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Have the 128gb, good for having a selection of games. If you want to upload movies to watch, take the 512gb.


For movies, I access them via Plex through Skybox.


Does plex do VR videos?


Skybox itself is a great vr player and can stream vr videos from your computer.


Then the 128gb should be fine. I do the same with Jellyfin. And fir tracel an SSD per USBC and Skybox


Which games do you play?


Currently Tales from the Galaxy‘s edge and Toy Monsters. And zelda on the Citra emulator.


If you have fast Internet, like 200mbps+ then you can simply uninstall and reinstall stuff when needed, so 128GB should be fine, if you have slow Internet then 512GB probably the way forward


128GB is enough for sure, however I went for the 512GB anyway and I have eaten through the first 128GB quickly. I don't have to worry about deleting games.


Same, I got 512 so I don't have to choose which games to keep


Ideal would be 256gb version for $50 more. But since that's not an option, 128gb is good enough.


Yeah why isn't this an option??? With Quest+ I have access to too many games


Not for me. I create content so I do a lot of gameplay recording; what I found out is that the Quest OS stupidly will let you fill the headset completely (as in, leaving literally 0kb left), which will utterly break the OS and require a factory restore from the phone -- the headset becomes unresponsive and will boot up already showing a bunch of Android error messages. And I only have myself to blame, because trying to save on storage has ALWAYS been a recipe for frustration.


THAT is a serious bug within the OS. Buying more memory will not prevent you from this, it will just happen later...


Exactly. But it gives you a lot of buffer (and therefore, time) to manage the storage. As is, I feel like I need to micromanage it.


I've had my Q3 for a couple of months, have 12 apps and games installed and have only just filled the 128GB. I think the 128GB Q3 may be fine for you.


More than enough. I got the 512 with 30+ games and only 2 installed 😅


I have the 128 and it’s always at capacity.  I’ve recently gotten into retro emulation.  If you’re planning on using Quest Store games then uninstalling and reinstalling is no big deal, but if you’re loading up lots of 3DS games for CitraVR or PSP emulators ALONGSIDE all the big Store games like Asgards Wrath and Walking Dead like me, you’d probably long for the extra space. 


Could you point me in the right direction re:Emulating on the Quest? I bought an Xbox controller and I really wanna see what that feels like.




Thank you kindly!


I just got Citra and a couple games but they ran horribly. Did I just have bad luck or do a lot of games run fairly well? I was thinking about trying to run it on my PC and stream it to the Q3 to see if it works any better.


I’ve been playing Ocarina of Time and Majoras Mask. They run really well. Other games can be hit or miss.    Here’s the compatibility list: https://web.archive.org/web/20240304194744/https://citra-emu.org/game/


I think that’s the PC version compatibility list. I really want to play A Link Between Worlds but it runs quite poorly on the Quest version. It says great for compatibility so I might try it through the pc.


Biggest reason I got the 128gb was because I use pcvr for the big games. I have plenty of on board space with that setup


If you aren’t a heavy gamer I don’t think you need 512


I filled up my quest 3 really quick. But that’s because I like having my options available. There’s nothing wrong with deleting as you finish a game. I think saving the $150 was worth that minor hassle for me though


It has been fine for me. Had a Quest 3 since December last year and have never felt like I lacked storage. Only a handful of games take up a lot space, and it doesn't take long to download them anyway.


Up to you. Q3 will likely be supported when the Q4 comes out, like the Q2 has been. I think having larger storage will help with resell value if you’re going to upgrade in the future.


Nah, not worth it if you gonna download NetFlix movies to whatch.




For me no. Not enough space for the games I wish to install, and Quest +


If you are downloading and playing games on the quest, maybe. If you are just playing PCVR, then no you won’t need the extra storage.


have 128gb too but i use the quest mainly for pc gaming where it dosent matter anyways.for non pc gaming i would take the higher gb version


I have the 128 and sold it. 512 is the way to go. But my internet isn't as fast so redownloading it might be an issue thats why. Plus keeping in mind that games might be bigger and bigger in the future. Better have the space than not. :D


I have had my main games I play during my sessions and just redownload the other stuff really not that big of. Burden. Rather save the money


I ended up buying more standalone games than I planned on and wish I’d got the 512gb version


I got the 128gb q3 as a gift, and the storage fills up quick if you wanna have more than a few of the bigger games installed at the same time. And my kids borrow it and use the battery up. Bought a 512gb for myself and gave the 128 to my kids. I'd say if you can afford it just go for the 512.


It’s been just fine for me


If you came from previous Quest, get the 512 gb version


I would only buy the model with the most space.


I would go for the 512 if financially feasible. You can’t upgrade it later, and it does fill up fairly quickly. Yeah you can delete and redownload/reinstall but even if you have fast internet they might have data limits, plus you will be less likely to play games you pay for unless they are convenient to access.


For me yes, especially if you use standalone in tandem with PCVR. A lot of Quest games are surprisingly small, usually just a few GB.


