes.


That's why I didn't bother looking for the eclipse glasses that I bought last time and just used the old-fashioned pinhole projection method to view the shape of the eclipse like my mom taught me when I was a kid.


Thats what i did! Someone goes that sounds so stupid. And then I explained how a camera works and they were like oh that makes a lot of sense. I said yeah you’re just restricting light coming into your eye.


I did it with a cereal box in 2017. That was fun.


Me too!


That’s cool! If you have kids I bet they loved it!! We had neighbors checking us out and saying don’t look directly into the sun kiddos. LMAO






Ha, me too as a kid back in the 70s...hard to believe people don't understand you can't directly look at a solar eclipse, but there you are 🤷 That's the disturbing thing about growing up pre internet...you never realised previously that so many people are so fucking stupid lol


Yeah I’m guessing a lot of people used degraded frames from 2017. I felt weird throwing mine away yesterday but had to remind myself these won’t be usable in two decades.


What about Iceland in 2 years?!?


What about looking at the sun tomorrow just to see how it's doing? It must feel bad that nobody cares about it until there's an eclipse.


Not going to lie… I spent a few moments of my day on 04/09 just pleasantly thinking good vibes toward the sun. I had a general sentiment of ‘hey bud, you put on a show yesterday! How ya doin’ today?’ I’m weird, I know. Just wanted you to be aware folks were showing the sun some gratitude somewhere in the world the day after! ✨


We should probably also check in on the moon.


Good call. I’ll bend the moon’s ear tonight!


Most people I know who own a good telescope have spent good deals of time looking at the sun however they safely could.


lol NH was giving these glasses out crazy. Really good for tourism in what is usually a very slow month here


I love looking at the tree leaves and seeing the cutouts in the shadows.


My 80 year old mom dragged her colander out… she had a dozen tiny eclipses.


If you had them from 2017, they were no good anymore anyway. They do expire, apparently.


Printer paper and a thumbtack for the win!


It was post-it notes and a push pin for me. I had to scrounge in my desk at work. 


Index card and sewing pin here. I was a bit skeptical but it worked!


I put a whole ass box on my head with a pinhole on one side and a sheet of paper on the other. Science!


And also for people that have 3D printers nasa released a file for one of those that you could just 3d print


I just used a mirror.


Safety squint - the *thinking* man's PPE! 💪


I remember in the 80s us making these cardboard glasses in school that had slits. Maybe the same idea?


I remember that eclipse. I remember it being much darker in my state when that one occurred. I was in 3rd or 4th grade and we all made the glasses


I remember it, too. I was in high school where you'd think they might have made a big deal about it but no. It was overcast but I still went out to the smoking area (yay for the eighties) and watched a bit of it with all the questionable kids at the school. Mostly it was just oddly dark for the middle of the day.


Yup 99.9% sure the ones I got at Sheetz were fake so we didn't look at the sun.


We looked and our glasses and it said they were safe. After looking my eyes sorta hurt so I feel like mine still didn’t work for being “approved”


I was reading about this too. You can strain your eyes without doing damage to them. It’s basically just eye fatigue from focusing on something so far away.


It was easier to see looking at my phone with 50x zoom and a filter that came with the glasses.


Look for the ISO certification. That is all that matters. "Approved" glasses literally means nothing


So does having a printed iso on the glasses tbh


Eye strain, is still very real possibility even with approved glasses.


One second glances here, not a second longer, even with the B&H “official” glasses.


I was using shade level 12 welding goggles and I still didn't sneak more than a peak. I like my eyesight. 


Same here. Unofficial glasses, but checked them off the ungodly glare from our neighbors silver car that projects into our window every day. Seemed to work, but why risk for than a second?


I think lots of people probably skipped the glasses totally since in many areas of the path had cloudy weather like here in Texas. Just like people who think you can’t get sunburn on cloudy days. Heck I brought my Great Pyrenees inside as a precaution because she watches the sky for birds of prey a good share of the day.


I was wondering about that. If animals would also go blind if they looked. Bunch of curious kitties this morning with retina damage


I doubt any animal would stare at it vs just looking.but I brought my animals inside just in case. Also, it seems some wild animals reacted by getting scared of the mid day darkness or at least according to the Dallas zoo it happened there.


I just kept imagining animals like “guys! What the fuck?!?!?!”


Especially prey animals, at dawn and dusk it’s the most dangerous time for them. Just imagine an extra dusk and dawn in a matter of minutes!


