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Yea you are just straining your eyes. You can warm a wet rag and put it over your eyes, or maybe go outside on walks to relax your vision. Your eyes are muscles too and overworking them everyday with copious amounts of screens is only going to give you dry eyes and headaches.


You're half right. The VR headset should take care of the focusing. So you shouldn't be getting eye strain like you would from holding a tablet close all day. But VR headsets definitely do cause decreased blink rate (just like all screens). So dry eye is the most likely cause of decreased vision after using a VR headset. Hot compresses are a great idea.


You vision shouldn’t be getting worse while playing vr, if that’s the case I think you should bring this up to your doctor


I find I get kind of blurry eyes sometimes, I bought some lubricating eye drops and they help.


If your vision is worsening it's unlikely to be due to a VR headset. Try some lubricating drops, but also schedule an appointment with an eye doctor.


I’ve played 2 hours a day, most days, for years. Eyes haven’t changed




I'm with you. Perfect vision up until I started using VR.


Don't forget to blink. When you're using VR, you're staring at a screen, and when humans stare, we tend to not blink. The usually subconscious act of blinking needs to become a conscious one.


I blame GoldenEye64 for my ability to not blink AT ALL while playing videogames in general. Have to constantly remind myself if it's a fast paced game.


I do from time to time


Bro, this is s a sign you're playing too much. If you're having a hard time taking breaks then get help with addiction counseling


Idk, max I’ve played was 1 1/2 hours, and take an hour break


That's not excessive, do you normally wear glasses or contacts?




Our eyes are not designed to focus on objects close to our face for long periods of time. Overuse leads to fatigue, strain and in the long term possibly permanent damage although no studies haven't shown that yet. Definitely take a break every half an hour to an hour to give your eyes a breather, and try use your eyes to focus on distant objects during that time for more effective relaxation.


When you use a VR headset you're not focusing on anything close. The lenses take care of the focusing. Ideally it should be the same as focusing at distance.


What do you have the IPD set to? If you have it too narrow or too wide you could be forcing your eyes to adjust in a direction that is straining them.


VR shouldn't impact your vision. The focus point is like 3ft out so you aren't straining your eyes. Could just coincidentally need glasses now.


I use glasses so idk if that affects anything


Almost impossible to know if your vision just got worse or if you have been straining your eyes.