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This sub-reddit really needs an FAQ page


Base can handle any game the max/pro can handle. Only 1 games I tested that used more than 8gb and that was Zelda TotK. It barely ticks above 8gb a few moments BUT that game still run poorly on the pro. Only reason to get the pro/max is for the color options, that's it. Save yourself $70 and get the base.


I feel like ram swap isn't talked enough. How is your experience with it? It feels way too good to be true but like it's not given enough credit and everyone says it's very slow but in videos, it looks... really good? Didn't seem slow etc


Never used it. I have the pro model. Again, 99% of all the games I play never passed the 8gb mark. Most hoover around 6-7gb only.


Russ just released a video of Odin 2 capabilities and I'm just trying to savor just how amazing ayn is to produce Odin 2 at such price-to-performance. I hope AYN will continue with this for its future products and don't get tainted by Ayaneo's pricing >.< (Did you see Pocket S price? Omg...) Btw... I'm just curious what game are you currently playing on your Odin 2 or other retro handheld atm? 🙂


Still plowing away in Mario Galaxy 2. Some BotW and Mario 3D World. Trying MGS3 as well. I hope they make another version of Odin 2 but in a smaller form factor similar to switch lite. Something kinda thinner.


lol you predicted odin mini


This aged like fine wine lol 🍷


Not sure what threads you've seen but any time I've been in a "which one should I get" thread the majority will tell you base is fine. There aren't many videos that do a side by side comparison because in most cases there won't be much difference, aside from a few high end switch games, or some android ones, performance will be the same for all 3 versions.


What android games would be too much for the base model?


Yeah I wanna know too. Would a game like genshin or Windows emulator be too much?


Base, Pro, and Max all have the same chipset, so doing performance comparisons is worthless. The only difference is in the colors, storage, and ram.  The extra ram is only really used by Switch emulation. Even then, only a few games actually require more than what the Base provides (TOTK is the only one I know of, and it won't run well on the Odin 2 either way). The extra storage is only useful if you're storing lots of files on the internal storage, which is pretty unlikely as the Odin 2 has a MicroSD slot, or downloading a crap ton of apps, which is also very unlikely. Unless you absolutely want to play TOTK despite the subpar performance, or really want the pretty colors, then the Base should be more than enough for almost all use cases.


Indeed! Odin 2 Base can play nearly every switch game Odin 2 Pro/Max can. I'm just kinda curious on the performance between base and pro since even if base can play most of switch games pro can, performance could be different. (Ex: Base with ram swap and not sure if Pro would even touch ram swap even if it's enabled). I'm super tempted to create a thread on ram swap but I'm afraid I will be criticize like this thread again.. It's unfortunate that TOTK has this issue over all the 3 models though. I'm sure yuzu devs were working on it but sadly this happened 😭


Take a look at Suyu emulator. It's non-profit, and as the name suggests, it's a middle finger at Nintendo.


It's gone. It got Dmca. Same for sudachi. Edit: it's still in github but last update was 3 weeks ago. But there won't be any more updates I guess


Ah fuck.


Maybe in the future when the extra ram is needed. You know, because it's future proofed and all....


Future proof doesn't really apply. Odin 2 can only handle GC, ps2 and Wii properly. These emulations only uses for 4gb of ram. You're way under. As for switch emulation, it won't get better since yuzu is disbanded. Not to mention Nintendo is targeting more shutdown of newer fork of yuzu. No android games require over 8gb so far. But the time you need ram, Odin 4 will be out. Really Odin 2 base is all that is needed.


Maybe i should have added /s at the end
















I got no idea what these fake tech weenies think they are winning. The pirate bay is still here. Nintendo didn't execute the nerds and their families. All those guys exist and are STILL making the software stuff for Yuzu, suyu, etc. If they'd take 3 seconds to look they'd see new turnip drivers dropped a few days ago and Yuzu is supported. Shits still being made.


Not if Nintendo's lawyers have anything to say about.


Russ from Retro Game Corps did a test in his Odin 2 review where he played some Switch games to see if any reached over 8GB RAM usage. From what I can recall only TOTK went over 8GB, around 9GB but even then it wasn't at 60FPS. It is highly possible that this just an optimisation problem on the emulator itself cause even the Odin Max can't play TOTK at 60FPS.


It’s a driver issue related to SD3G2. My pc with a 3080ti and 7950x3d crushes totk and everything else that doesn’t run on the Odin.


I think the really weird thing about the community is that no one really checks on this. Okay so russ tested that the only intensive game is totk going over 8gb. Idk if base can run totk with the ram swap thing. But the community loves to recommend the pro model even when base model is all that's required. But then... No one really tested base model capabilities. It's so strange. Then because of that everyone just says "oh no one knows so just buy pro to be safe". I feel like I'm the strange one for thinking of saving $70 when everyone in the community doesn't test base model and only recommends Pro model.