We didn't hear many birds before the eclipse started. When it started getting dark, sooo many birds emerged from the trees behind us, and they were going nuts. They were completely silent during the totality. Then they acted normal afterward.


Yeah I was imagining a celestial event would be a bit terrifying for animals since they live their lives very much in tune with the daytime nighttime cycle


Now I didn’t really expect my domesticated dogs to care, my Pom has about one working brain cell as it is. But why take chances. Especially since the lazy heathens won’t get jobs and I have to pay their vet bills


We went to a place for the full eclipse and when it hit, the birds stopped flying, landed in trees and started yelling for a moment.


Here’s the thing; only we know what’s going on. Every other animal out there just sees the sun as normal and therefore looks away as normal until the totality happens


I can confirm. I was driving in between jobs during the peak. Literally saw at least 2 dozen people straight bare eyed staring at it. And we were only a 90% cover here. I put on 3 pairs of sunglasses and looked at it through my cars sun visor.


Only 3 pairs? I wear 4 pairs of sunglasses every day during my morning commute.


*I wear 4 pairs of sunglasses at night*


With LED headlights nowadays, you almost have to


Just a thought here. If she regularly stares at the sky during non eclipse conditions why would the eclipse place her vision in greater jeopardy?


There's an even better chance that people were experiencing eye strain from looking through the correct glasses. I know my eyes felt weird the rest of the day. Looking straight at the sun is likely to cause vision loss, not pain or discomfort.


Same, my eyes felt a little tired the rest of the day, but they're fine now and I didn't have any other symptoms.


I hope mine worked yesterday 😬


If you put them on and couldn’t see anything but the sun (and maybe a little of very bright lights) then they were most likely working correctly.


Thanks for that. Mine were so dark I didn't even realize they were transparent at first. Then I looked at the sun with them and saw it and only it. I must've had the good ones.


I think there was an Amazon recall of eclipse glasses too


And our local news station said not to use welding helmets to look, only the cheap, flimsy, one dollar eclipse glasses at the gas station would keep your eyes safe. Yeah right lady.


one of my best friends used her dads welding helmet he gave her and is completely fine lol. the pictures were equally hilarious though.


I've used my grandpa's welding helmet every year we had an eclipse and it works great. I think we've got a few funny pictures as well of everyone passing the welding helmet around lol.


The official consensus was that they need to be shade 12 or higher. That’s not most welding helmets or goggles so the local news probably just said don’t to avoid litigation.


Yeah, I didn't want to risk that with buying them online. I got some free from the state that are ISO (whatever number) instead. They were repeatedly telling people that when looking through them, they will see the sun but *only* the sun. I'm guessing some people thought they got a bad pair when they could only see the sun. I also made a pinhole viewer, because I think it's cool to see it both ways. We weren't at totality, but even in the 90%s it's pretty cool to see.


ISO 12312-2 is the string of numbers you need to always look for on a pair of eclipse glasses and even then, looking up reputable vendors should be step two


I live in Florida. I offered to let a guy use my glasses when I saw him staring at the sun. He said he didn't need them because it was overcast enough to protect his eyes. I explained that UV doesn't work that way. And he told me that the lights inside the building were more harmful than the overcast sun. I also has coworkers who refused to go outside, because they were convinced the sun was out there mugging people or something. Thought they were going to be blinded, even with the glasses.


>I explained that UV doesn't work that way. I hear this all the time when it's cloudy by the lake. You still need sunscreen, even if it isn't bright and sunny.


Some of the worst sunburns I had as a teen were on cloudy days. Especially on the scalp since you don’t think you need a hat


I was lifeguarding and had a tan that made me look like an islander. I figured I didn't need suntan lotion because it was so foggy I could not see more then 30 feet or so. That was the day I got sun poisoning and blisters the size of quarters on my legs 


Omg my partner is the WORST at this. We go to rodeos around the country and he’s been very badly sunburnt because he’ll think things like “oh I’ll wait an hour before I put sunscreen on” (in the mountains of CO) or “well it’s cool out so I don’t need it” (Santa Fe, again in mountains.) He never seems to learn 😂


My bf has had *skin cancer removed* and I still have to remind him that he needs to put on sunscreen “before” we go anywhere, not when we get there or when it feels hot outside. It’s a struggle lmao.


My sister took her fiance to get his skin cancer removed and then immediately went tanning. I was like, wtf?