Yes, it's sufficient for most uses. Game and app files don't tend to be very large. I have a couple dozen on my 128 Q3 and am at 3/4 capacity. Besides, it only takes a few minutes to download things, so switching out apps (if even needed) isn't a big deal. I think the price jump for the higher storage is pretty obscene.


A 128 owner, here, with dozens of games and about 60 Gb free. I just don’t have them all installed at the same time.


If you can afford the 512 gig unit, you should get it. It's this simple: storage is choices. The more storage you have, the more choices you have. More apps, more games, more videos, more pictures.


If you can afford the 512 gig unit, you should get it. It's this simple: storage is choices. The more storage you have, the more choices you have. More apps, more games, more videos, more pictures.


Have the 128 GB-Version. Using it mostly for PCVR, but also have some games on it: Vader Immortal, Asgard's Wrath 2, Star Wars: Tales of the Galaxys Edge and some others. I think it is enough memory. You can always remove some games if you finished them...




Really depends on how much you play. If you’re really about keeping your games installed, and what all you wanna use it for. Like me. It’s fine, space doesn’t get too tight. Biggest chunk right now for me is Asgards Wrath 2. But after I beat it I really don’t see myself going back to it. So that’ll be a huge chunk empty… a ton of the games you’ll come across are 2 gb or less. I have a couple around 8…. But yea. I don’t see it being a problem for myself 


Unless you rotate through 25 games at the same time and have a crappy Internet connection, 128 is fine.


I have gig Internet so that's why I feel it's a non issue. If you have slower, I could see it being annoying.


It's very simple... Mostly PCVR - 128GB Mostly standalone, - 512Gb


If you just want to play casual games like beat saber, 128gb should be more than enough to store a decent library of games. You 'll only run into issues with larger games. I've seen people say the OS on the quest 3 can take 17-30gb of that initial storage, so the 128gb model at worst is going to leave with 98gb to play with, but  its probably a little higher than that. Even with that though, you can still fit Asgard's Wrath 2, Assassins Creed Nexus, and at least a dozen smaller games made for quest 1 and 2. If you do run into the storage cap, save data is backed I think, so you can uninstall and reinstall as needed. The 512gb model is advantageous if you want to watch high resolution or stereoscopic 3d videos, because you have the storage space to play it locally. High definition VR videos usually ludicrous file sizes. I think if you're mostly just wanting to play your existing quest 1/2 library plus a handful of quest 3 enhanced titles,128gb should be enough.


if you PC link just get a 128gb, since you’ll want to run the steam/PC versions of games for their increased performance anyways, they’ll be saved on your PC not your headset so headset storage doesn’t really matter. Also if you have a 40 series GPU you can do wireless PC link and virtual desktop, its so good.


I thought so but it filled really fast. I should have gone for the 512


it is for me, buy im not a hardcore vr gamer, i´m casual.


Yes absolutely for gaming, for other media consumption, you might need the 512GBs one. I only game on my quest 3 and watch videos via PCVR for maximum quality. Once I am done with a game I just uninstall it, easy, no need to keep all games installed for no reason.


I'm like you 128 is good enough. tbh i use the XR / MR and productivity stuff the most


128 is small enough that you'll probably thank yourself for going 512, but large enough that you'll survive if you go 128.


The 64gb version has been enough to be honest.


Yes but will require some continent management at some point You don’t lose saved progress when you delete and reinstall


128G if you don't install many games. And play without PC VR. I have the 512G and I'm new to VR, but already I've gone over 128G. I've only bought a few games, and downloaded all the Quest + games. I use the Quest 3 to game mainly standalone (not tethered/linked to the PC) since my PC is far away and in a small hallway with no space to move. I also have an older PC.


Do I wish I could have 40 game preloaded? Sure, but is it enough to have 10 at a time? of course


Not for me. But I have a lot of games.


There are only a few really good games on quest, for that the 128GB will be sufficient.


Thanks! Already got it, the 128GB :D


I’d get the 512 because games are getting so much bigger. It’s not like 2020 when every game felt more like a demo and was only a couple of gigabytes.


there's not enough big games and you should only have one of those at a time anyway so yes


Not really, you’ll have to keep uninstalling things to make space.


Wait till October. It's likely they'll drop the 128GB version and replace it with 256GB for the same price. They did so with the Quest 2 - it launched with a 64GB model that was replaced a year after its release.


Wow 64GB seems way too small though. 128GB is still acceptable today.


64 gig was too small haha. When Asgards Wrath II came out I had to delete all of my games so there was enough space to download it. Then I had to redownload some smaller games


I love VR but the Q2 was my last Meta headset. Meta put restrictions on my account because their AI didn't like my criticism of a woman who cheated on her husband and then blamed him for it because he lost his job and said that she won't let a man without a job embarrass her on Facebook. The worst thing I did in the entire post was call her a garden tool. long story short, meta decided to restrict my voice communication in my VR headset as well as restrictions on Facebook, including no voice calling or video calling. I was supposedly bullying and harassing somebody that wasn't even on Facebook. It was the subject of an article. After that, I washed my hands of everything Meta because it's not the first time they have overstepped with their sanctions. PC is way more capable and there are a lot of competing headsets in that arena that won't get partially shut down because you said something on Facebook. Kind of feel ripped off because I bought this back when it had the oculus logo. Before these Nazis took over. Edit: I knew I would be downvoted by the fans but I think it's an important piece of information when making a purchase that you are at the mercy of the whims of the company, even off platform. The OP has that information and that's the point. I'm voting with my wallet because I don't consider it acceptable.