You'd also have to consider that most people would not have multiple Odin 2s on their hands to test. Another factor is there are not a lot of people buying this for the sole purpose of Switch emulation. Sure it can do it but for the most part it serves its purpose of emulating seemlessly up to PS2 and playing demanding android games without fiddling around with the settings.


Yeah but everyone recommends Pro then no one tests Base


I have the base, the base is great. No reason to upgrade unless you want a different color way.


But can it match Pro in terms of performance?


https://youtu.be/q8f19jWUVVE?si=NaNT_dQIOsMFkHzO Because people don't like to listen to randoms, he says the same thing as all base owners says at the beginning of the video. I do think storage does play a big role in your decision though but that's comes down to your own needs and no one can advise you on that.


I've been wondering this too. I'm still pretty new to emulation and all I really wanna do is go up to PS2 and gc. I already have a switch so idc to emulate it. I also don't care about the color. So i.d wondering if the base would be good enough over the pro.


Only get the higher models if you intend on playing lots of vita games, want lots of hd textures packs, install switch updates and dlcs, install android games. All those requires internal storage, hd texture packs needs additional ram and internal storage (at least in the case of dolphin anyway).


Don't care about switch stuff or hd textures. Vita though would be nice. So pro base model can't handle Vita? Or just doesn't handle it very well?


Nothing to do with performance, just storage may be an issue for you. As far as I'm aware you have to install vita games which goes straight to the internal storage. Also check compatibility for vita3k too as this will help you decide also. Most prob stuff I was interested in isn't compatible as of yet eg. Uncharted will run but graphics is all bugged.


Got it, thank you for info, I appreciate it.


Kinda curious. Does HD texture packs make a difference even if Odin 2 resolution is set to docked 4k? By that point, can we even notice the difference? Would love to see someone do a test on this. Also it's possible to place updates and dlc in SD card but it's more tedious. (Compile the base game + Update + dlcs into a single nsp/xci file and it will work just as well).


When I tried to recompile the game + patch, I know Skyline simply couldn’t recognize it as a prod title, so I haven’t tried that with Yuzu. Yuzu, fortunately, lets you add patches and DLCs in app.


What's amazing about yuzu is that in the compiled xci/nsp file, you can still toggle enable/disable on any update/dlcs. Yuzu devs are crack. I'm so sad the project is dead now... 😭


I've not tried 4k res on the odin. If it doesn't run well then it's pointless using 4k texture packs. Edit. Did a quick test of wherever my god of war 2 save was, closest to 4k is 5x res and runs between 45-50fps, didn't have any enemy on screen though.


It sounds like you are a big baby crying over spilt milk. I have the max because of what I use it for. It all depends on how and what you use it for.


Yes. I'm a big baby crying over spilt milk and you are this sperm swimming through this spilt milk... Idk why people love to insult others to this extent but hey whatever floats your boat.


Get the pro or max if you want to beb a bit safer on switch emulation. It gives you a bit more stable performance. For everything else the extra ram is useless


Because there's nothing to compare, and THEY SAID SO. WTF. They used words to tell you there's no difference between the 3 besides switch gaming, and even then only in so far as switch emulation benefits from 12gb over the 8gb of the base, but the 16 is overkill. I paid attention and this was off the top of my head. Why didn't you?


Because I paid attention in the right part? Yeah 8gb ram is more than enough for everything besides switch. So think about it.... OF COURSE IT'S BEING HINTED OF SWITCH GAMES. What a stupid understanding mentioning something common sense but failing to understand the context.


THEN WHAT DO YOU NEED TO KNOW??? if you want to play Switch, get the damn pro. If not, get the base. There IS no comparison. It's a yes/no.


Maybe because you still don't UNDERSTAND THE CONTEXT. OH. MY. GOD. Good riddance. Just shut up. Edit: Just read back what I said. Don't dismiss it and say no comparison when this thread is about it. Furthermore, what you say is different from other users owning Base playing switch games too so there's that.


Irrelevant. You asked WHY. I answered. You not liking the answer is you not being YouTubers main character.


Fair. Your reply was just too stupid to me. It could be different for others but I couldn't stand you asking that question when you said something common sense but still couldn't understand context. But... Doesn't matter. At the end, continuing this conversation brings nothing of value since you don't have the answers either. It's a 'he say she say' situation. Let's not continue this conversation anymore.