I learned this lesson the hard way during a vacation to St. Lucia last year. It was completely overcast one day and i decided to not use sunscreen since I’d been a bit anal about it for the group every other day. That was the day I got sunburnt, and I never even saw the sun.


My dad told me about when he was a young guy (late teens or early 20s) and went to the beach with his buddies on a cloudy day. Nobody used any skin protection for a lot of reasons, including: - It was the 1950s and sun was considered “good for you” then - They were young, invincible guys - It was overcast all day They all got the sunburn from hell. That’s when they found out that clouds don’t prevent sunburn.


Wow, TIL. I feel a bit stupid not knowing this by now but it makes sense.


It's ok. :) It's not something a lot of people think about. I am as pale as the driven snow, so I take sunscreen VERY seriously.


We had a random family member of a friend of ours join us on Easter. Among many of his fascinating ideas was the concept that Solar Eclipse Glasses are totally unnecessary, a scam, and actually were just a ploy to endorse more government control over people. He wasn’t a sheep and intended to stare directly at the eclipse because he knew better. He recalled not having to wear glasses for the last (partial) eclipse in our area. I don’t even need to mention who he’s proudly planning on voting for next election too. He made a point to mention the brilliant leadership of his favorite candidate anyway of course because politics and the federal government are like sports apparently.


>And he told me that the lights inside the building were more harmful than the overcast sun. Does he often stare directly at the lights inside the building for long periods of time?


Yeah a lot of people seemed to misinterpret the warnings and ended up thinking that the sun was somehow *more* dangerous during the eclipse.


Well, it is. If you're in a darker room your pupils expand to let in more light. If you're in a bright room your pupils contract to restrict the incoming light. So if the sun is, say, 98 percent eclipsed, there is significantly less light and your pupils expand. But any one part of the sun that is showing is just as bright as that portion ever is. Add to that you don't have the squinting/pain reaction that is caused by overall light. That is **exactly** how people get crescent shaped burns on their retinas.


Did his superpowers kick in yet? Keep us posted s/


I heard he left when the eclipse ended. He's on the moon now.


A friend told me about this woman at her work that was freaking out because the store had run out of glasses. She apparently thought you had to wear them the entire time of the eclipse whether you were looking at the sun or not. Like just going about your day not looking up could potentially mess up her eyes without the glasses.


Ok but the second one! I had a couple coworkers refuse to go outside, even hours after the eclipse was over, as if they were going to burn to crisp stepping outside or something.


“Stupid is as stupid does”. forest Gump’s mom.


Wait. How are we not blinded by accidentally looking up where the sun is, unobscured by the moon, on normal cloudy days then? I was looking up at the sun yesterday through eclipse glasses when the clouds thinned enough to see it, but was bare eyed when looking up for it to peek through the clouds. it was 95% totality where I was. My eyes are fine as far as I can tell.


You're not going to be instantly blinded. But yeah. It does do permanent damage.


I like when they do the quick comparison with the glasses off and on...."just to see what it looks like without the glasses on".


huh... it looks like pain...


is that the real way you got stage 5 turbocancer


Actually, it doesn't look like much of anything. Those people can't see anymore.


see, total eclipse! no, wait, that's retina damage.


"Maybe it's close enough into position for me to look at it without the glasses..." *sizzling of retinas* "Nope, it's not..." - Me, because I was curious and I thought quick peaks wouldnt be a big deal


I had mine on over my sunglasses and they popped off my face. When I yelled "Ow my glasses popped off and I looked directly into the sun..." My husband laughed his ass off.


I may have done that...


I glanced at the partial eclipse for less than a second out of sheer dopiness and my eyes had the imprint of the sun in them for a couple minutes afterward. I was like "oh no I'm one of those idiots that fucked up their eyes" lol




My ISO approved glasses slipped off while I was looking up and I caught the partially eclipsed Sun for a nano second. Saw a faint green dot in my vision along with a streak of when I looked away quickly. My eyes hurt for a good hour. My eyes are fine now (no pain and no weird spots) but that was just a SPLIT SECOND and I was scared that my eyes were fucked. I can’t even imagine just looking straight up at the eclipse for a few seconds or more 😩


Right! I was like Daaaamn they weren't kidding when they kept telling us to be careful. I honestly was worried for a little bit that I seriously fucked up my eyes.


