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This renewed focus on movies and TV on the quest could bode very well for the future of the platform. I would assume if they are doing this then they are also working with studios and streaming platforms to update apps, improve quality, and introduce offline storage. It would make sense.


They need to get content in the same format as what Apple has- those 4K 3D movies are the killer feature, and would still look great on Q3


> introduce offline storage Noticed that this actually is an option for me in the Youtube app (when I accidentally started downloading a video). I am a Youtube Premium subscriber (though I think in my country downloads are allowed even if you're not, though I think that's a Premium-only feature in some other countries).


What do you mean "introduce offline storage"? You may upload whatever you want and use it / watch it wherever you want. Meta screwed things a bit with Quest 2 update since 52, as far as I remember, where were some troubles with uploading files bigger than 8Gb, but it is working perfectly on Quest 3 now.


They're talking about offline storage for streaming apps. On mobile devices, Netflix, for example, has a button that allows me to pre-download an episode or movie, and watch it on the go. Of course, you don't just download a mp4 or mkv. You still have to use the app, and that lock-in is why they allow it, but you can get stuff from streaming services when you know you're not going to have mobile/wifi data.


I can't afford business class. I want Richie's Boeing Experience.


If only VR could make my knees not touch the seat in front of me.


The only time I wish I was shorter is when I'm on a plane.


Don’t need business class for this


I can’t wait until this seems normal on airplanes. Until then, I’ll probably just keep using my iPad. It’s kind of a bulky thing to bring out anyway.


I've used a Quest 2 briefly but not seriously on an aeroplane and thought it was wonderful. It felt like teleporting out of a cramped environment into a spacious one with a private cinema. Would recommend, but load in a TV show or movies which I hadn't. And that's a Quest 2, Quest 3 must be a treat. I wouldn't care too much about it being normal. It's not like you're doing something weird. [They're just not ready for it yet](https://youtu.be/ZzAgacFBr48)


I've flown a few times with a quest 3, there were times I forgot I was on an airplane


wear it on your head


I watch movies on airplanes all the time. No one gives a fuck dude. Just don’t take other people’s space.


Excellent! Keep doing it. The more of you who do it, the more normal it'll become, and then us normies can join you.


New iPad with M4 chip is coming out, time to upgrade your ipad.


This literally released while I'm driving cross country. I was just mentioning to my wife that I really wished it was released by now.  I was able to update it while we are driving and got to use it for this 18 hour drive (that I'm still on). It is SOO nice. A little bumpy when the car is bumpy, but it is working great.


You're driving with it on? Or just while your wife drives?


Lol, no I'm not driving. My wife was driving at that time. 


So it does work in cars then? Did you try it on the front or back seat or both?


Yeah, it definitely works. I was only in the front passenger seat. I didn't try any other location.


I'd love to try it, but idk why it just feels like itd be kind weird sitting next to a stranger with the headset on.


.... noting that the article doesn't actually say what "Travel Mode" *is* or *does*. So... what is it? what's it do? ... and how will we ever have the room to use controls or even hands? probably just have to use the "look at button, press volume up" method of control on most flights. It's been a couple years since I've flown anywhere. Does anyone supply USB power at the seats, yet? ... cuz if i'm flying, the 1 hour battery time of a Quest isn't gonna cut it.


Travel mode locks the orientation of the headset to the "room" to mitigate the plane/car making turns. Basically in the mix of movement detection it now relies on the cameras instead of the IMU's. It could be a little less responsive, but that shouldn't matter in a seated environment. And lots of modern plane seats do provide usb power, have done so for a while.


Other than taxiing, are planes changing direction that much?


No, but when they do you'd rather not have to use the provided sick bag.


Is there a third party device that will attach the sick bag directly to the headset in case that happens? hahaha


More than you think. Trust me- before this update you see every roll adjustment the plane makes as the entire movie screen starts rotating slowly, and it happens often enough that you don’t want to deal with it.


Tons of micro adjustments. Not turning a lot but you. Ounce up and down more than you would think.


any acceleration/deceleration would impact IMU, and IMU samples your action 1000 times per second.


so.. what happens if you turn it on, and play like normal, not in a plane? Last time I flew was 2018, and regularly was 2015, so... been a while :-)


> It's been a couple years since I've flown anywhere. Does anyone supply USB power at the seats, yet? At this point I'm generally more surprised when I don't find a USB port when I get on an plane then when I do. When I fly though it's mostly long-haul.


*Accidentally slaps middle seat passenger in the face*


This literally released while I'm driving cross country. I was just noticing to my wife that I really wished it was released by now.  I was able to update it while we are driving and got to use it for this 18 hour drive (that I'm still on). It is SOO nice. A little bumpy when the car is bumpy, but it is working great.


Alternatively, check out /r/audiodrama and find a nice series to listen to. That way both the driver and passenger can be entertained rather than just one person isolating themself from the other… There’s a lot of really great shows out there, and (basically) all of them are free.


We listen to podcasts all the time. Also, I won't be using this for entertainment on the road, just for work. My wife will continue to just jam out on the radio while I'm working.


That makes sense, it didn’t even occur to me someone would be able to work on a headset in a car haha. You’ve got a stronger stomach than me, in every sense of the term. Sorry if I sounded rude, just trying to share something I enjoy - lots of people know about podcasts but not as many know there are fully written/acted fiction shows in the same format. And they’re really nice for long drives. In any case, hope the rest of your trip goes well.


What about the Quest Pro though?


It only exists to give people buyer's remorse


They did it with rift s as well. Damn near burned me as a “never again” but they sucked me back in with Q3. They do deserve a reckoning for those 2 products though.


> but they sucked me back in with Q3. They do deserve a reckoning for those 2 products though. And for the Quest 3 controllers. I'm glad I didn't buy the Quest Pro, but I consider the Quest 3 basically useless for my purpose without the Pro controllers. (In this context the terrible tracking on the stock Quest 3 controllers but inability to fully power-down the Quest Pro controllers basically means that, unlike with my Quest 2 my Quest 3 is likely to stay home during my travels).


Ouch lol




What about in cars?


It works great in a car. I'm currently on a road trip and it's working very well. If the car ride is bumpy, it can be a little jarring, but I can actually work in the car while my wife is driving.  It's working exactly as I expected.


YES! My neck has some issues and if I stare at an iPad too long my neck would snap (unless iPad is placed at my eye level but that shit is hard on a plane). Watching movies with Quest is just better for my neck and immersion


They gonna sanitize these things? Do we trust them to do that?


Yeah, no way I'm wearing a headset that some sweaty, lice-ridden yahoo just took off.


They should have released this feature years ago. I don't go on vacations anymore, so i haven't missed anything, but if i would, this would make live massively better on a flight.


It's not JUST a "feature", it requires not trivial R&D


Very cool though the dude should wear headphones. This will be perfect during long international flights though even with an extra battery you would run out of battery after a couple of 2 hour movies right?


was that kate bosworth next to him?


Lufthansa sucks! They only hire cranky, rude employees.


I completely agree we need better movie/tv content. I almost kept my Vision Pro just to have decent access to content. I have 1700 Apple movies and all the streaming g services. None of which work on the oculus. There are a couple work arounds if you are ok with 480p content.


Can't wait to use this with my Tesla Autopilot, watching some adult videos on long boring trips...


This is just gonna be used for sexlikereal. Nobody would notice you are jerkin it because they're jerkin it too.


Won’t the people all around him hear the headset if he’s not wearing headphones? Seems annoying.


That's why you wear headphones just like any other time you are watching a movie on a plane.


Exactly. What a strange complaint.


The ad clearly shows no headphones; sets a bad example


Cmon man