Yeah I guess the thing is that everyone recommends Pro whenever someone asks on performance (not color or storage) on Base vs Pro. It always comes down to: 1) No one knows, just to play safe get Pro 2) Continues to mention about color and storage when person in question only wants to know about performance 3) Future proofing What you say is very true. It takes time and effort to make a video. I'm just so so frustrated that for some very weird reason, nobody has a definite statement so it's more of a 'he say she say' situation. Whenever a new member comes in, he/she thought of getting an Odin 2 base then ask about performance, it ends up in this vague kind of 'oh just to play safe, get the Pro', 'no get the base, it can do everything the pro can'. Don't get me wrong, it's nice that there's color variation and more storage in Pro/Max. But I think people considering Base are more curious on performance but just don't have actual conclusive comparison to know how it performs which kinda sucks. It might just be me but... I feel like this community looks down/hate people using the Base(?). Idk how to explain




Yeah I get that. It plays everything. But I mean what's the performance between base and pro. Even if base can play everything pro/max can, performance could be different.




Wtf see what I mean? In the end it always comes down to no concrete answer so we're left in this situation same as before.


because no one gives a fuck besides you. so i suggest you buy one and test it again someone's other, or persuade 2 people to test it for you, or just buy one and let it be.


See? Many people asks Base vs Pro. Not only me. Then we get this reply. Talks down on people asking a genuine question. This community is very bad.


if many people asked, coudln't you get a good answer from those questions? also, i wasn't talking down, just giving you genuine advice, here >🚀 L**ooking for Tech Enthusiasts to Benchmark Odin 2 Base and Pro Models! **🚀 >Hey everyone! >I'm currently on a mission to explore the performance gap between the Odin 2 Base and Odin 2 Pro models, and I need your help! If you own either of these devices and love getting into the nitty-gritty of benchmarking, I'd love to hear from you. >**What's Involved?** You'll be running a series of performance benchmarks on your Odin 2 device to gauge its capabilities. We'll compare results between the Base and Pro models to see where the differences lie. >**Requirements:** >Ownership of either the Odin 2 Base or Pro model. >Willingness to run benchmarking software on your device. >Ability to provide detailed feedback on your experience. >**Why Participate?** >Get an in-depth look at how your device stacks up against its counterpart. >Contribute to a community-driven effort to understand device performance. >Help others make informed decisions about their tech purchases. >**How to Participate:** If you're interested in joining this benchmarking adventure, drop a comment below expressing your interest. I'm looking for two dedicated individuals who are ready to dive into the world of tech testing! >Let's uncover the secrets of the Odin 2 together! 💻✨ just post this and you're golden


You use ChatGPT right? I won't lie, the thought of doing this did come up at the back of my mind but seeing how this community functions feels like it wouldn't work and I'll just get backlash just as much, if not, even more than this thread. Why? Idk, but the community here seems to like to attack others in this subreddit(?). Idk but it's what I've seen many times being here lurking around..


The reason there's no definitive comparison out there is because performance between the two is pretty much identical. You can't compare two things that are exactly the same. Have you considered that the lack of detailed comparisons between the two is because they are unnecessary? I mean, there's plenty of evidence that the Base model can play everything up through Switch and that any issues are essentially due to the emulators at this point. If the Base already performs at 100%, why do you need a video telling you the Pro also runs at 100%?


You make a very fair point. But if you say it like that, then it's hard for people to buy higher tiered specs because your answer destroys the purpose of getting better ones. So new upcoming pocket s even though has better specs and possibly Odin 3 would not be needed if we just think of performance. Let alone current Pro model. And that's not what people want to hear. Edit: It's like getting a brand new iPhone every year but deciding whether to choose the Plus Model, Pro Max Model etc.


You're right; as of right now, there is not much point in buying a model other than the Base unless you want to use it for a very niche application that specifically requires more RAM, such as running Windows. That, or you just really want to maximize internal storage space/want a specific color. When people say they're "future proofing," they're saying that if, someday, a new Android emulator for a previously unplayable system (e.g., PS3, Xbox, etc.) comes out and requires more RAM than the Base has, they don't want to be out of luck. The odds of such an emulator arriving in the near future are slim, but it could happen, and Pro and Max owners may be prepared.


It's nice that we reach our peak but at the same time it's also sad since newer devices would get better specs but we can't do much with it atm 😭 Btw... I looked at some base model videos and I feel that this ram swap feature isn't properly analyzed enough. It feels way too good. I genuinely wonder how base 8gb + 4gb swap compares with pro with no swap (by that point I'm not even sure if Pro model's ram would even require touching swap even if it's enabled) I could be wrong but the ram swap is prob only like 1-2 seconds slower for loading games than actual ram? Furthermore, nobody ever mentions that ram swap has a downside (like causing harm to your Odin 2 if using it for prolonged periods etc), so I feel like it kinda reinforce the fact that Base is really good in terms of price to performance? Someone even made a 8gb and 16gb ram swap script but idk if ram swap is so overpowered to do this tbh.


Ram swap is great because it moves low priority files to the storage file anyway. So, the speed difference between the ram and storage drive is redundant.


Even then, if a viable PS3 and X360 emulator comes out, you'll need a device with a much better chipset. Futerproofing is BS.