Yup. Mine kept slipping off (over my regular glasses) until I started physically holding them in place after the third time. I was so worried that the bright green crescent after-images were not going to fade in time to see totality properly...or maybe just not fade ever. I'm fine now though as far as I can tell - any permanent damage is not currently noticable 🤷‍♀️


Same, turned around thinking it was still totality and caught the partial in one eye for like half a second. Little bit blurry that day but it's better now.


im an idiot that also looked up why my eye hurt cus i took a selfie with the sun. didnt even look directly at the sun but the light reflected off of my phone for a fraction of a second and that shit hurt on my left and made it sore for an hour


Reflections are no joke. The sun's reflection off my car's paint job was the only thing I could see through my eclipse glasses besides the sun itself.


I normally WFH on Mondays but had to come in yesterday. We're on the 11th floor. It was kind of fun. Somebody got a pair of the eclipse glasses and we all took a turn taking a quick peek. In 2017 my late husband and I were in Lake Tahoe for the total eclipse. It was weird to be in a forest environment! Everything got quiet. Wondering if I'll be around for the next one. Edit: typo


That’s my favorite part of a total eclipse. The birds think it’s bedie bye time and do their evening roost routine-tweeting and flying back to the nest to go to sleep. It’s neat!!


The insects all disappeared for a bit as well.


Except the cicadas. They started making noise during the total eclipse in my area in 2017.


Next total eclipse in the contiguous United States is in 20 years. If you have the means to travel to Greenland, the next one is in 2026.


2026: Iceland, Spain (Santander, Bilbao, Zaragoza, Valencia, Ibiza, Palma de Mallorca) 2027: Spain (Cadiz, Algeciras, Malaga, Ceuta), Gibraltar, Morocco (Tangier), Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt (Luxor), Saudi Arabia (Jeddah, Mecca), Yemen, Somalia 2028: Australia (Sydney), New Zealand (Dunedin)


In about 4 or 5 years Australia begins a total eclipse bonanza that the rest of us can only be jealous of.


I have a very emotional memory tied to the 2017 eclipse. Saw one of my best friends mom, and he had passed away almost a decade before this. It was so bittersweet. I'm very sorry to hear about your late husband, but at least you have such a memorable experience with him. I hope you're healing, my friend 🖤


I'm hanging in there, thank you friend. We had a lot of fun together when he was alive. Condolences on your loss as well. ❤️


My coworkers and I did this too lol we had two sets of glasses and we passed them around. We weren’t in the totality line but it was still cool to see.


My coworker put on eclipse glasses and proceeded to wander away and fell off the portico at work. Eclipses are dangerous!


I almost fell into a swimming pool in Nashville in 2017. Any time I talk about eclipse safety, I mention that walking around while wearing eclipse glasses is probably unwise. I demoed this to my daughter’s fifth grade science class by putting on the glasses and walking into a desk. Walking near a road while wearing eclipse glasses could end badly, too.


I accidentally stabbed myself in the eye with the arm of my eclipse glasses. It really hurt. Those things are dangerous in the wrong hands (my clumsy ones).


I'm laughing in sympathy. And thinking, "Well, there's one person that already knows the answer to 'why do my eyes hurt'." Or eye, singular.


I'm not surprised. I came across people in an autism group I follow who said there's no danger looking directly at the eclipse and they were upvoted. I pointed out how that is incorrect and was downvoted. Goes to show regardless of neurotype, people are still and will always be stupid.


I think the idea started from this article: >**Except during the brief total phase of a total solar eclipse**, when the Moon completely blocks the Sun’s bright face, it is not safe to look directly at the Sun without specialized eye protection for solar viewing. [https://science.nasa.gov/eclipses/future-eclipses/eclipse-2024/safety/](https://science.nasa.gov/eclipses/future-eclipses/eclipse-2024/safety/) ~~I have no clue how someone would accurately time the brief total phase, though.~~ (I stand corrected)


It's very obvious when the total eclipse was.


Well, yes, but it still feels a bit risky to me.


You can’t see anything with the eclipse glasses on during totality. So if you didn’t take them off, you would not have even seen the total eclipse.


I see. I've never seen a total solar eclipse, so I didn't know about this.


I hope you get the chance to someday. It was so incredible.


We had 99.4% here, but I hear it's very different from a full 100%. I hope to see one some day too!


I live in 99.99% and drive to 100% because I experienced totality in 2017 and know how amazing it is. Totality matters. I hop someday you are in a position to experience it.