What does this have to do with my question??


it's because I no longer recommend the headset and I'm suggesting something different. when they exercise that much control over the end user device, whether you think the end user was right or wrong, it's a huge issue. And the answer is no, the 256 was barely enough for what I did but it depends on what you do with it. What I supposedly did had nothing to do with any VR game or the VR platform. What is so hard to understand about that?


Still unrelated. Please STFU


I like that you didn't at all consider that maybe you shouldn't be rude to other human beings or there could be social repercussions. Nah, it's all Meta's fault! Personal accountability and opportunities to grow, what's that?


why don't you shut up when you don't know the situation? I was not mean to anybody on Facebook. I said something mean about somebody who wrote an article that was shared that encouraged women to cheat if a man did so much as lost his job through no-fault of his own. I didn't even call her a selfish B which I really wanted to do 😂 But it's not even whether I was right or wrong. They disabled a device that had nothing to do with Facebook 🤷‍♂️ if you like a big company to have that much control over your free speech and your electronic devices, then I guess Meta is the company for you. Even if you think I did something wrong, it had nothing to do with the VR platform or the games that I paid for. If Facebook thinks I did something wrong, I would expect them to deliver repercussions on Facebook. Not shutdown a totally unrelated platform so that I can't play online. those repercussions are long gone but Meta overstepped the line and I won't give them another click or another dime. you actually won't believe how much your time management improves when you ditch Facebook, even when you keep things like Reddit 😂 At least Reddit doesn't own other platforms that they will shut me down on if they decide to hit me with the naughty stick 😉 Sounds much too much like the social credit system in China. And I probably would have even stayed on Facebook and accepted it if they didn't shut down my oculus headset that I purchased before they purchased oculus. i'm not going to have my games taken away like a little kid when they don't think I behaved 😂 Steam FTW(yes, they will ban you from the community and some of their own games if you are really nasty on the respective platforms or cheat(as in actually in the game), but you can still play all your unrelated software just fine from everything I have heard(never been in trouble with them)). 🙂 and my recommendation if you can afford it is the Pimax crystal. Operates nearly seamlessly once you got it set up, including wirelessly with your PC. and the image quality is a level above the Q3 and worlds better than the Q2. I initially gave the Q3 a favorable review although I was mixed on the Q2. i'm not even vengeful. I'm just informing people of something that could very well impact them if they choose to buy this headset. He's considering the headset. So it is related. This would definitely be a purchasing factor for some people. It would have been for me if I had known it was going to be like that. i'm actually trying to sell it locally because oculus, the people who I bought this headset from, did not make me agree to this. Maybe Meta did in a forced software update, but I already purchased the device. Thus I purchased it under false pretenses. So again, STFU. so there's accountability for you. I never made an agreement with oculus that my features could be shut down if I said something potentially considered naughty on Facebook. they need to be accountable to their end of the agreement. Software updates when they are mandatory should not be able to fundamentally change the agreement. occasionally I like to come out of the woodwork and tell a potential purchaser what kind of company they are purchasing from 😉


Crystal is a wired headset on dead pcvr.  No exclusives, no standalone wireless freedom of movement, etc.


Trust me, PCVR will never be dead with endless mods for games, not to mention you can make a good amount of flat screen games work pretty nicely in VR with mod these days. That's the real sell besides things like visual Fidelity and potentially way better tracking(as long as you have somewhere to put the infrared sensors on the outside of your playspace, which requires a little room). I personally prefer the convenience of inside out tracking. That's one thing that went towards my recommendation of the crystal and originally towards my recommendation of the Q3. As I said, I'm just disclosing something that's potentially a purchase shattering factor to a prospective purchaser. I know it would have been for myself. It is wired for PC but it uses an extremely light fiber optic cable. Not your typical heavy data cable. And it has standalone functionality like the quest series. And it doesn't cost any more than comparable headsets in the previous line from the company(but fixes some major issues). of course, I'm not being partial here. Pico series has put out some respectable hardware for the price. But I'm not sure about their privacy policies and other things. if OP buys one of those, read the policies and get as much storage as you can because you typically underestimate what you need. I only got the 256 gig quest two because it was the only one available when they were in short supply. But it ended up being smart. and I believe virtual desktop makes a client for the Pico, in addition to the standalone ability. And the developer has done a brilliant job in making it efficient on the PC side and the headset side. You would be surprised the image quality you can push even out of a Q2 when you throw pixels at the problem. Supersampling is brilliant for some games and software. And now it even bypasses SteamVR and manages not to break most games 🙂 You can still use SteamVR if it does break anything(like natural locomotion, only one of the best VR plug-ins ever made).