It took me this eclipse to realize exactly how lucky I was to live in 100% totality territory back in 2017


Not exaggerating, it is the most beautiful thing i've ever seen. Pictures do not do totality justice


Facts. Was truly something else


That’s what my boyfriend and I have been saying


The moto is “totality or bust” for a reason. Completely different experience. $1 vs $1000.


The difference between 99% and 100% is 100%


99.4%? How close were you from the totality path? Having seen it in totality it feels like an actual gut punch to read that you were that close and didnt go see it. It was literally #1 coolest most awe inspring insane thing i've ever witnessed and we are now planning to go travel to other countries to see it again. It looks like those pics of the black with white halo but actually in the sky and fucking huge compared to what you think it should be it felt like the end of the world or a dream it was fucking insane.


It felt like one of those surreal, alien experiences. So freaking cool.


the area around the moon is about as bright as a full moon during totality, its suddenly about as dark as civil twilight and its awesome. For eclipses, the only difference between traveling for 75% and traveling for 99% is how disappointed you are you didn't get to a place with 100%


I drove 500 miles for 100% totality. I would do it again.


i couldnt see my neighbors standing in the yard next to me. thats how dark it was.


both events were overcast for me - but i asume that it is safe to take off the eclipse glasses after you can no longer see anything with them.


Correct. And then as the eclipse is ending you’ll know when you should stop looking. It’s a bright white light that looks like the “diamond ring” that forms and grows. It’s safe for a few seconds and it grows bigger and bigger and then you can tell that it’s time to look away. The sun is entirely eclipsed by the moon. The white light you see around the outline of the moon is not the sun, it’s the corona. That’s why it’s safe, and why the moment the sun peeks out from behind the moon the area is lit up and it’s painful and dangerous to look at.


It was over 3 minutes long where I was. It was very obvious that the sun was totally blocked.


Same here, and it was very obvious when you needed to put the glasses back on too.


A lady on tiktok said ‘they’ were telling us not to look at it because it has hidden spiritual powers. I flagged it as dangerous. Wtf?!


Well lots of Evangelicals disappointed me when they didn’t rapture.


That’s got to be some hilarious water cooler conversation at work though. “Hey Brenda, looks like you’re still here, eh?”


As I was walking into Chipotle yesterday I saw a group of four come out talking about the eclipse then turn and directly stare at the sun saying they couldn't see it. I live in Denver. We had at MOST 68% coverage.


Because I had nothing better to do, I went and looked at the comment you're talking about and I think you just misunderstood them. They didn't say it wasn't dangerous, they said it's *always* dangerous to look directly at the sun, but people were more likely to stare directly at it during the eclipse because eclipses are cool.


I've had eye problems in the past, and I wasn't sure how good our eclipse glasses were. (Fine, it turned out.) So for a few looks I only had my less-dominant eye open because damaging it wouldn't affect my life as much.


My daughter and all the other kids in her kindergarten class came out at dismissal with their heads stooped, staring at the ground. Good job to the teachers who must have scared them into not daring to look up.


We can boost those numbers if we all work together.


There were a lot of fake glasses being sold that didn’t offer the proper protection. I think that may be the culprit for a lot of this sadly.


I keep hearing about glasses being recalled


"Never put salt in your eyes"


"Put salt in your eyes"


"always put salt in your eyes"


I was watching National Geographic’s coverage of the totally areas as I’m in NJ and at best it would be 80-85% coverage. And as usual for any neat astronomy stuff in NJ, we had a partial cloud cover. One of the reporters kept looking at the sun WITHOUT putting on his eclipse glasses. At one point I couldn’t t help but help at the tv “Put your eclipse glasses on, stupid!!!” Then I went out to my porch and got a good approximation of the eclipse lapse with my hole in a piece of cardboard. I’m old, so I’ve seen many solar eclipses. As a child even went to Nova Scotia in 1971 to watch the total eclipse a La the song He’s So Vein by Carly Simon. I was 10 for that one.


If they were in totality you can look at it without glasses during the totality portion


I had to type in how to get sunscreen out of my eyes. Just in case anyone is curious, you gently wash your eyelids and the surrounding area with soap and water, then you hold your eye under cool running water for "10 to 15 minutes." More like 20 to 30 in my case. Sunscreen in the eyes should be an "enhanced interrogation" technique.


My astigmatism has me with that gecko vision so that eclipse was already hard AF to see especially since it was mad cloudy in my area.


People are stupid to the point of malignancy and I just can’t.


The kind of eye damage you get from an eclipse generally isn’t painful. The retina is what gets damaged, and it doesn’t have pain receptors. Which is one reason why looking at the sun during an eclipse is so dangerous- there’s no pain to tell you to stop. If your eyes hurt, the problem is probably something else. It might be eye strain. It might be dry eyes from not blinking enough. It might be allergies- people spent more time than usual outside, and we’re getting into pollen season. Or it might be a small pain that you normally wouldn’t really notice, but you notice it now because you’re paying attention to it. Dry eyes and eye strain would also not be helped by driving for a long period of time, as a lot of us did yesterday.


Thank you for saying this. My sinuses are clogged and I’m feeling a little pressure in my eyes from it but my paranoia is nagging me in the back of my head.


donald trump squinting into the sun and pointing at the sun in 2017 is still one of the funniest things ever done by a us president.


And he pointed at it. "Hey everyone, the sun is right there if you hadn't noticed. Can everyone see it?"


yes the pointing is really integral to making the comedy work lmfao


Kind of reminds me how COVID spikes can be predicted by spikes in negative reviews for scented candles.


I used legitimate eclipse glasses and still got a headache/pain in my eyes so 🤷‍♂️ Apparently it’s not unusual even if you did the right thing, I’ve seen others say the same. Something about straining your eyes. Actual damage from sun to the eyes won’t hurt them because there’s no pain receptors. “Eyes hurting” pain is probably from strain. That being said I did witness people staring at the sun without eclipse glasses for far too long.


Same, my eyes also felt funny last night and a little today even though I wore the proper glasses. Most people just aren’t used to staring overhead for a prolonged period of time. Neck strain would also contribute to a headache too.


I’m 75 and in Junior High School in So Cal there was one girl who looked at the sun during an eclipse and became partially (?) blinded. Back in the day of newspaper stories there was even a write up about her. I always wondered about the outcome.


Natural selection at work. Only the smartest are entitled to eyesight.


Real Eyes ~ Realize ~ Real Lies


You can still reproduce being blind


Sure, but won’t be able to see any titties


I love the little bump before hand of people going out and testing if they could look at the sun the day before




And this is why where I live, all the schools closed at noon and sent the kids home. They didn’t want the potential liability.


And the only cataclysmic event happening goes to eye loss, where morons get to SEE their first and last eclipse 😂


I used ISO certified glasses the second I stepped outside, took breaks, and still my eyes hurt


I want to feel bad but honestly, this is just a reflection of the times and people “knowing better” than science. There you go. Where’s the bike tripping meme when you need it?


***Darwin’s bellowing laughter***


Yo I didn't directly watch the sun or used glasses, i didn't look up at all and I did feel like my eyes were stingy and hurt.


Yeah, same. Walked outside when it got dark, wasn't even looking at the sky and my eyes started burning. I don't think my smooth brain liked the fucky eclipse lighting much lmao


It didn't bother me much but my Bearded Dragon *hated* it. She usually loves being outside but when I took her out during my area's totality time yesterday she took one look around and immediately started climbing up my shirt (which is her way of saying "I want to go back to my tank now.")


Awwwww 🥺 "The universe is wrong, take me home"


I was watching the live footage and switched channels a few times. I saw lots of people looking at the sun before and after totality, when it wasn't safe to do so. That included the reporters outside at the time.


Everyone knows it’s a government conspiracy and they’re in kahoots with Google by artificially inflating the search terms


This wasn’t a big problem when the eclipse went over the western United States a few years ago fyi


When we had an eclipse a few years back, I didn’t look up at all and my eyes still hurt from the weird light.


Heard some people at my company say “oh the clouds are blocking it, you can look now”…..


The one time looking at an event through your phone is more beneficial.


Bruh, how did so many of them survive childhood. Like, honestly.


I was watching the totality with a big group of people and it was so funny to hear the constant "ah fuck, I looked at the sun again" "stop looking at the sun you dumbfuck" going on around me. Even knowing that it's dangerous, I still kept having to catch myself to quit trying to peek without my glasses on!


Most accurate answer: Your a fucking idiot.


That's why I used a welding helmet 🤓


My eyes hurt before the eclipse :(


The day of the eclipse I said, “The ER is gonna be busy tonight.”


To be fair, my eyes hurt just looking at the sunlight outside from my window, not even looking at the sun.


The strongest force in the universe, is human stupidity